Media Recognition
1. Choongangilbo, 1993. 3. 6., "Professor S.Y. Lee gave a lecture at the University-Research Institute-Industry Research Interchange Corporate"
2. Yeosung donga (Monthly Magazine for Womans), 1994. 5., "Rising sun of Korean Science and Technology: Four Young Professors at KAIST"
3. Hankyeoresinmun, 1994. 9. 10., "Development of 100% Biodegradable plastics"
4. Kookjesinmun, 1994. 9. 13., "Hot issues on Biodegradable plastics"
5. Classe, 1995.5., "Man at the Top of the World in his thirties"
6. Hankyeoresinmun, 1995. 11. 18., "Active research on the plastics which can be rotten completely"
7. Dongailbo, 1996. 4., 27., "Development of completely biodegadable plastics using genetics"
8. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 5. 3., "Development of completely biodegadable plastics using recombinant DNA technology in Escherichia.coli"
9. KAIST Letters, 1996. 5. 8., "Development of completely biodegadable plastics using genetics "
10. Daejunilbo, 1996. 5., 23., "Mass production of biodegradable plastics"
11. Choongdoilbo, 1996. 5., 24., "Mass production of biodegradable plastics"
12. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 6. 14., "Do you know the blue Roses?"
13. Hankookilbo, 1996. 6., 25., "Mass production of biodegradable plastics using E.coli"
14. Monthly Plastic Korea, 1996. 7., "Interview: Professor Lee, S.Y. at KAIST – I’ll do continuous hard workings on Biodegradable Plasticsfor the World"
15. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 10. 19., "Looking for the memory chip at the Bacteria"
16. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1996. 11. 9., "Development of completely degradable plastics"
17. Dongyangilbo, 1996. 11., 20., "Leading ph.D in his thirties who is responsible for Korean Science"
18. Hangyeoresinmun, 1996. 12. 19., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
19. Hankookilbo, 1996. 12., 20., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
20. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1996. 12., 21., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
21. Kookminilbo, 1996. 12., 23., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
22. Dongailbo, 1996. 12., 26., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
23. KAIST Letters, 1997. 1. 10., "The Winner of the first Korea-China Young Researcher’s Award"
24. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1997. 1., 22., "Famous Research Paper about Plastic Bacteria"
25. Professors Letters, 1997., 2. 17., "The Meaning of Biodegradable Plastics"
26. Seoulgyungjesinmun, 1997. 5. 30., "Making biodegradable plastics using E.coli"
27. Esquire, 1997. 5., "Young brains for the future of Korea"
28. Engineer, 1997. 6., "Techniques for producing biodegradable plastics through Genetics"
29. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1997. 8., 21., "Bioadhesives effective in the water"
30. Hangyeoresinmun, 1997. 9.10., "Development of completely biodegradable plastcs"
31. MBC, KBS news, 1997. 9. 11.
32. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1997. 9. 11., "The Advent of Mass Production of biodegradable plastics"
33. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1997. 9. 11., "The Advent of Mass Production of biodegradable plastics "
34. Seoulgyungjesinmun 1997. 9. 11., "The Advent of Mass Production of biodegradable plastics "
35. Daejunilbo, 1997. 9. 11., "Professor S.Y.Lee. at the KAIST.- Production of completely degradable plastics"
36. Jeilgyungjesinmun, 1997. 9. 11., "Development of completely biodegradable plastcs"
37. Kookdoilbo, 1997. 9. 11., "World-Best Productivity of Biodegradable Plastics"
38. YTN news, 1997. 9. 12., "Mass Production of Biodegradable Plastics"
39. Hankookilbo, 1997. 9., 20., "Bioadhesives effective in the water"
40. Segeilbo, 1997. 9., 23., "Development of Cheap Biodegradable Plastics, the price of which is 10% of that of already used ones"
41. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1997. 9., 26., "21century. The era of Microorganisms"
42. KAIST Letters, 1997. 9., 24., "Mass Production of Bioadhesives"
43. Noksacksinmun, 1997. 9. 30., "World-First Production of Biodegradable Plastics"
44. Fine Chemicals Letters, 1997. 10. 16., " Bioadhesives effective in the water"
45. Munhwailbo. 1997.12. 11., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
46. KBS news, 1997. 12. 11., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
47. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
48. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
49. Electronics Letters, 1997.12.12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
50. Chooangilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
51. Dongailbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
52. Chosunilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
53. Hangyeoresinmun, 1997. 12. 12., " The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award "
54. Hankookilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award "
55. Gyunghyangsinmun, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
56. Kookdoilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
57. Segeilbo, 1997. 12. 12., "The Winner of the 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
58. TJB (Tae-Jun Broadcasting), 1997. 12., 22., "Good Morning Guest! - The Winner of the 1st KoreanYoung Scientist Award. Professor S.Y. Lee"
59. Dongahwangyungsinmun, 1998. 1. 12., "Production of Completely Degradable Plastics Using Recombinant E. coli"
60. Dongahwangyungsinmun, 1998. 1. 12., "PHA-Biodegradable Plastics"
61. Dongyangilbo, 1998., 2. 12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
62. Taejunilbo, 1998., 2. 12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
63. Chosunilbo, 1998., 2.12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
64. Electronics Letters, 1998., 2.12., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
65. Daeduk Times, 1998., 2. 23., "The 1st Korean Young Scientist Award"
66. Taejunmaeilsinmun, 1998. 3. 4., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
67. Taejunilbo, 1998. 3. 4., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
68. Choongchungilbo, 1998. 3. 4., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
69. KAIST Letters, 1998. 3., 25., "Development of environmentally-friendly bioinsecticides"
70. Chemistry Industry Letters, 1998. 4., 20., "Production of Bioadhesives"
71. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1998. 5., 22., "Come to KAIST!"
72. Hangyeoresinmun, 1998. 6. 8., "Design of God! – Looking for the High Technology in our Bodies"
73. Chosunilbo, 1998. 6.13., "KAIST, Production of Environmental-Friendly Insecticides"
74. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1998. 6. 17., "Extinguishing apple insects using environmentalylly-friendly bioinsecticides"
