Media Recognition
1. Choongangilbo, 1993. 3. 6., "Professor S.Y. Lee gave a lecture at the University-Research Institute-Industry Research Interchange Corporate"
2. Yeosung donga (Monthly Magazine for Womans), 1994. 5., "Rising sun of Korean Science and Technology: Four Young Professors at KAIST"
3. Hankyeoresinmun, 1994. 9. 10., "Development of 100% Biodegradable plastics"
4. Kookjesinmun, 1994. 9. 13., "Hot issues on Biodegradable plastics"
5. Classe, 1995.5., "Man at the Top of the World in his thirties"
6. Hankyeoresinmun, 1995. 11. 18., "Active research on the plastics which can be rotten completely"
7. Dongailbo, 1996. 4., 27., "Development of completely biodegadable plastics using genetics"
8. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 5. 3., "Development of completely biodegadable plastics using recombinant DNA technology in Escherichia.coli"
9. KAIST Letters, 1996. 5. 8., "Development of completely biodegadable plastics using genetics "
10. Daejunilbo, 1996. 5., 23., "Mass production of biodegradable plastics"
11. Choongdoilbo, 1996. 5., 24., "Mass production of biodegradable plastics"
12. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 6. 14., "Do you know the blue Roses?"
13. Hankookilbo, 1996. 6., 25., "Mass production of biodegradable plastics using E.coli"
14. Monthly Plastic Korea, 1996. 7., "Interview: Professor Lee, S.Y. at KAIST – I’ll do continuous hard workings on Biodegradable Plasticsfor the World"
15. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 10. 19., "Looking for the memory chip at the Bacteria"
16. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 11. 9., "Development of completely degradable plastics"
17. Dongyangilbo, 1996. 11., 20., "Leading ph.D in his thirties who is responsible for Korean Science"
18. Hangyeoresinmun, 1996. 12. 19., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
19. Hankookilbo, 1996. 12., 20., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
20. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1996. 12., 21., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
21. Kookminilbo, 1996. 12., 23., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
22. Dongailbo, 1996. 12., 26., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
23. KAIST Letters, 1997. 1. 10., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
24. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1997. 1., 22., "Famous Research Paper about Plastic Bacteria"
25. Professors Letters, 1997., 2. 17., "The Meaning of Biodegradable Plastics"
26. Seoulgyungjesinmun, 1997. 5. 30., "Making biodegradable plastics using E.coli"
27. Esquire, 1997. 5., "Young brains for the future of Korea"
28. Engineer, 1997. 6., "Techniques for producing biodegradable plastics through Genetics"
29. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1997. 8., 21., "Bioadhesives effective in the water"
30. Hangyeoresinmun, 1997. 9.10., "Development of completely biodegradable plastcs"
31. MBC, KBS news, 1997. 9. 11.
32. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1997. 9. 11., "The Advent of Mass Production of biodegradable plastics"
33. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1997. 9. 11., "The Advent of Mass Production of biodegradable plastics "
34. Seoulgyungjesinmun 1997. 9. 11., "The Advent of Mass Production of biodegradable plastics "
35. Daejunilbo, 1997. 9. 11., "Professor S.Y.Lee. at the KAIST.- Production of completely degradable plastics"
36. Jeilgyungjesinmun, 1997. 9. 11., "Development of completely biodegradable plastcs"
37. Kookdoilbo, 1997. 9. 11., "World-Best Productivity of Biodegradable Plastics"
38. YTN news, 1997. 9. 12., "Mass Production of Biodegradable Plastics"
39. Hankookilbo, 1997. 9., 20., "Bioadhesives effective in the water"
40. Segeilbo, 1997. 9., 23., "Development of Cheap Biodegradable Plastics, the price of which is 10% of that of already used ones"
41. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1997. 9., 26., "21century. The era of Microorganisms"
42. KAIST Letters, 1997. 9., 24., "Mass Production of Bioadhesives"
43. Noksacksinmun, 1997. 9. 30., "World-First Production of Biodegradable Plastics"
44. Fine Chemicals Letters, 1997. 10. 16., " Bioadhesives effective in the water"
45. Munhwailbo. 1997.12. 11., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
46. KBS news, 1997. 12. 11., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
47. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
48. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
49. Electronics Letters, 1997.12.12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
50. Chooangilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
51. Dongailbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
52. Chosunilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
53. Hangyeoresinmun, 1997. 12. 12., " The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award "
54. Hankookilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award "
55. Gyunghyangsinmun, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
56. Kookdoilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
57. Segeilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
58. TJB (Tae-Jun Broadcasting), 1997. 12., 22., "Good Morning Guest! - The Winner of the 1st KoreanYoung Scientist Award. Professor S.Y. Lee"
59. Dongahwangyungsinmun, 1998. 1. 12., "Production of Completely Degradable Plastics Using Recombinant E. coli"
60. Dongahwangyungsinmun, 1998. 1. 12., "PHA-Biodegradable Plastics"
61. Dongyangilbo, 1998., 2. 12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
62. Taejunilbo, 1998., 2. 12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
63. Chosunilbo, 1998., 2.12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
64. Electronics Letters, 1998., 2.12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
65. Daeduk Times, 1998., 2. 23., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
66. Taejunmaeilsinmun, 1998. 3. 4., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
67. Taejunilbo, 1998. 3. 4., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
68. Choongchungilbo, 1998. 3. 4., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
69. KAIST Letters, 1998. 3., 25., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
70. Chemistry Industry Letters, 1998. 4., 20., "Production of Bioadhesives"
71. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1998. 5., 22., "Come to KAIST!"
72. Hangyeoresinmun, 1998. 6. 8., "Design of God! – Looking for the High Technology in our Bodies"
73. Chosunilbo, 1998. 6.13., "KAIST, Production of Environmental-Friendly Insecticides"
74. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1998. 6. 17., "Extinguishing apple insects using environmentalylly-friendly bioinsecticides"
75. Hankookilbo, 1998. 8. 14., "Influential 50 people who will lead the New Millenium in Korea."
76. Hankookilbo, 1998. 9. 11., "KAIST, Mass Production of Bioadhesives using recombinant E. coli"
77. KBS Radio Dongseonambuk, 1998. 9. 15., "Bioadhesive Proteins which have good adhesiveness in the water"
78. Segeilbo, 1998. 9. 15., "Development of Bioadhesives"
79. Electronics Letters, 1998. 9. 15., "Proffesor S.Y.Lee of KAIST. Production of Leptin using recombinant E.coli"
80. Chosunilbo, 1998. 9. 16., "Mass production of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity"
81. Choongangilbo, 1998. 9. 16., "Development of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity, using Recombinant Bacteria"
82. Hangyeoresinmun 1998. 9. 17., "Proffesor S.Y.Lee of KAIST. Development of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity, using Recombinant E. coli"
83. Hangyeoresinmun, 1998. 9., 21., "Hot issues in establishing Bioventure Enterprises"
84. Hangyeoresinmun, 1998. 9., 23., "The best value added in the 21st century-Korean 31 challenging enterprises"
85. Science Donga, 1998. 11., "Development of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity, using Recombinant Bacteria" vol. 13(11), p.138
86. Moonhwailbo, 1999. 3. 3., "Supporting Nam Na Ri"
87. Choongangilbo, 1999. 3., 22., "We learn the future science from the Mussel and Spider"
88. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1999. 4., 28., "Blue reses are Not impossible"
89. Yeonhap News 1999. 5., 26., "World first production of optically active fine chemicals"
90. Yeonhap News 1999. 5., 26., "Optically active fine chemicals and their usefulness"
91. Naeyegyungjesinmun, 1999. 5., 27., "Optically active fine chemicals and their usefulness"
92. Hankukilbo, 1999. 5., 26., "KAIST- World first development of production method of optically active fine chemicals"
93. Segyeilbo, 1999. 5., 26., "New technology for the production of high value added materials including antibiotics"
94. Dongailbo, 1999. 5., 26., "New methods for the mass production of valuable drugs"
95. Moonhwailbo. 1999. 5., 26., "World first production of optically active fine chemicals"
96. Kookminilbo. 1999. 5., 27., "World first production of source materials for new drugs-KAIST professor Lee. SY"
97. Taejunilbo. 1999. 5., 27., "World first production of source materials for new drugs-KAIST professor Lee. SY"
98. Joongdoilbo.1999. 5. 31., "World first production of optically active fine chemicals"
99. Seoulgyungjesinmun. 1999. 5., 26., "Development of source materials for new antibiotics"
100. KAIST Letters.1999. 6., 2., "Development of source materials for new antibiotics – Professor Lee.SY"
101. KAIST vision, 1999. 8. 1., "Development of chirally fine chemical production process"
102. Maeilgyungjesinmun. 1999. 8. 18., "Research Projects from the Overseas"
103. Kyunghyangsinmun, 1999. 9. 10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
104. YTN news 1999. 9. 10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Competing for the Top Quality Research"
105. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Leader for new century"
106. Segeilbo, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
107. Hankookilbo 1999 .9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
108. Daehanmaeilsinmun 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
109. Korea Electric News 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
110. Maeilsinmun, 1999. 9. 11., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
111. Taejunilbo, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
112. Joongdoilbo, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
113. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1999. 9. 13., "Analysis of physiological information using DNA chip"
114. Taejunmaeilsinmun, 1999. 9. 14., "Development of technology for the production of hine chemicals by using microorganism"
115. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1999. 9., 21., "World leader in PHA research-21C Frontier: Prof. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST"
116. KAIST letters, 1999. 9., 22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Leader for new century"
117. Hangyuresinmun, 1999. 10. 4., "We can make biodegradable plastics"
118. Yeonhap News, 1999. 10., 26., "Korean Science Journal Citation"
119. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1999. 10., 27., "Challenging the Nobel Prize-Prof. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST- Excellent achievement"
120. Taejunilbo, 1999. 10., 27., "Mostly cited papers in Korea"
121. Kyunghyangsinmun, 1999. 12. 6., "Korean Young Scientist - Representative of 386 generation, KAIST Lee, Sang Yup"
122. Science and Technology 1999. 12., "New success in Technology - low cost production of optically active materials"
123. Yeonhap News, 1999. 12., 23., "Young Eminent Scientist opening the new Millenium"
124. Maekyoung Economy, 2000. 1. 12., "Biotech Industry blossoms in 21st century"
125. Sisa Journal, 2000., 2. 10., "21st Century Key Person"
126. Maeilkyoungjesinmun, 2000. 3. 3., "Bioleaders: Biotech Venture"
127. Hankukgyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
128. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
129. Sekeilbo., 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
130. Joongangilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
131. Joongdoilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
132. Hankookilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
133. Munwhailbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
134. Dongailbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
135. Korea times, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
136. Hangyuresinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
137. Junjasinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
138. Seoulkyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
139. Kookminilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
140. Taejunilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
141. Daehanmaeilsinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
142. Naewoegyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
143. Digital times, 2000. 3. 30., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
144. Taejunsinmun, 2000. 4. 3., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
145. KBS TV (News Today), 2000. 4. 6., "Focus: Professor Sang Yup Lee of KAIST"
146. Daehanmaeilsinmun, 2000. 4., 27., "Bio-mass techniques"
147. Maeilkyungjesinmun, 2000. 5. 3., "Scientists in the dictionary of persons"
148. Maeilkyungjesinmun, 2000. 6. 19., "The birth of bioholdings"
149. MBC TV 9 pm News, 2000. 6., 21., "Prof. Lee develops DNA chip for diagnosing Wilson disease"
150. MBC TV morning news, 2000. 6., 22., "Prof. Lee develops DNA chip for diagnosing Wilson disease"
151. KBS TV morning news, 2000. 6., 23., "Development of DNA chip"
152. Joongdoilbo, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
153. The Electronic Times, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
154. Taejunilbo, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
155. Daehanmaeilsinmun,, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
156. KBS TV 9 pm News, 2000. 7. 12., "Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
157. Maeilkyungjesinmun 2000. 7. 13., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
158. Joongdoilbo, 2000. 7. 13., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
159. Joongangilbo, 2000. 7. 13., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
160. Daehanmaeilsinmun, 2000. 7. 17., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
161. The Biotechnologist (ACS), 2000. 8., "Prof. Lee receives the first Elmer Garden Award"
162. Maeilkyungjesinmun, 2000. 8., 21., "International biotechnology symposium held"
163. KAIST letters 2000. 9. 6., "Wilson disease DNA chip"
164. Joongangilbo, 2000. 9.14., "Citation frequency of SCI listed journal for recent 5 years"
165. Newton, 2000. 10., "Young Scientist – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
166. DongA Science, 2000. 11., "Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering Lab, KAIST"
167. Dongailbo, 2001. 3. 8., "Human Genome Symposium"
168. Yeonhap news, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
169. HankookKyungjae, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
170. Joongangilbo, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
171. Jeonjashinmun, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
172. KOSEF news, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
173. Daejeon Maeil Shinmun 2001. 3. 10., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
174. Chungcheongilbo 2001. 3. 10., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
175. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2001. 3. 13., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
176. KAIST Times, 2001. 3., 21., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
177. KAIST Vision, 2001. 3., "Professor Sang Yup Lee"
178. DongA Science, 2001. 3., "Scientist next door"
179. Maeilkyungje, 2001. 3. 19., "Bioinformatics free lecture"
180. Dongailbo, 2001. 3., 29., "Biomimetics-Bioadhesive protein developed by Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
181. DongA Science, 2001. 4., "Biomaterials"
182. Science Foundation News, 2001. 4., "Professor Sang Yup Lee"
183. Yeonhap news, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
184. KAIST News, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
185. IlganJeongbo, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
186. Science Foundation, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
187. Kukje shinmun, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
188. Seoulkyungjeshinmun, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
189. Maekyung, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
190. Naewaekyungje, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
191. Jeonjashinmun, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
192. DaehanMaeil, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
193. Hankukilbo, 2001. 4. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
194. Chosunilbo, 2001. 4. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
195. Joongangilbo, 2001. 4. 7., "Best Patent Award- SejongDaeWang Award"
196. Joongangilbo, 2001. 4. 10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Biological route to fine chemicals"
197. Maeilkyungje, 2001. 4. 19., "Science and Technology National Awards"
198. Digital Times, 2001. 4., 22., "Science and Technology National Awards"
199. MunHwaIlbo, 2001. 4., 22., "Science and Technology National Awards"
200. Science News, 2001. 4., 22., "Science and Technology National Awards"
201. KBS TV, 2001. 5. 1., "Metabolic Engineering"
202. Maeilkyungje, 2001. 5. 8., "Proteome consortium"
203. KAIST Times, 2001. 5. 9., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee becomes an editorial board member of AMB"
204. KAIST Times, 2001. 5. 9., "The 34th Science day ceremony"
205. KyungHyangShinmun, 2001. 5. 11., "Proteome consortium"
206. Yeonhap News, 2001. 6. 11., "Proteome consortium"
207. JoongAngIlBo, 2001. 5. 15., "See-KAIST-high technology"
208. DongA Science, 2001. 5. 17., "KAIST-Department of Chemical Engineering: World Best"
209. MaeilKyungje, 2001. 5., 22., "Prof. Lee at the Bioinformatics Symposium"
210. DongAIlBo, 2001. 5., 24., "Development of the First virtual cell"
211. HanKyoRe21, 2001. 5., 26., "Plastics from plant"
212. Biozine, 2001. 6. 1., "Microbial genome project"
213. MaeilKyungje, 2001. 6. 5., "Microbial genome project - finished"
214. Yeonhap News, 2001. 6. 5., "Associate Editor – Prof. Lee"
215. Hankukilbo, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
216. JoongDoIlbo, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
217. DaejeonIlbo, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
218. Naewaekyungje, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
219. JunjaSinmun, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
220. Digital Times, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
221. HanKyoRe, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
222. SeoulKyungje, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
223. Maekyung, 2001. 6. 12., "APBN Associate Editor"
224. KAIST Times, 2001. 6. 13., "APBN Associate Editor"
225. Yeonhap News, 2001. 7. 9., "Korean Human Proteom Organization (KHUPO)"
226. KOSEF News, 2001. 7., "Mostly citation paper in Korea"
227. Donga science, 2001. 9., "Virtual cell"
228. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 1. 16., "BT-IT fusion Technology"
229. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 1. 14., "BIT Technology"
230. Chosunilbo, 2002. 1. 16., "BT-IT fusion Technology"
231. DigitalTimes, 2002. 1. 17., "BT + IT"
232. Maeilkyungje, 2002., 2. 21., "High value products using 0.1mm Microbes"
233. KAIST Times, 2002. 3. 6., "Newly-established. Biosystem department holds symposium"
234. DigitalTimes, 2002. 3. 12., "Good result -3 BK21 research center in KAIST"
235. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 3. 12., "Good result -3 BK21 research center in KAIST"
236. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 3. 13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee –Development of of G-CSF production process"
237. KAIST Times, 2002. 3., 20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee –Development of of G-CSF production process"
238. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 3., 28., "E-cell promote the production of new drug"
239. Chosunilbo, 2002. 4. 10., "Challenge to the World Top- Production of Biodegradable Polymer"
240. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 4. 16., "E-cell system research – Gold-rush"
241. MunHwaIlbo, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
242. DigitalTimes, 2002. 4., 23 ., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
243. Financial News, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
244. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
245. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
246. DongAIlBo, 2002. 4., 25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
247. Financial news, 2002. 6., 23., "Domestic BIT condition"
248. Financial news, 2002. 6., 23., "Clinical Testing by E-Cell"
249. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
250. DigitalTimes, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
251. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
252. Yeonhap News, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
253. DaejeonIlbo, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good "
254. Dongascience, 2002. 8., "2010 future prediction with the specialist"
255. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 8., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
256. MunHwaIlbo, 2002. 8., 24., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
257. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 8., 24., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
258. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 8., 28., "Asian Young Leaders ceremony"
259. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 9. 4., "I’m a scientist! – Useful metabolites production by regulation"
260. Juganchosun, 2002. 9. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
261. Weekly Chosun, 2002. 9. 12., "Korean Young Leaders"
262. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 10., 2., "Asian Young Leaders gather in Malaysia-"
263. DongAIlBo, 2002. 10. 4., "Asian Young Leaders gather in Malaysia"
264. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 10. 4., "Korean promising scientist! –Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
265. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
266. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
267. Naewaekyungje, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
268. Financial News, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
269. Hankukilbo, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
270. Yeonhap News, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
271. HelloDD, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
272. KAIST News, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
273. Chosunilbo, 2002. 10. 12., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
274. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 10. 12., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
275. DigitalTimes, 2002. 10. 14., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
276. Chosunilbo, 2002. 10. 14., "New medicine development and the bio enterprise’s future"
277. Hankukkungje, 2002. 10. 30., "Science and Technology policy of three president candidates"
278. KAIST news, 2002. 11. 6., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
279. Kaist news, 2002. 11. 12., "Life scientific field joint research - IBMCBC and bioinformatics"
280. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 11. 14., "Next generation leader-Prof. Sang Yup Lee-The national competitive power is based on science"
281. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
282. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
283. DongAIlBo, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
284. DigitalTimes, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
285. DaehanMaeil, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
286. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 12 .30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
287. Yeonhap News, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
288. KAIST news, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
289. Financial News, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
290. Hankukilbo, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
291. DigitalTimes, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
292. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
293. Naewaekyungje, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
294. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
295. HelloDD, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
296. Jeilgyungje, 2002. 12.30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
297. Daejeonmaeil, 2003. 1. 1., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
298. HelloDD, 2003. 1., 2., "Next generation’ hope of DaeDouk 2030"
299. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 1. 16., "2003 new leader-science and technology section"
300. Asia Biotech News, Vol. 6. No. 6., "Development of metabolic flux analysis package for metabolicengineering of microorganisms"
301. HelloDD, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
302. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
303. JoongAngIlBo, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
304. Yeonhap News, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
305. Hankyoreh, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
306. DaejeonIlbo, 2002. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
307. KOSEFnews, 2003. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
308. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
309. KAIST news, 2002. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
310. DigitalTimes, 2002. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
311. HelloDD, 2003., 2. 9., "Go 2030 - Prof. Lee Sang Yup"
312. JunjaSinmun, 2003., 2. 12., "BIT based disease therapeutics research"
313. KAIST news, 2003. 3. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
314. Chosunilbo, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
315. Yeonhap News, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
316. DaejeonIlbo, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
317. KOSEFnews, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
318. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
319. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
320. HelloDD, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
321. DigitalTimes, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
322. DongAIlBo, 2003. 3. 10., "Campus tour - " Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
323. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 3. 14., "Control of microbial metabolic activity"
324. KAISTtimes, 2003. 3., 26., "Lab tour – Metabolic and Biomolecluar Engineering Laboratory"
325. KBS Radio 1, 2003. 3., 28., "Future industry : Biotechnology"
326. EBS TV, 2003. 4., 29., "Search for the Stars of Science- 45 min documentary"
327. MunHwaIlBo, 2003. 5., 2., "Asian Young Leaders educate a child"
328. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 5. 15., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6 "
329. HelloDD, 2003. 5.15., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6 "
330. Yeonhap News, 2003. 5. 15., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6 "
331. DigitalTimes, 2003. 5. 16., "KAIST- Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6"
332. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 5. 16., "KAIST- Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6"
333. Dongascience, 2003. 6., "Biotechnology- world of taste"
334. KAIST Times, 2003. 5., 21., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6"
335. KAIST Times, 2003. 5., 21., "Catalyst of scientific interchange- journal"
336. KAIST Times, 2003. 5., 21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Becoming a editor is scholar’s honor"
337. Yeonhap News, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
338. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
339. Koreatimes, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
340. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
341. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 6. 19., "Young Asian Leaders-66% Peaceful solution of nuclear weapon problem"
342. Yeonhap News, 2003. 6. 19., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
343. YTN news, 2003. 6.19., "President No Mu Hyun- Encouragment to Young Asian Leaders"
344. JoongAngIlBo, 2003. 6. 19., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
345. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
346. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders-Promotion of Asian unification"
347. Yeonhap News, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders-Promotion of Asian unification"
348. DongAIlBo, 2003. 6., 20., "President of Samsungjunja -Hwang chang kyu- IT is Asian development’s driving force"
349. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
350. KBS, 2003. 7. 5., "Quiz Korea/Metabolic Engineering, Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
351. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 7., 29., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
352. Science Times, 2003. 7., 29., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
353. KOSEFNews, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
354. DigitalTimes, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
355. Chosunilbo, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
356. DongAIlBo, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
357. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
358. Hankukilbo, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
359. Kids donga, 2003. 7. 31., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
360. Kids hankukilbo, 2003. 7. 31., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup- Scientist to become"
361. KAISTNews, 2003. 8. 11., "Beginning of Bioinformatics Research Center"
362. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 8. 13., "2003 Science Festival -MBEL"
363. DongAIlBo, 2003. 8. 13., "2003 Science Festival -MBEL"
364. DongAIlBo, 2003. 8., 24., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup- Scientist to become"
365. JoongAngIlBo, 2003. 8., 27., "Biomimetics-Bioadhesive protein"
366. Yeonhap News, 2003. 9. 3., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
367. Yeonhap News, 2003. 9. 3., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
368. Ilgansports, 2003. 9. 3., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
369. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 9. 4., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
370. Kyosusinmun, 2003. 9. 30, "Network science: from individual to relation"
371. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 9. 30., "AVC-hankyung leaders forum opening"
372. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 10. 4., "Chief of science and technology meet with Young Asian Leaders"
373. KOSEFNews, 2003. 10. 4., "Chief of science and technology meet with Young Asian Leaders"
374. DigitalTimes, 2003. 10., 2., "Chief of science and technology meet with Young Asian Leaders"
375. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
376. Yeonhap News, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
377. HelloDD, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
378. Financial News, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
379. DigitalTimes, 2003. 10., 21., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
380. Yeonhap News, 2003. 11., 26., "1st Meeting of the 2005 APEC Summit Venue Selection Committee to be held"
381. China News, 2003. 12. 5., "??重?蛋白在大?杆菌中的分泌表?"
382. Hankyeoresinmun, 2004. 1. 9., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Leader of future"
383. Science & Engineering, 2004. 1., "Vision and desire of ten young scientists in 2004"
384. JoongAngIlBo, 2004., 2. 5., "Fibrous tissue of mytilus orassitesta"
385. BRIC News, 2004. 3., 2., "Peoples to whom BRIC meets"
386. Internet Science News, 2004. 3. 5., "Argument for reorganization of MOST"
387. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 3. 5., "Argument for reorganization of MOST"
388. Hankyeoresinmun, 2004. 3., 23., "The era of system biology"
389. Hankyeoresinmun, 2004. 3., 25., "100 peoples who lead to Korean future"
390. Scienceboy, 2004. 4., "Bio-mimetic engineering"
391. Hankukkyungje, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
392. Maeilkyungje, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
393. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
394. DongAIlBo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
395. Chosunilbo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
396. DigitalTimes, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
397. Edaily, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
398. Financial News, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
399. HelloDD1, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
400. HelloDD2, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
401. JunjaSinmun, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
402. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
403. Moneytoday, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
404. Yeonhap News, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
405. KAISTnews, 2004. 4., "LG chem Chair Professor"
406. Jungdoilbo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
407. Deajunmail, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
408. KISTEP, 2004. 5. 17., "For searching the study field – KAIST Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory"
409. Hankukkyungje, 2004. 5., 20., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
410. Yeonhap News, 2004. 5., 20., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
411. Newses, 2004. 5., 20., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
412. Maeilkyungje, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
413. JunjaSinmun, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
414. Joogdoilbo, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
415. Deajunmaeil, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
416. KOSEFNews, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
417. DigitalTimes, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
418. KAIST, 2004. 6., 2., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
419. The KAIST Herald, 2004. 6., "Prof. Lee Developes 'Peptide Elevator’"
420. Yeonhap News, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
421. Chosunilbo, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
422. Hankukilbo, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
423. Maeilkyungje, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
424. HelloDD, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
425. DigitalTimes, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
426. JunjaSinmun, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
427. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
428. Inews, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
429. KAISTnews, 2004. 7.21., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
430. KAISTnewsletter, 2004. 7.21., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
431. Newses, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
432. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
433. Hankukkyungje, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
434. Yeonhap News, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
435. DigitalTimes, 2004. 7. 8., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
436. HelloDD, 2004. 7. 9., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
437. Chosunilbo, 2004. 7. 12., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
438. KAIST, 2004.7.21., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
439. JunjaSinmun, 2004.7.27., " Foundation of Asian Scientist Forum"
440. KOSEFnews, 2004.7.27., " Foundation of Asian Scientist Forum"
441. News & Information for Chemical Engineers(NICE), 2004.8., "Metabolic Engineering"
442. Chosunilbo, 2004. 8.10., "Development of Technique using Nanobio Cell Sensor"
443. Dongailbo, 2004.8.10., "Development of Technique using Nanobio Cell Sensor"
444. KOSEFNews, 2004.8.11., "Development of Technique using Nanobio Cell Sensor"
445. DongaScience, 2004.9, "The World of Virtual Cell by IT and BT"
446. KBS 1TV, 2004.9,9, "KAIST Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Reaserch Laboratory"
447. BTNEWS, 2004 summer, "BT People Interview – very busy BT man"
448. JunjaSinmun, 2004.9.16, "Bioengineering, the Hero of Growth Engine"
449. Maeilkyungje, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
450. Chosunilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
451. Hankukkyungje, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
452. HankukIlbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
453. DongAIlbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
454. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
455. Seoulsinmun, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
456. Yeonhap News, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
457. Nocutnews, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
458. YTN moving fiture, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
459. YTN News, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
460. KBS News, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
461. KBS moving fiture, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
462. Deajunilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
463. Deajunmaeil, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
464. HelloDD, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
465. Inews, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
466. DigitalTimes, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
467. EBN Newscenter, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
468. Joogdoilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
469. Junnamilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
470. Jeilkyungjae, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
471. MBCnews, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
472. MBC moving fiture, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
473. Technopia chungbuk 1-3, 2004, "Systems biotnchnology"
474. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
475. Kukminilbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
476. Yeonhap News, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
477. DigitalTimes, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
478. JunjaSinmun, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
479. Deajunmaeil, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
480. Deajunilbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
481. Joogdoilbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
482. HelloDD, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
483. Dongailbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
484. Hankyure IT science, 2004.10.6, "Escherichia coli, the model organism for life sciences"
485. Yeonhap News, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
486. Maeilkyungje, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
487. Sciencetimes, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version",
488. HelloDD, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
489. JunjaSinmun, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
490. Deajunmaeil, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
491. Jeilkyungjae, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
492. Joogdoilbo, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
493. Hankukkyungje, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
494. DigitalTimes, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
495. Joonangilbo, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
496. Inews, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
497. Hankyure, 2004.11.10, "Development of virtual cell for the first time in korea"
498. The Science and Technology, 2004.11.11, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
499. Goodday, 2004.11.17, "Development of valuable protein producing super E.coli"
500. Maeilkyungje, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
501. Hankukkyungjae, , 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
502. Josunilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
503. DongAIlbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
504. Seoulkyungje, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
505. JoongAngIlBo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
506. Financial News, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
507. Hankukilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of superE.coli"
508. Hankyure,, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
509. Yeonhap News, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
510. JunjaSinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
511. DigitalTimes, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
512. Seoulsinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
513. Jongdoilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
514. Dongascience, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
515. Deajunmaeil, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
516. Gooddaysinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
517. HelloDD, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
518. Jeilkyungjae, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
519. JunjaSinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
520. KOSEF News, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
521. Dailymedi, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
522. Dailyfocus, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
523. Deajunilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
524. Medipharmstoday, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
525. KBS 1 TV, (Fun Science), 2004. 11.25, "Professor Sang Yup Lee - Microbial Engineer"
526. KAIST, 2004.12.3, "Development of super e.coli"
527. Hankyure, 2004.12.14, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
528. DigitalTimes, 2004.12.15, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
529. JunjaSinmun, 2004.12.15, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
530. Chunam Today, 2004.12.16, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
531. Deajunmaeil, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
532. Science Times, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
533. Deajunmaeil, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
534. Science Times, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
535. ScienceWeekly, 2004.12.18., "Development of super e.coli"
536. ScienceWeekly, 2004.12.18., "Development of super e.coli"
537. Maeilkyunge, 2004.12.28, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
538. Yeonhap News , 2004.12.28, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concet"
539. ChildrunDonga, 2004.12.28, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert
540. Science Times, 2004.12.30, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
541. Josunilbo, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
542. Dongailbo, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
543. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
544. Hangukilbo, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
545. Ilgansports, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
546. KBS, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
547. LG chemicals family, "LG chemicals, Jump to a world top company"
548. Maeilkyungje, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
549. Seoulkyungjae, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
550. Yeonhap News, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
551. Inews, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
552. JunjaSinmun, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
553. Sciencetimes, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
554. HelloDD, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
555. Dailymedi, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
556. Segyeilbo, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
557. Chungchungtoday, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
558. DigitalTimes, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
559. Jongdoilbo, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
560. Dongailbo, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
561. Dongailbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
562. HelloDD, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
563. Newswire, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
564. Inews, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
565. Yeonhap News, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
566. Sciencetimes, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
567. JunjaSinmun, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
568. Unews, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
569. Jongdoilbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
570. Sciencesinmun, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
571. KOSEFNews, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
572. Deajunilbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
573. DigitalTimes, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
574. Munhwailbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
575. Deajunmaeil, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
576. Newswire, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
577. Unews, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
578. Inews, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
579. JunjaSinmun, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
580. Yeonhap News, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
581. Jongdoilbo, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
582. Goodday, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
583. Sciencetimes, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
584. Maeilkyungje, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
585. Hankukkyungje, 2005.3.2, "Relection of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
586. JunjaSinmun, 2005.3.2, "Election of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
587. Yeonhapilbo, 2005.3.2, "Election of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
588. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005.3.2, "Election of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
589. Goodday, 2005.03.10, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
590. Hankukkyungje, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
591. Maeilkyungje, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
592. Dongascience, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
593. JunjaSinmun, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
594. Dongailbo, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
595. Yeonhap News, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
596. Stockdaily, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
597. Hankyure, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
598. Sciencetimes, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
599. Chungchungtoday, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
600. KOSEFNews, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
601. KAIST, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
602. HelloDD, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
603. Newswire, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
604. Digital Times, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
605. HelloDD, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
606. Children Dong-A, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
607. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
608. Yeonhap News, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
609. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
610. Hankukilbo, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
611. Kukjung Briefing, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
612. Hangyore, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
613. Daejunmaeil, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
614. KAIST, 2005. 3. 31, "Professor Sang Yup Lee, contributed to KAIST development fund"
615. Asian Leaders Forum for Science, 2005., "The World Voyage 2005"
616. KICHE, 2005, "Chemical engineering changes the world, What is metabolic engineering?"
617. KICHE, 2005, "Chemical engineering changes the world , Future of chemical engineers"
618. Hankukkyungjae, 2005. 4. 15, "KAIST bacterial technology 'The whole world surprised’"
619. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 4. 15, "KAIST 'Age of heroes’"
620. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 4., 22, "Number of SCI journals and the world ranking of Korea science"
621. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 4., 22, "Citation frequency is the highest"
622. KBS, 2005. 4., 29, "<Scent of science> The future of biotechnology using micro-organisms"
623. Yeonhap News, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
624. Josunilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
625. Seoulkyungjae, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
626. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
627. Maeilkyungjae, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
628. Financial News, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
629. Goodday, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
630. Gwangnamilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
631. Gwangjuilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
632. Busanilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
633. Sports Today, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
634. Sports Seoul, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
635. Hangyore, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
636. Hankukkyungjae, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
637. Dailian, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
638. Gwahakjengee, 2005. 5, "The ten scientists chosen by scientist <When I was young>"
639. Daejunuilbo, 2005. 5. 11, "The people making national wealth – KAIST, Lee Sang Yup"
640. Newswire, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
641. Unews, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
642. YTN, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
643. Daeduknet, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
644. Hankukkyungjae, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
645. Jeilkyungjae, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
646. Nocut News, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
647. Sports Today, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
648. I News, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
649. Daily Focus, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
650. Yeonhap News, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
651. Maeilkyungjae, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
652. Science Times, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
653. Daejunmaeil, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
654. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
655. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
656. Digital Times, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
657. HelloDD, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
658. Jeilkyungjae, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
659. Daejunmaeil, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
660. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
661. Newswire, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
662. YTN, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
663. I News, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
664. Financial News, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
665. Incruit, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
666. Money Today, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
667. Yeonhap News, 2005. 6. 7., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
668. Newsis, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
669. Science Times, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
670. Digital Times, 2005. 6. 8, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
671. Jeonjasinmun, 2005. 6. 8, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
672. Newswire, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
673. EBN, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
674. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
675. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
676. YTN, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
677. Jeilkyungje, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
678. Inews, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
679. DongA Science, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
680. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
681. Daeduknet, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
682. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
683. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
684. Joongangilbo, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
685. Dongailbo, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
686. Medipharmstoday, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
687. Science Times, 2005. 6. 13, "Microorganisms become gold nuggets when correctly utilized"
688. Hankyung Business, 2005. 6, "Domestic representative biology research group"
689. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 6., 28, "The global network for Korean scientists and engineers 'KOSEN’ supports R&D Korea.
690. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 6. 30, "Active Korean scientists in international science journals"
691. Science Times, 2005. 7. 5, "Who is post-'Hwang woo suk’?"
692. Jeilkyungje, 2005. 7. 6, "BIT technology to lead the future"
693. Jeonjasinmun, 2005. 7. 15, "New waves from KAIST shakes the overseas"
694. Yeonhap News, 2005. 8. 15, "Science station – Finding a star scientist"
695. DongAilbo, 2005. 8., 22, "International Journals & Conferences 'Welcome Korean Scientists’ "
696. Science Times, 2005. 9. 3, "Focus in science – Young KAIST Professors outstand"
697. Yeonhap News, 2005. 9. 1, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
698. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005. 9. 4, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
699. Yeongnamilbo, 2005. 9. 9, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
700. Hangyore, 2005. 9. 9, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
701. Children DongA, 2005. 8, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
702. Gwangjumaeil, 2005. 9. 12, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
703. Daeguilbo, 2005. 9. 13, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
704. Daejunilbo, 2005. 9. 15, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
705. Daeduknet, 2005. 9. 8, "Scientists and the technology security"
706. Daeduknet, 2005. 9. 14, "New introductory material about microorganisms for youth"
707. Ohmynews, 2005. 9. 16, "Book review < I want to make the world plentiful and good to live> - being a friend with microoraganisms that threat mankind."
708. Newswire, 2005. 9., 21, "2005 International Bioinformatics conference is held in Busan"
709. Choongchung Today, 2005. 9 ., 23, "Remove the mystic veil of the world of microogranisms"
710. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 10. 13, "Hit the 'jackpot’ with bio IT"
711. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 10. 18, "Plastic melts in the water"
712., 2005. 10. 18, "Plastic melts in the water"
713. DongAilbo, 2005. 10., 25, "Chair professor, the star of scientists"
714. HelloDD, 2005. 10., 26, "Daeduk BT manpower – full of experts"
715. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 10., 28, "50 outstanding research activities"
716. HelloDD, 2005. 10., 28, "50 outstanding research activities"
717. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
718. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
719. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
720. Daeduknet, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
721. Choongchung Today, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
722. Hanbitilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
723. Junjasinmun, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
724., 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
725. EBN news, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
726. Brake News, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
727. Newswire, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
728. Youngnamilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
729. Daejunilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
730. Digital Times, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
731. MBC News Today, 2005. 11. 10, "Unvailing the mystery of proteins"
732. Munhwailbo, 2005. 11. 14, "Scout professors of high repute"
733. Chosunilbo, 2005. 11., 26, "What we need is a knowledge creation"
734. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 12. 7, "BT’s entry into a leap"
735. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 12. 7, "A society that respect scientists burying themselves in studies"
736. DongAilbo, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
737. Segyeilbo, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
738. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
739. NewsN, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
740. KBS, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
741. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 12. 10, "The future of BT depends on the commercialization of technology"
742. Munhwailbo, 2005. 12. 16, "Not much lethal to the economy"
743. HelloDD, 2005. 12., 26, "What’s going on with the virtual cell project?"
744. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005. 1., 2, "60 future leaders of Korea"
745. DongAilbo, 2006. 1. 4, "We lead 'Techonology Korea’"
746. MBC Newsdesk, 2005. 12. 30, "Let’s run again – Biotechnology"
747. Kyunghyangsunmun, "[60 future leaders of Korea]5. Professor Sang Yup Lee, KAIST"
748. NICE, 2006., 2, "Metabolic pathway studies through systems biology"
749. Hankukkyungje, 2006., 2. 16, "Korea innovation forum 2006"
750. Digital Times, 2006., 2. 20, "[Innovation cluster, Daeduk special district] (5) Biotechnology"
751. ASIA PACIFIC BIOTECH news, 2006., 2. 15, "Special feature, systems biology"
752. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
753. Daejunilbo, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
754. Junjasinmun, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
755. Newswire, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
756. Yeonhap News, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
757. HelloDD, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
758. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
759. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
760. Digital Times, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
761. DongAilbo, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
762. Science Times, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
763. Science and Technology News, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
764. Monthly Chosun, 2006. 4, "Future of Korea – KAIST: There is no 2nd in Science. Our dream is to make Korea high"
765. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3., 21, "Biotechnology is the solution for energy crisis."
766. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3., 24, "40 future designers of Korea – They are creative"
767. Hankukilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
768. Daejunilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
769. DongAilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
770. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
771. Junjasinmun, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
772. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
773. Kukminilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
774. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
775. Chosunilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
776. Asia Today, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
777. Daehanilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
778. Daily Medi, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
779. Hankyore, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
780. Goodday, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
781. e-health communications, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
782. Daeduknet, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
783. KBS News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
784. Cookie News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
785. Newsis, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
786. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
787. Newswire, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
788. Segyeilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
789. TJB, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
790. YTN, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
791. Yeonhap News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
792. Seoulsinmun, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
793. kmatimes, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
794. DongA Science, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
795. News one, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
796. SBS, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
797. Korea Times Canada, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
798. Sonyunhankukilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
799. mbn, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
800. Financial News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
801. Science Times, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
802. Digital Times, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
803. CNBnews, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
804. HelloDD, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
805. The korea times, 2006. 3., 27, "New DNA chip pinpoints cancers"
806. Korea Herald, 2006. 3., 29, "Scientists develop new cancer detector"
807. HBTV, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
808. tom, , 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
809. sina, , 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
810. jfdaily, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
811. pharmanet, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
812. china, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
813. sebc, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
814. takungpao, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
815. 新華通訊社, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
816. WikiNews, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
817. Newsis, 2006. 3., 27, "Discovery of cancer marker Neonovo"
818. Injaejeil, 2006. 3. 4, "Extraction of materials substituting petroleum from bacteria"
819. Chosunilbo, 2006. 4., 21, "8 scientists 'Join the world of science’ – Science warriors of 21st century"
820. News Wire, "KRIBB, Presentations and discussion about recent researches of E.coli"
821. Dailypharm, "KRIBB, Presentations and discussion about recent researches of E.coli"
822. HelloDD, "KRIBB, Presentations and discussion about recent researches of E.coli"
823. Chosunilbo, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
824. Goodday, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
825. Junjasinmun, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
826. News Wire, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
827. Yeonhap News, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
828. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
829. YTN, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
830. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
831. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell"
832. Kukjesinmun, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
833. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
834. Digital Times, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
835. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 5. 1, "New blue ocean of bioengineering"
836. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 5. 12, "A sudden question : How do you feel about President’s itinerary?"
837. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 5. 13, "Where is stem cell research going? : Still, Research results should be maintained."
838. HelloDD, 2006. 6. 6, "Green is green! From the hippo that wastes his money to the goose that lays the golden egg"
839. News Wire, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
840. Yeonhap News, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
841. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
842. BRIC, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
843. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
844. Hankukilbo, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
845. Junjasinmun, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
846. Dailypharm, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
847. DongAilbo, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
848. DigitalBOSA, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
849. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
850. Digital Times, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
851. BRIC, 2006. 6. 18, "Dr. Mee-Jung Han, Interview of the people that glorify Korea"
852. Scientific culture., 2006. 6., "Public Understanding of Research – Korea(PUR-Korea) 2006 – Korean science reseach, Interacting with the public"
853. HanKyoRe21, 2006. 6., 29., "To the hydrogen era with photocatalyst"
854. AsiaViews, 2006. 4. 14., "Korean scientists lead war on cancer"
855. Newsweek, 2006. 7. 12., "Occupy blue ocean priorly"
856. Newswire, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
857. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
858. Ohmynews, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
859. Newsis, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
860. Digitaltimes, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
861. Hallailbo, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
862. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
863. HelloDD, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
864. Daejonilbo, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
865. Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
866. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 7., 26., "National project researchers take business class in an airplane"
867. ETNews, 2006. 8. 17., "Great reorganization of KAIST system"
868. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 8., 28., "Treat the technological disease of small and medium enterprises"
869. Chosunilbo, 2006. 8. 31., "Strong adhesive strength of a mussel"
870. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 10., 2., " 'Asia Pacific Biotech News’, attention to biotechnology in Korea"
871. Dailymedi, 2006. 10., 2., " 'Asia Pacific Biotech News’, attention to biotechnology in Korea"
872. Newswire, 2006. 10., 2., " 'Asia Pacific Biotech News’, attention to biotechnology in Korea"
873. Chosunilbo, 2006. 10. 5., " KAIST laboratory in Korean Thanks-giving Day"
874. Joongangilbo, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
875. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
876. Daejonilbo, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
877. Digitaltimes, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
878. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
879. Newsis, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics
880. Newstown, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
881. Ohmynews, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
882. Newswire, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
883. Yeonhap news, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
884. Seoulkyungje, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
885. Junjasinmun, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
886. cischemdotcom, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
887. Segyeilbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli conference (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
888. Choongchungtoday, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
889. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
890. Hallailbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
891. Jeminilbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
892. Jejutoday, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
893. Newsis1, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
894. Newsis2, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
895. Yeonhap news, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
896. Jejusori, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
897. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
898. Ohmynews, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
899. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
900. Newswire, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
901. Munhwailbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
902. Daejonilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
903. Dongailbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
904. Chosunilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
905. Hankyoresinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
906. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
907. aeilkyungje, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
908. Joongangilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
909. Asiakyungjesinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
910. Junjasinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
911. Hankukilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
912. ETNews Junjasunmun, 2006. 12. 6., "A person that bring glory to regional society : Daejon, Choongnam"
913. Newswire, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
914. Asiatimes, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
915. EBN newscenter, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
916. Newsis, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
917. Financial news, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
918. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
919. Seoulkyungje, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
920. Hankukilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
921. Moneytoday, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
922. Yunhap news, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
923. Choongchungtoday, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
924. Daejonilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
925. Digitaltimes, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
926. Sportstoday, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
927. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
928. Chosunilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
929. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
930. KOSEF, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
931. Junjasinmun, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
932. University news network, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
933. Ohmynews, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
934. HelloDD, 2007. 1. 3., "Operation of Institute for the Bio-Century in KAIST – Nam Pyo Seo’s (the president of KAIST) Choice is the fusion of researches"
935. JuganChosun, 2007. 1. 15., "We are the leaders of global science. – Professor Sang Yup Lee"
936. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2007. 1. 15., "Once in a lifetime, 'Young Scientist's Award’ – 10th Young Scientist's Award in this year – The first Young Scientist: Professor Sang Yup Lee"
937. Digitaltimes, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
938. Choongchungtoday, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
939. Ohmynews, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
940. Hankookdaehakilbo, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
941. Daejonilbo, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
942. Moneytoday, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
943. Gyosusinmun, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
944. Digitaltimes, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
945. I-news, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
946. Yunhapnews, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
947. EBN, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
948. Maeilkyungje, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
949. Ditnews, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
950. Hankookkyungje, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
951. Newswire, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
952. The 1st basic plan for promotion of Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory is included for superior research group.
953. Munhwailbo , 2007., 2. 21., "The 33 people that lead global power"
954. Chosunilbo, 2007. 3. 3., "’Non-pollution, friendly-environment’, the age of Bio comes"
955. Dongailbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
956. Jungangilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
957. I-news, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
958. Ohmynews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
959. Moneytoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
960. Sportstoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
961. EBN, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
962. Hankookdaehaksinmun, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
963. Newsis, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
964. Yunhapnews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
965. Seoulkyugnje, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
966. Financialnews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
967. Hankookilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
968. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
969. Maeilkyungje, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
970. Daeduknet, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
971. Choongchungtoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
972. Ditnews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
973. KBS news, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
974. Newswire, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
975. Dongascience, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
976. Digitaltimes, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
977. Hankookkyungje, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
978. Medicaltoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
979. Chosunilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
980. Gookminilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
981. Daejonilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
982. Junjasinmun, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
983. Newswire, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
984. EBN, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
985. Seoul sinmun, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
986. Moneytoday, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
987. Junjasinmun, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
988. Newsis, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
989. Yunhapnews, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
990. Sportstoday, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
991. Financial News, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
992. Maeilkyungje, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
993. YTN news, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
994. Inews, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
995. Hankukkungje, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
996. Dongailbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
997. Jungdoilbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
998. Daehanmaeil, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
999. Munwhailbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1000. Dongascience, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1001. e-Health communication, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1002. Digitaltimes, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1003. Daejeonilbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1004. Daeduknet, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1005. Digitaltimes, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1006 Energynewworknews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1007. Hankukkyungje, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1008. Maeilkungje, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1009. Ohmynews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1010. EBN, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1011. Newswire, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1012. Medipananews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1013. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1014. Uqnews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1015. Hankukilbo, 2007. 5. 3, "Sugar hit for green chemical industry"
1016. Dongailbo, 2007. 5. 4., "Genetic Navigation reads the life"
1017. Hankukilbo, 2007. 5. 8., "The magic of bacteria , the technology to use sugar cane instead of fossil fuel to manufacture plastics and chemicals"
1018. 生物谷, 2007.5.21., "PNAS : 韓國硏究小組利用IT技述開發出'高效率安基酸菌株"
1019. Moneytoday, 2007.5.31., "The Industrial Property Office, Supporting the cost to apply for overseas patent"
1020. Sportstoday, 2007.5.31., "The Industrial Property Office, Supporting the cost to apply for overseas patent"
1021. Medicaltoday, 2007.5.31., "The Industrial Property Office, Supporting the cost to apply for overseas patent"
1022. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2007.6.4., "Bioprocess Engineering Research Center"
1023. Faculty of 1000 Biology, 2007.6 , " Major Advances – Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine based on transcriptome analysis and in silico gene knockout simulation"
1024. People’s Daily,China, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1025. Daily News and Analysis, India, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1026. Xinhua, China, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1027. TJB News, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1028. REDORBIT, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1029. Journal Cover, B&B, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1030. Mathaba,UK, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1031. Dongascience, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1032. Sciencetimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1033. Newswire, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1034. Koreatimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1035. MBC, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1036. MOST, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1037. Newsis, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1038. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1039. MaeilgyungjeTV, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1040. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1041. Hankyeoresinmun , 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1042. Seoulgyungje, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1043. Hankukilbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1044. Daejeonilbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1045. Dongailbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1046. Seoulsinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1047. JoongAngIlbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1048. Digitaltimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1049. FinancialNews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1050. Sekeilbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1051. JunjaSinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1052. Hankyung, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1053. Daeduknet, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1054. Digitalbosa, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1055. Cookie News, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1056. E-health communications, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1057. Sportstoday, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1058. Medicaltoday, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1059. KMAtimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1060. Yunhapnews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1061. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1062. EBN, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1063. Moneytoday, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1064. Nocutnews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1065. Inews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1066. Hankyeoresinmun, 2007.6.15., "Asking between human and universe"
1067. Sekeilbo, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1068. Kukminilbo, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1069. Hankukkyungje, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1070. FinancialNews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1071. Inews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1072. Sportstoday, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1073. Junjasinmun, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1074. E-health communications, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1075. Kmobilenews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1076. Newswire, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1077. Daeduknet, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1078. Yunhapnews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1079. Digitalbosa, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1080. TJBnews,2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1081. MBC newstoday, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1082. KBS newsgwangjang, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1083. YTN TV, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1084. KMA Times, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1085. Dailypharm, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1086. Nocutnews, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1087. Munhwailbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1088. Newstown, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1089. Inews24, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1090. Dailymedi, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1091. Daejeonilbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1092. MOST, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1093. Newsis, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1094. Cookie News, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1095. Financial News, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1096. HeraldsaengsaengNews, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1097. Daeduknet, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1098. EBN, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1099. Etimes, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1100. Chosunilbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1101. E-health Communications, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1102. Sportschosun, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1103. YunhapNews, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1104. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1105. Digitalbosa, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1106. Newswire, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1107. Medical today, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1108. Hankyuresinmun, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1109. JoongAngIlbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1110. DongaScience, 2007. 8., "KAIST –POSTECH, Korean duo"
1111. Chemical Engineering Science(by John Villadsen) 2007. 8. 19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, An East Asian trendsetter in Biotechonolgy"
1112. Inews24, 2007. 8. 30., " Women’s future science in the world- Ewha women’s University"
1113. Seoulsinmun, 2007. 8. 30., " Women’s future science in the world- Ewha women’s University"
1114. EBN,2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1115. Newswire, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1116. Chungcheongilbo, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1117. KmobileNews, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1118. Hankukgyungje, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1119. DitNews24, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1120. Digitaltimes, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1121. Maeilgyungje, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1122. EBN news center, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1123. Yunhapnews, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1124. Newswire, 2007. 9. 12-14., "Bio Korea 2007 Conference and Exhibition"
1125. The National Academy of Engineering of Korea , 2007. 9., Our succinic acid technology selected as One of the "2006 Five Best Achievements in Science and Industrial Technology"
1126. Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, "2007 National great success of Studies –MBEL"
1127. E-today, 2007. 10., 22., "Super bacteria terror, Our researcher prevent the spread of super bacteria"
1128. Kyosusinmun,2007. 11., 2., Prof.Sang Yup Lee, " System biotechnology for effective production of Bio –based materials"
1129. Sekeilbo, 2007. 11. 5., "An author. A copyright holder"
1130. Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference 2007, "Best Poster Award- Systems-level analysis and engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine"
1131. Hanrimwon,2007. 11. 16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology"
1132. The 23rd meeting of the Korea-Australia Joint Committee on Energy and Minerals Consultation and Cooperation, Gold Coast, Australia (Nov 20-21, 2007), Special topic: Bio-based chemicals and materials - Joint research by KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1133. KISTI, Sci-focus, 2007. 11., 26., " Microbial factory constructed on the Web"
1134. Hankyeoresinmun, 2007. 11., 26., " Microbial factory constructed on the Web"
1135. Science, 2007. 11. 30., "MIT Engineer Shakes Korean Academia to its Core"
1136. Daeduknet, 2007. 12. 10., "Prof. Lee commented on environmental disasters such as Oil spillage"
1137. Journal of Proteom Research, 2007. 12,., "EcoProDB by MBEL researchers Printed in the Toolbox"
1138. Financialnews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1139. Heraldlivenews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1140. Asiakyungjaesinmun, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1141. KBSnews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1142. Newwire, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1143. Inews24, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1144., 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1145. Newstown, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1146. Hankyung, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1147. Digitaltimes, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1148. Daejonilbo, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1149. Mailkyungjae, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1150. Newsis, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1151. Nocutnews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1152. TJBdaejeonbangsong, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1153. Chungcheongilbo, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1154. Jungdoilbo, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1155. KMA Times, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1156. Asiakyungjaesinmun, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1157. EcoJournal, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1158., 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1159. Kyosusinmun, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1160. Newswire, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1161. Inews24, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1162. HelloDD.COM, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1163. Etnews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1164. ChemLocus, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1165. KmobileNews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1166. JoongAngIlBo, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1167. Maeilgyungje, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1168. Asiagyungje, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1169. Newsis, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1170. Yunhapnews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1171. Oranews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1172. The Science times, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1173. Inews24, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1174. FinancialNews., 2008. 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1175. Newsis, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1176. Newswire, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1177. Moneytoday, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1178. EBNKyungje, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1179. Dtnews24, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1180. Etnews, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1181. Hankyung, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1182. NamdoTV, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1183. CCtoday, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1184. Chungcheongmaeil, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1185. Digitaltimes, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1186. HeraldsaengsaengNews, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1187. HelloDD, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1188. Joongdoilbo, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1189. Digitaltimes, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1190. Hankyung, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1191. JoongAngIlbo, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST
1192. Daejeonilbo, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1193. SeoulKyungjesinmun, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1194. HelloDD, 2008.3.13, "KAIST, Selected as One of the 10 Excellent Research Results-Succinc acid production using biomass"
1195. Hankukilbo, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1196. JoongAngilbo, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1197. Newswire, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1198. Medicaltoday, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1199. Dailymedi, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1200. Kukminilbo, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1201. Yunhapnews, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1202. Moneytoday, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1203. KorMedi, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1204. Scout, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1205. Newstown, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1206. Medifonews, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1207. Medipananews, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1208. HankukKyungJe, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1209. Scout, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1210. Daejeonilbo, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1211. Chungcheongilbo, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1212. DigitalTimes, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1213. FinancialNews, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1214. ChemFocus, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1215. YunhapNews, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1216. HelloDD, 2008.4.13., "Denis Noble, Prof. of Oxford University, emphasized a convergence between Systems biology and Korean Medicine"
1217. iNews24, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1218. NewsWire, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1219. FinancialNews, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1220. DigitalTimes, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1221. Seoulsinmun, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1222. DigitalBosa, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1223. ITTimes, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1224. MedipanaNews, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1225. Chosunilbo, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1226. Dongailbo, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1227. Daejeonilbo, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1228. SeoulEconomylsinmun, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1229. AsiaEconomysinmun, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1230. HelloDD, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1231. iNews24, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1232. BetaNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1233. Chosunilbo, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1234. YunhapNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1235. Joongangilbo, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1236. Dongailbo, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1237. Mailkyungjae, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1238. Digitadaily, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1239. Primkyungjae, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1240. ETNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1241. Bloter, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1242. ZDNet Korea, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1243. K-MobileNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1244. NewsTown, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1245. NewsWire, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1246. YunhapNews, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1247. Mailkyungjae, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1248. MoneyToday, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1249. DigitalTimes, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1250. ETNews, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1251. Dailian, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1252. Daejeonilbo, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1253. Newswire, 2008.5. 19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1254. YunhapNews, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1255. Hankuk-Kyungje, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1256. Mailkyungje, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1257. EBNNewsCenter, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1258. Moneytoday, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1259. ETNews, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1260. Daejeonilbo, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1261. HelloDD, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1262. DongAilbo, 2008.5.26., Editorial article "'Bio’ is not the origin of a food crisis."
1263. HelloDD, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1264. Newswire, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1265. Newsis, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1266. Segyeilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1267. FinancialNews, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1268. Joongangilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1269. DongAilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1270. Yunhapnews, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1271. EBNNews, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1272. iNews24, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1273. Asiaeconomy, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1274. MailKyungje, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1275. Kyunghaangsinmun, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1276. Hankukilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1277. Daejeonilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1278. MoneyToday, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1279. iNews24, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1280. EBNNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1281. Herald, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1282. YunhapNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1283. Autotimes, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1284. Mailkyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1285. Newswire, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1286. Hankuk-kyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1287. FinancialNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1288. eToday, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1289. ETNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1290. Chosunilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1291. Joongdoilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1292. Joongangilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1293. Cookienews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1294. Todayenergy, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1295. Financialnews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1296. Hankook-kyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1297. Herald-kyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1298. EBNNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1299. HelloDD, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1300. Cischemdotcom, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1301. Donga-science, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1302. Gasnews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1303. Gas industry News, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1304. Daejeonilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1305. Newsis, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1306. Ecojournal, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1307. Hankyoreh, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1308. TJB News, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1309. MBC News, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1310. Chosunilbo, 2008.7.15, "’New Energry Research Center’ of GS Caltex."
1311. Sports Today, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1312. Newswire, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1313. Asiaeconomy, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1314. iNews24, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1315. Gwangnamilbo, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1316. FinancialNews, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1317. Newsis, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1318. Mydaily, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1319. Medical Today, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1320. ETNews, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1321. HelloDD, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1322. DigitalTimes, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1323. ScienceTimes, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1324. Joongdoilbo, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1325. Bokuennews, 2008.7.24, "Forum for Development Strategy of Biotechnology Industry."
1326. MedicalHangook, 2008.7.24, "Forum for Development Strategy of Biotechnology Industry."
1327. Newscan, 2008.7.24, "Forum for Development Strategy of Biotechnology Industry."
1328. EBNNews, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1329. Money Today, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1330. Financial News, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1331. Asiaeconomy, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1332. Seouleconomy, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1333. Yonhapnews, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1334. HeraldMedia, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1335. Medical Today, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1336. My daily, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1337. Newswire, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1338. HelloDD, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1339. Joongangilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1340. Segyeilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1341. Newsis, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1342. Daejeonilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1343. Chosunilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1344. Mailkyungje, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1345. ETNews, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1346. Digital Times, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1347. Chungcheong Today, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1348. Seoulsinmun, 2008.8.13, "21 century New Davinci project refers the Convergence"
1349. INews24, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1350. Newswire, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1351. Yonhapnews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1352. Asiaeconomy, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1353. EBNNews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1354. Nocutnews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1355. Medical Today, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1356. Joongangilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1357. My daily, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1358. Mailkyungje, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1359. Sports Today, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1360. Gwangnamilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1361. E-healthnew, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1362. Newsis, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1363. Chungcheongilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1364. Digital Times, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1365. Segyeilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1366. Kukminilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1367. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1368. Hankyoreh, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1369. Chosunilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1370. DongAilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1371. Moneytoday, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1372. ETNews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1373. Financial News, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1374. Daejeonilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1375. Chungcheong Today, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1376. Hankook-kyungje, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering.
1377. Munhwailbo, 2009.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. High integrated industry and U-health care."