75. Hankookilbo, 1998. 8. 14., "Influential 50 people who will lead the New Millenium in Korea."
76. Hankookilbo, 1998. 9. 11., "KAIST, Mass Production of Bioadhesives using recombinant E. coli"
77. KBS Radio Dongseonambuk, 1998. 9. 15., "Bioadhesive Proteins which have good adhesiveness in the water"
78. Segeilbo, 1998. 9. 15., "Development of Bioadhesives"
79. Electronics Letters, 1998. 9. 15., "Proffesor S.Y.Lee of KAIST. Production of Leptin using recombinant E.coli"
80. Chosunilbo, 1998. 9. 16., "Mass production of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity"
81. Choongangilbo, 1998. 9. 16., "Development of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity, using Recombinant Bacteria"
82. Hangyeoresinmun 1998. 9. 17., "Proffesor S.Y.Lee of KAIST. Development of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity, using Recombinant E. coli"
83. Hangyeoresinmun, 1998. 9., 21., "Hot issues in establishing Bioventure Enterprises"
84. Hangyeoresinmun, 1998. 9., 23., "The best value added in the 21st century-Korean 31 challenging enterprises"
85. Science Donga, 1998. 11., "Development of Leptin, Materials for the treatment of obesity, using Recombinant Bacteria" vol. 13(11), p.138
86. Moonhwailbo, 1999. 3. 3., "Supporting Nam Na Ri"
87. Choongangilbo, 1999. 3., 22., "We learn the future science from the Mussel and Spider"
88. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1999. 4., 28., "Blue reses are Not impossible"
89. Yeonhap News 1999. 5., 26., "World first production of optically active fine chemicals"
90. Yeonhap News 1999. 5., 26., "Optically active fine chemicals and their usefulness"
91. Naeyegyungjesinmun, 1999. 5., 27., "Optically active fine chemicals and their usefulness"
92. Hankukilbo, 1999. 5., 26., "KAIST- World first development of production method of optically active fine chemicals"
93. Segyeilbo, 1999. 5., 26., "New technology for the production of high value added materials including antibiotics"
94. Dongailbo, 1999. 5., 26., "New methods for the mass production of valuable drugs"
95. Moonhwailbo. 1999. 5., 26., "World first production of optically active fine chemicals"
96. Kookminilbo. 1999. 5., 27., "World first production of source materials for new drugs-KAIST professor Lee. SY"
97. Taejunilbo. 1999. 5., 27., "World first production of source materials for new drugs-KAIST professor Lee. SY"
98. Joongdoilbo.1999. 5. 31., "World first production of optically active fine chemicals"
99. Seoulgyungjesinmun. 1999. 5., 26., "Development of source materials for new antibiotics"
100. KAIST Letters.1999. 6., 2., "Development of source materials for new antibiotics – Professor Lee.SY"
101. KAIST vision, 1999. 8. 1., "Development of chirally fine chemical production process"
102. Maeilgyungjesinmun. 1999. 8. 18., "Research Projects from the Overseas"
103. Kyunghyangsinmun, 1999. 9. 10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
104. YTN news 1999. 9. 10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Competing for the Top Quality Research"
105. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Leader for new century"
106. Segeilbo, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
107. Hankookilbo 1999 .9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
108. Daehanmaeilsinmun 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
109. Korea Electric News 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
110. Maeilsinmun, 1999. 9. 11., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
111. Taejunilbo, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
112. Joongdoilbo, 1999. 9. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-simultaneously listed in all three world major dictionaries"
113. Maeilgyungjesinmun 1999. 9. 13., "Analysis of physiological information using DNA chip"
114. Taejunmaeilsinmun, 1999. 9. 14., "Development of technology for the production of hine chemicals by using microorganism"
115. Hankookgyungjesinmun, 1999. 9., 21., "World leader in PHA research-21C Frontier: Prof. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST"
116. KAIST letters, 1999. 9., 22., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Leader for new century"
117. Hangyuresinmun, 1999. 10. 4., "We can make biodegradable plastics"
118. Yeonhap News, 1999. 10., 26., "Korean Science Journal Citation"
119. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 1999. 10., 27., "Challenging the Nobel Prize-Prof. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST- Excellent achievement"
120. Taejunilbo, 1999. 10., 27., "Mostly cited papers in Korea"
121. Kyunghyangsinmun, 1999. 12. 6., "Korean Young Scientist - Representative of 386 generation, KAIST Lee, Sang Yup"
122. Science and Technology 1999. 12., "New success in Technology - low cost production of optically active materials"
123. Yeonhap News, 1999. 12., 23., "Young Eminent Scientist opening the new Millenium"
124. Maekyoung Economy, 2000. 1. 12., "Biotech Industry blossoms in 21st century"
125. Sisa Journal, 2000., 2. 10., "21st Century Key Person"
126. Maeilkyoungjesinmun, 2000. 3. 3., "Bioleaders: Biotech Venture"
127. Hankukgyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
128. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
129. Sekeilbo., 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
130. Joongangilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
131. Joongdoilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
132. Hankookilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
133. Munwhailbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
134. Dongailbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
135. Korea times, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
136. Hangyuresinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
137. Junjasinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
138. Seoulkyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
139. Kookminilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
140. Taejunilbo, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
141. Daehanmaeilsinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
142. Naewoegyungjesinmun, 2000. 3., 28., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
143. Digital times, 2000. 3. 30., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
144. Taejunsinmun, 2000. 4. 3., "KAIST professor Sang Yup Lee, the First Elmer Garden Award"
145. KBS TV (News Today), 2000. 4. 6., "Focus: Professor Sang Yup Lee of KAIST"
146. Daehanmaeilsinmun, 2000. 4., 27., "Bio-mass techniques"
147. Maeilkyungjesinmun, 2000. 5. 3., "Scientists in the dictionary of persons"
148. Maeilkyungjesinmun, 2000. 6. 19., "The birth of bioholdings"
149. MBC TV 9 pm News, 2000. 6., 21., "Prof. Lee develops DNA chip for diagnosing Wilson disease"
150. MBC TV morning news, 2000. 6., 22., "Prof. Lee develops DNA chip for diagnosing Wilson disease"
151. KBS TV morning news, 2000. 6., 23., "Development of DNA chip"
152. Joongdoilbo, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
153. The Electronic Times, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
154. Taejunilbo, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
155. Daehanmaeilsinmun,, 2000. 6., 20., "Prof. S. Y. Lee presents research results"
156. KBS TV 9 pm News, 2000. 7. 12., "Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
157. Maeilkyungjesinmun 2000. 7. 13., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
158. Joongdoilbo, 2000. 7. 13., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
159. Joongangilbo, 2000. 7. 13., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
160. Daehanmaeilsinmun, 2000. 7. 17., "Prof. S.Y. Lee - Development of Wilson Disease DNA chip"
161. The Biotechnologist (ACS), 2000. 8., "Prof. Lee receives the first Elmer Garden Award"
162. Maeilkyungjesinmun, 2000. 8., 21., "International biotechnology symposium held"
163. KAIST letters 2000. 9. 6., "Wilson disease DNA chip"
164. Joongangilbo, 2000. 9.14., "Citation frequency of SCI listed journal for recent 5 years"
165. Newton, 2000. 10., "Young Scientist – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
166. DongA Science, 2000. 11., "Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering Lab, KAIST"
167. Dongailbo, 2001. 3. 8., "Human Genome Symposium"
168. Yeonhap news, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
169. HankookKyungjae, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
170. Joongangilbo, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
171. Jeonjashinmun, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
172. KOSEF news, 2001. 3. 9., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
173. Daejeon Maeil Shinmun 2001. 3. 10., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
174. Chungcheongilbo 2001. 3. 10., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
175. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2001. 3. 13., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
176. KAIST Times, 2001. 3., 21., "The Scientist of the Month Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
177. KAIST Vision, 2001. 3., "Professor Sang Yup Lee"
178. DongA Science, 2001. 3., "Scientist next door"
179. Maeilkyungje, 2001. 3. 19., "Bioinformatics free lecture"
180. Dongailbo, 2001. 3., 29., "Biomimetics-Bioadhesive protein developed by Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
181. DongA Science, 2001. 4., "Biomaterials"
182. Science Foundation News, 2001. 4., "Professor Sang Yup Lee"
183. Yeonhap news, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
184. KAIST News, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
185. IlganJeongbo, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
186. Science Foundation, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
187. Kukje shinmun, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
188. Seoulkyungjeshinmun, 2001. 4., 2., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
189. Maekyung, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
190. Naewaekyungje, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
191. Jeonjashinmun, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
192. DaehanMaeil, 2001. 4. 3., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
193. Hankukilbo, 2001. 4. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
194. Chosunilbo, 2001. 4. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Editorial board member of two SCI journals"
195. Joongangilbo, 2001. 4. 7., "Best Patent Award- SejongDaeWang Award"
196. Joongangilbo, 2001. 4. 10., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Biological route to fine chemicals"
197. Maeilkyungje, 2001. 4. 19., "Science and Technology National Awards"
198. Digital Times, 2001. 4., 22., "Science and Technology National Awards"
199. MunHwaIlbo, 2001. 4., 22., "Science and Technology National Awards"
200. Science News, 2001. 4., 22., "Science and Technology National Awards"
201. KBS TV, 2001. 5. 1., "Metabolic Engineering"
202. Maeilkyungje, 2001. 5. 8., "Proteome consortium"
203. KAIST Times, 2001. 5. 9., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee becomes an editorial board member of AMB"
204. KAIST Times, 2001. 5. 9., "The 34th Science day ceremony"
205. KyungHyangShinmun, 2001. 5. 11., "Proteome consortium"
206. Yeonhap News, 2001. 6. 11., "Proteome consortium"
207. JoongAngIlBo, 2001. 5. 15., "See-KAIST-high technology"
208. DongA Science, 2001. 5. 17., "KAIST-Department of Chemical Engineering: World Best"
209. MaeilKyungje, 2001. 5., 22., "Prof. Lee at the Bioinformatics Symposium"
210. DongAIlBo, 2001. 5., 24., "Development of the First virtual cell"
211. HanKyoRe21, 2001. 5., 26., "Plastics from plant"
212. Biozine, 2001. 6. 1., "Microbial genome project"
213. MaeilKyungje, 2001. 6. 5., "Microbial genome project - finished"
214. Yeonhap News, 2001. 6. 5., "Associate Editor – Prof. Lee"
215. Hankukilbo, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
216. JoongDoIlbo, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
217. DaejeonIlbo, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
218. Naewaekyungje, 2001. 6. 6., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
219. JunjaSinmun, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
220. Digital Times, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
221. HanKyoRe, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
222. SeoulKyungje, 2001. 6. 7., "Prof. Lee Associate Editor of Biotech News"
223. Maekyung, 2001. 6. 12., "APBN Associate Editor"
224. KAIST Times, 2001. 6. 13., "APBN Associate Editor"
225. Yeonhap News, 2001. 7. 9., "Korean Human Proteom Organization (KHUPO)"
226. KOSEF News, 2001. 7., "Mostly citation paper in Korea"
227. Donga science, 2001. 9., "Virtual cell"
228. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 1. 16., "BT-IT fusion Technology"
229. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 1. 14., "BIT Technology"
230. Chosunilbo, 2002. 1. 16., "BT-IT fusion Technology"
231. DigitalTimes, 2002. 1. 17., "BT + IT"
232. Maeilkyungje, 2002., 2. 21., "High value products using 0.1mm Microbes"
233. KAIST Times, 2002. 3. 6., "Newly-established. Biosystem department holds symposium"
234. DigitalTimes, 2002. 3. 12., "Good result -3 BK21 research center in KAIST"
235. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 3. 12., "Good result -3 BK21 research center in KAIST"
236. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 3. 13., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee –Development of of G-CSF production process"
237. KAIST Times, 2002. 3., 20., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee –Development of of G-CSF production process"
238. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 3., 28., "E-cell promote the production of new drug"
239. Chosunilbo, 2002. 4. 10., "Challenge to the World Top- Production of Biodegradable Polymer"
240. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 4. 16., "E-cell system research – Gold-rush"
241. MunHwaIlbo, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
242. DigitalTimes, 2002. 4., 23 ., " Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
243. Financial News, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
244. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
245. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 4., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
246. DongAIlBo, 2002. 4., 25., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Biochemical Engineering Journal"
247. Financial news, 2002. 6., 23., "Domestic BIT condition"
248. Financial news, 2002. 6., 23., "Clinical Testing by E-Cell"
249. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
250. DigitalTimes, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
251. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
252. Yeonhap News, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good"
253. DaejeonIlbo, 2002. 6., 27., "Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics workshop-Good "
254. Dongascience, 2002. 8., "2010 future prediction with the specialist"
255. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 8., 23., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
256. MunHwaIlbo, 2002. 8., 24., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
257. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 8., 24., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
258. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 8., 28., "Asian Young Leaders ceremony"
259. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 9. 4., "I’m a scientist! – Useful metabolites production by regulation"
260. Juganchosun, 2002. 9. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee -selected as one of Asian Young Leaders in World Economic Forum"
261. Weekly Chosun, 2002. 9. 12., "Korean Young Leaders"
262. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 10., 2., "Asian Young Leaders gather in Malaysia-"
263. DongAIlBo, 2002. 10. 4., "Asian Young Leaders gather in Malaysia"
264. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 10. 4., "Korean promising scientist! –Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
265. Maeilkyungje, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
266. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
267. Naewaekyungje, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
268. Financial News, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
269. Hankukilbo, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
270. Yeonhap News, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
271. HelloDD, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
272. KAIST News, 2002. 10. 11., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
273. Chosunilbo, 2002. 10. 12., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
274. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 10. 12., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
275. DigitalTimes, 2002. 10. 14., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
276. Chosunilbo, 2002. 10. 14., "New medicine development and the bio enterprise’s future"
277. Hankukkungje, 2002. 10. 30., "Science and Technology policy of three president candidates"
278. KAIST news, 2002. 11. 6., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Associate Editor of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
279. Kaist news, 2002. 11. 12., "Life scientific field joint research - IBMCBC and bioinformatics"
280. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 11. 14., "Next generation leader-Prof. Sang Yup Lee-The national competitive power is based on science"
281. JoongAngIlBo, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
282. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
283. DongAIlBo, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
284. DigitalTimes, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
285. DaehanMaeil, 2002. 12. 17., "KAIST Prof. Sang Yup Lee – Prof. Park Sun Won : Development of Metabolic flux analysis program (MetaFluxNet(version 1.5))"
286. Hankukkyungje, 2002. 12 .30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
287. Yeonhap News, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
288. KAIST news, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
289. Financial News, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
290. Hankukilbo, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
291. DigitalTimes, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
292. JunjaSinmun, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
293. Naewaekyungje, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
294. Seoul Economy Newspaper, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
295. HelloDD, 2002. 12. 30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
296. Jeilgyungje, 2002. 12.30., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
297. Daejeonmaeil, 2003. 1. 1., "The Professor of the KAIST Award – Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
298. HelloDD, 2003. 1., 2., "Next generation’ hope of DaeDouk 2030"
299. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 1. 16., "2003 new leader-science and technology section"
300. Asia Biotech News, Vol. 6. No. 6., "Development of metabolic flux analysis package for metabolicengineering of microorganisms"
301. HelloDD, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
302. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
303. JoongAngIlBo, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
304. Yeonhap News, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
305. Hankyoreh, 2003. 1., 23., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
306. DaejeonIlbo, 2002. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
307. KOSEFnews, 2003. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
308. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
309. KAIST news, 2002. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
310. DigitalTimes, 2002. 1., 24., "Analysis of physiology in Escherichia coli during high cell density culture"
311. HelloDD, 2003., 2. 9., "Go 2030 - Prof. Lee Sang Yup"
312. JunjaSinmun, 2003., 2. 12., "BIT based disease therapeutics research"
313. KAIST news, 2003. 3. 4., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
314. Chosunilbo, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
315. Yeonhap News, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
316. DaejeonIlbo, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
317. KOSEFnews, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
318. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
319. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