1378. Korean Policy Portal, 2009.4.21, "Unsleeping No. 1 science zone in Korea (Korean Policy Portal of superior E. coli strain in Professor Sang Yup Lee at Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2004)"
1379. Korean Policy Portal, 2009.4.21, "Dream for Nobel award will come true - Korean scholars of worldwide fame - Professor Sang Yup Lee is the world-class leader in the field of chemical and biomolecular engineering"
1380. Chungcheong Today, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1381. Chungcheong, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1382. Jungdoilbo, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1383. Hankukkyungje, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1384. EBN, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1385. Newswire, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1386. Daejeon cityjournal, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1387. Digital Times, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1388. Hanbitilbo, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1389. DongAilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1390. Seouleconomy, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1391. Newswire, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1392. Mailkyungje, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1393. Hankook-kyungje, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1394. Chosunilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1395. Chungcheong Today, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1396. Chungcheong, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1397. Daejeonilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1398. Jungdoilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1399. Digital Times, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1400. Moneytoday, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1401. YTNNews, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1402. Sciencetimes, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1403. Segyeilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1404. Financial News, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1405. Munhwailbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1406. HelloDD, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1407. Dongailbo, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1408. Jungangilbo, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1409. Jungdoilvbo, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1410. Chungcheong, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1411. Financialtimes, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1412. Chungcheong Today, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1413. YTN News, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1414. EBN News, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1415. Asian News, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1416. Yonghapnews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1417. E-daily, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1418. Asia economic, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1419. Finance today, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1420. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1421. Inews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1422. Financialnews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1423. Daejeoncityjournal, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1424. Oranews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1425. Digitaltimes, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1426. Chemlocus, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1427. Kukinews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1428. E-health communications, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1429. Sportschosun, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1430. Hankukgyungjesinmun, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1431. Kaistnews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1432., 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1433. Maeil economy, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1434. Herald economy, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1435. Yonhapnews, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1436. Jejusori, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1437. Kaist News, 2009.9.23" KAIST President’s Advisory Council in Kaist"
1438. Sisa Journal, 2009.10.27," New generation leader."
1439. Chungcheong news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1440. Chosun news, , 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1441. Korea news, , 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1442. Joungdo news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1443. Distaltimes, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1444. Electron news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1445. Daejon news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1446. Chungcheong Today, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1447. ScienceMD news, 2009.11.12, "Pro. Sang Yup Lee is the king of patnet in BT"
1448. mBioNews, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1449. Chungcheong news, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1450. Distal Times, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1451. Chosun news, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1452. Newswire, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1453. Korea economy, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1454. Aju news, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1455. Daejeon cityjournal, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1456. Asian Economy, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1457. News Town, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1458. Asia News communication, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1459. YTN, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1460. Seoul Economy, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1461., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1462. CNN Tech, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1463. CNN Asia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1464. CNN Home, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1465. Economist, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1466. U.S. News & World Report, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1467. India Business Blog, TopNews, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1468., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1469. Calcutta Tube, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1470., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1471., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1472. Zimbabwe Star, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1473. Science Centric, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1474. SINDH TODAY, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1475. Plastics Today, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1476. Gizmag, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1477., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1478. Newstrack India, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1479. Gaea Times, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1480., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1481. Little About, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1482. Eureka! Science News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1483., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1484. Genetic Engineering News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1485. EurekAlert, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1486. DailyTech, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1487. European Plastics News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1488. R & D Magazine, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1489. Joy Online, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1490. RedOrbit, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1491. Zee News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1492. Times of India, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1493. Science Daily, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1494. Click Green, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1495., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1496., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1497. Softpedia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1498., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1499. Business Green, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1500. Plastics Today, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1501. Plastics News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1502. Environmental Expert, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1503., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1504. Plastics & Rubber Weekly, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1505., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1506. businesspress, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1507. plastinfo, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1508. medindia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1509. india-server, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1510. rosinvest, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1511. timnhanh, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1512. posudka, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1513. hindu, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1514. tiscali, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1515. c2w, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1516. c2wlabnews, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1517. khoahoc, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1518., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1519. vietnamnet, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1520. membrana, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1521. mundoacuicola, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1522. world-science, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1523. fmbolivia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1524. lostiempos, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1525. eabolivia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1526. cienciahoje, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1527. neoteo, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1528. azocleantech, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1529. baodatviet, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1530. softpedia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1531. focus, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1532., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1533. epochtimes, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1534. taiwandaily, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1535. ziare, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1536. plastiques-caoutchoucs, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1537. andaluciainvestiga, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1538. elmundo, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1539. dziennik, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1540. eco.rian, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1541. plastopedia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1542. exploraberg, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1543. thehouseofblogs, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1544. catalogmineralov, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1545. ecolife, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1546. Chosun news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1547. Electron news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1548. Chungcheong Today, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1549. Joungdo news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1550. Dong-A news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1551. Daejon news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1552., 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1553. Newswire, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1554. Newsis, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1555. Herald economy, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1556. EBN news center, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1557. Finacial news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1558. Younhap news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1559. Dong-A science, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1560. Asia Economy, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1561. Choungang news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1562. Chemlocus, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1563. News Korea , 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1564. Newswire, 2009.12.03., " Hold Synthetic Biology 2009 Conference"
1565. Asia news communication, 2009.12.03., " Hold Synthetic Biology 2009 Conference"
1566. Newswire, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1567. Joungang news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1568. Digital times, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1569. News Korea, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1570. Daejon news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1571. Maeil economy, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1572. Joungdo news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1573. Chungcheong Today, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1574., 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1575. YTN, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1576. Korea economy, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1577. Finacial news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1578. Medical today, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1579. Daejon city Journal, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1580. Asia economy, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1581. No cut news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1582. Ivy times, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1583. Daily medi, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1584. Incruit, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1585. Medical herald, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1586. Chosun news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1587. Chungcheong news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1588. Chungcheong Today, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1589. Daejon news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1590. Digital times, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1591. Korea ecomomy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1592. Herald economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1593. Electron news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1594. Kyunghyang news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1595. Money today, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1596. Seoul economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1597. Maeil economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1598. YTN, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1599. Newswire, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1600., 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1601. E-daily, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1602. Asia economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1603. A-ju economy, 20102010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1604. Newsis, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1605. Dongyang news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1606. Asianews, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1607. City Jounal, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1608., 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1609. Seoul News, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1610. Biotechnology Journal News, "BTJ Editors elected members of the US National Academy of Engineering BTJ Editors elected members of the US National Academy of Engineering"
1611. World news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1612. Digital times, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1613. Jungdo news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1614. Daejeon news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1615. Financial news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1616. Jongang, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1617. Josun news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1618. Kookmin news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1619., 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1620. Science times, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1621. Korea policy portal, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1622. Electron news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1623. E-daily, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1624. Asia economy, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1624. The Korea Herald, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1625. The Korea Herald, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1626. ETNews, 2010. 04.23, "Microsoft tring to develop partnerships with KAIST & ADD"
1627. Jungdoilbo, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1628. Daejeonilbo, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1629. Chungcheongilbo, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1630. Mailkyungjae, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1631. ETNews, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1632. Digital times, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1633. Financial News, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1634. Newsis, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1635. YTN, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1636. Yonhab News, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1637. EBN, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1638. Asia econoly, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1639. News Wire, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1640. University News Network, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1641. HelloDD, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1642. Science Times, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1643. Dongailbo, "2010.05.10, "Dreaming the heaven of diversity – Everyone can be the best"
1644. SBS, 2010.05.13, "Seoul Digital Forum – From leaves to (Bio)Plastic"
1645. Donga Science, 2010.05.28., "Create the life: The view of positive and negative side"
1646. ETNews, 2010.06.04, "Scientists! The pride of ours"
1647. Newsis, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1648. Aju Economy, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1649. Media Jeju, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1650. Jejusori, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1651. YTN, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1652. Donga Science, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1653. Donga Science, 2010.06.15, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"; in-depth report
1654. Daejeonilbo, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1655. Money today, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1656. Finance today, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1657. YTN, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1658. News Wire, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1659. Newsis, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1660. Digital times, 2010.06.30, "Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1661. ETNews, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1662. Asia Today, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1663. Financial News 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1664. Korea economy, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1665. Newsis, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1666. News Wire, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1667. Chungcheong Today, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1668. The Science, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1669. Hwankyungilbo, 2010.06.30, " Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"
1670. Hankookkyungje, 2010.07.07, "Seoul forum 2010 for celebrating the foundation of Seaoulkyungje magazine in dynasty hall, shilla hotel – 'Korea in 2010 and beyond’"
1671. Seaoulkyungje, 2010.07.07, "Seoul forum 2010 for celebrating the foundation of Seaoulkyungje magazine in dynasty hall, shilla hotel – 'Korea in 2010 and beyond’"
1672. Chosunilbo, 2010.07.13, "Lee Sang Yup, became a 2nd nongovernmental member of 'Green Growth Korea’"
1673. Dongailbo, 2010.07.13, "Lee Sang Yup, became a 2nd nongovernmental member of 'Green Growth Korea’"
1674. Digitaltimes, 2010.07.13, "Lee Sang Yup, became a 2nd nongovernmental member of 'Green Growth Korea’"
1675. Chosunilbo, 2010.07.23., "Always awake for leading this field-Microbial research for all day in 'Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory, KAIST.
1676. Hankookkyungje, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1677. Hankyoreh, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1678. Daejeonilbo, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1679. Digitaltimes, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1680. Chosunilbo, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1681. The Korea Herald, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1682. The portal of Korean government policy, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1683. Financial News, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1684. ETNews, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1685. Yonhab News, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1686. Asia Economy, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1687. Aju Economy, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1688. Mailkyungjae, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1689. Hankookilbo, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1690. Dongailbo, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1691. HelloDD, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1692. YTN, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1693. BRIC, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1694. KBS, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1695. RedOrbit, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1696. Science Daily, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1697. Eurek Alert, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1698. Estadao, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1699. Bernama, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1700. Eureka! Science News, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1701., 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1702. R&D Magazine, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1703., 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1704. PSFK Conference LONDON, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1705. Medical News Today, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1706., 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1707. TopNewsIn, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1708. OneIndia, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1709. IndiaTalkies, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1710. Sify news, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1711. Newstrack India, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1712. DailyIndia, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1713. Thaindian News, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1714. Thai News Agency MCOT, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1715. TCE today, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1716. Ecouterre, 2010.07.27., "Native-like spider silk produced in metabolically engineered bacterium that developed by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1717. Digitaltimes, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1718. Chungcheong Today, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1719. Financial News, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1720. Hankookkyungje, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1721. Daejeonilbo, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1722. E-today, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1723. Mailkyungjae, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1724. Dailymedi, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1725. inews24., 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1726. Aju Economy, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1727. Asia Economy, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1728. Health Korea News, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1729. YTN, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1730. Newsis, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1731. Herald Finance, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1732. HellDD, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1733. Donga Science, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1734. BIC, 2010.08.03., "Develop of methodology for virtual cell by Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering Research Laboratory in KAIST (research laboratory of Sang Yup Lee) "
1735. Hankyoreh, 20100803, "A new era of biotechnology; Manufacturing super Escherichia coli"
1736. ETNews, 2010.08.06., "Avatar cell – The prediction of future disease"
1737. Science Times, 2010.08.06., "Here comes the dream technology – A fiber from spider silk"
1738. HanKookilbo, 2010.08.26., "Mass production of silk protein which is stronger than steel"
1739. TCE today, 2010.09., "For silk, bacteria trump spider farms"
1740. SIM News, 2010.07., "Sang Yup Lee – 2010 Society Award winners"
1741. Chungcheong Today, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1742. Financial News, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1743. Daejeonilbo, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1744. Jungdoilbo, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1745. Hankookkyungje, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1746. Newsis, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1747. HelloDD, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1748. KemKangilbo, 2010.09.01 "Development of biological method for synthesizing nonmaterial"
1749. HelloDD, 2010.09.15., "Betting one’s carrier for precious microbes – Special forces of artificial cell in KAIST"
1750. Nanowerk, 2010.09.24., "Bacteria as environmentally friendly nanoparticle factories"
1751. HelloDD, 2010.10.14., "The 2nd Building Technology-Based Open Innovation Network_Prof, Sang Yup Lee become popular"
1752. Digital Times., 2010.10.14., "The 2nd Building Technology-Based Open Innovation Network_Prof, Sang Yup Lee become popular"
1753. Newswire., 2010.12.10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee opens the 2nd World Council on Industrial Biotechnology"
1754. Financial News., 2010.12.10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee opens the 2nd World Council on Industrial Biotechnology"
1755. Dongailbo., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1756. Chosunilbo., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1757. Kyunghyang Shinmun., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1758. Donga Science., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1759. Digital Times., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1760. Mailkyungje., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1761. Seoulkyungje., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1762. etnews., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1763. Yonhapnews., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1764. Munhwailbo., 2011.01.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 30 members of 'National Academy of Engineering of Korea’ as the youngest."
1765. The Science., 2011.01.11., "A message from Sang Yup Lee, dean of College of Life Science and Technology, -We have to support the person who have the competencies and the will of challenge-"
1766. Mailkyungje., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1767. Chungcheongilbo., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1768. Chungcheong Today., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1769. Daejeonilbo., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1770. Digital Times., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1771. Hankyoreh., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1772. Joongdoilbo., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1773. Kyunghyang Shinmun., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1774. Chosunilbo., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1775. Donga Science., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1776. Hankookkyungjae., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1777. ajnews., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1778. Asjae., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1779. Kukinews., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1780., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1781. Sportstoday., 2011.01.19., "Development of novel antibiotics for Vibrio vulnificus through the reconstruction of artificial cell from the laboratory of Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
1782. Dongailbo., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1783. Daejeonilbo., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1784. Segyeilbo., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1785. Digital Times., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1786. Chungcheongilbo., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1787. Joongdoilbo., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1788. Asjae., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1789. Hankooki., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1790. Daejeon City Journal., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1791. Financial News., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1792. Newsis., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1793. Nocut news., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1794. ajnews., 2011.02.16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the grand prize of research at 40th anniversary of founding in KAIST."
1795. Edaily., 2011.02.17., "-Industrial biotechnology is the repository of enormous resources- said from Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST as the invited speaker in the symposium of Korea Employers Federation."
1796. Chosunilbo., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1797. Joongangilbo., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1798. Dongailbo., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1799. Hankooki., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1800. Kukinews., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1801. Segyeilbo., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1802. Seoul., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1803. Hankyung., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1804. Kyunghyang Shinmun., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1805. The Korea Herald., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1806. The Korea Times., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1807. Asjae., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1808. Financial News 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1809. Hankyoreh., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1810. Money today., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1811. E today., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1812. ETO., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1813. Economy.Hankooki., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1814. EBN., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1815. ETNEWS., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1816. Yonhapnews., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1817. Newswire., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1818. Newsis., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1819. Newspim., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1820. Idaegu., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1821. Asia News Agency., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1822. Digital Times., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1823. News tomato., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1824. Edaily., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1825. ACROFAN., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1826. Sportstoday., 2011.02.21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."
1827. Dongailbo., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1828. Financial News 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1829. Kyunghyang Shinmun., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1830. The Korea Times., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1831. Joongangilbo., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1832. Mailkyungje., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1833. Seoul., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1834. Segyeilbo., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1835. Seoulkyungje., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1836. Economy.Hankooki., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1837. Hankyoreh., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1838. Asia kyungje., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1839. Break news., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1840. Herald media., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1841. Kyongbukilbo., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1842. Money today., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1843. Newsprime., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1844. Jaekyungilbo., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1845. Edaily., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1846. Nocutnews., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1847. Kyungjae today., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1848. News tomato., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1849. EBN news., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1850. Greendaily., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1851. Wowtv., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1852. Overseas Korean newspaper., 2011.03.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee awarded the prized of Chung-Am from POSCO in 2011."_Awards ceremony
1853. Dong-a ilbo., 2011.04.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 100 members of brighting Korea after 10 years."
1854., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1855. ETN News., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1856. Energyeconomic., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1857., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1858. Digital Times., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1859. Construction Times., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1860. EBN News., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1861. Newsis., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1862. Daily economics., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1863. Healthmedi., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1864. Today Energy., 2011.05.12., "KAIST Center-DTU Novo Nordisk Center Signed MOU of cooperative research related to development of technology platform"
1865. Newswire., 2011.07.22., "Opening remarks and Keynote Address Sponsored by Amgen Keynote Speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST and SIM Fellow"
1866. Etnews., 2011.07.22., "Opening remarks and Keynote Address Sponsored by Amgen Keynote Speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST and SIM Fellow"
1867. Newsis., 2011.07.22., "Opening remarks and Keynote Address Sponsored by Amgen Keynote Speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST and SIM Fellow"
1868. Digital Times., 2011.07.22., "Opening remarks and Keynote Address Sponsored by Amgen Keynote Speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST and SIM Fellow"
1869. Daejeon city journal., 2011.07.22., "Opening remarks and Keynote Address Sponsored by Amgen Keynote Speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST and SIM Fellow"
1870. MK news., 2011.07.26., "The coming era of Green Chemical industry"
1871. Hankookkyungjae., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1872. Financial News., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1873. Daejeonilbo., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1874. Etnews., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1875. Seoul., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1876. Ajnews., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1877. Newsis., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1878., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1879. Gonggamkorea., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1880. Asia kyungje., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1881. Yonhanp news., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1882. Industry daily., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1883. Todayenergy., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1884. Healthmedi., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1885. Seoulsijungilbo., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1886., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1887. News share., 2011.07.27., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering as new technical platform from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST. This article was selected journal cover paper in Trends in Biotechnology"
1888. Daejeon ilbo., 2011.07.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee presented the topic of 'Next Generation of Biomaterials’ as creative idea in World Economic Forum"
1889. News wire., 2011.07.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee presented the topic of 'Next Generation of Biomaterials’ as creative idea in World Economic Forum"
1890. Etnews., 2011.07.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee presented the topic of 'Next Generation of Biomaterials’ as creative idea in World Economic Forum"
1891. Ajnews., 2011.07.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee presented the topic of 'Next Generation of Biomaterials’ as creative idea in World Economic Forum"
1892. Newsis., 2011.07.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee presented the topic of 'Next Generation of Biomaterials’ as creative idea in World Economic Forum"
1893. Etnews., 2011.08.19., "Biomass can replace petroleum."
1894. MK news, 2011.08.30., "The future of synthetic biology."
1895. Daejeonilbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairmanman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1896. Chungcheong Today, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1897. Joongdoilbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1898. Etnews, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1899. Segyeilbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1900. Seoulkyungje, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum.
1901. Money today, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1902. Mk news., 2011, 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1903. Digital Times, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1904. Dongailbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1905. ETO, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1906. Newsis, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1907. Newsprime, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1908. ETB, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1909. Helaldkyungjae, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1910. Munhwailbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1911. Joongangilbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1912. Hankookilbo, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1913. Hankyoreh, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1914. Hello, 2011. 09.07., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for 'Global Agenda Council Chairman’ of World Economic Forum Summer Davos Forum."
1915. MK news, 2011.10.04., "Future disease, we can prevent it by awareness."
1916. Weekly Magazine., 2011.10.26., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected for one of the 300 members of next generation power leader in 2011."
1917. Daejeonilbo., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1918. Chungcheong Today., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1919. Joongdoilbo., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1920. Newswire., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1921. Daily UNN., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1922. Digital Times., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1923. Mk news., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1924. Etnews., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1925. Munhwailbo., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1926. Nocutnews., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1927. Seoulkyungje., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1928. Asiatoday., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1929. YTN., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1930. Newsis., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1931. Healthmedi., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1932., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1933. Donga Science., 2011.10.31., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as associate editor of 'Synthetic Biology’ published by the American Chemical Society (ACS)."
1934. Daejeonilbo., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1935. Chungcheongilbo., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1936., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1937. Newsis., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1938. Daehakilbo., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1939. Newswire., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1940. edical Today., 2011.12.14., "2011 China Biorefinery Summit Keynote speaker, Prof. Sang Yup Lee, KAIST."
1941. Digital Times., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1942. Etnews., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1943. DailyCC., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1944. Jongdo., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1945. Newswire., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1946. Newsis., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1947. Hello DD., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1948. International I journal., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1949. Watcher Daily., 2012.01.19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos as a global agenda council chairman."
1950. Daejonilbo.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives a invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1951. DD Today.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives a invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1952. Digital Times.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives a invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1953. Dongailbo.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1954. HelloDD., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1955. Hankyoreh.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1956. Gocj.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1957. Ajnews., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1958. Hankooki., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1959. Yonhapnews.2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1960. Stnews., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1961. Newswire., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1962. Edutecnews., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1963. UNN., 2012.01.25. "Prof. Sang Yup Lee gives invited lecture at the Penn State University, University of Delaware, Rice University and University of Texas Austin."
1964. Dongailbo.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1965. Hankyung.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1966. CC Today., 2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1967. Digital Times., 2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1968. Asia Today .2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"1969. Daily CC.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1970. Seoul .2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1971. Donga Science.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1972. ML.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1973. Fnnews.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1974. Ajnews.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1975. Heraldm.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1976. Hello DD.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1977. Medical Today., 2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1978. Newsis.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1979. Yonhapnews.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1980. Money Today. .2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1981. Etoday.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1982. Anewsa.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1983. Dhnews.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1984. Esnnews.2012.02.18. "The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1985. Washington Post., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1986. Washington Post (blog)., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1987. Forumblog., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1988. The Nation., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1989. Eurek Alert., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1990. Chemistry Views., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1991. Gizmag., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1992. Nanotech-Now., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1993. Nanowerk., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1994. Frog Heart., 2012.02.18."The 2012 Top 10 Emerging Technologies by Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, World Economic Forum"
1995. Hankookilbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
1996. Seoulkyungje., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
1997. Chosunilbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
1998. Seoul., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
1999. Hankyoreh., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2000. Joongangilbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2001. Daejeonilbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2002. MK., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2003. Kukinews., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society.
2004. Etnews., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2005. Segyeilbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2006. Joongdoilbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2007. Digital Times., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2008. Hankyung., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2009. Dailycc., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2010. CCtoday., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2011. Ajnews., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2012. Dongailbo., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2013. HelloDD., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2014. Donga Science., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2015. Heraldm., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2016. Newsis., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2017. Nocut news., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2018. Munwha., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2019. Inews24., 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2020. Yonhapnews, 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2021. Money Today, 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2022. Gocj, 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2023. UNN, 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2024. Edutecnews, 2012.03.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Marvin J. Johnson Award of the American Chemical Society."
2025. Dongailbo., 2012.4.17., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was selected as 100 people who will lead Korea in 10 years"
2026. Herald media., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2027. Chungcheongilbo., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2028. Mailkyungje., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2029. Digital Times., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2030. Seoulkyungje., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2031. Newsis., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2032. News Korea., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2033. Daehakilbo., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2034. Donga science., 2012.05.01., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee holds a meeting of international advisory committee for white biotechnology."
2035. Dongailbo., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2036. HelloDD., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2037. Hankookilbo., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2038. News1., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2039. Medical Today., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2040. The science., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2041. Newsis., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2042. Yonhapnews., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2043. Money today., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2044. Asia News Agency., 2012.05.18., "Establishment of Systems Metabolic Engineering from the laboratory of Prof. Sang Yup Lee in KAIST."
2045. DongAilbo., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2046. Daejonilbo., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2047. Kuki News., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2048. Seoulilbo., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2049. MK., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2050. ET News., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2051. The Digital Times. , 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2052. Chosunilbo., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2053. Joongdoilbo., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2054. Joongangilbo., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2055. HelloDD., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2056. DongA science., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2057. Heraldbiz., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2058. Sportstoday., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2059. Hankooki., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2060. Asiae., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2061. Newsis., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2062. DH News., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2063. News1., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2064. Nocut News., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2065. News Town., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2066. Ichannela., 2012.06.13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee was appointed as editorial board member of Advanced Functional Materials."
2067. Hankyung., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2068. Hankooki., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2069. DongAilbo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2070. Digital Times., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2071. The Korea Herald., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2072. Daily CC., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2073. CC Today., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2074. FN News., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2075. Daejonilbo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2076. Joongdo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2077. Chosunilbo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2078. Seoulilbo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2079. ET News., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2080. Kuki News., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2081. Joongangilbo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2082. MK., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2083. Nocut news., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2084. Newsis., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2085. Yonhap news., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2086. DH news., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2087. Edutec News., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2088. MD Today., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2089. News Town., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2090. GGilbo., 2012.07.03., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee received Charles Thom Award of society for industrial microbiology and biotechnology."
2091. Hankyung., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2092. Hankooki., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2093. Chosun., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2094. Kyunghyang., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2095. CC daily news., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2096. MK., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2097. Hello DD., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2098. Aju news., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2099. News 1., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2100. Dhnews., 2012.08.23., "Professor Sang yup lee was appointed as the president of GAC (Global Agenda Council), World Economic Forum"
2101. Daejeon ilbo., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2102. Hankooki., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2103. CC today., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2104. Joongdo., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2105. Youhap news., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2106. Digital Times., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2107. Nocut news., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2108. Edutecnews., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2109. Fnnews., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2110. Hankyung., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2111. Hello DD., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2112. Biz chosun., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2113. Newsis., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2114. Gocj., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2115. Anewsa., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2116. Edaiily., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2117. News1., 2012.09.10.,"Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2118. Dhnews., 2012.09.10., "Professor Sang yup lee has invited to the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Summer Davos Forum"
2119. MK., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2120. Kuki news., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2121. Et news., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2122. Joongdo., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2123. CC daily news., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2124. Chosun., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2125. Hankooki., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2126. Digital Times., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2127. Hello DD., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2128. Hani., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2129. Edaily., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2130. Etoday., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2131. Asiae., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2132. Newsis., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2133. Univnews., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers"
2134. Anewsa., 2012.09.19., "Professor Sang yup lee has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineer"
2135. MK., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2136. DongAilbo., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2137. Chungcheongilbo., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2138. Hankyung., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2139. Etnews., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2140. Chosunilbo., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2141. CCToday., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2142. Daejeonilbo., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2143. Digital Times., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2144. Financial News., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2145. Daily CC., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2146. Youhapnews., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2147. Ajounews., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2148. Hankooki., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2149. Money Today., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2150. Anewsa., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2151. UNN., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2152. Hello DD., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2153. DongA Science., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2154. Asia Today., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2155. Newsis., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2156. Nocut news., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2157. DongA Science., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2158. MBC News., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2159. Yonhap News., 2012.11.07., "A research team led by professor sang yup lee at KAIST has succeeded in demonstrating an optimized process to increase butanol production by generating an engineered bacterium"
2160. ScienceDaily., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2161.EurekAlert., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2162. BiofuelsDigest., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2163. Biomedicine., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2164., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2165., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2166. for science., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2167. KISTI., 20121225., "Production of 5-Aminovaleric and Glutaric Acid by Metabolically Engineered Microorganism."
2168. Chosun ilbo., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2169. Hankook ilbo., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2170. Hankooki., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2171. ETNesws., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2172. Digital Times., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2173. Daejeon ilbo., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2174. CCDailynews., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2175. JoongDo ilbo., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2176. CCToday., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2177. DailyCC., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2178. Asiae., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2179. DongA Science., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2180. Ajounews., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2181. MK., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2182. HelloDD., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2183. Goci., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2184. Newsis., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2185. GGilbo., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2186. UNN., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2187. HKTimes., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2188. DH news., 2013.01.03., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee was awarded the Honorary Professor by Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) for his excellent academic achievements and better cooperation."
2189. Science Daily., 2013.01.20., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2190., 2013.01.20., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2191. Eurek Alert., 2013.01.20., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2192. Life Science log., 2013.01.20., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2193. DongA ilbo., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2194. Chosun ilbo., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2195. ChoongAng ilbo., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2196. Hankooki., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2197. ETnews., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2198. Daejeon ilbo., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2199. JoongDo ilbo., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2200. CCtoday ilbo., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2201. HelloDD., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2202. DigitalTimes., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2203. Asiae., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2204. Ajounews., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2205. MBN., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2206. Newsis., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2207. Dongascience., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2208. Newswave., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2209. Korea., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2210. Indaily., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2211. Yonhap news., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2212. Eco-tv news., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2213. MBC., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2214. YTN., 2013.01.21., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported that the synthetic small RNA can be employed for finely controlling the expression levels of multiple genes at the translation level."
2215. MK., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2216. Digital Times., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2217. CC daily news., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2218. Daily CC., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2219. Daejeon ilbo., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2220. Hankooki., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2221. Donga science., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2222. Gocj., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2223. Asiae., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2224. HelloDD., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2225. DHnews., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2226. Yonhapnews., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2227. Timenews., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2228. News town., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2229. News1., 2013.01.22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2230. CC Daily., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering.’"
2231. CC Today., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2232. Daily CC., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2233. Digital Times., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2234. Kyunghyang., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2235. Daejeon ilbo., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2236. CC daily., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2237. DongA Science., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2238. Hello DD., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2239. Hani., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2240. Asiae., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2241. Heraldbiz., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2242. News1., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2243. Fnnews., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2244. Ggilbo., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2245. Dhnews., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2246. Timenews., 2013.03.11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of a American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering."
2247. Digital Times., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2248. CC Today., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIS"
2249. Daejonilbo., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2250. Money Today., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2251. DailyCC., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2252. Joongdo., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2253. Seoul., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2254. ET News.,2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2255. Segye ilbo., 2013.04.08., “Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2256. Khan., 2013.04.08., “Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2257. Hankooki., 2013.04.08., “Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2258. Kukinews., 2013.04.08., “Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2259. Hankyung., 2013.04.08., “Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2260. Economy.hankooki., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2261. Dongailbo., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2262. MK., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2263. Hani., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2264. Joongangilbo., 2013.04.08., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee is appointed as Chief Executive Officer of KAIST"
2265. MK., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2266. Kukinews., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2267. Segyeilbo., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2268. CC Today., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2269. Digital Times., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2270. ET News., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2271. Seoul., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2272. Hani., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2273. Daejonilbo., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2274. Hello DD., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2275. Khan., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2276. Edaily., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2277. News1., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2278. Financial News., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2279. City Journal., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2280. Yonhap news., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2281. CC Daily., 2013.04.25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee has been selected to receive the 2013 Amgen Biochemical Engineering Award."
2282. Newsis., 2013.05.12., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported highly efficient biobutanol producing strain"
2283. Etnews., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2284. CC today., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2285. Hankooki., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2286. YTN., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2287. MK news., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2288. Economy hankooki., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2289. Digital times., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2290. DD news., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2291. Nocutnews., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2292. MoneyToday., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2293. News 1., 2013.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed nanodevice which transfers genetic materials."
2294. Joongang news., 2013.05.30., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST reported highly efficient biobutanol producing strain"
2295. Moneytoday., 2013.06.26., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended Forum in Ministry of Science, ICT & Future planning."
2296. Ajunews., 2013.06.26., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended Forum in Ministry of Science, ICT & Future planning."
2297. Newstomato., 2013.06.26., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended Forum in Ministry of Science, ICT & Future planning."