320. HelloDD, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
321. DigitalTimes, 2003. 3. 5., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
322. DongAIlBo, 2003. 3. 10., "Campus tour - " Prof. Sang Yup Lee- Editor of Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering"
323. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 3. 14., "Control of microbial metabolic activity"
324. KAISTtimes, 2003. 3., 26., "Lab tour – Metabolic and Biomolecluar Engineering Laboratory"
325. KBS Radio 1, 2003. 3., 28., "Future industry : Biotechnology"
326. EBS TV, 2003. 4., 29., "Search for the Stars of Science- 45 min documentary"
327. MunHwaIlBo, 2003. 5., 2., "Asian Young Leaders educate a child"
328. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 5. 15., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6 "
329. HelloDD, 2003. 5.15., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6 "
330. Yeonhap News, 2003. 5. 15., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6 "
331. DigitalTimes, 2003. 5. 16., "KAIST- Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6"
332. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 5. 16., "KAIST- Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6"
333. Dongascience, 2003. 6., "Biotechnology- world of taste"
334. KAIST Times, 2003. 5., 21., "Development of MetaFluxNet version 1.6"
335. KAIST Times, 2003. 5., 21., "Catalyst of scientific interchange- journal"
336. KAIST Times, 2003. 5., 21., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee-Becoming a editor is scholar’s honor"
337. Yeonhap News, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
338. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
339. Koreatimes, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
340. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 6. 13., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
341. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 6. 19., "Young Asian Leaders-66% Peaceful solution of nuclear weapon problem"
342. Yeonhap News, 2003. 6. 19., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
343. YTN news, 2003. 6.19., "President No Mu Hyun- Encouragment to Young Asian Leaders"
344. JoongAngIlBo, 2003. 6. 19., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
345. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
346. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders-Promotion of Asian unification"
347. Yeonhap News, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders-Promotion of Asian unification"
348. DongAIlBo, 2003. 6., 20., "President of Samsungjunja -Hwang chang kyu- IT is Asian development’s driving force"
349. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 6., 20., "Young Asian Leaders to Meet in Seoul"
350. KBS, 2003. 7. 5., "Quiz Korea/Metabolic Engineering, Prof. Sang Yup Lee"
351. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 7., 29., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
352. Science Times, 2003. 7., 29., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
353. KOSEFNews, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
354. DigitalTimes, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
355. Chosunilbo, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
356. DongAIlBo, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
357. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
358. Hankukilbo, 2003. 7. 30., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
359. Kids donga, 2003. 7. 31., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup-Selected as Scientist to become"
360. Kids hankukilbo, 2003. 7. 31., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup- Scientist to become"
361. KAISTNews, 2003. 8. 11., "Beginning of Bioinformatics Research Center"
362. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 8. 13., "2003 Science Festival -MBEL"
363. DongAIlBo, 2003. 8. 13., "2003 Science Festival -MBEL"
364. DongAIlBo, 2003. 8., 24., "Prof. Lee Sang Yup- Scientist to become"
365. JoongAngIlBo, 2003. 8., 27., "Biomimetics-Bioadhesive protein"
366. Yeonhap News, 2003. 9. 3., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
367. Yeonhap News, 2003. 9. 3., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
368. Ilgansports, 2003. 9. 3., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
369. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 9. 4., "Beginning of Asia Vision Committee"
370. Kyosusinmun, 2003. 9. 30, "Network science: from individual to relation"
371. Hankukkyungje, 2003. 9. 30., "AVC-hankyung leaders forum opening"
372. JunjaSinmun, 2003. 10. 4., "Chief of science and technology meet with Young Asian Leaders"
373. KOSEFNews, 2003. 10. 4., "Chief of science and technology meet with Young Asian Leaders"
374. DigitalTimes, 2003. 10., 2., "Chief of science and technology meet with Young Asian Leaders"
375. Maeilkyungje, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
376. Yeonhap News, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
377. HelloDD, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
378. Financial News, 2003. 10., 20., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
379. DigitalTimes, 2003. 10., 21., "Open presentation of research results-Prof. Lee as a winner of young scientist award"
380. Yeonhap News, 2003. 11., 26., "1st Meeting of the 2005 APEC Summit Venue Selection Committee to be held"
381. China News, 2003. 12. 5., "??重?蛋白在大?杆菌中的分泌表?"
382. Hankyeoresinmun, 2004. 1. 9., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee - Leader of future"
383. Science & Engineering, 2004. 1., "Vision and desire of ten young scientists in 2004"
384. JoongAngIlBo, 2004., 2. 5., "Fibrous tissue of mytilus orassitesta"
385. BRIC News, 2004. 3., 2., "Peoples to whom BRIC meets"
386. Internet Science News, 2004. 3. 5., "Argument for reorganization of MOST"
387. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 3. 5., "Argument for reorganization of MOST"
388. Hankyeoresinmun, 2004. 3., 23., "The era of system biology"
389. Hankyeoresinmun, 2004. 3., 25., "100 peoples who lead to Korean future"
390. Scienceboy, 2004. 4., "Bio-mimetic engineering"
391. Hankukkyungje, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
392. Maeilkyungje, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
393. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
394. DongAIlBo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
395. Chosunilbo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
396. DigitalTimes, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
397. Edaily, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
398. Financial News, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
399. HelloDD1, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
400. HelloDD2, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
401. JunjaSinmun, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
402. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
403. Moneytoday, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
404. Yeonhap News, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
405. KAISTnews, 2004. 4., "LG chem Chair Professor"
406. Jungdoilbo, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
407. Deajunmail, 2004. 4. 14., "LG chem Chair Professor"
408. KISTEP, 2004. 5. 17., "For searching the study field – KAIST Metabolic & Biomolecular Engineering National Research Laboratory"
409. Hankukkyungje, 2004. 5., 20., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
410. Yeonhap News, 2004. 5., 20., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
411. Newses, 2004. 5., 20., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
412. Maeilkyungje, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
413. JunjaSinmun, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
414. Joogdoilbo, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
415. Deajunmaeil, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
416. KOSEFNews, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
417. DigitalTimes, 2004. 5., 21., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
418. KAIST, 2004. 6., 2., "Development of Peptivator, peptide chip technique"
419. The KAIST Herald, 2004. 6., "Prof. Lee Developes 'Peptide Elevator’"
420. Yeonhap News, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
421. Chosunilbo, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
422. Hankukilbo, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
423. Maeilkyungje, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
424. HelloDD, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
425. DigitalTimes, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
426. JunjaSinmun, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
427. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
428. Inews, 2004. 6., 29., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
429. KAISTnews, 2004. 7.21., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
430. KAISTnewsletter, 2004. 7.21., "Honorary Professor of University of Queensland"
431. Newses, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
432. JoongAngIlBo, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
433. Hankukkyungje, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
434. Yeonhap News, 2004. 7. 7., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
435. DigitalTimes, 2004. 7. 8., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
436. HelloDD, 2004. 7. 9., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
437. Chosunilbo, 2004. 7. 12., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
438. KAIST, 2004.7.21., "Construction of Domestic BioSilico"
439. JunjaSinmun, 2004.7.27., " Foundation of Asian Scientist Forum"
440. KOSEFnews, 2004.7.27., " Foundation of Asian Scientist Forum"
441. News & Information for Chemical Engineers(NICE), 2004.8., "Metabolic Engineering"
442. Chosunilbo, 2004. 8.10., "Development of Technique using Nanobio Cell Sensor"
443. Dongailbo, 2004.8.10., "Development of Technique using Nanobio Cell Sensor"
444. KOSEFNews, 2004.8.11., "Development of Technique using Nanobio Cell Sensor"
445. DongaScience, 2004.9, "The World of Virtual Cell by IT and BT"
446. KBS 1TV, 2004.9,9, "KAIST Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering National Reaserch Laboratory"
447. BTNEWS, 2004 summer, "BT People Interview – very busy BT man"
448. JunjaSinmun, 2004.9.16, "Bioengineering, the Hero of Growth Engine"
449. Maeilkyungje, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
450. Chosunilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
451. Hankukkyungje, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
452. HankukIlbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
453. DongAIlbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
454. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
455. Seoulsinmun, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
456. Yeonhap News, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
457. Nocutnews, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
458. YTN moving fiture, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
459. YTN News, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
460. KBS News, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
461. KBS moving fiture, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
462. Deajunilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
463. Deajunmaeil, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
464. HelloDD, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
465. Inews, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
466. DigitalTimes, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
467. EBN Newscenter, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
468. Joogdoilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
469. Junnamilbo, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
470. Jeilkyungjae, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
471. MBCnews, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
472. MBC moving fiture, 2004.9.20, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
473. Technopia chungbuk 1-3, 2004, "Systems biotnchnology"
474. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
475. Kukminilbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
476. Yeonhap News, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
477. DigitalTimes, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
478. JunjaSinmun, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
479. Deajunmaeil, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
480. Deajunilbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
481. Joogdoilbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
482. HelloDD, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
483. Dongailbo, 2004.10.04, "Editorial Board Member of Metabolic Engineering"
484. Hankyure IT science, 2004.10.6, "Escherichia coli, the model organism for life sciences"
485. Yeonhap News, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
486. Maeilkyungje, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
487. Sciencetimes, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version",
488. HelloDD, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
489. JunjaSinmun, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
490. Deajunmaeil, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
491. Jeilkyungjae, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
492. Joogdoilbo, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
493. Hankukkyungje, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
494. DigitalTimes, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
495. Joonangilbo, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
496. Inews, 2004.11.02, "Development of MetaFluxNet 1.69 version"
497. Hankyure, 2004.11.10, "Development of virtual cell for the first time in korea"
498. The Science and Technology, 2004.11.11, "Interpretation of Mannheimia genome’s complete metabolic fuction"
499. Goodday, 2004.11.17, "Development of valuable protein producing super E.coli"
500. Maeilkyungje, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
501. Hankukkyungjae, , 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
502. Josunilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
503. DongAIlbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
504. Seoulkyungje, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
505. JoongAngIlBo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
506. Financial News, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
507. Hankukilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of superE.coli"
508. Hankyure,, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
509. Yeonhap News, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
510. JunjaSinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
511. DigitalTimes, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
512. Seoulsinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
513. Jongdoilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
514. Dongascience, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
515. Deajunmaeil, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
516. Gooddaysinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
517. HelloDD, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
518. Jeilkyungjae, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
519. JunjaSinmun, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
520. KOSEF News, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
521. Dailymedi, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
522. Dailyfocus, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
523. Deajunilbo, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
524. Medipharmstoday, 2004.11.18, "Development of super E.coli"
525. KBS 1 TV, (Fun Science), 2004. 11.25, "Professor Sang Yup Lee - Microbial Engineer"
526. KAIST, 2004.12.3, "Development of super e.coli"
527. Hankyure, 2004.12.14, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
528. DigitalTimes, 2004.12.15, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
529. JunjaSinmun, 2004.12.15, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
530. Chunam Today, 2004.12.16, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
531. Deajunmaeil, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
532. Science Times, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
533. Deajunmaeil, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
534. Science Times, 2004.12.17, "Constitution of Science culture city: Chunan Family Science Concert"
535. ScienceWeekly, 2004.12.18., "Development of super e.coli"
536. ScienceWeekly, 2004.12.18., "Development of super e.coli"
537. Maeilkyunge, 2004.12.28, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
538. Yeonhap News , 2004.12.28, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concet"
539. ChildrunDonga, 2004.12.28, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert
540. Science Times, 2004.12.30, "The 2nd Christmas Science Concert"
541. Josunilbo, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
542. Dongailbo, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
543. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
544. Hangukilbo, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
545. Ilgansports, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
546. KBS, 2005.1.10, "KBS 1TV Christmas Science Concert"
547. LG chemicals family, "LG chemicals, Jump to a world top company"
548. Maeilkyungje, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
549. Seoulkyungjae, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
550. Yeonhap News, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
551. Inews, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
552. JunjaSinmun, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
553. Sciencetimes, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
554. HelloDD, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
555. Dailymedi, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
556. Segyeilbo, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
557. Chungchungtoday, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
558. DigitalTimes, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
559. Jongdoilbo, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
560. Dongailbo, 2005.1.12, "Appointment of Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering associate editor"
561. Dongailbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
562. HelloDD, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
563. Newswire, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
564. Inews, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
565. Yeonhap News, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
566. Sciencetimes, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
567. JunjaSinmun, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
568. Unews, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
569. Jongdoilbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
570. Sciencesinmun, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
571. KOSEFNews, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
572. Deajunilbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
573. DigitalTimes, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
574. Munhwailbo, 2005.2.4, "The Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference"
575. Deajunmaeil, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
576. Newswire, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
577. Unews, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
578. Inews, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
579. JunjaSinmun, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
580. Yeonhap News, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
581. Jongdoilbo, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
582. Goodday, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
583. Sciencetimes, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
584. Maeilkyungje, 2005.2.14, "Appointment of Biotechnology and Bioengineering associate editor"
585. Hankukkyungje, 2005.3.2, "Relection of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
586. JunjaSinmun, 2005.3.2, "Election of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
587. Yeonhapilbo, 2005.3.2, "Election of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
588. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005.3.2, "Election of National Academy of Engineering of Korea Candidature"