2298. Hkbs., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2299. Newspost., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2300. Greennews., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2301. E-newsToday., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2302. Sports chosun., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2303. M-I news., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2304. Break news., 2013.07.04., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended TJ park science symposium of Posco TJ park foundation"
2305.etnews. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2306. Dongascience. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2307. Chosun. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2308. cctoday. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2309. Joongdo news. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2310. Digital times. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2311. ajunews. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2312. Donga news. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2313. edaily. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2314. korea. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2315. Economy hankooki. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2316. nocutnews. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2317. asiae. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2318. yonhapnews. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2319. The Korea industry daily. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2320. ecotimes. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2321. YTN science. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2322. Science Daily. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2323. Eurek Alert. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2324. ResearchSEA. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2325. Bioportfoli. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2326. MedIndia. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2327. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2328. Scoop. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2329. 2013.08.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2330. Seoul news. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2331. Hankyoreh news. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2332 Korea Times. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2333. digital times. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2334. Hankyung. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2335. MoneyToday. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2336. Daejonilbo. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2337. Cctoday. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2338. Dailycc. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2339. daily unn. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2340. ajunews. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2341. MK news. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China "
2342. Newsis. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2343. Hello DD. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2344. The Kyunghyang shinmun. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2345. News1. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2346. Time news. 2013.08.15., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an advisory professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in China."
2347. Wiley Life Sciences Blog. 2013.08.15.,"A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed powerful strategy for developing microbial cell factories by employing synthetic small RNAs."
2348. Nature world News., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2349. Science World Report., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2350. Science Times., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2351. Science Daily., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2352. Science Codex., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2353. Genetic Engineering News., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2354. International Business Times., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2355., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2356. Eurek Alert., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2357. msnNOW., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2358. El Clarin., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2359. Corriere della Sera., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2360. Scicasts., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2361. Nanowerk., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2362. RT., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2363. Digital Journal., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2364. UPI., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2365. TruthDive., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2366. Europa press., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"2367. Bio360., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2368. ABC. es., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"2369. Eleconomista. Es., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2370. Itar-tass., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2371. La Repubblica., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2372. Radio Habana Cuba., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2373. GomeraVerde. Com., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2374. Centro Meteo Italiano., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2375. Rinnovabili., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2376. Il Sole 24 Ore., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2377. NextMe., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2378. greenMe. It., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2379., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2380. Ambiente Quotidiano., 2013.09.30., "MBEL succeeds in microbial production of gasoline"
2381. Chosun., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2382. CCtoday., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2383. CCdaily., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2384. Digital times., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2385. Financial news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2386. Hankyung., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2387. Joongdo news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2388. Kukminilbo., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2389. Korea Times., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2390. Joongang., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2391. Khan news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2392. MK news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2393. Segye news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2394. Seoul Economy., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2395. Ajunews., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2396. AsiaE., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2397. edaily., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2398. eToday., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2399. hani., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2400. news1., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2401. newsis., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2402. newspim., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2403. Nocutnews., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2404. yonhapnews., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2405. newdaily., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2406. KBS news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2407. SBS news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2408. MBC news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2409. YTN news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2410. YTN science., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2411. News Y., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2412. MBN news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2413. channel A news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2414. TV chosun., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2415. EBS news., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2416. KTV., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2417. The Wall Street Journal., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2418. The Wall Street Journal Live., 2013.09.30., "South Korean Scientists Use E. coli to Make Gasoline"
2419. aljazeera., 2013.09.30., " S Korean scientists turn sugar into petrol "
2420. Segye., 2013.10.02., "A dream of oil-producing country"
2421. Wiley Science Blog., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2422. press-news., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2423., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2424. science news daily., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2425. science20., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2426. redorbit., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2427. eurek alert., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2428. after market leads., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2429. green carcongress., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2430., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2431. agro-chemie., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2432. tce today., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2433. Chemistry Views., 2013.10.07., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2434. YTN science., 2013.10.17., “Spin the protein fiber, Spider”
2435. Sisapress., 2013.10.23., " A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an young leader 100 by Sisapress”
2436. DongA Science., 2013.10.24., "Drive with E. coli instead of gasoline"
2437. Daejonilbo., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2438. DailyCC., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2439. CCdailynews., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2440. Joongdo., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2441. Digital times., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2442. Fn news., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2443. Hankyung., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2444. hankooki., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2445. hani., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2446. mk news., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2447. khan news., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2448. Heraldcorp., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2449. News1., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2450. unn., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2451. DongA science., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2452. Newsis., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2453. Veritas-a., 2013.10.29., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at KAIST, became a 'fellow of The World Academy of Sciences"
2454. donga., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2455. MoneyToday., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2456. Digitaltimes., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2457. Daejonilbo., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2458. Joongdo., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2459. CCToday., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2460. dailycc., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2461. CCdailyNews., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2462. hankooki., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2463. mk news., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2464. dongA science., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2465. Nocut News., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2466. Newsis., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2467. Yonhap news., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2468. News1., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2469. MoneyToday., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2470. hellodd., 2013.10.30., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2471. etnews., 2013.11.03., "E. coli metabolically engineered to produce phenol"
2472. yonhap news., 2013.11.07., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee, presented research outcome to south Korea’s president at Imperial College London”
2473. ccdaily., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2474. daejonilbo., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2475. dailyCC., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2476. Digital times., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2477. khan., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2478. etnews., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2479. MK news., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2480. YTN., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2481. newsis., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2482. Heraldcorp., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2483. ajunews., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2484. yonhapnews., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2485. etoday., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2486. veritas-a., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2487. science today., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2488. YTN news., 2013.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was appointed an first lecturer at Jacobus van’t Hoff lecture"
2489. Korean journalist magazine., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2490. Kukmin daily., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2491. Biz Chosun., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2492. AsiaToday., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2493. MoneyToday., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2494. Yonhap News., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2495. Newspim., 2013.11.29., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the scientist of the year award"
2496. MK News., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2497. etNews., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2498. Aju News., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2499. fnNews ., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2500. Daily CC., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2501. CC daily News., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2502. DongAscience., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2503. Digital times., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2504. dhnews., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2505. EToday., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2506. Yonhap News., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2507. Time News., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2508. Goodmorning CC., 2014.01.20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
2509. ETNews., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2510. Hankyung., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2511. Segye daily., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2512. KuKinews., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2513. Khan news., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2514. hani., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2515. chosun., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2516. DongA., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2517. fnnews., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2518. economy.hankooki., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2519. seoul News., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2520. joongang daily., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2521. asiae., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2522. herald e news., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2523. Digital Times., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2524. MoneyToday., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2525. MK news., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2526. DD net., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2527. ajnews., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2528. dailian., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2529. EBN News., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2530. E-Today., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2531. inews., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2532. kbmaeil., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2533. kyongbuk., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2534. seoulmetro., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2535. moneyweek., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2536. munhwa news., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2537. newdaily., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2538. newscj., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2539. newsis., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2540. newspim., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2541. newstomato., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2542. newsway., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2543. Nocut news., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2544. Zdnet Korea., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2545. JTBC News., 2014.04.03., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2546. Joongang., 2014.04.10., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed E. coli producing gasoline by metabolic engineering"
2547. etNews., 2014.04.11., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed E. coli producing spider silk protein"
2548. Joongang., 2014.04.22., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed E. coli producing gasoline by metabolic engineering"
2549. DongA Science., 2014.05.09., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed E. coli producing gasoline and phenol by metabolic engineering"
2550. MK news., 2014.05.14., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed E. coli producing gasoline by metabolic engineering"
2551. DongAScience., 2014.05.15., "A research team led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST developed E. coli producing gasoline by metabolic engineering"
2552. Segye Daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2553. Seoul News., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2554. Hankyung., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2555. Joongang Daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2556. DongA Daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2557. MK., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2558. Seoul Economy., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2559. Hankyoreh., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2560. Newsis., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2561. Seoulfn., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2562. inews 24., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2563. News 1., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2564. Chosun biz., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2565. FN News., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2566. Aju News., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2567. MoneyToday., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2568. Economy Today., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2569. Newspim., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2570. Cstimes., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2571. WeeklyToday., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2572. Newsway., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2573. Sme daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2574. Kyunghyang Shinmun., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2575. E-today., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2576. Economic Review., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2577. Asia Economy Daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2578. News cj., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2579. Digital Daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2580. New Daily., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2581. Digital Times., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2582. Metro seoul News., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2583. SBS News., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2584. EBN., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2585. Money week., 2014.05.30., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee won the HO-AM prize"
2586. etNews., 2014.06.19., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was selected as one of workshop panels of World Economic Forum"
2587. Daejonilbo., 2014.06.19., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was selected as one of workshop panels of World Economic Forum"
2588. Aju News., 2014.06.19., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was selected as one of workshop panels of World Economic Forum"
2589. Digital Times., 2014.06.19., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was selected as one of workshop panels of World Economic Forum"
2590. Daejeon city journal., 2014.06.19., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was selected as one of workshop panels of World Economic Forum"
2591. Time News., 2014.06.19., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was selected as one of workshop panels of World Economic Forum"
2592. Money Today., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2593. Digital Times., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2594. etNews., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2595. E-daily., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2596. DDnet., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2597. DongA Science., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2598. Asiae News., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2599. Yonhap News., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2600. News 1., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2601. Newspim., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2602. EBN., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2603. Aju News., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2604. News prime., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2605. SBS., 2014.07.23., "A research, ‘Microbial production of gasoline’ led by distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee at the KAIST has been selected as one of the best national R&D achievement in 2014"
2606. DailyCC., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2607. DaejonIlbo., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2608. DigitalTimes., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2609. DaejeonCityJournal., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2610. E-Today., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2611. AsiaE., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2612. Newstown., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2613. GGilbo., 2014.09.04., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended KAIST IdeasLab on Nanotechnology revolution in World Economic Forum"
2614. Daejonilbo., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2615. DigitalTimes., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2616. Hankooki., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2617. HanKyung., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos "
2618. Hani., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2619. NewsTown., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2620. Veritas-a., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2621. DaejeonCityJournal., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2622. GGilbo., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2623. TimeNews., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2624. UnivNews., 2014.09.10., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee attended 4 sessions of World Economic Forum in Davos"
2625. HanKyung., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2626. SeoulEconomy., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2627. DailyCC., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2628. MK News., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2629. DigitalTimes ., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2630. MunHwa News., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2631. Veritas-a., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2632. NewsTown., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2633. GGilbo., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2634. Herald economy., 2014.10.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Wuhan University in China"
2635. DailyCC., 2014.10.23., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee participate in KAIST Institute for Disaster Studies, the first institution for disaster in Korea"
2636. JoongDoIlbo., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2637. Financial News., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2638. CCDaily., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2639. EDaily., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2640. DaejeonCityJournal., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2641. Veritas-a., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2642. GGilbo., 2014.11.12., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee was granted the title of honorary professor of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in China"
2643. DongA ilbo., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2644. DigitalTimes., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2645. NaeilNews., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2646. KBS News., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2647. Cheongwadae News., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2648. Chosunbiz., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2649. Newsis., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2650. Herald., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2651. AsiaE., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2652. E-daily., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2653. ZDNet Korea., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2654. Newspim., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2655. Busanilbo., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2656. YTN., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2657. KTV1., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2658. KTV2., 2014.12.16., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee presented "agricultural innovation strategies based scientific technology" in 16th national scientific technology advisory conference"
2659. MK news, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2660. Yeonhap News, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2661. Newsis, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2662. Aju Economy, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2663. DongA Science, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2664. Maeil economy, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2665. Segye Daily, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2666. Segye Daily online, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2667. Joongdo Daily, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2668. Joongdo Daily online, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2669. News1, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2670. Asia economy, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2671. Money today news, 2014.12.28., "Researchers in Korea and Denmark developed the antibiotics mass production technology"
2672. Digital times, 2015.01.15., " 'Microbial factory' that produces biofuel"
2673. Herald economy, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2674. Maeil economy, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2675. ET news, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2676. Donga today news, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2677. Munhwa today news, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2678. Daily cc, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2679. Veritas-alpha, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2680. Digital times, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2681. Yeonhap news, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2682. Zdnet Korea, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2683. E-daily, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2684. Asia economy, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2685. Chosun ilbo., 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2686. Joongang ilbo., 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2687. Hankyeoresinmun., 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2688. Hankook ilbo., 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2689. Hankook economy., 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2690. Joongdo ilbo., 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2691. CC today, 2015.02.09., "A distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee became an editor of 'Cell systems'"
2692. Joongdo Daily, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2693. Kookmin Daily, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2694. Digital times, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2695. Economic review, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2696. Newsis, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2697. Yeonhap news, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2698. E daily, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2699. Money today, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2700. Chosun Biz., 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2701. Daily cc, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2702. Goodmorning cc, 2015.03.04., "World economic forum Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies; GMCET announced 10 emerging technologies"
2703. EurekAlert! Science News, 2015.03.06., "Modernizing traditional oriental medicine using systems approaches"
2704. Phys Org., 2015.03.06., "Modernizing traditional oriental medicine using systems approaches"
2705. Science Newsline Medicine, 2015.03.06., "Modernizing traditional oriental medicine using systems approaches"
2706. Business Korea, 2015.03.06., "Modernizing traditional oriental medicine using systems approaches"
2707. Asian Scientist, 2015.03.06., "Modernizing traditional oriental medicine using systems approaches"
2708. MSIP., 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2709. Dongailbo, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2710. ETnews, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2711. Yeonhap news, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2712. Joongang ilbo, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2713. Ajoo economy, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2714. Digital times, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2715. Nocut news, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2716. Daejeon Today, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2717. Hello DD, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2718. E daily, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2719. ZDNet Korea, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2720. Media it, 2015.03.12., "The synergistic effects of multiple compounds: evidence found for oriental medicine principles- A team of a distinguished professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee, Nature Biotechnology paper"
2721. Jeolla, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2722. Asia today, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2723. Asia economy, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2724. News toktok, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2725. GwangJoo times, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2726. Namdo ilbo, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2727. Newsway, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2728. Tonghap news, 2015.04.17., "Professor Sang Yup Lee gave a public lecture titled "The future of Biotechnology" at 2015 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium"
2729. E-news today, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2730. Ajoo economy, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2731. Seoul economy, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2732. E-daily, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2733. Goodmorning cc, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2734. News 1, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2735. Yeonhap news, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2736. Cc daily news, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2737. Daejeon today, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2738. Herald economy, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2739. Deajeon city jornal, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2740. Digital times, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2741. Asia today, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2742. ZD net Korea, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2743. Veritas alpha, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2744. YTN news, 2015.05.19., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2745. Chosun ilbo, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2746. Hankyung, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2747. Moonhwa ilbo, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2748. Money today, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2749. Etnews, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2750. Asia economy, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2751. Financial news, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2752. Joongdo ilbo, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2753. Daejeon ilbo, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2754. Cc today, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2755. Daily cc, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2756. Hankyeore, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2757. GG ilbo, 2015.05.20., "A professor at KAIST, Sang Yup Lee received an Order of Service Merit- Red Stripes from President of Korea, The 50th Invention Day Ceremony"
2758. MK news, 2015.07.13., "General review of ‘The technology that changes future’ interview: A KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the member of ‘Global Meta Council in Emerging Technologies’"
2759. Daejeon ilbo, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2760. Cc today, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2761. Joongdo ilbo, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2762. Segye ilbo, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2763. Yeonhap news, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2764. Newsis, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2765. Asiae, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2766. Money today, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2767. Hangyeorae, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2768. Digital times, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2769. Donga science, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2770. Hello DD, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2771. Goodmorning cc, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2772. Sisa focus, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2773. Daejeon today, 2015.08.12., "KAIST developed an original technology that produces nylon precursor (1, 3-diaminopropane) using metabolically engineered E. coli"
2774. Eurekalert, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2775. Science daily, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2776. Science newsline, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2777. eScience news, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2778., 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2779. Scifeeeds, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2780. Digital news world, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2781. Tcetoday, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2782. Bright surf, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2783. Green car congress, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2784. Space daily, 2015.08.11., "Engineered bacterium produces 1,3-diaminopropane, an important industrial chemical"
2785. Sisa focus, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2786. Newsis, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2787. YTN science, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2788. YTN, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2789. Maeil ilbo, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2790. Digital times, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2791. Veritas alpha, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2792. Seoul news, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2793. News1, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2794. Money today, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2795. Hankyung, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2796. Yeonhap news, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2797. Hankook ilbo, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2798. Seoul Kyoung Jae, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2799. Moonhwa ilbo, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2800. Maeil Kyoung Jae, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2801. HelloDD, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2802. Joongdo ilbo, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2803. Koung hyang news, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2804. Hankyoung TV, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2805. Segye ilbo, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2806. Kookmin ilbo, 2015.08.26., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2807. Seoul Kyoung Jae, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2808. Digital times, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2809. Kyoung hyang news, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2810. Kookmin ilbo, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2811. Hankook ilbo, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2812. Segye ilbo, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2813. Joong do ilbo, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2814. Hankook gyoung jae, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2815. Money today, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2816. Choongchungilbo, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2817. Seoul news, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2818. Hanhyeorae, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2819. Chosun ilbo, 2015.08.27., "A distinguished professor of KAIST Sang Yup Lee was selected as a world top 20 applied scientists"
2820. Digital times, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2821. Daejeon ilbo, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2822. Cc daily news, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2823. Choongchung ilbo, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2824. Daejeon today, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2825. Donga science, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2826. Hankyung, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2827. Et news, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2828. Seoul economy, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2829. Veritas alpha, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2830. Yeonhap news, 2015.9.8., “KAIST invited to summer Davos forum among domestic universities in Korea”
2831. Hankyung, 2015.9.15, “’Future technology study’, which is Samsung’s new business idea resourse, has continued for 10 years”
2832. Daejeon ilbo, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2833. Donga ilbo, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2834. GG ilbo, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2835. Chosun biz, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2836. Goodmorning cc, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2837. Veritas alpha, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2838. Digital times, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2839. Daejeon today, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2840. Donga science, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2841. Et news, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2842. Yeonhap news, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2843. Asia economy, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2844. News1, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2845. Daily UNN, 2015.9.22., “KAIST has revealed the structure of the key enzyme, which is used for producing next generation fuel, bio-butanol”
2846. Eurekalert, 2015.9.22., “Discovery of the redox-switch of a key enzyme involved in n-butanol biosynthesis”
2847. Science newsline, 2015.9.22., “Discovery of the redox-switch of a key enzyme involved in n-butanol biosynthesis”
2848. Science daily, 2015.9.22., “Discovery of the redox-switch of a key enzyme involved in n-butanol biosynthesis”
2849. Freenewspos, 2015.9.22., “Discovery of the redox-switch of a key enzyme involved in n-butanol biosynthesis”
2850., 2015.9.22., “Discovery of the redox-switch of a key enzyme involved in n-butanol biosynthesis”
2851. Chosun ilbo, 2015.9.26., “Production of opoids by baker’s yeast”
2852. Chemical industry digest, 2015.10.1., “Engineered E. coli produces 1,3-diaminopropane”
2853. Moneytoday, 2015.10.5., “Ministry of science, ICT and future planning provided a carbon recycling strategy to deal with the climate change”
2854. Hello DD, 2015.10.5., “Ministry of science, ICT and future planning provided a carbon recycling strategy to deal with the climate change”
2855. Ajoo economy, 2015.10.5., “Ministry of science, ICT and future planning provided a carbon recycling strategy to deal with the climate change”
2856. Seoul economy, 2015.10.5., “Ministry of science, ICT and future planning provided a carbon recycling strategy to deal with the climate change”
2857. Daily sports, 2015.10.5., “Ministry of science, ICT and future planning provided a carbon recycling strategy to deal with the climate change”
2858. Science daily, 2015.10.12., “A perspective on systems strategies to develop industrial microbial strain, published in Nature Biotechnology, "Establishment of systems metabolic engineering strategies to develop microbial strains"”
2859. Science newsline, 2015.10.12., “A perspective on systems strategies to develop industrial microbial strain, published in Nature Biotechnology, "Establishment of systems metabolic engineering strategies to develop microbial strains"”
2860. Eurekalert, 2015.10.12., “A perspective on systems strategies to develop industrial microbial strain, published in Nature Biotechnology, "Establishment of systems metabolic engineering strategies to develop microbial strains"”
2861., 2015.10.12., “A perspective on systems strategies to develop industrial microbial strain, published in Nature Biotechnology, "Establishment of systems metabolic engineering strategies to develop microbial strains"”
2862. Brightsurf, 2015.10.12., “A perspective on systems strategies to develop industrial microbial strain, published in Nature Biotechnology, "Establishment of systems metabolic engineering strategies to develop microbial strains"”
2863. Todaytopics, 2015.10.12., “A perspective on systems strategies to develop industrial microbial strain, published in Nature Biotechnology, "Establishment of systems metabolic engineering strategies to develop microbial strains"”
2864. ET news, 2015.10.14., “OECD ministerial meeting Daejeon 2015 discusses the future technologies that can overcome the climate change”
2865. YTN, 2015.10.17., “OECD ministerial meeting has been hosted in Daejeon”
2866. Maeil economy, 2015.10.21., “Professor Sang Yup Lee moderates a session on “renewable energy” at the 16th World Knowledge Forum, Shilla Hotel, Seoul, Korea”
2867. KBS news, 2015.10.22., “27th presidential advisory council on science and technology took place at Cheongwadae Guesthouse - plan to promote basic sciences and technology”
2868. Donga ilbo, 2015.10.24., “Progress of ‘waste sorting’ technology, which is key point of recycling. – microbial metabolic engineering technology”
2869. The World Economic Forum. 2015.10.26., “The fourth industrial revolution is already here- and it is a matter of survival”
2870. North Denver News, 2015.10.26., “The fourth industrial revolution is already here- and it is a matter of survival”
2871. Foreign Affairs, 2015.10.26., “The fourth industrial revolution is already here- and it is a matter of survival”
2872. Presse Box, 2015.10.26., “The fourth industrial revolution is already here- and it is a matter of survival”
2873. Arirang TV news, 2015.10.27., “Fourth industrial revolution”
2874. Aju economy, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2875. Hello DD, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2876. Yeonhap news, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2877. Energy economy, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2878. Cc daily news, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2879. E daily, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2880. EBN, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2881. YTN, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2882. KBS, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2883. Korea policy briefing, 2015.10.28., “Suggests the systems strategies for the mass production of industrial chemicals by microbes – contribution for the climate change reponse plan and carbon utilization.”
2884. Ulsan maeil, 2015.10. 29., “The second future chemistry unite forum – carbon utilize was taken place.”
2885. Kyungsang ilbo, 2015.10. 29., “The second future chemistry unite forum – carbon utilize was taken place.”
2886. Uj news, 2015.10. 29., “The second future chemistry unite forum – carbon utilize was taken place.”
2887. Amenews, 2015.10. 29., “The second future chemistry unite forum – carbon utilize was taken place.”
2888. Financial news, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2889. Digital times, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2890. Donga ilbo, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2891. Asia today, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2892. Et news, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2893. Daejeon ilbo, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2894. Segye ilbo, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2895. Money today, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2896. Yeonhap news, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2897. Asia economy, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2898. News1, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2899. Herald economy, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2900. Aju economy, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2901. Newsis, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2902. E today, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2903. Chosun biz, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2904. Economy today, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2905. Maeil ilbo, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2906. Bridge economy, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2907. Newspim, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2908. Newsway, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2909. News tomato, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2910. MTN, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2911. Green economy, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2912. Ulsan maeil, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2913. Kyungsang ilbo, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2914. Break news, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2915. Dailian, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2916. Newdaily, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2917. Seoul finance, 2015.11.02., “Hanwha chemical-KAIST, founded a future technology research center to develop the source technology.”
2918. Digital times, 2015.11.11., “Find the ‘hiding disease’ by the genetic testing”
2919. Money today, 2015.11.16., “Prevent the actualization of the ‘Interstellar drought’ – new climate system has been started”
2920. Arirang TV news, 2015.11.17., “The fourth industrial revolution special”
2921. Digital times, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2922. Chosun ilbo, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2923. Money today, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2924. Cc today, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2925. Cc daily news, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2926. Edaily, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2927. Herald economy, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2928. Segye ilbo, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2929. Asia economy, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2930. Yeonhap news, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2931. Daily unn, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2932. Maeil economy, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2933. Asia today, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2934. Seoul economy, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2935. Enews today, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2936. Veritas alpha, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2937. ZDnet Korea, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2938. News1, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2939. Gg ilbo, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2940. MBS, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2941. Daejeon today, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2942. Aju economy, 2015.11.19., “KAIST will run the IdeasLab session in Davos forum 2016”
2943. Daejeonilbo, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2944. Digital times, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2945. Hankook ilbo, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2946. Donga ilbo, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2947. Yeonhap news, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2948. Geumgang ilbo, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2949. Choongchung ilbo, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2950. Maeil economy, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2951. EBN, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2952. Money today, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2953. Goodmorning cc, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2954. Veritas alpha, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2955. Hankook economy, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2956. Newsis, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2957. News1, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2958. Aju economy, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2959. Seoul economy, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era”
2960. Donga science, 2016. 1. 20., “KAIST operates Ideas Lab in 2016 Davos forum: Biotechnology to prepare the aging era"
2961. Sisa week, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2962. Herald economy, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2963. Asia today, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2964. Edaily, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2965. Chosun biz, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2966. Maeil economy, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2967. Money today, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2968. Newsis, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2969. Yeonhap news, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2970. Etoday, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2971. Digital times, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2972. Seoul economy, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2973. Yeonhap infomax, 2016. 1. 27., “Samsung Wednesday CEO council- Professor Sang Yup Lee, “The end of fossil fuel era is impending- bio is the future””
2974. Joongdo ilbo, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2975. Daejeon ilbo, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2976. Goodmorning choongchung, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2977. Digital times, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2978. Veritas alpha, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2979. News1, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2980. Donga science, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2981. Choongchung ilbo, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2982. Hellodd, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2983. Eureka alert, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2984. Sciencenewsline, 2016.2.2., “Asia Pacific Biotech News' special coverage of Korean biotechnology”
2985. Energy economy, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2986. Seoul finance, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2987. Herald economy, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2988. Dailian, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2989. EBN, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2990. Financial news, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2991. Aju economy, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2992. Global economic, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2993. Yeonhap news, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2994. Focus news, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2995. Newsis, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2996. Korea financial times, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2997. News way, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2998. E-daily, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
2999. Money today, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
3000. Etnews, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
3001. Busan ilbo, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
3002. Maeil ilbo, 2016.2.3., “The federation of Korean industries, “Find the survival strategy of company, which lives tomorrow” – the 19th spring forum- the 4th industrial revolution by professor Sang Yup Lee”
3003. Daejeon ilbo, 2016.2.16., “Professor Sang Yup Lee, received a “Grand prize of international cooperation” for the 45th commemoration of KAIST"
3004. SBS CNBC TV, 2016.2.22., “[Korea Report] How fast technologies are changing”
3005. SBS CNBC TV, 2016.2.22., “[Korea Report] Do we know the side effect of the fourth industrial revolution”
3006. SBS CNBC TV, 2016.2.22., “[Korea Report] Starting of the fourth industrial revolution, what does ‘innovation’ mean?”
3007. Seoul economic news, 2016.2.25., “Bio, at the center of the forth industrial revolution”
3008. Seoul economic news, 2016.2.25., “Korea, to survive at the global bio market”
3009. Rapportian, 2016.2.25., “What is the way to innovate medical industry using big data?”
3010. Media it, 2016. 2. 26., “What is the way to innovate medical industry using big data?”
3011. Digital daily, 2016.3.1., “What is the way to innovate medical industry using big data?”
3012. Doctor’s news, 2016.3.2., “What is the way to innovate medical industry using big data?”
3013. Cctoday, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3014. Chosun ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3015. Daejeon ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3016. Donga ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3017. Et news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3018. Hello dd, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3019. Joongdo ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3020. Kookmin ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3021. Maeil economy, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3022. Nocut news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3023. Segye ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3024. Seoul news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3025. Yeonhap news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3026. The radio news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3027. Digital times, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3028. Newsis, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3029. E-daily, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3030. EBN news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3031. Donga science, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3032. Goodmorning cc, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3033., 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3034. CN ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3035. Gg ilbo, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3036. Veritas alpha, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3037. Kg news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3038. Eco times, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3039. Dongyang news agency, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3040. Eco journal, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3041. The Korea industry daily, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3042. JN news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3043. BOSA, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3044. KBS news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3045. YTN news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3046. YTN science, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3047. TJB news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3048. Yeonhap news, 2016.3.8., “KAIST MBEL, developed the Escherichia coli factory that produces environmental friendly biomedical polymer”
3049. Eurekalert, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3050., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3051. Science daily, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3052. Science codex, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3053. ResearchSEA, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3054. Science newsline, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3055. Scienmag, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3056. Medical design technology, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3057. blogs, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3058. Net india123, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3059., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3060., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3061., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3062. Yahoo india newa, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3063. Webindia123, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3064. The economic times, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3065. The times of india, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3066. Zee news, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3067. Production electronics news, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3068., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3069. Siasat daily, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3070. Big news, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3071. India, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3072. Obsevatorio del plastico, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3073. Business standard, 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3074., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3075., 2016.3.7., “Non-natural biomedical polymers produced from microorganisms”
3076. Donga science, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal – the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3077. Digital times, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal – the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3078. Seoul economy news, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal – the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3079. Cctoday, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal - the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3080. Ggilbo, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal - the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3081. Daehak news, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal - the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3082. Daejeon today, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal - the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3083. News town, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal - the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3084. Veritas alpha, 2016.3.29., “Four PhD students in KAIST, published a invited paper in academic journal - the paper covers all of the ‘systemic metabolic engineering’, which produces gasoline from microbes”
3085. Seoul economy, 2016.4.1., “[New paradigm of the fourth revolution] Bioenergy era is coming”
3086. Hankyeorae, 2016.4.5., “Constructing DNA circuit same as electric circuit, ‘Cell Programming Language”
3087. Scienceon, 2016.4.5., “Constructing DNA circuit same as electric circuit, ‘Cell Programming Language”
3088. KOFST, 2016.4.8., “Need the future development strategy of Korea to prepare the fourth industrial revolution”
3089. Seoul economy, 2016.4.11., “[2016 Seoul forum] Discussion with Korean erudite scholar, ‘Session moderator’”
3090. Financial news, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3091. Busan financial, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3092. Hankyeorae, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3093. News1, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3094. Asia today, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3095. Etnews, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3096. Yeonhap news, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3097. Asia economy, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3098. Edaily, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3099. Herald economy, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3100. Economist, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3101. Naeil news, 2016.4.12., “Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy and New industry and the Korea chamber of Commerce and industry opened the public and private joint conference meeting for the first time”
3102. Hankook economy, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3103. Aju economy, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3104. Asia today, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3105. Edaily, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3106. Dailian, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3107. Prime economy, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3108. IT daily, 2016.4.19., “Presidential council on Intellectual property opened the first IP summit conference”
3109. Presient news, 2016.4.21., “The 33rd presidential advisory council on science and technology opened-discussion of carbon utilization and science and technology diploma”
3110. Et news, 2016.4.21., “The 33rd presidential advisory council on science and technology opened-discussion of carbon utilization and science and technology diploma”
3111. News1, 2016.4.21., “The 33rd presidential advisory council on science and technology opened-discussion of carbon utilization and science and technology diploma”
3112. UpKorea, 2016.4.21., “The 33rd presidential advisory council on science and technology opened-discussion of carbon utilization and science and technology diploma”
3113. YTN news, 2016.4.21., “The 33rd presidential advisory council on science and technology opened-discussion of carbon utilization and science and technology diploma”
3314. Seoul economy, 2016.5.3., “Seoul forum 2016 – five ‘guru’ of new industry leads five different discussion sessions for five different topics”
3315. Chemical engineering, 2016.5.1., “Making PLGA by one-step fermentation”
3316. Seoul economy, 2016.5.9., “The forth industrial revolution of Korea is weak in AI and bio”
3317. Technology news, 2016.5., “Medical advance with engineered bacterium”
3118. Eurek Alert, 2016.6.17., “Unveiling the distinctive features of a promising industrial microorganism”
3119. Science daily, 2016.6.17., “Unveiling the distinctive features of a promising industrial microorganism”
3120. Science News line, 2016.6.17., “Unveiling the distinctive features of a promising industrial microorganism”
3121., 2016.6.17., “Unveiling the distinctive features of a promising industrial microorganism”
3122. Researchsea, 2016.6.17., “Unveiling the distinctive features of a promising industrial microorganism”
3123. Hankook economy, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3124. Cc daily, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3125. Maeil economy, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3126. Digital times, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3127. Gg ilbo, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3128. Kyunghyang news, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3129. Donga daily, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3130. Daejeon daily, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3131. Asia economy, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3132. News1, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3133. E-daily, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3134. Yeonhap news, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3135. ZDnet Korea, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3136. Chosun biz, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3137. Newsis, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3138. Aju economics, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3139. Maeil daily news, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3140. Dd net, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3141. Donga science, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3142. YTN, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3143. Veritas alpha, 2016.6.23., “World Economy Forum selected systems metabolic engineering, which was created by KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, as top ten emerging technologies, Geneva, Switzerland”
3144. YTN, 2016.6.24., “Systems metabolic engineering, which was created by professor Sang Yup Lee, was chosen as top ten emerging technologies”
3145. Science Newsline, 2016.6.24., “KAIST participates in summer Davos Forum 2016 in China”
3146. Eurek Alert, 2016.6.24., “KAIST participates in summer Davos Forum 2016 in China”
3147. Asia Research News, 2016.6.24., “KAIST participates in summer Davos Forum 2016 in China”
3148. EEPW, 2016.6.28., “WEF top 10 emerging technologies 2016-China”
3149. CNMN, 2016.6.28., “WEF top 10 emerging technologies 2016-China”
3150. Science China, 2016.6.28., “WEF top 10 emerging technologies 2016-China”
3151. Ledevoir, 2016.6.28., L’impression de médicaments est à nos portes
3152. Asian scientist magazine, 2016.7.1., “Genome Of Industrial Microorganism Reveals High Tolerance Of Toxic Chemicals”
3153. Circulate News, 2016.7.14., “Do microbes hold the key for the chemicals of the future?”
3154. News1, 2016.9.7., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gave a lecture and discussed about “The way to success of the fourth industrial revolution” at the education forum for the future job special committee of national assembly”
3155. Yeonhap News, 2016.9.7., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gave a lecture and discussed about “The way to success of the fourth industrial revolution” at the education forum for the future job special committee of national assembly”
3156. Newsis, 2016.9.7., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gave a lecture and discussed about “The way to success of the fourth industrial revolution” at the education forum for the future job special committee of national assembly”
3157. Focus News, 2016.9.7., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gave a lecture and discussed about “The way to success of the fourth industrial revolution” at the education forum for the future job special committee of national assembly”
3158. Hankook ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3159. Daejeon today, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3160. Goodmorning cc, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3161. Hello dd, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3162. Gg ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3163. Choongchung ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3164. Kyunghyang news, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3165. Joongang ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3166. Chosun ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3167. Daejeon ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3168. Donga science, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3169. Dongyang ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3170. Herald economics, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3171. Edaily, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3172. Asia economics, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3173. Newsis, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3174. Digital times, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3175. Maeil economics, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3176. Veritas alpha, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3177. Hankook economics, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3178. Asia news agency, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3179. Yeonhap news, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3180. Etnews, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3181. Dhnews, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3182. Munhwa ilbo, 2016.9.22., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will become the first Asian to receive the 2016 James E. Bailey Award.”
3183. ZDnet Korea, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3184. Seoul Economics, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3185. Aju Economics, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3186. Moneytoday, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3187. Etnews, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3188. IT chosun, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3189. Maeil economics, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3190. Hankook economics, 2016.10.11., “Special talk of the 4th industrial revolution by Klaus Schwab was held in national assembly, Professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a moderator.”
3191. Inews24, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3192. Yeonhap news, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3193. Moneytoday, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3194. IT chosun, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3195. Edaily, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3196. Etnews, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3197. Seoul economics, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3198. Etoday, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3199. ZDnet Korea, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3200. Sisajournal, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3201. Maeil economics, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3202. Break news, 2016.10.16., “Special invitation talk by Klaus Schwab about the 4th industrial revolution and Korea.”
3203. Chosun ilbo, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3204. Seoul news, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3205. Kyunghyang news, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3206. Kuki news, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3207. Hankook economics, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3208. Segye ilbo, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3209. Cc today, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3210. Cc daily news, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3211. Gg ilbo, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3212. Daejeon today, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3213. Et news, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3214. Donga science, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3215. Yeonhap news, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3216. Digital times, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3217. The Korea herald, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3218. Herald economics, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3219. News1, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3220. Edu donga, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3221. Money today, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3222. EBN, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3223. Dhnews, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3224. Seoul economics, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3225. Veritas alpha, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3226. Joongdo ilbo, 2016.11.9., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee co-chairs the Global Future Councils on Biotechnology of the World Economic Forum.”
3227. Arirang TV, 2016. 11.12., “Global future council summit 2016-Dubai- KAIST professor Sang Yup interview”
3228. Moneytoday, 2016.11.24, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, The 3th 2016 Seoul Future Forum SFF lecture”
3229. Global economics, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3230. EBN, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3231. Steel and metal news, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3232. Focus news, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3233. Newsway, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3234. Newspim, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3235. Enewstoday, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3236. Dailian, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3237. Todayenergy, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3238. Metro news, 2016.12.07., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the 2nd POSCO science symposium”
3239. EBS, 2016.12.09. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee discusses ‘The meaning and impact of the 4th industrial revolution’.”
3240. Yeonhap news, 2016.12.20, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee invited for discussion in Assembly future job special committee”
3241. News1, 2016.12.20, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee invited for discussion in Assembly future job special committee”
3242. Yeonhap news, 2016. 12.21., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the fourth Pubilc-private cooperated council."
3243. Newsis, 2016.12.21., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the fourth Pubilc-private cooperated council."
3244. News1, 2016.12.21., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the fourth Pubilc-private cooperated council."
3245. BBS news, 2016.12.21., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the fourth Pubilc-private cooperated council."
3246. Money today, 2016.12.21., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the fourth Pubilc-private cooperated council."
3247. CNEWS, 2016.12.21., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in the fourth Pubilc-private cooperated council."
3248. News1, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee.”
3249. Newsis, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3250. Yeonhap news, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3251. Edaily, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3252. The Herald Business, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3253. Etoday, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3254., 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3255. Asia news agency, 2016.12.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee newly-appointed as a civilian committee member for Government Performance Evaluation Committee”
3256. Maeil Business news, 2017.01.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3257. SBS CNBC, 2017.01.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will host the fourth industrial revolution session in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3258. SBS CNBC, 2017.01.20., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee hosted the fourth industrial revolution session in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3259. Maeil Business news, 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee has officially invited to World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3260. Yeonhap news, 2017.01.18., KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3261. EDUDONGA, 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee has officially invited to World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3262. Edaily, 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee has officially invited to World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3263. Veritas alpha, 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee has officially invited to World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3264. Moneytoday, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3265. ZDNet Korea, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3266. EBN, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3267., 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3268. News1, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3269. Digital Times, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3270. Dhnews, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3271., 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3272. Daejonilbo, 2017.01.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture on biotechnology in World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3273. Newsis, 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3274. GGilbo, 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3275., 2017.01.18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
3276. Maeil Business news, 2017.01.24., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee took part in closing symposium for 2017 Davos Forum.”
3277. Seoul Business news, 2017.02.28., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies”
3278. Maeil Business news, 2017.02.28., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies”
3279. Seoul Business news, 2017.03.01., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies”
3280. Maeil Business news, 2017.03.01., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
3281. Moodeungilbo, 2017.03.01, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
3282. Environmental news, 2017.03.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
3283. Yeonhap news, 2017.03.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was invited to National Strategy Project in Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies”
3284. Chosun ilbo, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3285. Hankook business news, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3286. Joongang ilbo, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3287. The Hankyoreh, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3288. Hankook ilbo, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3289. Seoul news, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3290. Kyunghyang news, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3291. Maeil Business news, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3292. Seould Business news, 2017.03.14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed to a chair of KAIST Institute and KI I-Space”
3293. Edu Donga ilbo, 2017.03.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in KAIST-WFF, 4th Industrial revolution expert workshop”
3294. EBN, 2017.03.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in KAIST-WFF, 4th Industrial revolution expert workshop”
3295. Aju Business news, 2017.03.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in KAIST-WFF, 4th Industrial revolution expert workshop”
3296. Daejeon Today, 2017.03.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in KAIST-WFF, 4th Industrial revolution expert workshop”
3297. GGilbo, 2017.03.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in KAIST-WFF, 4th Industrial revolution expert workshop”
3298. Choongnam ilbo, 2017.03.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee takes part in KAIST-WFF, 4th Industrial revolution expert workshop”
3299. Maeil Business news, 2017.03.29., “KAIST takes the first place in Korea at the evaluation of Asian university by THE”
3300. Choongnam ilbo, 2017. 04. 14., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will give the liberal arts class of science and technology in the Patent court with the title, the 4th industrial revoltuioanl and biotechology.
3301. News1, 2017. 04 .14., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will give the liberal arts class of science and technology in the Patent court with the title, the 4th industrial revoltuioanl and biotechology.”
3302. Lawtimes, 2017. 04. 14., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will give the liberal arts class of science and technology in the Patent court with the title, “the 4th industrial revoltuioanl and biotechology.”
3303. Cctoday, 2017. 04. 17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will give the liberal arts class of science and technology in the Patent court with the title, the 4th industrial revoltuioanl and biotechology.”
3304. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 04. 21.,” KAIST jumps into knowledge value added hub preparing 4th industrial revolution”
3305. Ccdailynews, 2017. 04. 21., “World-leading best science and technology institute, KAIST”
3306. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 04. 21., “KAIST seeks revolution with R&DB (Research·Development ent·Business)”
3307. Kyunghyang ilbo, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3308. Nocut news, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3309. Herald business news, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3310. Newsis, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3311. Fnnews, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era for public officials.”
3312. Seoul business news, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3313. Veritas alpha, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3314. Edu donga, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3315. News1, 2017. 04. 26., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3316. Seoul Business news, 2017.04.27., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as the past awardee for Science and technology award for this month in Korea”
3317. Ccdailynews, 2017. 04. 27., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3318. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 04. 27., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3319. Segye ilbo, 2017. 04. 27., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3320. Ggilbo, 2017. 04. 27., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will present and hold the debate in KAIST with the title, the role of biotechnology in 4th industrial revolution era.”
3321. Etnews, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3322. Hankook business news, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3323. Donga Science, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3324. News1, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3325. Moneytoday, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3326. Yeonhap news, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3327. Goodmorningcc, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3328. Veritas alpha, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3329. EBN, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3330. Edu donga, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3331. Newsis, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3332. Chosun Biz, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3333. Daejeon city journal, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3334. E news today, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3335. Edaily, 2017. 05.16., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3336. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3337. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3338. Digital times, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3339. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3340. Donga ilbo, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee becomes the first elected as a member for NAS and NAE at a same time.”
3341. Kyunghyang news, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3342. Segye ilbo, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3343. Seoul business news, 2017. 05.17., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as one of new NAS members and foreign associates in 2017.”
3344. Medical news, 2017. 05. 18., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Korea, College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3345. Digital times, 2017. 05. 18., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Korea, College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3346. Health chosun, 2017. 05. 18., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Korea, College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3347. Edaily, 2017. 05. 18., “Development of in silico system will spur to cure liver cancer.”
3348. Hankook business news, 2017. 05. 18., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Korea, College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3349. Bridge business news, 2017. 05. 18., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Korea, College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3350. Medical today, 2017. 05. 18., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Korea, College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3351. Dailymedi, 2017. 05. 19., “Opening the possilbilty to cure liver cancer with joint research between Prof. Seung Kew Yoon research teams in the Catholic university of Koream College of medicine and Prof. Sang Yup Lee research teams in KAIST.”
3352. Hankook business news, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3353. News1, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3354. Asia news agency, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3355. Veritas alpha, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3356. Edu donga, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3357. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3358. Seoul business news, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3359. Yeonhap news, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3360. Choongnam ilbo, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3361. Daejeon city journal, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3362. Gokorea, 2017. 05. 18., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3363. KAIST matrix, 2017. 05. 19., “KAIST Institutes and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: NExFIRE”
3364. Digital times, 2017. 05. 19., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3365. Etnews, 2017. 05. 19., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3366. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 05. 19., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee will get a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3367. Hellodd, 2017. 05. 23., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee got a research prize in ‘2017 KAIST research day’”.
3368. Seoul Business news, 2017.05.25., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as the paragon among past awardees for Science and technology award for this month in Korea”
3369. Joongang Sunday, 2017. 05.28., “Synthetic biology is introduced in prof. Eunki kim’s biotalk section”
3370. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 05. 30., “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one who honored KAIST as one of world best advanced biological scientists in 2014 by Nature biotechology”
3371. Metabolic engineering, 2017. 05.31., “One of papers in MBEL, of which title is ‘Biorefineries for the production of top building block chemicals and their derivatives’, is selected as one of the most cited papers in Metabolic engineering.”
3372. Enewstoday, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3373. Edaily, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3374. EBN, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3375. Yeonhap news, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3376. Seoul business news, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3377., 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3378. Kukmin ilbo, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3379. Donga science, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3380. Plastics Times, 2017. 06. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3381. Asia Business Daily, 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3382. Maeil Business news, 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3383., 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3384. Digital times, 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3385. Kukmin ilbo, 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3386. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3387., 2017. 06. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3388., 2017. 06. 06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3389. Queen, 2017. 06. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3390. Gukjenews, 2017. 06. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team succeeded in making resource of plastic, terephthalic acid, using escherichia coli for the first time.”
3391. MBN, 2017. 06. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will be participitated in 2017 summer World Economic Forum.”
3392. Etnews, 2017. 06. 11., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee leads AI using in silico based on system metabolic engineering.”
3393. Etnews, 2017. 06. 11., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee suggests the possibility of system metabolic engineering using AI.”
3394. Etnews, 2017. 06. 11., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee coorperates in finding unknown system of RNA with constructing the system of analysis using his up-to-date AI technique.”
3395. Donga ilbo, 2017. 06. 12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee contributes an article with the title, [Perspective of Economy] Education for era of the 4th industrial revolution.”
3396. Seoul business news, 2017. 06. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3397. Yeonhap news, 2017. 06. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3398. News1, 2017. 06. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3399. EBN, 2017. 06. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3400. Edaily, 2017. 06. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3401. Enewstoday, 2017. 06. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3402. Etnews, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3403. Financial news, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3404. Yeonhap news, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3405. Electimes, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3406. Joongang ilbo, 2017. 06. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3407. Newsway, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3408. Asia Business Daily, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3409. EBN, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3410. HKBS, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3411. Breaknews, 2017. 06. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3412. Yeongnam ilbo, 2017. 06. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3413. Ksmnews, 2017. 06. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3414. Gasnews, 2017. 06. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3415. MBN, 2017. 06. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.”
3416. Newsis, 2017. 06. 18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3417. Shina ilbo, 2017. 06. 18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a special lecture in 2017 Internatinal Students Science Fair.”
3418. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3419. Seoul business news, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3420. MBN, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3421. Edudonga, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3422. Veritas alpha, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3423. Digital times. 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3424. Medical today, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3425. Newsis, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3426. GGilbo, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3427. Dhnews, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3428. CCdailynews, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3429. HelloDD, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3430. Money today, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3431. Donga science, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3432. KBS news, 2017. 06. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3433. Segye ilbo, 2017. 06. 20., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3434. Etnews, 2017. 06. 20., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3435. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 06. 20., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his co-research team in DTU solve the old mystery on how resistance genes spread.”
3436. Etnews, 2017. 06. 21., "KAIST president Sung-Chul Shin and KAIST director of a research center Sang Yup Lee will introduce fusion research to 2017 Summer Davos Forum.”
3437. Hellodd, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will lead ‘Future of Life: Medicine” session as a presentor in 2017 Summer WEF.”
3438. EBN, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee who has been invited over 15 years to Davos forum will lead “Future of Life: Medicine” session as a presentor in 2017 Summer WEF.”
3439. Yeonhap news, 2017. 06. 21., "KAIST president Sung-Chul Shin and dean of the KAIST institute Sang Yup Lee will introduce fusion research to 2017 Summer Davos Forum.”
3440. News1, 2017. 06. 21., "KAIST president Sung-Chul Shin and dean of the KAIST institute Sang Yup Lee will introduce fusion research to 2017 Summer Davos Forum.”
3441. Digital times, 2017. 06. 21., "KAIST president Sung-Chul Shin and dean of the KAIST institute Sang Yup Lee will introduce fusion research to 2017 Summer Davos Forum.”
3442. Goodmoringcc, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will lead ‘Future of Life: Medicine” session as a presentor in 2017 Summer WEF.”
3443. Gokorea, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee who has been invited over 15 years to Davos forum will lead “Future of Life: Medicine” session as a presentor in 2017 Summer WEF.”
3444. Ilyo news, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will lead ‘Future of Life: Medicine” session as a presentor in 2017 Summer WEF.”
3445. Newsis, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will be participated in 2017 Summer WEF with invitation.”
3446. Veritas alpha, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will lead and be participated in various sessions of 2017 Summer WEF as a chair and a member of committee for Global Future Council and the 4th industrial revolution council.”
3447. EduDonga, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee who has been invited over 15 years to Davos forum will lead “Future of Life: Medicine” session as a presentor in 2017 Summer WEF.”
3448. Chungnam ilbo, 2017. 06. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will lead and be participated in various sessions of 2017 Summer WEF as a chair and a member of committee for Global Future Council and the 4th industrial revolution council.”
3449. Kbsm, 2017. 06. 22., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.
3450. Edailynews, 2017. 06. 22., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference held by Daesung group.
3451. Newsis, 2017. 06. 22., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference and IICE forum held by Daesung group.
3452. Energydaily, 2017. 06. 22., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave a special lecture in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference and IICE forum held by Daesung group.
3453. Koenergy, 2017. 06. 22., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was highlighted with the special lecture, of which title was ‘The plan to obtain productivity related to various natural chemical using microbial metabolic engineering’, in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference and IICE forum held by Daesung group.”
3454. Energy Korea News, 2017. 06. 22., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was highlighted with the special lecture, of which title was ‘The plan to obtain productivity related to various natural chemical using microbial metabolic engineering’, in the global energy and FEW Nexus conference and IICE forum held by Daesung group.”
3455. Seoul business news, 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives in the Embassy Day event.”
3456. Etnews, 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3457. News1, 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3458. Veritas alpha, 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3459. Ilyo news, 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3460. Yeonhap news, 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3461. Hankyung., 2017. 06. 22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3462. Segye ilbo, 2017. 06. 23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives in the Embassy Day event.”
3463. Digital Times, 2017. 06. 23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives in the Embassy Day event.”
3464. Daejeon ilbo., 2017. 06. 23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives of KAIST in the Embassy Day event.”
3465. The Korea Herald, 2017. 06. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the finest research as one of representatives in the Embassy Day event.”
3466. Joongang ilbo, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3467. Digital Times, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3468. Daejeon ilbo., 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3469. Seoul business news, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3470. Hellodd, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3471. IT Chosun, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3472. ZDNet Korea, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3473. GGilbo, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3474. Donga science, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3475. Digital daily, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3476. Moneytoday, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3477. Veritas alpha, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3478. Segye ilbo, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3479. Asia Business Daily, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3480. Edu Donga 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3481. Yeonhap news, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3482. Edaily, 2017. 06. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3483. SBS CNBC, 2017. 06. 27., “World Economic Forum’s 2017 Annual Meeting of the New Champions: Achieving inclusive growth in the fourth industrial revolution_ Interview with KAIST distingshed professor Sang Yup Lee.”
3484. Chungnam ilbo, 2017. 06. 28., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3485. Cctoday, 2017. 06. 28., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3486. SBS CNBC, 2017. 06. 29., “World Economic Forum’s 2017 Annual Meeting of the New Champions: Achieving inclusive growth in the fourth industrial revolution_ Interview with KAIST distingshed professor Sang Yup Lee.”
3487. DLXWW, 2017. 06. 30., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3488., 2017. 06. 30., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced the top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3489. Dhnews, 2017. 06. 30., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of the remarkable faculties with being selected as Nature Biotechnology's Top 20 Translational Researchers of 2014.”
3490. Yeonhap news, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3491. Hankyeoreh, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3492. Etoday, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3493. News1, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3494. Asia Business Daily, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3495. Edaily, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3496. ITchosun, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3497. Etnews, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3498. ChosunBiz, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3499. Digital times, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3500. Segye ilbo, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3501. Cctoday, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3502. Kidd, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3503. Kyunghyang Shinmun, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3504. Sedaily, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3505. Moneytoday, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3506. Seoul news, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3507. Kukmin ilbo, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3508. KBS news, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3509. Hellodd, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3510. Nocut news, 2017. 07. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3511. Kyunghyang Shinmun, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3512. Kukmin ilbo, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3513. Donga ilbo, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3514. Digital times, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3515. Money today, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3516. Sedaily, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3517. Seoul news, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3518. Segye ilbo, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3519. Etnews, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3520. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3521. Cctoday, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3522. Hankyung, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3523. Hankuk ilbo, 2017. 07. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3524. Daily UNN, 2017. 07. 04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3525. Hankyeoreh, 2017. 07. 05. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award, announced by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.”
3526. Maeil business news, 2017. 07. 06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee hosted a symposium for the president of a university with regard to direction of education in the era of the 4th industrial revolution.”
3527. YTN science, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee introduced microbially produced spider silk, one of the great work in MBEL with high quality and intensity.”
3528. Edaily, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3529. Yeonhap news, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3530. Donga science, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3531. Women news, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3532. Sedaily, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3533. Sisa journal-e, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3534. YTN scienc, 2017. 07. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3535. Daily UNN, 2017. 07. 08., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3536. Ccdaily, 2017. 07. 10., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3537. Donga science, 2017. 07. 10., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3538. Kofst wenzine, 2017. 07. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee got 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award in 2017 Korea Science and Technique Annual Meeting.”
3539. Donga ilbo, 2017. 07.14., “KAIST distinguished progessor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of past awardee for Young Scientist who leads present science field of Korea.”
3540. Donga science, 2017. 07.14., “KAIST distinguished progessor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of past awardees for Young Scientist who leads present science field of Korea.”
3541. Donga ilbo, 2017. 07.14., “An interview with KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee as a past awardee for the first Young Scientist”
3542. Donga science, 2017. 07.14., “An interview with KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee as a past awardee for the first Young Scientist”
3543. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 07. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of the remarkable faculties with being selected as Nature Biotechnology's Top 20 Translational Researchers of 2014 with the various meaningful researches in KAIST, which makes KAIST much more highly qualified.”
3544. Sedaily, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3545. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3546. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3547. Dhnews, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3548. Asiae, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3549. Edudonga, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3550. Hankookilbo, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3551. Herald Corporation, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3552. Ilyo shinmoon, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3553. News1, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3554. Veritas alpha, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3555. Yeonhap news, 2017. 08. 01., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3556. Etnews, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3557. Kyunghyang Shinmun, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3558. Sedaily, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3559. Segye ilbo, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3560. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3561. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology.”
3562. Hankyung, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3563. Hankyeoreh, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3564. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 08. 02., “Researchers who belong to KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s laboratory got the 3 prizes out of 8 sections in the 13rd Asian Congress on Biotechnology."
3565. The Science & Techonolgy vol.579, 2017. 08., “An interview with KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee as one of awardees for 2017 Korea Scientist & Technician Award”
3566. CEO&partners, 2017. 08., “The top 10 emerging technologies of 2017 which KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced in 2017 Summer WEF as a member of committee.”
3567. CEO&partners, 2017. 08., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of leading figures who was participated in 2017 Summer Davos Forum.”
3568. KAIST Breakthrough, 2017. 08., “The recent research by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, bio-based p-xylene oxidation into terephthalic acid by engineered Escherichi coli, is selected as one of 2017 KAIST breakthrough researches.”
3569. Kookmin ilbo, 2017. 09. 05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as a coworker to construct in silico system for liver cancer – specific healthcare system in the interview with Dr. Seung Kew Yoon, newly elected as the director of cancer hospital in Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital.”
3570. Joongang ilbo, 2017. 09. 07., “ KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of the remarkable faculties with being selected as Nature Biotechnology's Top 20 Translational Researchers of 2014 with the various meaningful researches in KAIST, which makes KAIST much more highly qualified.”
3571. Hankyung, 2017. 09. 19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as a coworker to construct in silico system for liver cancer – specific healthcare system in the interview with Dr. Seung Kew Yoon, newly elected as the director of cancer hospital in Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital.”
3572. Zdnet Korea, 2017. 10. 11., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3573. Daejeon city journal, 2017. 10. 11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3574. Chungnam ilbo, 2017. 10. 12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will be participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3575. Dhnews, 2017. 10. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3576. Newsis, 2017. 10. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3577. Edudongda, 2017. 10. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3578. News1, 2017. 10. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3579. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 10. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3580. Dtnews24, 2017. 10. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3581. Ccdailynews, 2017. 10. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3582. Cctoday, 2017. 10. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3583. 2017. 10. 15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the 4th industrial revolution roundtable conference hold by KAIST with World Economy Forum.”
3584., 2017. 10.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, an interview with a theme of collaboration in KAIST.”
3585. Donga ilbo, 2017. 10. 23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a lecture in 2017 Bio Future Forum.”
3586. Donga ilbo, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3587. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3588. Etnews, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3589. Digital times, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3590., 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3591. Munhwa ilbo, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3592. Sedaily, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3593. Hankyung, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3594., 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3595. News1, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3596. Edudonga, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3597. Yeonhap news, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3598. Veritas alpha, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3599., 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3600. Ccdailynews, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3601. Mdtoday, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3602. Hellodd, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3603. Ggilbo, 2017. 10. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3604. Chungnam ilbo, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3605., 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3606. Donga ilbo, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3607. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3608. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3609. Etnews, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3610. Cctoday, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3611. Digital times, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3612., 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3613. Munhwa ilbo, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3614. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 10. 27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was nominated as a 2017 distinguished professor international fellow and honary professor for Tianjin industrial biotechnology research institute, a CAS-affiliated organization.”
3615. Sedaily, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3616. Yeonhap news, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3617. Seoul news, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3618. NSPna, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3619. The Herald business, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3620. SportsChosun, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3621. NewSeoultimes, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3622. The radio news, 2017. 11. 02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3623. Hankook ilbo, 2017. 11. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3624. Mdtoday, 2017. 11. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3625. Rapportian, 2017. 11. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3626. Sedaily, 2017. 11. 03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3627. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 11. 10., “ KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one of the remarkable faculties with being selected as Nature Biotechnology's Top 20 Translational Researchers of 2014 with the various meaningful researches in KAIST, which makes KAIST much more highly qualified.”
3628. Joongang ilbo, 2017. 11. 15., “ KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is nominated as one of global top 1% researchers.”
3629. Moneytoday, 2017. 11. 15., “ KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is ranked as one of global top 1% researchers.”
3630. Asiae, 2017. 11. 15., “ KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is ranked as one of global top 1% researchers.”
3631. Joongang ilbo, 2017. 11 16, “ KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is nominated as one of global top 1% researchers.”
3632. KISTI services(, 2017. 11. 21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment.”
3633. Chosun Biz, 2017. 12. 07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave professional consultation related to the recent reseach on synthesizing new kinds of amino acids.”
3634. Digital times, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3635. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3636. Ggilbo, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3637. News1, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3638. Newsis, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3639. Daejeon ilbo, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3640. Irobotnews, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3641. Veritas alpha, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3642. Sedaily, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3643. Asiae, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3644. Aju news, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3645. Edu donga, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3646. Yeonhap news, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3647. Enewstoday, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3648. Edaily, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3649. Ilyo news, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3650. Etnews, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3651. Ccdaily news, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3652. Hankyung, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3653. The Herald business news, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3654. Hellodd, 2017. 12. 13., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3655. Chungnam ilbo, 2017. 12. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3656. Digital times, 2017. 12. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3657. Joongdo ilbo, 2017. 12. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3658. Chosun ilbo, 2017. 12. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3659. Kyunghyang news, 2017. 12. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean fellow for National Academy of Inventors, USA.”
3660. Digital times, 2017. 12. 27., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the first general meeting with expert discussion for National Assembly special commission for the 4th industrial revolution."