589. Goodday, 2005.03.10, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
590. Hankukkyungje, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
591. Maeilkyungje, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
592. Dongascience, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
593. JunjaSinmun, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
594. Dongailbo, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
595. Yeonhap News, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
596. Stockdaily, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
597. Hankyure, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
598. Sciencetimes, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
599. Chungchungtoday, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
600. KOSEFNews, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
601. KAIST, 2005.3.11, "Award of Young Engineer at the 9th National Academy of Engineering of Korea Award Ceromony"
602. HelloDD, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
603. Newswire, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
604. Digital Times, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
605. HelloDD, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
606. Children Dong-A, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
607. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
608. Yeonhap News, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
609. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
610. Hankukilbo, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
611. Kukjung Briefing, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
612. Hangyore, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
613. Daejunmaeil, 2005. 3., 20, "Star scientist’s public broadcast lecture <Scent of science>"
614. KAIST, 2005. 3. 31, "Professor Sang Yup Lee, contributed to KAIST development fund"
615. Asian Leaders Forum for Science, 2005., "The World Voyage 2005"
616. KICHE, 2005, "Chemical engineering changes the world, What is metabolic engineering?"
617. KICHE, 2005, "Chemical engineering changes the world , Future of chemical engineers"
618. Hankukkyungjae, 2005. 4. 15, "KAIST bacterial technology 'The whole world surprised’"
619. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 4. 15, "KAIST 'Age of heroes’"
620. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 4., 22, "Number of SCI journals and the world ranking of Korea science"
621. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 4., 22, "Citation frequency is the highest"
622. KBS, 2005. 4., 29, "<Scent of science> The future of biotechnology using micro-organisms"
623. Yeonhap News, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
624. Josunilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
625. Seoulkyungjae, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
626. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
627. Maeilkyungjae, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
628. Financial News, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
629. Goodday, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
630. Gwangnamilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
631. Gwangjuilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
632. Busanilbo, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
633. Sports Today, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
634. Sports Seoul, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
635. Hangyore, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
636. Hankukkyungjae, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
637. Dailian, 2005. 5., 2, "’Korean Nobel prize candidate’ chosen by Korean scientists"
638. Gwahakjengee, 2005. 5, "The ten scientists chosen by scientist <When I was young>"
639. Daejunuilbo, 2005. 5. 11, "The people making national wealth – KAIST, Lee Sang Yup"
640. Newswire, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
641. Unews, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
642. YTN, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
643. Daeduknet, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
644. Hankukkyungjae, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
645. Jeilkyungjae, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
646. Nocut News, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
647. Sports Today, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
648. I News, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
649. Daily Focus, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
650. Yeonhap News, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
651. Maeilkyungjae, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
652. Science Times, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
653. Daejunmaeil, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
654. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
655. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
656. Digital Times, 2005. 5., 24, "KAIST, Professor Lee Sang Yup and his team: Development of a new virtual cell modeling language MFAML"
657. HelloDD, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
658. Jeilkyungjae, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
659. Daejunmaeil, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
660. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
661. Newswire, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
662. YTN, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
663. I News, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
664. Financial News, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
665. Incruit, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
666. Money Today, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
667. Yeonhap News, 2005. 6. 7., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
668. Newsis, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
669. Science Times, 2005. 6. 7, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
670. Digital Times, 2005. 6. 8, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
671. Jeonjasinmun, 2005. 6. 8, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology"
672. Newswire, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
673. EBN, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
674. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
675. Junja Sinmun, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
676. YTN, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
677. Jeilkyungje, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
678. Inews, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
679. DongA Science, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
680. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
681. Daeduknet, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
682. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
683. Seoul Sinmun, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
684. Joongangilbo, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
685. Dongailbo, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
686. Medipharmstoday, 2005. 6. 9, "Medigenes-KAIST-Yonsei University Medical School, development of a DNA chip for simultaneous diagnosis of 44 classes of human pathogens"
687. Science Times, 2005. 6. 13, "Microorganisms become gold nuggets when correctly utilized"
688. Hankyung Business, 2005. 6, "Domestic representative biology research group"
689. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 6., 28, "The global network for Korean scientists and engineers 'KOSEN’ supports R&D Korea.
690. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 6. 30, "Active Korean scientists in international science journals"
691. Science Times, 2005. 7. 5, "Who is post-'Hwang woo suk’?"
692. Jeilkyungje, 2005. 7. 6, "BIT technology to lead the future"
693. Jeonjasinmun, 2005. 7. 15, "New waves from KAIST shakes the overseas"
694. Yeonhap News, 2005. 8. 15, "Science station – Finding a star scientist"
695. DongAilbo, 2005. 8., 22, "International Journals & Conferences 'Welcome Korean Scientists’ "
696. Science Times, 2005. 9. 3, "Focus in science – Young KAIST Professors outstand"
697. Yeonhap News, 2005. 9. 1, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
698. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005. 9. 4, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
699. Yeongnamilbo, 2005. 9. 9, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
700. Hangyore, 2005. 9. 9, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
701. Children DongA, 2005. 8, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
702. Gwangjumaeil, 2005. 9. 12, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
703. Daeguilbo, 2005. 9. 13, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
704. Daejunilbo, 2005. 9. 15, "I want to make the world plentiful and good to live - publication"
705. Daeduknet, 2005. 9. 8, "Scientists and the technology security"
706. Daeduknet, 2005. 9. 14, "New introductory material about microorganisms for youth"
707. Ohmynews, 2005. 9. 16, "Book review < I want to make the world plentiful and good to live> - being a friend with microoraganisms that threat mankind."
708. Newswire, 2005. 9., 21, "2005 International Bioinformatics conference is held in Busan"
709. Choongchung Today, 2005. 9 ., 23, "Remove the mystic veil of the world of microogranisms"
710. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 10. 13, "Hit the 'jackpot’ with bio IT"
711. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 10. 18, "Plastic melts in the water"
712., 2005. 10. 18, "Plastic melts in the water"
713. DongAilbo, 2005. 10., 25, "Chair professor, the star of scientists"
714. HelloDD, 2005. 10., 26, "Daeduk BT manpower – full of experts"
715. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 10., 28, "50 outstanding research activities"
716. HelloDD, 2005. 10., 28, "50 outstanding research activities"
717. Hankukkyungje, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
718. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
719. Joongdoilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
720. Daeduknet, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
721. Choongchung Today, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
722. Hanbitilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
723. Junjasinmun, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
724., 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
725. EBN news, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
726. Brake News, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
727. Newswire, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
728. Youngnamilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
729. Daejunilbo, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
730. Digital Times, 2005. 11. 10, "A novel proteome analysis technique"
731. MBC News Today, 2005. 11. 10, "Unvailing the mystery of proteins"
732. Munhwailbo, 2005. 11. 14, "Scout professors of high repute"
733. Chosunilbo, 2005. 11., 26, "What we need is a knowledge creation"
734. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 12. 7, "BT’s entry into a leap"
735. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 12. 7, "A society that respect scientists burying themselves in studies"
736. DongAilbo, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
737. Segyeilbo, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
738. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
739. NewsN, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
740. KBS, 2005. 12. 12, "KBS 1TV special [Talent shifts/Leaders of Korean science]"
741. Maeilkyungje, 2005. 12. 10, "The future of BT depends on the commercialization of technology"
742. Munhwailbo, 2005. 12. 16, "Not much lethal to the economy"
743. HelloDD, 2005. 12., 26, "What’s going on with the virtual cell project?"
744. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2005. 1., 2, "60 future leaders of Korea"
745. DongAilbo, 2006. 1. 4, "We lead 'Techonology Korea’"
746. MBC Newsdesk, 2005. 12. 30, "Let’s run again – Biotechnology"
747. Kyunghyangsunmun, "[60 future leaders of Korea]5. Professor Sang Yup Lee, KAIST"
748. NICE, 2006., 2, "Metabolic pathway studies through systems biology"
749. Hankukkyungje, 2006., 2. 16, "Korea innovation forum 2006"
750. Digital Times, 2006., 2. 20, "[Innovation cluster, Daeduk special district] (5) Biotechnology"
751. ASIA PACIFIC BIOTECH news, 2006., 2. 15, "Special feature, systems biology"
752. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
753. Daejunilbo, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
754. Junjasinmun, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
755. Newswire, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
756. Yeonhap News, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
757. HelloDD, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
758. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
759. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
760. Digital Times, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
761. DongAilbo, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
762. Science Times, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
763. Science and Technology News, 2006. 3. 9, "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel succinic acid producing bacteria using genetic information"
764. Monthly Chosun, 2006. 4, "Future of Korea – KAIST: There is no 2nd in Science. Our dream is to make Korea high"
765. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3., 21, "Biotechnology is the solution for energy crisis."
766. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3., 24, "40 future designers of Korea – They are creative"
767. Hankukilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
768. Daejunilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
769. DongAilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
770. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
771. Junjasinmun, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
772. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
773. Kukminilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
774. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
775. Chosunilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
776. Asia Today, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
777. Daehanilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
778. Daily Medi, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
779. Hankyore, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
780. Goodday, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
781. e-health communications, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
782. Daeduknet, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
783. KBS News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
784. Cookie News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
785. Newsis, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
786. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
787. Newswire, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
788. Segyeilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
789. TJB, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
790. YTN, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
791. Yeonhap News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
792. Seoulsinmun, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
793. kmatimes, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
794. DongA Science, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
795. News one, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
796. SBS, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
797. Korea Times Canada, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
798. Sonyunhankukilbo, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
799. mbn, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
800. Financial News, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
801. Science Times, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
802. Digital Times, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
803. CNBnews, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
804. HelloDD, 2006. 3., 28, "KAIST-Yonsei medical school developed a universal cancer diagnosis system"
805. The korea times, 2006. 3., 27, "New DNA chip pinpoints cancers"
806. Korea Herald, 2006. 3., 29, "Scientists develop new cancer detector"
807. HBTV, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
808. tom, , 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
809. sina, , 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
810. jfdaily, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
811. pharmanet, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
812. china, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
813. sebc, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
814. takungpao, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
815. 新華通訊社, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
816. WikiNews, 2006. 3., 29, 韓國發明新的 DNA芯片査明癌症
817. Newsis, 2006. 3., 27, "Discovery of cancer marker Neonovo"
818. Injaejeil, 2006. 3. 4, "Extraction of materials substituting petroleum from bacteria"
819. Chosunilbo, 2006. 4., 21, "8 scientists 'Join the world of science’ – Science warriors of 21st century"
820. News Wire, "KRIBB, Presentations and discussion about recent researches of E.coli"
821. Dailypharm, "KRIBB, Presentations and discussion about recent researches of E.coli"
822. HelloDD, "KRIBB, Presentations and discussion about recent researches of E.coli"
823. Chosunilbo, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
824. Goodday, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
825. Junjasinmun, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
826. News Wire, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
827. Yeonhap News, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
828. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
829. YTN, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
830. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
831. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell"
832. Kukjesinmun, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
833. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
834. Digital Times, 2006. 4., 26, "KAIST researchers developed a virtual cell analysis system 'Webcell’
835. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 5. 1, "New blue ocean of bioengineering"
836. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 5. 12, "A sudden question : How do you feel about President’s itinerary?"
837. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 5. 13, "Where is stem cell research going? : Still, Research results should be maintained."
838. HelloDD, 2006. 6. 6, "Green is green! From the hippo that wastes his money to the goose that lays the golden egg"
839. News Wire, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
840. Yeonhap News, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
841. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
842. BRIC, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
843. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
844. Hankukilbo, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
845. Junjasinmun, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
846. Dailypharm, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
847. DongAilbo, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
848. DigitalBOSA, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
849. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
850. Digital Times, 2006. 6. 12, "E.coli proteome research, Korean researchers organize it completely… KAIST with world level leads the related research"
851. BRIC, 2006. 6. 18, "Dr. Mee-Jung Han, Interview of the people that glorify Korea"
852. Scientific culture., 2006. 6., "Public Understanding of Research – Korea(PUR-Korea) 2006 – Korean science reseach, Interacting with the public"
853. HanKyoRe21, 2006. 6., 29., "To the hydrogen era with photocatalyst"
854. AsiaViews, 2006. 4. 14., "Korean scientists lead war on cancer"
855. Newsweek, 2006. 7. 12., "Occupy blue ocean priorly"
856. Newswire, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
857. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
858. Ohmynews, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
859. Newsis, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
860. Digitaltimes, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
861. Hallailbo, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
862. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
863. HelloDD, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
864. Daejonilbo, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
865. Ministry of Science and Technology, 2006. 7., 24., "Worldwide researchers in systems biology gather in Korea"
866. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 7., 26., "National project researchers take business class in an airplane"
867. ETNews, 2006. 8. 17., "Great reorganization of KAIST system"
868. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 8., 28., "Treat the technological disease of small and medium enterprises"
869. Chosunilbo, 2006. 8. 31., "Strong adhesive strength of a mussel"
870. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 10., 2., " 'Asia Pacific Biotech News’, attention to biotechnology in Korea"
871. Dailymedi, 2006. 10., 2., " 'Asia Pacific Biotech News’, attention to biotechnology in Korea"
872. Newswire, 2006. 10., 2., " 'Asia Pacific Biotech News’, attention to biotechnology in Korea"
873. Chosunilbo, 2006. 10. 5., " KAIST laboratory in Korean Thanks-giving Day"
874. Joongangilbo, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
875. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
876. Daejonilbo, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
877. Digitaltimes, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
878. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
879. Newsis, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics
880. Newstown, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
881. Ohmynews, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
882. Newswire, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
883. Yeonhap news, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
884. Seoulkyungje, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
885. Junjasinmun, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
886. cischemdotcom, 2006. 10.13., "Sang Yup Lee in KAIST, Nature biotechnology invitation journal about commercialization of bioinformatics"
887. Segyeilbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli conference (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
888. Choongchungtoday, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
889. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
890. Hallailbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
891. Jeminilbo, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
892. Jejutoday, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
893. Newsis1, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
894. Newsis2, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
895. Yeonhap news, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
896. Jejusori, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
897. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
898. Ohmynews, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
899. Hankukkyungje, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
900. Newswire, 2006. 10. 31., "International E.coli Alliance (IECA 2006) in Jeju"
901. Munhwailbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
902. Daejonilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
903. Dongailbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
904. Chosunilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
905. Hankyoresinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
906. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
907. aeilkyungje, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
908. Joongangilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
909. Asiakyungjesinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
910. Junjasinmun, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
911. Hankukilbo, 2006. 11., 27., "Scientist Prize of this year – Sang Yup Lee: LG Chemicals Chair Professor"
912. ETNews Junjasunmun, 2006. 12. 6., "A person that bring glory to regional society : Daejon, Choongnam"
913. Newswire, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
914. Asiatimes, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
915. EBN newscenter, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
916. Newsis, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
917. Financial news, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
918. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
919. Seoulkyungje, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
920. Hankukilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
921. Moneytoday, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
922. Yunhap news, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
923. Choongchungtoday, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
924. Daejonilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
925. Digitaltimes, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
926. Sportstoday, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
927. Maeilkyungje, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
928. Chosunilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
929. Joongdoilbo, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
930. KOSEF, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
931. Junjasinmun, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
932. University news network, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
933. Ohmynews, 2006. 12. 11., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, the first Korean scientist to be elected as a fellow of AAAS"
934. HelloDD, 2007. 1. 3., "Operation of Institute for the Bio-Century in KAIST – Nam Pyo Seo’s (the president of KAIST) Choice is the fusion of researches"
935. JuganChosun, 2007. 1. 15., "We are the leaders of global science. – Professor Sang Yup Lee"
936. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2007. 1. 15., "Once in a lifetime, 'Young Scientist's Award’ – 10th Young Scientist's Award in this year – The first Young Scientist: Professor Sang Yup Lee"
937. Digitaltimes, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
938. Choongchungtoday, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
939. Ohmynews, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
940. Hankookdaehakilbo, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
941. Daejonilbo, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
942. Moneytoday, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
943. Gyosusinmun, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
944. Digitaltimes, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
945. I-news, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
946. Yunhapnews, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
947. EBN, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
948. Maeilkyungje, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
949. Ditnews, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
950. Hankookkyungje, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
951. Newswire, 2007. 1., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee, Senior Editor of Biotechnology Journal"
952. The 1st basic plan for promotion of Biotechnology and Bioengineering – Metabolic and Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory is included for superior research group.