3661. Aju news, 2017. 12. 27., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the first general meeting with expert discussion for National Assembly special commission for the 4th industrial revolution."
3662. News1, 2017. 12. 27., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the first general meeting with expert discussion for National Assembly special commission for the 4th industrial revolution."
3663. Newsis, 2017. 12. 27., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the first general meeting with expert discussion for National Assembly special commission for the 4th industrial revolution."
3664. Digital times, 2017. 12. 28., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in the first general meeting with expert discussion for National Assembly special commission for the 4th industrial revolution."
3665. Kofst webzine, 2018. 01. 03., "two researches from KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee were seleted as the top 10 news of the year for science and techonology in 2017"
3666. Etnews, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3667. Edaily, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3668. News1, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3669. Aju news, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3670. ZD news, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3671. Digital times, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3672. Newsis, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3673. Newspim, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3674. Hellodd, 2018. 01. 09., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3675. HKilbo, 2018. 01. 10., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3676. Kukinews, 2018. 01. 10., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3677. YTN Science, 2018. 01. 10., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3678. Etnews, 2018. 01. 10., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3679. Maeil Business News, 2018. 01. 10., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will be participated in "The night of Korea" in Davos during Davos forum."
3680. Kofst webzine, 2018. 01. 11., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was participated in 2018 new year greeting for The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies and The Korean Ferderation of ICT."
3681. Maeil Business News, 2018. 01. 16., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will be participated in "The night of Korea", which has the purpose of public relations for Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games, in Davos during Davos forum."
3682. Maeil Business News, 2018. 01. 16., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will be participated in the 48th World Knowledge Forum in Davos, Switzerland."
3683. Patent TV, 2018. 01. 18., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team developed a computational framework of in silico based cell metabolism for patient specific treatment."
3684. Maeil Business News, 2018. 01. 27., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was be participated in "The night of Korea", which has the purpose of public relations for Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games, in Davos during Davos forum."
3685. Donga Science, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team firstly produced microbial aromatic polyesters and disclosed the molecular mechanism of PET degradation with the determination of crystal structure of Ideonella sakaiensis, coworking with Ehwa university research team and Kyungpook university research team respectively."
3686. Yonhapnews, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team firstly produced microbial aromatic polyesters and disclosed the molecular mechanism of PET degradation with the determination of crystal structure of Ideonella sakaiensis, coworking with Ehwa university research team and Kyungpook university research team respectively."
3687. Digital times, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3688. The Herald Business, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3689., 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3690. Asiatoday, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3691. Maeil Business News, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3692. Nocutnews, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3693. Asiae, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3694. Hankookilbo, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3695. Ajunews, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3696. Dhnews, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in disclosing the molecular mechanism of PET degradation with the determination of crystal structure of Ideonella sakaiensis, coworking with Kyungpook university research team."
3697. HelloT, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3698. Etnews, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3699. DongA ilbo, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3700. Hellodd, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3701. IST, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3702. The ecojournal, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3703. Jungbunews, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3704. Kukto Maeil, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3705. Kidd, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3706. UpKorea, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3707. Newskm, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3708. Sciencetimes, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3709. YTN science, 2018. 01. 30., "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET."
3710. Chosun ilbo, 2018. 02. 01., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team open the eco-friendly chemical industry with success in producing microbial aromatic polyester and developing a new enzyme for efficient degradation of PET.”
3711. Etnews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.” Fnnews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3712. Moneytoday, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3713. Sedaily, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3714. Hellodd, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3715. Bridgenews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3716. Kukinews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3717. Ujnews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3718. Newscj, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3719. Energy&Environment News Plus, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3720. Newdailybiz, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3721. FNTIMES, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3722. Edaily, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3723. Chosumbiz, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3724. Sisaon, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3725. Metroseoul, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3726. Biztribune, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3727. MoneyS, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3728. Etoday, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3729. Getnews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3730. Newsprime, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3731. Digitaltimes, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3732. News2day, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3733. The Herald Business, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3734. Maeil ilbo, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3735. Mediapen, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3736. Seoulfinance, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3737. Asiatoday, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3738. Inews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3739. Gasnews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3740. Maeil Business Newspaper, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3741. Yonhapnews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3742. Ekn, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3743. Ebn, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3744. Asiae, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3745. Polinews, 2018. 02. 06., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3746. Fnnews, 2018. 02. 07., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3747. Etnews, 2018.02.07., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3748. Hankyung, 2018.02.07., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3749. Moneytoday, 2018.02.07., “KAIST distinguised professor Sang Yup Lee and So Young Choi, a postdoctoral researcher whose advisor is prof. Sang Yup Lee got the award for excellent Ph.D. thesis degree in the 7th S-OIL excellent Ph.D. thesis award.”
3750. Maeil Business Newspaper, 2018.02.21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is introduced as one who honored KAIST as one of the world best advanced biological scientists in 2014 by Nature biotechology.”
3751. Yonhapnews, 2018.03.09., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the Mid- to long-term strategic committee meeting of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance”
3752. News1, 2018.03.09., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the Mid- to long-term strategic committee meeting of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance”
3753. Newsis, 2018.03.09., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the Mid- to long-term strategic committee meeting of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance”
3754. E-daily, 2018.03.09., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the Mid- to long-term strategic committee meeting of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance”
3755. Nobel Science, 2018.03.16., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee being as the global authority of Systems Biotechnology”
3756. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2018. 04. 14., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee established ‘systems metabolic engineering’ and about him”
3757. Chosunilbo, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3758. DongA Ilbo, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3759. Hankukilbo, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3760. Hankukilbo, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3761. Saegyekyungje, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3762. Hankukkyungje, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3763. Junjasinmun, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3764. Jungchaek Briefing, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3765. News1, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3766. Asiakyungjesinmun, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3767. Yunhap news, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3768. Inews, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3769. Newsworks, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3770. E Today, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3771. E News Today, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3772. Haneuisinmun, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3773. Daily Greed, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3774. Economic Review, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3775. Finance Today, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3776. Dailymedi, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3777. Ilgan Today, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3778. Newswalker, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3779. Robotsinmun, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3780. Dailypharm, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3781. Yaksagongnon, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3782. Medicaltoday, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3783. Hwangyungmedia, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3784. Boannews, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3785. Sanupilbo, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3786. The korea herald, 2018. 04. 17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3787. Seoulkyungje, 2018. 04. 18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed plastic degradating bacterial strain.”
3788. DongA Ilbo, 2018. 04. 18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed plastic degradating bacterial strain.”
3789. DongA science, 2018. 04. 18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed plastic degradating bacterial strain.”
3790. Jeonjashinmun, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3791. Saegyekyungje, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3792. Chungchung Today, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3793. Jungdo Ilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3794. Hankukilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3795. DongA Ilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3796. Gyunghyangsinmun, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3797. Seoulsinmun, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3798. Digitaltimes, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3799. Maeilkyungje, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3800. Edaily, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3801. Ilyo shinmun, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3802. Digital Daily, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3803. Moneytoday, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3804. Newsworks, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.
3805. Nocutnews, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.
3806. Chungnamilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3807. Yunhapnews, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3808. News1, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3809. ZDNet Korea, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3810. Edudonga, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3811. Vertas alpha, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3812. Daejeonunilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3813. Chungchung ilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3814. Asia news connection, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3815. Kumgangilbo, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3816. Daejeon city center, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3817. Hello DD!, 2018. 04. 26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3818. Kumgangilbo, 2018. 04. 27., “Green is green!, KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established green technology.”
3819. Daejeonilbo, 2018. 05.10., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives an opening lecture for 4th industrial revolution and biotechnology at Patent Court science concert.”
3820. Chungchung today, 2018. 05.10., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives an opening lecture for 4th industrial revolution and biotechnology at Patent Court science concert.”
3821. Hanuisinmun, 2018. 05.11., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s AI technology based pharmaceutical technologies are developing.”
3822. HelloDD, 2018. 05.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is selected as one of the future novel prize winner in Korea.”
3823. DongA Ilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3824. Seoulkyeongje, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3825. Seoulsinmun, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3826. Daejeonilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3827. Chungcheong today, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3828. HelloDD, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3829. Chungnamilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3830. Ilyosinmun, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3831. Good morning chunchung, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3832. Hankookilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3833. Yeonhap News, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3834. Metrosinmun, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3835. Medical today, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3836. Chosun biz, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3837. Edu donga, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3838. Newsworks, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3839. Jungdoilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3840. ZDNet Korea, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3841. Medisobizanews, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3842. News1, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3843. Chungcheongilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3844. Geumgangilbo, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3845. Hankook daehak sinmun, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3846. Sinsojae kyeongjesinmun, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3847. YTN science, 2018. 05.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3848. YTN News, 2018. 05.25., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology of recombinant E.coli as a biofactory for the biosynthesis of diverse nanomaterials.”
3849. HelloDD, 2018. 05.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center.”
3850. Dailypharm, 2018. 06.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed AI-based deep learning drug interaction, prediction system.”
3851. Maeil business, 2018. 06.05., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed efficient PETase.”
3852. HelloDD, 2018. 06.07., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed efficient PETase.”
3853. Maeil business, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3854. Medical times, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3855. Edaily, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3856. Cookie News, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3857. Rapportian, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3858. CIOBIZ, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3859. Medical World News, 2018. 06.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented in 2018 Seoul Asan international medical symposium.”
3860. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3861. Hankook ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3862. Financial News, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3863. Choongcheong Today, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3864. Joongdoilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3865. Chosunilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3866. Munwhailbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3867. Digital Times, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3868. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3869. Seoul kyeongjae, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3870. Yeonhap News, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3871. Hankook kyeongjae, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3872. News1, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3873. Verital alpha, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3874. Newsworks, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3875. Daehak journal, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3876. ETNews, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3877. Chungnam ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3878. ZDNet Korea, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3879. EToday, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3880. DongA sceince, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3881. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3882. Joongang ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3883. Hangyeoresinmun, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3884. HelloDD, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3885. Daejeon ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3886. Ilyosinmun, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3887. Chungcheong ilbo, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3888. Newsis, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3889. Good Morning Chungcheong, 2018. 06.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received Danckwerts Memorial Lecture awards.”
3890. Chosunilbo, 2018. 06.25., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group established KAIST co-work research center which can attribute to not only KAIST but also global science.”
3891. Seoul kyeongjae, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3892. Choongcheong Today, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3893. DongA ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3894. Daejeon ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3895. Financial news, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3896. Hankook kyeongjae, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3897. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3898. Digital times, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3899. Joongang ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3900. Chosun ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3901. Hangyeoresinmun, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3902. Hankook ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3903. Joongdo ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3904. Munhwa ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3905. ETNews, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3906. Herald economy, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3907. Yeonhap News, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3908. Nocut News, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3909. Edaily, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3910. Veristas alpha, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3911. News1, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3912. Newsworks, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3913. Ilyosinmun, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3914. MK news, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3915. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3916. Ajunews, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3917. HelloDD, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3918. Chungcheong ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee won the George Washington Carver Award.”
3919. Digital times, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3920. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3921. Chooncheong today, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3922. Daejeon ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3923. Veritas alpha, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3924. Edaily, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3925. Kyosusinmun, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3926. Nocut News, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3927. Seoul kyeongjae, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3928. Financial news, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3929. Herald economy, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3930. Edu DongA, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3931. Newsworks, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3932. Pressian, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3933. Asian news agency, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3934. Yonhapnews, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3935. Hangook kyeongjae, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3936. ETNews, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3937. Choongnam ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3938. HelloDD, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3939. Daejeon city journal, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3940. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3941. Choongchung times, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3942. Choongchung ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3943. Segye ilbo, 2018. 07.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will present at 2018 KAIST material and biomolecular chemical engineering international workshop”
3944. Kids DongA, 2018. 08.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee made plastic and gasoline with Eschericia coli.”
3945. Digital times, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3946. Chooncheong today, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3947. Seoul kyeongjae, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3948. E news today, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3949. Yeonhap News, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3950. Joongdo ilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3951. Veristas alpha, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3952. Newsworks, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3953. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3954. News 1, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3955. E daily, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3956. Financial news, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3957. Edu DongA, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3958. Herald economy, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3959. Daehak journal, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3960. Money today, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3961. Hankookilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3962. Dtnews24, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3963. Newsis, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3964. Gyosusinmun, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3965. Choongnam ilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3966. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3967. Choongchung times, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3968. Choongchung ilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3969. Segye ilbo, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3970. Naeil News, 2018. 08.06., “Currently, 2 more KAIST co-work research centers are established that total 4 KAIST co-work research centers are present now including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group”
3971. Chosunilbo, 2018. 08.23., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group is working on developing spider silk making E.coli”
3972. Chosunilbo, 2018. 08.25., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group is working on developing spider silk making and/or plastic degrading E.coli”
3973. Hankook Kyungjae, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3974. eonjasinmun, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3975. DongA science, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3976. Seoul Kyungjae, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3977. Veritas alpha, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3978. Joongdo ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3979. Newsworks, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3980. Aju Kyungjae, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3981. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3982. Finantial news, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3983. Yeonhap news, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3984. Today Korea, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3985. Daily medi, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3986. Money today, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3987. Ilgan today, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3988. Hankook ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3989. Ilyo sinmun, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3990. Digital times, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3991. INews24, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3992. Daejeon ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3993. Choongnam ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3994. Kyosusinmun, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3995. HelloDD, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3996. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3997. Choongcheong today, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3998. Asia News communication, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
3999. Saegye ilbo, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
4000. Hankook daehak sinmun, 2018. 09.03., “Patent including KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee’s are on sale at the ‘Transfer of core patent’ conference ”
4001. Herald economy, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4002. Jeonja sinmun, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4003. Hankook kyeongjae, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4004. Veritas alpha, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4005. News1, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4006. Seoul kyengjae, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4007. Yeonhap news, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4008. Medical today, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4009. Financial news, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4010. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4011. Newsworks, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4012. DTnews24, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4013. Edu DongA, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4014. DongA science, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4015. Choongnam ilbo, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4016. Digital times, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4017. Nocut news, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4018. Daejoen city journal, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4019. Ilyo sinmun, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4020. HelloDD, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4021. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4022. Choongchung today, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4023. Saegye ilbo, 2018. 09.06., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed eco-friendly haem production and purification technology”
4024. Chosun ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4025. Seoul kyeongjae, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4026. Gookmin ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4027. Joongang ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4028. Hankook kyeongjae, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4029. Digital times, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4030. Joongdo ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4031. Saegye ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4032. Choongchung today, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4033. Financial news, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4034. Asia kyeongjae, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4035. Daejeon ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4036. Munwha ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4037. Veritas alpha, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4038. Ilyo sinmun, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4039. Yeonhap news, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4040. Energy economy, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4041. Edaily, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4042. Asia news communication, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4043. Newsworks, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4044. Newsis, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4045. News1, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4046. Jeonja sinmin, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4047. Maeil kyeongjae, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4048. Hangyeoresinmun, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4049. DongA scinece, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4050. Nocut news, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4051. Choonchung times, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4052. Geumgang ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4053. Choongnam ilbo, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4054. Daejeon city journal, 2018. 09.12., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4055. SinDongA, 2018. 09.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee announced as the Eni Award recipient”
4056. Kofst webzine, 2018. 10.01., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies panel diacussion as facilitator”
4057. Choongchung News, 2018. 10.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave lecture “Biotechnology and Korean oriental medicine” at Daejeon university.”
4058. DTNews24, 2018. 10.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave lecture “Biotechnology and Korean oriental medicine” at Daejeon university.”
4059. Choongchung today, 2018. 10.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave lecture “Biotechnology and Korean oriental medicine” at Daejeon university.”
4060. Haneuisinmun, 2018. 10.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave lecture “Biotechnology and Korean oriental medicine” at Daejeon university.”
4061. Nbn News, 2018. 10.02., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave lecture “Biotechnology and Korean oriental medicine” at Daejeon university.”
4062. DongA science, 2018. 10.04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave a talk about Nobel chemistry prize winer of 2018”
4063. DongA ilbo, 2018. 11.03., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and hig group developed plastic degrading enzyme with increased efficiency.”
4064. Daejoeon ilbo, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4065. Jonngdo ilbo, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4066. Jeonja sinmun, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4067. Digital times, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4068. Financial news, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4069. Korea times, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4070. Veritas alpha, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4071. Popular science, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4072. Seoul kyeongjae, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4073. News1, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4074. Newsworks, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4075. Nocut News, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4076. DongA science, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4077. Hankook Daehak sinmum, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4078. Naeil sinmun, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4079. Daejeon city journal, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4080. Choongnam ilbo, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4081. E Daily, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4082. Daehak journal, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4083. Pressian, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4084. Geumgnag ilbo, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4085. HelloDD, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4086. Kyosu sinmun, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4087. DTNews24, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4088. Choongchung Today, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4089. Asia News, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4090. Choongchung ilbo, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4091. MBS News, 2018. 11.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee re-elected as Global Furture Council biotech commitee chairman.”
4092. DongA ilbo, 2018. 11.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected as Clarivate’s 2018 Highly Cited Researcher.”
4093. Digital times, 2018. 11.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected as Clarivate’s 2018 Highly Cited Researcher.”
4094. Asia kyeongjae, 2018. 11.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected as Clarivate’s 2018 Highly Cited Researcher.”
4095. Joongang ilbo, 2018. 11.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected as Clarivate’s 2018 Highly Cited Researcher.”
4096. E Daily, 2018. 11.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected as Clarivate’s 2018 Highly Cited Researcher.”
4097. News1, 2018. 11.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee selected as Clarivate’s 2018 Highly Cited Researcher.”
4098. DongA science, 2018. 12.17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology is selected as “BRIC’s selection for 2018 biotechnology Top 5’s.””
4099. HelloDD, 2018. 12.17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology is selected as “BRIC’s selection for 2018 biotechnology Top 5’s.””
4100. Financial news, 2018. 12.17., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology is selected as “BRIC’s selection for 2018 biotechnology Top 5’s.””
4101. Chosun ilbo, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4102. Hankook kyeongjae, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4103. DongA ilbo, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4104. KOFST, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4105. YTN science, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4106. E Daily, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4107. Joongang ilbo, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4108. HelloDD, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4109. BBS new, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4110. Geonseol Kyeongje sinmun, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4111. Jeonja sinmun, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4112. Maeil kyeongjael, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4113. IT Chosun, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4114. DongA science, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4115. Digital Daily, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4116. Newsworks, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4117. Enewstoday, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4118. Asia kyeongjae, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4119. KBS news, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4120. Aju Kyungjae, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4121. Asiatoday, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4122. Newspim, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4123. News1, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4124. Yeonhap news, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4125. Kids DongA, 2018. 12.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4126. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2019. 01.09., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4127. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2019. 01.09., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology takes the first place in research performance selected by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology in 2018”
4128. Joongang ilbo, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4129. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4130. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4131. Nocut News, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4132. KBS news, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4133. Digital times, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4134. Financial news , 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4135. E Daily, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4136. Seoulsinmun, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4137. Chosun biz, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4138. Geumgnag ilbo, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4139. Newsworks, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4140. Yeonhap news, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4141. Newsis, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4142. Moneytoday, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4143. Asia kyeongjae, 2019. 01.15., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4144. KAIST News, 2019. 01.16., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s comopleted a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals”
4145. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2019. 01.16., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s recent researches in systems-biology are introduced”
4146. Digital times, 2019. 01.21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
4147. DongA science, 2019. 01.21., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
4148. Maeil kyeongjae, 2019. 01.24., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”
4149. Maeil kyeongjae, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4150. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4151. Seoulsinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4152. Asia kyeongjae, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4153. Hankook ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4154. Herald economy, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4155. Moneytoday, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4156. Newsis, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4157. Chosen ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4158. Paxnetnews, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4159. Noksack kyeongjae sinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4160. News tomato, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4161. Financial news, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4162. News Today, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4163. Newspim, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4164. ZDNet Korea, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4165. Yeonhap news, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4166. Bridge kyeongjae, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4167. The Fact, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4168. Metrosinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4169. INews24, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4170. Asiatimes, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4171. Biztribune, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4172. Electimes, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4173. Hankook geumyung sinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4174. Etoday, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4175. Aju Kyungjae, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4176. Daily Hankook, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4177. Yeonhap infomax, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4178. Enews today, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4179. Finance Today, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4180. Hankook kyeongjae TV, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4181. Dailian, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4182. New Daily, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4183. Seoul kyeongjae TV, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4184. iN THE NEWS, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4185. DATANET, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4186. Digital Times, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4187. News Town, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4188. E Daily, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4189. Economic Review, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4190. CNB News, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4191. Market News, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4192. White Paper, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4193. Wikirisk Hankook, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4194. Greenpost Korea, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4195. Tech Holic, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4196. Naeil sinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4197. Shina ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4198. Datanews, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4199. Kinews, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4200. Newsway, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4201. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4202. Updown news, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4203. Global ecnomic, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4204. Wolyo sinmun, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4205. News1, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4206. , 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4207. Maeil ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4208. Seoul finance, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4209. Goodmorning Choongchung, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4210. Joongdo ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4211. Daejoen ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4212. Joongang ilbo, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended the opening ceremony of the ‘LG Electronics-KAIST 6G research center’ as the Dean of KAIST Institutes”
4213. DongA science, 2019. 01.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology is selected as “Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology’s selection for 2019 bio future technology Top 10”
4214. Insight Korea, 2019. 01.26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented a lecture for ‘currnet trends and future perspective of biotechnology and 4th industrial revolution’ to Hyosung group”
4215. Hankook geumyung sinmun, 2019. 01.26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented a lecture for ‘currnet trends and future perspective of biotechnology and 4th industrial revolution’ to Hyosung group”
4216. Etoday, 2019. 01.26., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented a lecture for ‘currnet trends and future perspective of biotechnology and 4th industrial revolution’ to Hyosung group”
4217. Kids DongA, 2019. 03.10., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s PET making from biomass and degrading technology are introduced”
4218. Seoulsinmun, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4219. Chosun ilbo, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4220. Segye ilbo, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4221. Financial news, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4222. Digital times, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4223. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4224. Hankyore sinmun, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4225. Joongang ilbo, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4226. KAIST News, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4227. Yeonhap news, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4228. E Daily, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4229. DongA science, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4230. Bridge kyeongjae, 2019. 03.18., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea ”
4231. Munhwa ilbo, 2019. 03.19., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee awarded grand prize of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea”
4232. DongA Ilbo, 2019. 03.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was chosen as the “Power People” in the Korean scientific community in 2019”
4233. DongA Ilbo, 2019. 03.29., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was chosen as the “Power People” in the Korean scientific community in 2019”
4234. NewsJeju, 2019. 04.16., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a keynote speech at an international academic conference of the Microbiological Society of Korea”
4235. Headline jeju, 2019. 04.16., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will give a keynote speech at an international academic conference of the Microbiological Society of Korea”
4236. Science DongA, 2019. 04., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was chosen as the “Power People” in the Korean scientific community in 2019”
4237. DongA science, 2019. 04.27., “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended a meeting with Power People in the Korean scientific community in 2019 for discussing role of scientist in Korea society”
4238. E Daily, 2019. 05.01, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his works for systems metabolic engineering were introduced as an approach for biorefinery”
4239. E Daily, 2019. 05.01, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee interviewed about his works for bio-based plastic production with systems metabolic engineering”
4240. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2019. 05.03, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his works for systems metabolic engineering were introduced as an approach for biorefinery”
4241. Daejeon ilbo, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4242. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4243. News1, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4244. Asia kyeongjae, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4245. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4246. Yeonhap news, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4247. Newsis, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4248. Nocut News, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4249. DongA science, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4250. Global economic, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4251. E Daily, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4252. Veritas-alpha, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4253. Financial news, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4254. INews24, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4255. Enews today, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4256. Moneytoday, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4257. Digital times, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4258. Newsworks, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4259. New Daily, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4260. Seoulsinmun, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4261. HelloDD, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4262. Chosun biz, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4263. Daejeon cityjournal, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4264. DTNews24, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4265. Choongnam ilbo, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4266. Joongdo ilbo, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4267. Geumgang ilbo, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4268. Choongchung ilbo, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4269. Gukjenews, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4270. Hankook kyeongjae TV, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4271. Segye ilbo, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4272. YTN science, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4273. YTN, 2019. 05.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed a microorganism that produces grape scents using metabolic engineering techniques”
4274. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4275. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4276. Maeil kyeongjae, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4277. Financial news, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4278. Herald economy, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4279. Yeonhap news, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4280. DongA science, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4281. Digital times, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4282. HelloDD, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4283. Joongdo ilbo, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4284. Choongchung News, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4285. E Daily, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4286. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4287. Veritas-alpha, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4288. Noksack kyeongjae sinmun, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4289. Gukjenews, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4290. Daehak journal, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4291. Newsworks, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4292. Daejeon cityjournal, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4293. Geumgang ilbo, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4294. ScientistInTown, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4295. EnergyKyeongjae, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4296. Kyosusinmun, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4297. Biz Chosun, 2019. 06.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research group developed engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose”
4298. Chosun biz, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4299. DongA science, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4300. Veritas-alpha, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4301. Gukjenews, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4302. Financial news, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4303. Ilyo sinmun, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4304. Medical Today, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4305. News1, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4306. Edu DongA, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4307. Joondo ilbo, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4308. Yeonhap news, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4309. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4310. Herald economy, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4311. Geumgang ilbo, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4312. Goodmorning Choongchung, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4313. Robotsinmun, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4314. ScienceTimes, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4315. YTN science, 2019. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his cross generational collaborational laboratory developed an AI technology to rapidly predict enzyme function”
4316. Maeil kyeongjae economy, 2019. 07.05, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee introduced synthetic biology as a future ‘Ten technologies’”
4317. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4318. Financial news, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4319. Daehak journal, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4320. News1, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4321. Yeonhap news, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4322. Veritas-alpha, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4323. Edu DongA, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
v 4324. Goodmorning Choongchung, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4325. DongA science, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4326. Joongdo ilbo, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4327. Digital times, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4328. Geumgang ilbo, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4329. Choongchung ilbo, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4330. HelloDD, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4331. Choongcheong Today, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4332. Kyosusinmun, 2019. 07.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced systems metabolic engineering strategies”
4333. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 08.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group introduced biodegradable plastic and related biotechnologies”
4334. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 08.19, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group introduced biodegradable plastic as a solution for microplastic problems”
4335. News1, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4336. Gukjenews, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4337. Newsis, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4338. Dailian, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4339. Hankook ilbo, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4340. CNB News, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4341. Moneytoday, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4342. Cheongnyeon Doctor, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4343. Yakup sinmun, 2019. 10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was named one of 17 close scientists for the Nobel Prize in science announced by the Korean Research Foundation”
4344. DongA Ilbo, 2019. 10.30, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the SAMSON prize for his work in developing biofuels”
4345. Munhwa ilbo, 2019. 11.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered a speech on “Breaking the Wall of Fossil Power” at the Falling Walls Conference”
4346. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019”
4347. Asia kyeongjae, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4348. DongA science, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4349. HelloDD, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4350. Yeonhap news, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4351. Moneytoday, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4352. E Daily, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4353. INews24, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4354. Financial news, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4355. Seoulsinmun, 2019. 11.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was listed on the Global Highly Cited Researchers 2019"
4356. Maeil kyeongjae, 2019. 11.29, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee introduced current status of the biodegradable plastic”
4357. Maeil kyeongjae, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4358. Daejeon ilbo, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4359. Korea Times, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4360. Kukmin Ilbo, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4361. Herald economy, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4362. Jeonja sinmun, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4363. Digital times, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4364. Asia kyeongjae, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4365. Veritas-alpha, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4366. EnergyKyeongjae, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4367. Seoul kyeongjae, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4368. News1, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4369. Yeonhap news, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4370. Newspim, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4371. Daehak journal, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4372. Digital daily, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4373. Financial news, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4374. Enews today, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4375. Dailybizon, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4376. Catholic Peace Broadcasting Corporation, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4377. E Daily, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4378. Newsworks, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4379. INews24, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4380. Newsis, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4381. DongA science, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4382. Hankook kyeongjae, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4383. Choongnam ilbo, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4384. Munhwa ilbo, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4385. Choongchung News, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4386. HelloDD, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4387. ZDNet Korea, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4388. Segye ilbo, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4389. Robotsinmun, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4390. Outsourcing Times, 2019. 12.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee headed the Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), which was launched on Dec.”
4391. Digital times, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4392. Choongcheong Today, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4393. Newsworks, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4394. Newspim, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4395. E Daily, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4396. Veritas-alpha, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4397. Dongyang ilbo, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4398. Yeonhap news, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4399. DongA Ilbo, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4400. Choongnam ilbo, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4401. ZDNet Korea, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4402. Deajeon today, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4403. YTN Science, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4404. YTN news, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4405. TJB news, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4406. CMB news, 2019. 12.10, “Korea Policy Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KPC4IR), headed by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, was launched.”
4407. HelloDD, 2019. 12.16, “Engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose from KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee group, was selected as one of the top 5 biotechnology research performance from Biological Research Information Center.”
4408. Maeil kyeongjae, 2019. 12.16, “Engineered bacterium producing fatty acids and biofuels from glucose from KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee group, was selected as one of the top 5 biotechnology research performance from Biological Research Information Center.”
4409. newsAM, 2019. 12.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee group and his group completed a comprehensive metabolic map for production of bio-based chemicals.”
4410. KBS 1TV, 2019. 12.15, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee introduced metabolic engineering for the production of biodegradable plastics.”
4411. Jeonja sinumun, 2020. 01.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee introduced deep learning based technologies with systems metabolic engineering.”
4412. DongA Ilbo, 2020. 01.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee described the decomposition of biodegradable plastics in the ocean.”
4413. Chosun ilbo, 2020. 01.09, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s production technology of heme was introduced.”
4414. YTN Science, 2020. 01.09, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s production technology of bio-based plastic was introduced.”
4415. Areyou economy, 2020. 02.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s production technology of bio-based plastic from glucose was introduced.”
4416. Korea Times, 2020. 02.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was interviewd Biotechnology can help malnourished children from low-income families”
4417. KAIST Breakthrough, 2020. 03.02, “The recent research by KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, Engineering of an oleaginous bacterium for the production of fatty acids and fuels, is selected as one of 2020 KAIST breakthrough researches.”
4418. Digital Times, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4419. Yeonhap News, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4420. Newstnt, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4421. News1, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4422. Daejeon today, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4423. Joongdo ilbo, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4424. Newspim, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4425. Newsis, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4426. TJB News, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4427. Daejeon ilbo, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4428. Kukinews, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4429. Choongchung Today, 2020. 03.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4430. Joongdo ilbo, 2020.04.01 “KAIST distinghuished professor Sang Yup Lee interviewd for being elected as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4431. Daejeon National Election Commision, 2020.04.01 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee appointed as Honorary ambassador of 4.15 general election by Daejeon National Election Commision”
4432. AI Times, 2020.04.23 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee joins Super Computer Knightage ‘JEDI’ team to conquer COVID-19”
4433. AI Times, 2020.04.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee joins Super Computer Knightage ‘JEDI’ team to conquer COVID-19”
4434. Seoul kyeongjae, 2020.05.07 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4435. Jeonja sinmun, 2020.05.07 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4436. Maeil kyeongjae, 2020.05.07 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4437. Noksack kyeongjae sinmun, 2020.05.07 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4438. Wikitree, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4439. Newspim, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4440. Metrosinmun, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4441. Etoday, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4442. Gukjenews, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4443. Newsworks, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4444. ZDNet Korea, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4445. University News Network, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4446. EnergyKyeonjae, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4447. Yeonhap news, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4448. Herald economy, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4449. News1, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4450. Daehak journal, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4451. CCNNEWS, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4452. Global economic, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4453. Enews today, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4454. Work today, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4455. DTNews24, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4456. Medical today, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4457. Choongchung ilbo, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4458. Financial News, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4459. Maeil kyeongjae, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4460. Chosun biz, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4461. Hankook kyeongjae, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4462. YTN News, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4463. Newsis, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4464. Segye ilbo, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4465. INews24, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4466. E Daily, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4467. Digital times, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4468. HelloDD, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4469. Asia today, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4470. Geumgang ilbo, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4471. Daejeon ilbo, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4472. Dongyang ilbo, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4473. Busan ilbo, 2020.05.06 “KAIST distinguished professor and his research group developed mass production of succinic acid”
4474. Choongcheong Today, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4475.Jeonja sinmun, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4476. Seoul kyeongjae, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4477. E daily, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4478. EnergyKyeongjae, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4479. Noksack kyeongjae sinmun, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4480. Gukjenews, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4481. Wikitree, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4482. News1, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4483. Newsworks, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4484. Kyosusinmun, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4485. Worktoday, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4486. Newsis, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4487. Newsfreezone, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4488. Daejeon cityjournal, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4489. Yeonhap news, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4490. DTNews24, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4491. Global economic, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4492. Choongchung News, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4493. Etoday, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4494. Geumgang ilbo, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4495. Herald economy, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4496. YTN, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4497. YTN Science, 2020. 07.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4498. Hankook kyeongjae, 2020. 07.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for production of nautral products”
4499. Digital times, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4500. HelloDD, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4501. Herald economy, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4502. Gukjenews, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4503. DongA science, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4504. News1, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4505. Worktoday, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4506. Chosun biz, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4507. Medical Today, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4508. Newsworks, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4509. Seoulsinmun, 2020.10.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed E. coli that can solely grow with formic acid and CO2”
4510. Veritas-alpha, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4511. Kukje news, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4512. Newspim, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4513. News1, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4514. Yeonhap news, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4515. Asia kyeongjae, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4516. Newsworks, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4517. EBN, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4518. Chosun biz, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4519. Jeonja sinmun, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4520. INews24, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4521. Herald economy, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4522. Choongchung ilbo, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4523. Worktoday, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4524. Wikitree, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4525. Newsis, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4526. Choongchung News, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4527. Seoul sinmun, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4528. Aju Kyungjae, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4529. Daejeon cityjournal, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4530. EnergyKyeongjae, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4531. HelloDD, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4532. Busan ilbo, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4533. Dongyang ilbo, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4534. New Daily, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4535. Joongdo ilbo, 2020.11.17 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed world’s highest titer of glutaric acid producing microbial strain”
4536. Maeil kyeongjae, 2020.11.19 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee interviewed for COVID-19 customized technology development”
4537. Newspim, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4538. Asia kyeongjae, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4539. News1, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4540. E Daily, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4541. Etoday, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4542. Herald economy, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4543. Joongdo ilbo, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4544. Financial news, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4545. Newstoday, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4546. Newsworks, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4547. Choongchung News, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4548. Korea Lecture News, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4549. Choongchung ilbo, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4550. Medial today, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4551. DongA Science, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4552. Kukje News, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4553. Daejeon cityjournal, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4554. Maeil kyeongjae, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4555. Busan ilbo, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4556. Goodmorning Choongchung, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4557. Worktoday, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4558. Geumgang ilbo, 2020.12.04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announced strategies for bio-based nanomaterial synthesis”
4559. New Jeju ilbo, 2020.12.03-04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave an online talk about the future prospects of Korean Biotechnology”
4560. Jejudomin ilbo, 2020.12.03-04 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gave an online talk about the future prospects of Korean Biotechnology”
4561. DongA Science, 2020.12.23 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group selected as life science research that shined this year”
4562. Newsworks, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4563. ZDNet korea, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4564. Seoul kyeongjae, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4565. News1, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4566. Worktoday, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4567. Medisobizanews, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4568. Newspim, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4569. INews24, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4570. University News Network, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4571. Kukje News, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4572. Choongchung News, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4573. Jeonja Sinmun, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4574. Heralrd economy, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4575. Veritas-alpha, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4576. Medical today, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4577. AI Times, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4578. Digital Times, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4579. Wikitree, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4580. Robotsinmun, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4581. EnerygyKyeongjae, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4582. Busan ilbo, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4583. Choongchung ilbo, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4584. HelloDD, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4585. Newsfreeezone, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4586. Kyosusinmun, 2020.12.28 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Deep learning based transcription factor prediction system”
4587. HelloDD, 2021.01.07 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group was invited to international conference and gave presentation about Biotechnology and UN Sustainable Development Goals”
4588. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4589. Seoulsinmun, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4590. Segye ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4591. BIGDATAnews, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4592. Newsworks, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4593. Kyunghyang Newspaper, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4594. Asia kyeongjae, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4595. Newspim, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4596. MunHwaNews, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4597. News1, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4598. Chosun biz, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4599. Herald economy, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4600. Seoul kyeongjae, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4601. Wikitree, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4602. Choongcheong Today, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4603. Choongchung News, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4604. University News Network, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4605. Financial news, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4606. Medical Today, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4607. Veritas-alpha, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4608. Aju Kyungjae, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4609. Gukjenews, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4610. EnergyKyeongjae, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4611. Worktoday, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4612. Metrosinmun, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4613. Choongnam ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4614. KPA news, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4615. Shina ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4616. Maeil kyeongjae, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4617. Goodmorning Choongchung, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4618. Busan ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4619. GGnewskorea, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4620. Geumgang ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4621. Dongyang ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4622. Kyosusinmun, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4623. Choongchung ilbo, 2021.01.11 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed Expanding the biosynthetic pathway via retrosynthesis”
4624. GlobalEdu, 2021.01.29 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed production of free heme from metabolically engineered Escherichia coli”
4625. Seoul kyeongjae, 2021.03.18 “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed ecofriendly biology studies such as PHA and HEME”
4626. BRIC, 2021.03.26 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is nominated as Top 5 in 2020 domestic biology outcomes”
4627. Hankuk gyeongjae, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4628. Daejeon ilbo, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4629. Energy gyeongjae, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4630. Good morning chungcheong, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4631. JTBC news, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4632. News1, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4633. Asia gyeongjae, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4634. E news today, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4635. Yonhap news, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4636. I news 24, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4637. Herald geongjae, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4638. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4639. Nocut news, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4640. E daily, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4641. Newsworks, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4642. Kyosu sinmun, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4643. Work today, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4644. Daehak journal, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4645. Medical today, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4646. Chungcheong news, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4647. Busan ilbo, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4648. Veritas alpha, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4649. Wikitree, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4650. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4651. Naeil sinmun, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4652. Financial news, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4653. Kumkang ilbo, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4654. Digital daily, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4655. Chungcheong today, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4656. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4657. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4658. HelloDD, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4659. KBS news, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4660. YTN science, 2021.04.09 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4661. Scientist town, 2021.04.13 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4662. Chosun ilbo, 2021.04.13 “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group reports microbial production of a natural red colorant for the first time”
4663. Kyonghyang sinmun, 2021.04.18. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee talks about transition of petroleum-based chemistry to biochemistry through biofoundry”
4664. Kyonghyang sinmun, 2021.04.18. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee talks about life in 2050”
4665. Chungcheong today, 2021.04.21. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and other KAIST research groups solve humanity’s problems during the 50 years since KAIST was established”
4666. Joongdo ilbo, 2021.04.21. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and other KAIST research groups solve humanity’s problems during the 50 years since KAIST was established”
4667. Daejeon ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4668. Donga ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4669. E daily, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4670. Seoul gyeongjae, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4671. Seoul sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4672. Hankuk gyeongjae, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4673. Maeil gyeongjae, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4674. Segye ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4675. Chosun ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4676. Chungcheong today, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4677. Financial news, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4678. Hangyeorae, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4679. Kyosu sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4680. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4681. Yonhap news, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4682. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4683. E today, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4684. Digital times, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4685. Veritas alpha, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4686. Newspim, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4687. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4688. Newsis, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4689. News1, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4690. Worktoday, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4691. Daehak journal, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4692. Sina ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4693. Herald gyeongjae, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4694. Nocut news, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4695. Newsworks, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4696. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4697. Presian, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4698. Naeil sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4699. Chungcheong news, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4700. Donga science, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4701. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4702. Ajou gyeongjae, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4703. Chungnam ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4704. E news today, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4705. Dtnews24, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4706. HelloDD, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4707. Dongyang ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4708. Busan ilbo, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4709. Daejeon city journal, 2021.04.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the first “Charles D. Scott Award” among Asians”
4710. Chosun ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4711. Seoul gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4712. Maeil gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4713. Joongdo ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4714. Daejeon ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4715. Gyeonghyang sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4716. KAIST news, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4717. Chosun biz, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4718. Donga science, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4719. Gyosu sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4720. Asia gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4721. Herald gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4722. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4723. Newsworks, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4724. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4725. Daehak journal, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4726. Yonhap news, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4727. Gukjae news, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4728. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4729. Sina ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4730. E daily, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4731. Work today, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4732. News1, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4733. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4734. News today, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4735. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4736. Money S, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4737. Energy gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4738. News pim, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4739. Pen and mike, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4740. Chungcheong news, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4741. IT chosun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4742. Global economic, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4743. Dt news 24, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4744. News tomato, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4745. Moonhwa ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4746. Kumkang ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4747. Busan ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4748. Ajou gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4749. Mega gyeongjae, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4750. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4751. Chungcheong times, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4752. Joongang ilbo, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4753. YTN science, 2021.05.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society – currently the only person in the world that is a foreign member of NAS, NAE, and the Royal Society at the same time”
4754. Daejeon ilbo, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4755. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4756. News works, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4757. Money today, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4758. News1, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4759. Yonhap news, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4760. Medi sobija news, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4761. Asia gyeongjae, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4762. E daily, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4763. Donga science, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4764. Seoul sinmun, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4765. New daily, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4766. Herald gyeongjae, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4767. Daehak journal, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4768. Work today, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4769. Jeonguk maeil sinmun, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4770. MBN, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4771. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4772. Good morning chungcheong, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4773. Chungcheong news, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4774. Medical today, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4775. News worker, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4776. Gyeosu sinmun, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4777. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4778. Wiki tree, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4779. Energy gyeongjae, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4780. Busan ilbo, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4781. I news 24, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4782. Today energy, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4783. E news today, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4784. Daejeon city journal, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4785. Kumkang ilbo, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4786. Chungcheong times, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4787. YTN science, 2021.06.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enabled production of natural rainbow colorants from microbes for the first time”
4788. Joongang ilbo, 2021.06.25. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produces gasoline and colorants from microbes, enabling end of the petrolum era”
4789. Hankuk gyeongje, 2021.07.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee leads the ‘1 lab 1 first’ movement in KAIST”
4790. Digital times, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4791. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4792. Money today, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4793. Maeil gyeongje, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4794. Gyosu sinmun, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4795. Newsworks, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4796. Asia gyeongje, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4797. Seoul gyeongje, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4798. Medi sobija news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4799. I news 24, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4800. E uiryo jungbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4801. Busan ilbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4802. Digital daily, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4803. News 1, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4804. Newsis, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4805. Dt news 24, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4806. Yonhap news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4807. E daily, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4808. Chungcheong news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4809. Rapportian, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4810. Work today, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4811. Cheongnyeon uisa, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4812. No cut news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4813. Herald gyeongje, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4814. News tomato, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4815. Medipana news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4816. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4817. Dailypharm, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4818. Gyeonghyang sinmun, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4819. Money S, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4820. Hello DD, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4821. News today, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4822. Health chosun, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4823. Gukje news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4824. Donga science, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4825. EBN, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4826. MBN, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4827. Ajou gyeongje, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4828. Wiki tree, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4829. Cheonji ilbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4830. Daily post, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4831. KBS, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4832. E news today, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4833. Bogun news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4834. Cheongnyeon ilbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4835. Geumgang ilbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4836. Daejeon city journal, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4837. Beta news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4838. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4839. Medigate news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4840. News free zone, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4841. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4842. Tech world, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4843. Sanup ilbo, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4844. Hankuk gyeongje, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4845. YTN science, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4846. KAIST news, 2021.07.08. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group identified potential repurposed drugs for COVID-19 treatment through virtual drug screening technology”
4847. Maeil gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4848. Seoul gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4849. Hankuk gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4850. Digital times, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4851. Gyeonghyang sinmun, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4852. Asia gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4853. Energy gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4854. Herald gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4855. Bridge gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4856. Gukto ilbo, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4857. EBN, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4858. Global gyeongje sinmun, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4859. I news 24, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4860. Yonhap news, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4861. Ajou gyeongje, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4862. News 1, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4863. Business korea, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4864. Chosun ilbo, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4865. Business post, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4866. Money today, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4867. Beta news, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4868. CBN journal, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4869. CEO score daily, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4870. Donga science, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4871. Work today, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4872. Sina ilbo, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4873. Media pen, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4874. Hangeyeore, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4875. Daily post, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4876. Newsis, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4877. Sisa oneul, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4878. News way, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4879. Munhwa ilbo, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4880. CCTV news, 2021.07.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives the ‘Pony Chung Innovation Award’ from the Pony Chung foundation”
4881. E daily, 2021.07.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee uncovers pharmaceuticals with COVID-19 treatment potential”
4882. Joongdo ilbo, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4883. Work today, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4884. Gigye sinmun, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4885. Yonhap news, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4886. Chungcheong news, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4887. Herald gyeongje, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4888. Chungnam ilbo, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4889. News works, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4890. E news today, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4891. Financial news, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4892. Moonhwa ilbo, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4893. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4894. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4895. Tech world, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4896. Daehak journal, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4897. Donga science, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4898. Jeongbo tongsin sinmun, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4899. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4900. Industry news, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4901. Geumgang ilbo, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4902. Hello DD, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4903. Chungcheong times, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4904. Daily post, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4905. Busan ilbo, 2021.07.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a talk on carbon dioxide conversion as a plenary speaker in ICCDU 2021”
4906. Seoul gyeongje, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4907. Segye ilbo, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4908. Econo news, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4909. News 1, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4910. E today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4911. EBN, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4912. Asia gyeongje, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4913. Financial news, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4914. Money today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4915. I news 24, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4916. The fact, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4917. Bridge gyeongje, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4918. Digital times, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4919. Metro sinmun, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4920. Dailian, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4921. E news today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4922. Straight news, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4923. News free zone, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4924. Hankuk gyeongje, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4925. Newsis, 2021.07.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecutre in an online lecture program for youths held by the Hoam foundation”
4926. Chungcheong today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4927. E daily, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4928. Jeonja sinmun, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4929. Donga science, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4930. Chungcheong ilbo, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4931. Medical today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4932. City journal, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4933. Chungcheong news, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4934. E news today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4935. Wiki tree, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4936. Newsis, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4937. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4938. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4939. News 1, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4940. Work today, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4941. Yonhap news, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4942. Global economic, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4943. Iutjip gwahakja, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4944. Maeil gyeongje TV, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4945. Tech world, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4946. Hello DD, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4947. Geumgang ilbo, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4948. Daejeon ilbo, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4949. Chungcheong times, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4950. No cut news, 2021.07.27. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4951. KAIST News, 2021.07.28. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4952. Maeil gyeongje, 2021.08.11. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produces biodiesel and bioplastic from microbes, leading innovations for humankind”
4953. Maeil gyeongje, 2021.08.11. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group uncovers possible therapeutic drugs for COVID-19, bringing forward the end of the pandemic”
4954. Hankuk gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4955. Donga ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4956. Segye ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4957. Herald gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4958. Business korea, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4959. Gukto ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4960. Consumer times, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4961. Economic review, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4962. Seoul gyeongje TV, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4963. Asia today, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4964. EBN, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4965. Jose ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4966. Bridge gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4967. Asia gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4968. Aju gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4969. Work today, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4970. Naewoe news tongsin, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4971. Financial news, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4972. I news 24, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4973. Joongang ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4974. FEtv, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4975. Sina ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4976. Maeil gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4977. Energy gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4978. Mega gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4979. News1, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4980. Seoul gyeongje, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4981. Business post, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4982. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4983. Joongsogiup news, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4984. Moonhwa ilbo, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4985. Daily post, 2021.08.18. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is awarded the 15th Pony Chung Innovation Award”
4986. Hankuk gyeongje, 2021.09.03. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, nicknamed “The Alchemist”, is awarded the first Pony Chung Innovation Award in the science field and will find a cure for COVID-19”
4987. KAIST Breakthroughs, 2021.09.06. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s research, microbial production of multiple short-chain primary amines via retrobiosynthesis, is selected as a KAIST breakthrough”
4988. Interview 365, 2021.09.15. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is selected as the ‘Good People Best 10’ by Interview 365”
4989. Yeosungsobija sinmun, 2021.10.05. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in a living bacterial cell for the first time”
4990. Edaily, 2021.10.07. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is considered to be a possible future candidate for the Nobel Prize”
4991. Asia gyeongje, 2021.10.13. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is a leading Korean scientist and considered to be a possible future candidate for the Nobel Prize”
4992. Asia gyeongje, 2021.10.13. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is considered to be a possible future candidate for the Nobel Prize”
4993. 100 Excellent National R&D Performances 2021, 2021.11.01. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s research on E.coli that grows solely on formic acid and CO2 is selected as one of the ‘2021 top 100 excellent national R&D performances’”
4994. Hello DD, 2021.11.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as a ‘2021 Highly Cited Researcher’ by Clarivate”
4995. Chungcheong today, 2021.11.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is elected as a ‘2021 Highly Cited Researcher’ by Clarivate”
4996. Seoul gyeongje, 2021.11.19. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on eco-friendly bioplastics at the CHEY Scientific Innovation Series”
4997. Gonggam sinmun, 2021.11.19. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on eco-friendly bioplastics at the CHEY Scientific Innovation Series”
4998. Financial news, 2021.11.19. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on eco-friendly bioplastics at the CHEY Scientific Innovation Series”
4999. E news today, 2021.11.19. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on eco-friendly bioplastics at the CHEY Scientific Innovation Series”
5000. Hankuk gyeongje TV, 2021.12.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on biobased and biodegradable plastics at the 8th annual Seoul Climate-Energy Conference 2021”
5001. Sports gyeonghyang, 2021.12.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on biobased and biodegradable plastics at the 8th annual Seoul Climate-Energy Conference 2021”
5002. Veritas alpha, 2021.12.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on biobased and biodegradable plastics at the 8th annual Seoul Climate-Energy Conference 2021”
5003. Maeil gyeongje, 2021.12.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops drug virtual screening technology applied to drug repurposing for treatment of COVID-19 or other pandemics”
5004. Hello DD, 2022.02.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture in the KAIST ESG Executive Program”
5005. Donga science, 2022.02.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is one of the four Korean members of the NAE”
5006. Ilyo sinmun, 2022.02.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s work is presented in the KBS1 documentary ‘Docu on’”
5007. KAIST Breakthroughs, 2022.03.01. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s research, 3D visualization and quantification of bioplastic PHA in living bacteria, is selected as a KAIST breakthrough”
5008. Maeil gyeongje, 2022.04.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group is developing a COVID-19-preventive nasal spray from natural products, based on drug virtual screening technology, to make a more user-friendly COVID-19 prevention/treatment drug”
5009. Daejeon ilbo, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5010. Seoul gyeongje, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5011. Gyeonghyang sinmun, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5012. Financial news, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5013. Joongang ilbo, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5014. Gyeosu sinmun, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5015. News 1, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5016. I news 24, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5017. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5018. Ingongjineung sinmun, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5019. Chungcheong news, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5020. Herald gyeongje, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5021. Hankuk gyeongje, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5022. Newsis, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5023. Veritas alpha, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5024. Work today, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5025. Digital times, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5026. Energy gyeongje, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5027. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5028. Global economic, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5029. Jeonja sinmun, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5030. Chungcheong ilbo, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5031. Hello DD, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5032. Chungcheong times, 22.04.29, “Distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee receives Doctor Technices honoris causa from Technical University of Denmark in recognition of his groundbreaking work on systems metabolic engineering of microbial cell factories”
5033. Digital times, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5034. Chosun ilbo, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5035. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5036. E daily, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5037. Chosun biz, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5038. News1, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5039. Herald gyeongje, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5040. E today, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5041. I news 24, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5042. Yeonhap info max, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5043. Joongang ilbo, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5044. Dailian, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5045. Hankuk ilbo, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5046. Yeonhap news, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5047. News pim, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5048. Aju gyeongje, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5049. Busan ilbo, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5050. YTN, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5051. SBS, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5052. Media pen, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5053. Oh my news, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5054. Hankuk gyeongje TV, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5055. Gangwon ilbo, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5056. Geumyoong sobiza sinmun, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5057. New daily, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5058. Jose ilbo, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5059. No cut news, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5060. JTBC, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5061. Asia today, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5062. Break news, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5063. Sisa journal, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5064. News works, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5065. KBS, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5066. Daehan gyeongje, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5067. Maeil gyeongje, 2022.05.17, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5068. Money today, 2022.05.22, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5069. Donga ilbo, 2022.05.23, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5070. Digital times, 2022.05.24, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5071. E daily, 2022.05.24, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5072. Economist, 2022.05.24, “KAIST Vice President for Research Sang Yup Lee participates in the Davos World Economic Forum as the President’s special envoy”
5073. Financial news, 2022.06.03, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee gives a lecture on ‘Bioindustry 4.0: Synthetic Biology and Biofoundry’ at the CHEY Institute’s Scientific Innovation Series 12”
5074. Nongmin sinmun, 2022.06.13, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his Agriculture, Food, Science and Technology Committee holds an Agri-Food Industry Future Growth Forum on alternative foods”
5075. Work today, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5076. Daehak journal, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5077. ZD net korea, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5078. Veritas alpha, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5079. Sina ilbo, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5080. Chungcheong ilbo, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5081. E net news, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5082. Herald gyeongje, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5083. News works, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5084. Donga science, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5085. Chungcheong news, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5086. Newsis, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5087. Jeonguk maeil sinmun, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5088. Maeil anjeon sinmun, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5089. Hello DD, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5090. Energy gyeongje, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5091. Iutjip gwahakja, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5092. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5093. Noksaek gyeongje sinmun, 2022.06.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops a eco-friendly ammonia production process utilizing light energy”
5094. Yeonhap news, 2022.06.27, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be a member of the Royal Society, participates in the Admissions Day ceremony of the Royal Society”
5095. SBS news, 2022.06.27, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be a member of the Royal Society, participates in the Admissions Day ceremony of the Royal Society”
5096. Seoul sinmun, 2022.06.27, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be a member of the Royal Society, participates in the Admissions Day ceremony of the Royal Society”
5097. News1, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5098. I news 24, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5099. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5100. Herald gyeongje, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5101. Work today, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5102. Veritas alpha, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5103. Chungcheong news, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5104. Chungcheong ilbo, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5105. Chungcheong today, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5106. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.07.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group presents systems metabolic engineering strategies for microbial production of natural colorants”
5107. MBC news desk, 2022.07.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group initiates a paradigm shift by production of biodegradable plastic through E. coli”
5108. Digital times, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5109. Yonhap news, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5110. Hankuk gyeongje, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5111. News 1, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5112. Herald gyeongje, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5113. Maeil gyeongje, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5114. I news 24, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5115. Newsis, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5116. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5117. Daejeon ilbo, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5118. News pim, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5119. Seoul gyeongje, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5120. YTN science, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5121. Straight news, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5122. YTN science, 2022.07.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee becomes the co-chair of the Korea Synthetic Biology Advancement Council”
5123. Hankuk gyeongje, 2022.07.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops biodegradable plastic”
5124. KAIST News, 2022.08.11. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops an interactive map of metabolical synthesis of chemicals”
5125. Kyunghyang sinmun, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5126. Daehak journal, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5127. Jungbu maeil, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5128. Herald gyeongje, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5129. I news 24, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5130. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5131. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5132. Work today, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5133. Maeil gyeongje, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5134. Gukje news, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5135. Chungcheong news, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5136. Veritas alpha, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5137. Newsworks, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5138. Newsis, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5139. Medical today, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5140. E daily, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5141. Donga science, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5142. Digital times, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5143. Energy gyeongje, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5144. Seoul sinmun, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5145. Yonhap news, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5146. Bio times, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5147. Medigate news, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5148. Jeonguk maeil sinmun, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5149. Hello DD, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5150. E news today, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5151. Chungcheong times, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5152. Busan ilbo, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5153. Segye ilbo, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5154. KBS daejeon, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5155. KBS news, 2022.08.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops highly efficient lutein production technology using microorganisms for the first time”
5156. Perfect gyeongje, 2022.08.19. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enables microbial production of lutein”
5157. KAIST News, 2022.08.23. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group develops phage resistant E. coli by collaboration with Prof. Shi Chen’s group”
5158. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5159. News 1, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5160. Work today, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5161. Veritas alpha, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5162. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5163. Chosun ilbo, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5164. Medical today, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5165. Chungcheong news, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5166. Gyosu sinmun, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5167. Newsis, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5168. Jeonguk maeil sinmun, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5169. Hello DD, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5170. Herald gyeongje, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5171. Chungcheong times, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5172. Donga science, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5173. YTN science, 2022.08.29. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group completed an eco-friendly synthetic map which documents metabolic pathways for chemicals through microorganisms”
5174. KAIST Breakthroughs, 2022.09.01. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group’s research, Microbial production of natural rainbow colorants is selected as a KAIST breakthrough”
5175. Financial news, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5176. E news today, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5177. Veritas alpha, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5178. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5179. Work today, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5180. Sina ilbo, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5181. Chungcheong news, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5182. Chosun ilbo, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5183. Medical today, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5184. Daehak journal, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5185. Chungcheong ilbo, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5186. Yeonhap news, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5187. Chungcheong today, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5188. Herald gyeongje, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5189. Chungcheong times, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5190. Busan ilbo, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5191. News 1, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5192. Donga science, 2022.09.15. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed the solution for phage-infection of industrial strains that is critical for the biochemical industry by collaboration with the research team, Wuhan University, China”
5193. Donga ilbo, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5194. News 1, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5195. Newsis, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5196. E daily, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5197. Yeonhap news, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5198. Joongang ilbo, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5199. Daehak journal, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5200. Aju gyeongje, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5201. Hankuk gyeongje, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5202. Seoul sinmun, 2022.09.16. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got awarded the National Acadamy of Sciences for applied natural science”
5203. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.09.23. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee contributed AI and Bio new drug ‘customized healthcare’ by developing drug-drug interaction predictioning AI”
5204. Yeonhap news, 2022.10.28. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is appointed a member of Presidential advisory body for innovation etc. of national science and technology”
5205. KTV, 2022.10.28. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is appointed a member of Presidential advisory body for innovation etc. of national science and technology”
5206. Hello DD, 2022.11.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as a member of Presidential advisory body for innovation etc. of national science and technology suggested the direction and jobs of the government in detail”
5207. Newsis, 2022.11.29. “KAIST Vice Presidentfor research Sang Yup Lee presided a panel discussion to establish a mid- to long-term investment strategy for national R&D.”
5208. EBN, 2022.11.29. “KAIST Vice Presidentfor research Sang Yup Lee presided a panel discussion to establish a mid- to long-term investment strategy for national R&D.”
5209. Cheonji ilbo, 2022.11.29. “KAIST Vice Presidentfor research Sang Yup Lee presided a panel discussion to establish a mid- to long-term investment strategy for national R&D.”
5210. Yeonhap news, 2022.11.29. “KAIST Vice Presidentfor research Sang Yup Lee presided a panel discussion to establish a mid- to long-term investment strategy for national R&D.”
5211. Digital times, 2022.11.29. “KAIST Vice Presidentfor research Sang Yup Lee presided a panel discussion to establish a mid- to long-term investment strategy for national R&D.”
5212. Hankuk gyeongje, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5213. E daily, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5214. Yeonhap news, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5215. Money today, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5216. Joongang ilbo, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5217. Financial news, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5218. Chosun biz, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5219. Seoul gyeongje, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5220. Kyunghyang sinmun, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5221. Inews 24, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5222. Jeonja sinmun, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5223. Jeongbo tongsin sinmun, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5224. Seoul finance, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5225. Maeil gyeongje health, 2022.12.20. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was elected to vice president of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea.”
5226. Joongang ilbo, 2022.12.23. “KAIST Vice President for research Sang Yup Lee participated The Seoul and KAIST International Joint Forum.”
5227. Work today, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5228. Financial news, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5229. Money today, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5230. Chungnam ilbo, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5231. Chungcheong news, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5232. Digital times, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5233. Herald gyeongje, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5234. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5235. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5236. Newsis, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5237. Sina ilbo, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5238. E daily, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5239. Daily post, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5240. Energy gyeongje, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5241. Inews 24, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5242. Chungcheong today, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5243. Daejeon ilbo, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5244. Financial news, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5245. Donga science, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5246. Kyosu sinmun, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5247. Geumgang ilbo, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5248. Chungcheong times, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5249. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5250. Hello DD, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5251. Chosun biz, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5252. YTN science, 2023.01.04. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is inaugurated as the 30th chairman of the Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering”
5253. Hello DD, 2023.01.24. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee, the father of synthetic biology representing the science and technology world”
5254. Joongang ilbo, 2023.01.25. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee, a '21st century alchemist' who made gasoline with E. coli”
5255. Daejeron ilbo, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5256. Digital times, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5257. Sina ilbo, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5258. Medical today, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5259. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5260. News freezone, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5261. Work today, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5262. Chungcheong news, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5263. Inews 24, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5264. E uiryojeongbo, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5265. Daehak journal, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5266. Chosun biz, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5267. Herald gyeongje, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5268. Veritas alpha, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5269. Hankuk gyeongje, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5270. Naeil sinmun, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5271. Chuncheong ilbo, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5272. Newsis, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5273. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5274. Hello DD, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5275. Energy gyeongje, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5276. Chungcheong times, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5277. Iutjim gwahakja, 2023.01.25. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group announce 30 years of history and future of metabolic engineering”
5278. Interview365, 2023.02.15. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee is selected as the one of ‘Good Prople Best 10’ due to the achievement of System metabolic engineering”
5279. Herald gyeongje, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5280. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5281. Gyosu sinmun, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5282. Work today, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5283. The fact, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5284. Inews 24, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5285. Chungcheong news, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5286. Chosun ilbo, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5287. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5288. Chosun biz, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5289. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5290. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5291. AI times, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5292. Medical today, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5293. Korea health log, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5294. Daily medi, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5295. Newsis, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5296. Energy gyeongje, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5297. Chungnam ilbo, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5298. Yeonhap news, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5299. Cheongnyeon uisa, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5300. Global economics, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5301. Hello DD, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5302. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5303. Busan ilbo 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5304. Chungcheong times, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5305. Digital times, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5306. Donga science, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5307. Segye ilbo, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5308. Enews today, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5309. MBC news today, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5310. Science of korea, 2023.03.16. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group improved drug interactions prediction with upgraded AI including Paxlovid”
5311. Inews 24, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5312. Chosun biz, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5313. Donga science, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5314. Kyunghyang sinmun, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5315. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5316. Hankuk ilbo, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5317. Finanacial news, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5318. Yeonhap news. 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5319. Hello DD, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5320. Digital times, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5321. Health Kyunghyang, 2023.03.20. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee as president of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering hosts 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium”
5322. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.03.22. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee got highlighted since his microbiome-synthetic biology”
5323. Chosun ilbo, 2023.03.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee contributed to the design of the cell factory with E. coli strains with anti-phage genes”
5324. Herald gyeongje, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5325. Work today, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5326. E daily, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5327. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5328. Newstree, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5329. Yeonhap news, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5330. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5331. SBS news, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5332. Busan ilbo, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5333. Newsworks, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5334. Chungcheong news, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5335. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5336. News 1, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5337. Daehak journal, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5338. Energy gyeongje, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5339. Munhwa news, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5340. City journal, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5341. Chosun ilbo, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5342. Hello DD, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5343. Donga sicence, 2023.03.31. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group constructed an electrochemical-microbial hybrid system that produces 20 times more bioplastics from carbon dioxide”
5344. TJB news, 2023.04.02. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee and his group predicted the m edicines that should not be taken together with Paxlovid using upgraded dug-drug interaction prediction AI”
5345. Economy chosun, 2023.4.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee contributed to the design of the cell factory with E. coli strains with anti-phage genes”
5346. Inews 24, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5347. E daily, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5348. Chosun ilbo, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5349. Donga sicence, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5350. Chosun biz, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5351. Yeonhap news, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5352. ZDNet Korea, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5353. News 1, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5354. Money today, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5355. Financial news, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5356. Helath Kyunghyang, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5357. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.04.13. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suceefully held 2023 KSBB spring meeting and international symposium at Jeju ICC”
5358. Money today, 2023.04.17. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the competitiveness of the bio industry as a potential market for growth after the IC industry”
5359. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.04.21. “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee conducted a Science Day conversation with Prof. Taek Hwan Hyun on the future of science and technology and Korea's science policy”
5360. Chosun ilbo, 2023.04.22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is selected as one of the future novel prize winner in Korea”
5361. News 1, 2023.04.22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his metabolic engineering strategies come under scrutiny as a microbial drug factory”
5362. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.05.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee suggested that synthetic biology should be fostered to drive the bioeconomy”
5363. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5364. Work today, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5365. Shina ilbo, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5366. I news24, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5367. News freezone, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5368. Chungcheong news, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5369. Herald gyeongje, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5370. E daily, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5371. News works, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5372. E-uiryojeongbo, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5373. News 1, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5374. Chungnam ilbo, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5375. Newdaily, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5376. Daejeon city journal, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5377. Donga science, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5378. Chosun biz, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5379. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5380. Medical today, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5381. Gukje news, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5382. Energy gyeongje, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5383. Hello DD, 2023.05.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed gene knockdown technology using sRNA, a universal technology for industrial strain production and pathogen suppression”
5384. SBS news, 2023.05.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee enphasised metabolic engineering, the next irreplaceable technology after semiconductors”
5385. Work today, 2023.05.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected as KAIST 10 representative researches of 2022 by microbial lutein production technology”
5386. Veritas alpha, 2023.05.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected as KAIST 10 representative researches of 2022 by microbial lutein production technology”
5387. Digital times, 2023.05.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected as KAIST 10 representative researches of 2022 by microbial lutein production technology”
5388. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.05.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected as KAIST 10 representative researches of 2022 by microbial lutein production technology”
5389. DT news 24, 2023.05.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected as KAIST 10 representative researches of 2022 by microbial lutein production technology”
5390. News freezone, 2023.05.16. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was selected as KAIST 10 representative researches of 2022 by microbial lutein production technology”
5391. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.05.17, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee introduced a new paradigm for life sciences”
5392. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5393. AJu gyeongje, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5394. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5395. Work today, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5396. Chungnam ilbo, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5397. Veritas alpha, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5398. Newsis, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5399. Herald gyeongje, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5400. Energy gyeongje, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5401. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5402. Shina ilbo, 2023.05.19. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee introduced biotechnology for climate change response at the forum on nurturing talent for carbon neutral innovative technology”
5403. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.05.22. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the energy source approach of utilizing biomass for CF100”
5404. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.05.23. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in a special talk on leading solutions in the era of advanced bio”
5405. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.06.02. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee suggested a solution of food shortages through the development of edible microbes at Green-bio and White-bio : the Solution of Food & Climate Crisis”
5406. Herald gyeongje, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5407. Hankuk gyeongje, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5408. Chungcheong today, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5409. Veritas alpha, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5410. Shina ilbo, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5411. Financial news, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5412. Daekak journal, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5413. Work today, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5414. e-Uiryojeongbo, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5415. E daily, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5416. Global economic, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5417. Newspim, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5418. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5419. Energy gyeongje, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5420. Gukje news, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5421. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5422. Digital times, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5423. Newsis, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5424. Money today, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5425. BBS news, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5426. Chungcheong news, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5427. Industry news, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5428. Donga science, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5429. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5430. Jeonkuk maeil sinmun, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5431. Chungcheong times, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5432. YTN science, 2023.06.02. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee receives Novozymes Award”
5433. Herald gyeongje, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5434. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5435. Chungcheong today, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5436. Veritas alpha, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5437. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5438. News 1, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5439. E-news today, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5440. Energy gyeongje, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5441. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5442. Shina ilbo, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5443. Chungnam ilbo, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5444. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5445. Work today, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5446. Chungcheong news, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5447. Jeonkuk maeil sinmun, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5448. Daejeon ilbo, 2023.06.12. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered the opening keynote lecture at the Metabolic Engineering 15 Conference as founder of system metabolic engineering”
5449. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.06.14. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized industry-academia-government collaboration in the era of the bioeconomy ath Seoul forum”
5450. Mail gyeongje, 2023.06.14. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented challenges and opinions for biomanufacturing innovation”
5451. Hello DD, 2023.06.27. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized scientific research and policy to build a strong national position through Global Think Tank, International Cooperation, and NFTIPS”
5452. Mail gyeongje, 2023.07.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee refered to AI, health care, and sustainability as keywords of World Economic Forum Top 10 Technologies”
5453. Hankuk gyeongje, 2023.07.10. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee is recognized as a biofoundry leader in the global patent competition for synthetic biology”
5454. Herald gyeongje, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5455. Veritas alpha, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5456. News 1, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5457. Enews today, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5458. Medical today, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5459. Shina ilbo, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5460. Chungcheong news, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5461. Chosun ilbo, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5462. Donga science, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5463. Seoul sinmun, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5464. Daejeon city journal, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5465. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5466. Chosun biz, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5467. Digital times, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5468. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5469. Energy gyeongje, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5470. News freezone, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5471. Hello DD, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5472. Iutjip Gwahakja, 2023.07.26. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group proposed systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms to improve alternative meat flavors.”
5473. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.08.09. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the industrial productivity and research potential of generative AI and warned against the possibility of abuse”
5474. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5475. Herald gyeongje, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5476. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5477. Work today, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5478. News 1, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5479. Chosun biz, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5480. Veritas alpha, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5481. Newstree korea, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5482. Daehak journal, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5483. Busan ilbo, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5484. Chungcheong news, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5485. Donga science, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5486. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5487. Newsworks, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5488. Yeonhap news, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5489. Metro sinmun, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5490. Asia gyeongje, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5491. Energy gyeongje, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5492. Hello DD, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5493. City journal, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5494. Chungcheong times, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5495. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.08.10. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee developed a strain that produces valerolactam, a monomer of nylon-5”
5496. KAIST Breakthroughs, 2023.08.23. “KAIST distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team have developed a broad-host-range synthetic sRNA platform that can effectively knockdown target genes in 15 bacterial species including pathogenic, commensal, and industrial bacteria”
5497. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.08.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group enhanced metabolic engineering, ultimately developing a strain that produces valerolactam for nylon synthesis”
5498. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.09.06. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the significant contribution of generative AI in enhancing industrial productivity, providing substantial support for research development and warned against the possibility of abuse”
5499. Donga ilbo, 2023.09.27. “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the importance of using AI on biotech, including climate change, environmental issues and drug development”
5500. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.10.04. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee mentioned that the advancement of generative AI will revolutionize various creative fields such as music, art, literature, and many other scientific areas”
5501. Donga science, 2023.10.05. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the necessity of a biofoundry for the rapid advancement of biotechnolog in an interview at the 2023 KSBB fall meeting and international symposium”
5502. Yeonhap news, 2023.10.05. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the necessity of a biofoundry for the rapid advancement of biotechnolog in an interview at the 2023 KSBB fall meeting and international symposium”
5503. Money Today, 2023.10.05. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the necessity of a biofoundry for the rapid advancement of biotechnolog in an interview at the 2023 KSBB fall meeting and international symposium”
5504. Chosunbiz, 2023.10.05. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the necessity of a biofoundry for the rapid advancement of biotechnolog in an interview at the 2023 KSBB fall meeting and international symposium”
5505. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.10.05. “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the necessity of a biofoundry for the rapid advancement of biotechnolog in an interview at the 2023 KSBB fall meeting and international symposium”
5506. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.10.17, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the importance of synthetic biology in healthcare, medicine, and the food industry, and stated that the chemical and energy industries will be restructured into environmentally friendly, bio-based sectors”
5507. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.10.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in a special talk on examining the trends in the global biotech industry and provided an explanation of the current technological landscape”
5508. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.11.1, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the advancement of SAF production technology and the expansion of production scale as pivotal measures in addressing the climate crisis within the aviation industry"
5509. Herald gyeongje, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5510. Work today, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5511. News 1, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5512. Tech world, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5513. Veritas alpha, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5514. Chungcheong news, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5515. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5516. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5517. Seoul finance, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5518. Financial news, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5519. City journal, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5520. Donga science, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5521. Digital times, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5522. Jeonja sinmun, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5523. Chungcheong times, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5524. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5525. Sina ilbo, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5526. Energy gyeongje, 2023.11.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his research team has developed the simulation program iBridge, which enables the construction of a tailored microbial factory for the production of the desired compound"
5527. Hello DD, 2023.11.15, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee has been recognized as the most influential Korean scientist globally this year”
5528. News 1, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5529. Newspim, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5530. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5531. Money Today, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5532. Asia gyeongje, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5533. E daily, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5534. Financial news, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5535. Newsis,, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5536. Herald gyeongje, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5537. Hankuk ilbo, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5538. New Daily, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5539. SBS news, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5540. KBS news, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5541. Yeonhap infomax, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5542. The fact, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5543. Asia today, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5544. Chosunbiz, 2023.11.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a forum where top scientists from Korea and the United Kingdom convened to engage in scholarly exchange"
5545. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5546. Financial news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5547. Digital times, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5548. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5549. News 1, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5550. Newsis, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5551. Work today, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5552. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5553. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5554. I news 24, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5555. Herald gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5556. Chosunbiz, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5557. Gigye sinmun, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5558. Bio times, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5559. ZDNet Korea, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5560. Uihak sinmun, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5561. KBS news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5562. Sports Seoul, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5563. Sina ilbo, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5564. Daehak journa, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5565. Veritas alpha, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5566. Chungcheong news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5567. Donga science, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5568. Nocut news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5569. Asia today, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5570. E news today, 2023.11.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Korea and the United Kingdom"
5571. Junjasinmun, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5572. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5573. Chosun ilbo, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5574. E daily, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5575. Financial news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5576. Donga ilbo, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5577. Hello DD, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5578. News 1, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5579. Money Today, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5580. Newsis, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5581. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5582. Hankuk gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5583. Seoul gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5584. Donga science, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5585. SBS Biz, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5586. Asia gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5587. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5588. Chosunbiz, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5589. Herald gyeongje, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5590. The Korea Economic Daily, 2023.11.23, “KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean to be selected as a foreign academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineerin."
5591. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5592. Medical today, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5593. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5594. News 1, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5595. Herald gyeongje, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5596. E daily, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5597. Tech world, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5598. Uiryojeongbo gisul, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5599. Donga science, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5600. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5601. Chungcheong news, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5602. AI Times, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5603. Daehak journal, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5604. Work today, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5605. E news today, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5606. Jungsogiup news, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5607. Veritas alpha, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5608. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5609. Hello DD, 2023.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed DeepECtransformer, utilizing deep learning techniques and a protein homology analysis module to accurately and rapidly predict enzyme functions for given protein sequences"
5610. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to manage and recycle plastics appropriately to reduce plastic pollution"
5611. Newsis, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5612. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5613. News 1, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5614. Nocut news, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5615. SBS 8 news, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5616. Yeonhap news TV, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5617. YTN, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5618. KTV, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in a discussion with the private members of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology"
5619. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5620. Newspim, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5621. Newsis, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5622. News 1, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5623. Yeonhap news, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5624. Chosunbiz, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5625. KBS, 2023.11.27, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee participated in the Presidential Advisory Council on Science & Technology, contributing insights on the direction of R&D innovation"
5626. Herald gyeongje, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5627. Asia gyeongje, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5628. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5629. Busan ilbo, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5630. E daily, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5631. News 1, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5632. Gyosu sinmun, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5633. Daehak journal, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5634. E news today, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5635. Jungbu maeil, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5636. Donga science, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5637. Chosunbiz, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5638. Junjasinmun, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5639. Bio times, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5640. Business post, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5641. News2day, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5642. Chungcheong news, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5643. Newsis, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5644. Financial news, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5645. Veritas alpha, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5646. Yeonhap news, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5647. Daejoen city journal, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5648. Chungcheong times, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5649. Worktoday, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5650. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5651. Naeil sinmun, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5652. Energy gyeongje, 2023.12.11, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee presented a paper that integrates the latest technologies utilizing microorganisms for the production of plastics and environmentally friendly treatment of plastic waste"
5653. Herald gyeongje, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5654. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5655. Aju gyeongje, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5656. Worktoday, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5657. Digital times, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5658. Chungcheong news, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5659. News 1, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5660. Veritas alpha, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5661. Tech world, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5662. Yeonhap news, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5663. Jungbu maeil, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5664. Donga science, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5665. Jeonguk maeil sinmun, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5666. Junjasinmun, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5667. News2day, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5668. Chungcheong ilbo, 2023.12.18, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee provided a comprehensive summary of bio-based polyamide production strategies, offering insights into the trends in the development of bio-based polyamides synthesized”
5669. Maeil gyeongje, 2023.12.26, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee highlighted the risks associated with obesity while emphasizing the importance of developing obesity therapeutics"
5670. Chosunbiz, 2024.1.8, "KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee mentioned the systems metabolic engineering that he founded, which involves both the production and degradation of plastic by bacteria"
5671. Junjasinmun, 2024.1.15, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the necessity of international collaboration for leading the way in bio-innovation"
5672. Hankuk ilbo, 2024.1.17, "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the importance of establishing the core infrastructure of synthetic biology, the biofoundry"
5673. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.1.24, "KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the significance of responsible development in the utilization of artificial intelligence, a core theme discussed at the World Economic Forum (The Davos Forum)"
5674. Hankuk gyeongje, 2024.1.29, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned that while a doctor can save a limited number of lives in their lifetime, becoming a biotechnologist who develop new technologies or drugs can save countless lives”
5675. YTN science, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5676. Medical today, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5677. Herald gyeongje, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5678. Chosunbiz, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5679. Sina ilbo, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5680. Global economic, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5681. Daehak journal, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5682. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5683. Veritas alpha, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5684. News 1, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5685. Yeonhap news, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5686. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5687. Donga science, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5688. Jeonja sinmun, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5689. Chungcheong news, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5690. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5691. Geumgang ilbo, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5692. Hello DD, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5693. Newsis, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5694. Money today, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5695. Worktoday, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5696. Cookie news, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5697. E news today, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5698. Busan ilbo, 2024.2.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5699. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.2.28, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the urgent need to develop technologies and policies to address issues such as data security, accuracy of information, and challenges in handling vast amounts of data”
5700. Hankok ilbo, 2024.3.6, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned the necessity of establishing a system where pharmaceutical companies contribute to healthcare for the masses by reducing drug development time and costs using technologies such as organoids or AI, thereby slowing down the rise in drug prices”
5701. KAIST breakthrough, 2024.3, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group has developed DeepECtransformer, an AI that can predict enzyme functions from protein sequences”
5702. KAIST news, 2024.3.9, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group has developed a technology for the first time that utilizes E. coli to produce benzyl acetate, the main component of jasmine fragrance, in an eco-friendly and sustainable manner”
5703. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.3.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to enhance diversity and sustainability in K-Food by developing various fusion dishes that incorporate local ingredients, in order to further advance its development”
5704. Herald gyeongje, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5705. Junjasinmun, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5706. Chungcheong today, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5707. Hankok gyeongje, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5708. Medical today, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5709. Work today, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5710. Aju gyeongje, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5711. News 1, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5712. Daehak journal, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5713. E news today, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5714. Sina ilbo, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5715. Global economic, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5716. E daily, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5717. Beritas alpha, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5718. Chungcheong news, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5719. Yeonhap news, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5720. Donga science, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5721. Hankok gangsa sinmun, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5722. I news 24, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5723. Zdnet korea, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5724. Chosun biz, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5725. BBS news, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5726. E euiryo jeongbo, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5727. Digital times, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5728. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5729. Daejeon city journal, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5730. Geumgang ilbo, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5731. Hankokdaehak sinmun, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5732. Money today, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5733. Cookie news, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5734. Busan ilbo, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5735. Hello DD, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5736. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5737. Chungcheong times, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5738. Korea health log, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5739. YTN science, 2024.3.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his collaborative research team have developed a computer methodology to predict new metabolites and metabolic pathways associated with genetic mutations in cancer cells”
5740. Hankok ilbo, 2024.3.27, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee advised that due to the diverse and heterogeneous nature of bio-data, detailed research is needed on how to collect and utilize the data for building a bio-data platform”
5741. Maeli gyeongje, 2024.04.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned that protein structure prediction AI could dramatically reduce the cost and time required for drug development”
5742. Herald gyeongje, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5743. Digital times, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5744. Chungcheong today, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5745. News 1, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5746. E news today, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5747. Veritas alpha, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5748. E daily, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5749. Daehak journal, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5750. Work today, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5751. Chungcheong news, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5752. Daejeon ilbo, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5753. Good morning chungcheong, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5754. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5755. I news 24, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5756. Cookie news, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5757. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5758. ZDnet korea, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5759. Keonhap news, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5760. Donga science, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5761. Hello DD, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5762. MBC news today, 2024.04.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized the need to strive for the development and popularization of a wider variety of microbial foods to create a sustainable society”
5763. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.04.18, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee developed microbes that absorb carbon dioxide.”
5764. Seoul gyengje, 2024.04.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned that as AI becomes more involved in personal lives, there is an increasing risk of misuse and manipulation, thus requiring regulation”
5765. Hankuk gyeonje, 2024.04.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized that AI could reduce the cost of developing new drugs, thereby lowering the overall price”
5766. Biz watch, 2024.04.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized that AI could reduce the cost of developing new drugs, thereby lowering the overall price”
5767. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.05.08, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized that anti-aging technology should benefit humanity equally”
5768. Daejeon ilbo, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5769. Work today, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5770. Jeonja sinmun, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5771. Hello DD, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5772. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5773. Veritas alpha, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5774. Chungcheong news, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5775. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.05.21, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee received the 14th KAIST Future Pioneering Technology Award in the Advanced Biotechnology category”
5776. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.06.05, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned that he welcomes the abolition of the preliminary feasibility study system for R&D”
5777. Herald gyeongje, 2024.06.05, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned that a new era of Humanism 2.0, where humans and AI coexist, is coming”
5778. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.06.10, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee explained about the scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of exercise”
5779. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.06.12, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee explained about the functions of tears and their impact on eye health”
5780. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5781. Gyeonghyang sinmun, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5782. Herald gyeongje, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5783. Segye ilbo, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5784. Kookmin ilbo, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5785. Hankuk gyeongje, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5786. Jeonja sinmun, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5787. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5788. ZDnet korea, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5789. Asia gyeongje, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5790. Medical today, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5791. News 1, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5792. Dailian, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5793. Yeonhap news, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5794. E news today, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5795. Hankuk gyeongje TV, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5796. Uihyeop sinmun, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5797. Chosun biz, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5798. Daehak journal, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5799. Chungcheong news, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5800. News tree, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5801. News works, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5802. Digital times, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5803. Money today, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5804. Global epic, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5805. Donga science, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5806. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5807. City journal, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5808. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5809. Veritas alpha, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5810. Jeonkuk maeil sinmun, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5811. Hello T, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5812. Seoul wire, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5813. Newsis, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5814. Daily 365, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5815. Cookie news, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5816. Good morning chungcheong, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5817. Aju gyeongje, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5818. Work today, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5819. Chungcheong today, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5820. Hello DD, 2024.07.04, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group produced an aritficial egg substitute using microorganisms”
5821. Korea joongang daily, 2024.07.05, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed microbial liquid egg substitute”
5822. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.07.17, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee emphasized that food is the most important factor in maintaining health”
5823. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.07.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned the efficiency of using artificial intelligence for vacation scheduling”
5824. Herald gyeongje, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5825. Global epic, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5826. Good morning chungcheong, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5827. Sina ilbo, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5828. Daehak journal, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5829. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5830. Chungcheong news, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5831. City journal, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5832. Veritas alpha, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5833. News 1, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5834. Jeonkuk maeil sinmun, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5835. Jeongbotongsin sinmun, 2024.07.25, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented an irreplaceable bio-manufacturing strategy for the future”
5836. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.08.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee mentioned that the risk of fires caused by batteries could be overcome through technological advancements”
5837. Herald gyeongje, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5838. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5839. Sina ilbo, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5840. Dailian, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5841. E news today, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5842. News 1, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5843. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5844. Donga science, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5845. Chungcheong news, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5846. I news 24, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5847. Veritas alpha, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5848. Jeonja sinmun, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5849. Gukje news, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5850. Chosun biz, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5851. City journal, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5852. Geumgang ilbo, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5853. Iutjip gwahakja, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5854. Jeonkuk maeil sinmun, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5855. Hello DD, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5856. Chungcheong today, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5857. Chungcheong times, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5858. Work today, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5859. Cookie news, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5860. Noksack kyeongjae sinmun, 2024.08.22, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyesters”
5861. Hankuk gyeongje, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5862. Digital times, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5863. Seoul finance, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5864. Aju gyeongje, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5865. Herald gyeongje, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5866. Kukmin ilbo, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5867. Jungang ilbo, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5868. Wolgan chosun, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5869. Asia today, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5870. Yeonhap news, 2024.08.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture on "Metabolic Engineering for Sustainable Plastics" at the LG Tech Fair 2024 Future Technology Seminar”
5871. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee presented the importance of carbon utilization technology that we must lead in the future”
5872. Energy sinmun, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5873. Asia gyeongje, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5874. The fact, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5875. Digital daily, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5876. Digital times, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5877. Seoul gyengje, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5878. Chosun ilbo, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5879. Joongang ilbo, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5880. Herald gyeongje, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5881. Money today, 2024.09.02, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the first Korean member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)”
5882. Herald gyeonje, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5883. Junja sinmun, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5884. Asia gyeongje, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5885. News 1, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5886. New daily, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5887. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5888. Chungcheong news, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5889. E daily, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5890. Lawissue, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5891. Yeonhap news, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5892. Seoul finance, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5893. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5894. Veritas alpha, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5895. Geumgang ilbo, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5896. Cookie news, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5897. Sina ilbo, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5898. Hello DD, 2024.09.11, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group succeeded in producingthe world's highest yield of environmentally friendly succinic acid”
5899. Meail gyeongje, 2024.10.01, “KAIST Distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee presented on power consumption in data centers due to the increased use of AI-driven programs and highlighted the importance of improving energy efficiency and reducing power waste”
5900. Digital times, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5901. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5902. Yeonhap news, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5903. Newsis, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5904. Newspim, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5905. Financial news, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5906. Chosunbiz, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5907. News 1, 2024.10.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will attend The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference and deliver the keynote speech, representing Korea as a leading scholar”
5908. Digital times, 2024.10.16, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee presented on the importance and perspectives of the K-Biofoundry”
5909. Hankuk ilbo, 2024.10.16, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee attended The 3rd Korea-U.S. Synthetic Biology Joint Conference”
5910. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.10.21, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee presented on AI tools' applications and impacts, and emphasized the risk posed by AI”
5911. Chungcheong maeil, 2024.10.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture at the Nobel Talk & Talk Lecture and Talk Concert”
5912. Chungcheong today, 2024.10.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture at the Nobel Talk & Talk Lecture and Talk Concert”
5913. Bulgyogong news, 2024.10.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture at the Nobel Talk & Talk Lecture and Talk Concert”
5914. News 1, 2024.10.23, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered an invited lecture at the Nobel Talk & Talk Lecture and Talk Concert”
5915. Sikpum journal, 2024.10.29, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee delivered a keynote lecture at the Agricultural Food R&D Future Perspective Symposium”
5916. Hankuk gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5917. Junjasinmun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5918. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5919. Kukmin ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5920. Financial news, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5921. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5922. Yeonhap news, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5923. Chosunbiz, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5924. Gangwondomin ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5925. I news 24, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5926. MBN news, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5927. cjb cheongju bangsong, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5928. Dailian, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5929. E daily, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5930. Asia today, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5931. Financial today, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5932. Daejoen ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5933. Giho ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5934. Busan ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5935. EBN, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5936. Gyeonghyang sinmun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5937. E today, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5938. YTN, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5939. Newspim, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5940. Gonggam sinmun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5941. SBS, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5942. Munhwa ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5943. Newsis, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5944. Chosun ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5945. Nocut news, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5946. Namdo ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5947. OBS news, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5948. Cheonji ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5949. Aju gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5950. Jeonra ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5951. KTV kukmin bangsong, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5952. Yeonhap infomax, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5953. Seoul sinmun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5954. Global economic, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5955. Digital times, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5956. Media pen, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5957. Bridge gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5958. Daily pam, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5959. Segye ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5960. Yaksa gongron, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5961. Ilgan sports, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5962. Sisa work, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5963. Donga science, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5964. Nongmin sinmun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5965. E news today, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5966. Naeil sinmun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5967. News 1, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5968. KBS, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5969. TV chosun, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5970. Herald gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5971. Hankuk ilbo, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5972. Money today, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5973. Asia gyeongje, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5974. Hangyeore, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5975. MBC, 2024.11.03, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
5976. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.11.06, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee discussed misconceptions, development, and future prospects of sugar substitutes”
5977. Digital times, 2024.11.07, “KAIST vice president for research Sang Yup Lee was appointed as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Committee, and committee will be launched next month”
5978. Maeil gyeongje, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5979. Jeonja sinmun, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5980. Veritas alpha, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5981. Herald gyeongje, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5982. News 1, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5983. E news today, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5984. Chungcheong ilbo, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5985. Yeonhap news, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5986. Chungcheong news, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5987. New daily, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5988. Kizmom, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5989. News tree, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5990. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5991. Economy science, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5992. Hello T, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5993. Donga science, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5994. Global epick, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5995. Daehak journal, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5996. Hankuk daehak sinmun, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5997. Seoul sinmun, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5998. Jeonkuk maeil sinmun, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
5999. Geumgang ilbo, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
6000. Hankuk gangsa sinmun, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
6001. Chosunbiz, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
6002. Work today, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
6003. Dailypost, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
6004. Daejeon ilbo, 2024.11.07, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee and his group successfully produced microbial plastic as a substitute for PET bottle”
6005. HelloDD, 2024.11.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee has been selected for the Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers for 8 consecutive years”
6006. Veritas alpha, 2024.11.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee has been selected for the Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers for 8 consecutive years”
6007. Ingongjineung sinmun, 2024.11.20, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee has been selected for the Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers for 8 consecutive years”
6008. Seoul finance, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6009. Work today, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6010. News pim, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6011. Seoul times news, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6012. Choice gyeongje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6013. Bussiness korea, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6014. Business plus, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6015. Daehan gyeongje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6016. Bridge gyeongje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6017. Yeonhap news, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6018. ZDNET koread , 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6019. News works, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6020. Cheongnyeon ilbo, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6021. Sobijaga mandeuneun sinmun, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6022. Hankuk NGO sinmun, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6023. Financial news, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6024. Digital tiles, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6025. Biz tree byun, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6026. Press nine, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6027. Energy gyeongje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6028. Mydaily, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6029. EBN, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6030. Jeonja sinmun, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6031. Smart today, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6032. Financial post, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6033. Force journal, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6034. White paper, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6035. Money today, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6036. Busan ilbo, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6037. Sports seoul, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6038. Dailian, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6039. Maeil gyeonje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6040. Insite korea, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6041. E daily, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6042. Sina ilbo, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6043. Cheonji ilbo, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6044. HelloDD, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6045. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6046. Asia gyeonje, 2024.11.24, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee will participate as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6047. Seoul gyeongje, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6048. Asia gyeongje, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated as a panelist in the 'Future Talent Conference' session, held in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Higher Education Foundation”
6049. Yeonhap news, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6050. E news today, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6051. Medipana news, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6052. Herald gyeongje, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6053. Digital times, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6054. Finance today, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6055. Uihak sinmun, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”
6056. Yageop sinmun, 2024.11.26, “KAIST distinguished professor Sang Yup Lee participated Advanced Bio Industry Roundtable as the Vice Chair of the National Bio Commitee”