953. Munhwailbo , 2007., 2. 21., "The 33 people that lead global power"
954. Chosunilbo, 2007. 3. 3., "’Non-pollution, friendly-environment’, the age of Bio comes"
955. Dongailbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
956. Jungangilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
957. I-news, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
958. Ohmynews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
959. Moneytoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
960. Sportstoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
961. EBN, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
962. Hankookdaehaksinmun, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
963. Newsis, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
964. Yunhapnews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
965. Seoulkyugnje, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
966. Financialnews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
967. Hankookilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
968. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
969. Maeilkyungje, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
970. Daeduknet, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
971. Choongchungtoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
972. Ditnews, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
973. KBS news, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
974. Newswire, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
975. Dongascience, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
976. Digitaltimes, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
977. Hankookkyungje, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
978. Medicaltoday, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
979. Chosunilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
980. Gookminilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
981. Daejonilbo, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
982. Junjasinmun, 2007. 3. 8., "The appointment of the first 'Distinguished Professor’ in KAIST"
983. Newswire, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
984. EBN, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
985. Seoul sinmun, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
986. Moneytoday, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
987. Junjasinmun, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
988. Newsis, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
989. Yunhapnews, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
990. Sportstoday, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
991. Financial News, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
992. Maeilkyungje, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
993. YTN news, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
994. Inews, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
995. Hankukkungje, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
996. Dongailbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
997. Jungdoilbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
998. Daehanmaeil, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
999. Munwhailbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1000. Dongascience, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1001. e-Health communication, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1002. Digitaltimes, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1003. Daejeonilbo, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1004. Daeduknet, 2007. 4., 24., "Professor Sang Yup Lee and his group developed a novel amino acid producing bacteria by using system biotechnology"
1005. Digitaltimes, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1006 Energynewworknews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1007. Hankukkyungje, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1008. Maeilkungje, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1009. Ohmynews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1010. EBN, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1011. Newswire, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1012. Medipananews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1013. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1014. Uqnews, 2007. 5. 3., "A New Partnership between KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1015. Hankukilbo, 2007. 5. 3, "Sugar hit for green chemical industry"
1016. Dongailbo, 2007. 5. 4., "Genetic Navigation reads the life"
1017. Hankukilbo, 2007. 5. 8., "The magic of bacteria , the technology to use sugar cane instead of fossil fuel to manufacture plastics and chemicals"
1018. 生物谷, 2007.5.21., "PNAS : 韓國硏究小組利用IT技述開發出'高效率安基酸菌株"
1019. Moneytoday, 2007.5.31., "The Industrial Property Office, Supporting the cost to apply for overseas patent"
1020. Sportstoday, 2007.5.31., "The Industrial Property Office, Supporting the cost to apply for overseas patent"
1021. Medicaltoday, 2007.5.31., "The Industrial Property Office, Supporting the cost to apply for overseas patent"
1022. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2007.6.4., "Bioprocess Engineering Research Center"
1023. Faculty of 1000 Biology, 2007.6 , " Major Advances – Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine based on transcriptome analysis and in silico gene knockout simulation"
1024. People’s Daily,China, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1025. Daily News and Analysis, India, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1026. Xinhua, China, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1027. TJB News, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1028. REDORBIT, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1029. Journal Cover, B&B, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1030. Mathaba,UK, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1031. Dongascience, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1032. Sciencetimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1033. Newswire, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1034. Koreatimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1035. MBC, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1036. MOST, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1037. Newsis, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1038. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1039. MaeilgyungjeTV, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1040. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1041. Hankyeoresinmun , 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1042. Seoulgyungje, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1043. Hankukilbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1044. Daejeonilbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1045. Dongailbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1046. Seoulsinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1047. JoongAngIlbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1048. Digitaltimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1049. FinancialNews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1050. Sekeilbo, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1051. JunjaSinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1052. Hankyung, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1053. Daeduknet, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1054. Digitalbosa, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1055. Cookie News, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1056. E-health communications, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1057. Sportstoday, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1058. Medicaltoday, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1059. KMAtimes, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1060. Yunhapnews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1061. Hankukdaehaksinmun, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1062. EBN, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1063. Moneytoday, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1064. Nocutnews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1065. Inews, 2007.6.11., "South Korean scientists claim to develop 'Virtual Cell’ for acids"
1066. Hankyeoresinmun, 2007.6.15., "Asking between human and universe"
1067. Sekeilbo, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1068. Kukminilbo, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1069. Hankukkyungje, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1070. FinancialNews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1071. Inews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1072. Sportstoday, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1073. Junjasinmun, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1074. E-health communications, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1075. Kmobilenews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1076. Newswire, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1077. Daeduknet, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1078. Yunhapnews, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1079. Digitalbosa, 2007.7.13., "Protein Information system, EcoProDB"
1080. TJBnews,2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1081. MBC newstoday, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1082. KBS newsgwangjang, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1083. YTN TV, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1084. KMA Times, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1085. Dailypharm, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1086. Nocutnews, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1087. Munhwailbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1088. Newstown, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1089. Inews24, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1090. Dailymedi, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1091. Daejeonilbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1092. MOST, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1093. Newsis, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1094. Cookie News, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1095. Financial News, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1096. HeraldsaengsaengNews, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1097. Daeduknet, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1098. EBN, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1099. Etimes, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1100. Chosunilbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1101. E-health Communications, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1102. Sportschosun, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1103. YunhapNews, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1104. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1105. Digitalbosa, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1106. Newswire, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1107. Medical today, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1108. Hankyuresinmun, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1109. JoongAngIlbo, 2007.8.14."Kaist researchers, Metabolite essentiality elucidates robustness of Escherichia coli metabolism"
1110. DongaScience, 2007. 8., "KAIST –POSTECH, Korean duo"
1111. Chemical Engineering Science(by John Villadsen) 2007. 8. 19., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, An East Asian trendsetter in Biotechonolgy"
1112. Inews24, 2007. 8. 30., " Women’s future science in the world- Ewha women’s University"
1113. Seoulsinmun, 2007. 8. 30., " Women’s future science in the world- Ewha women’s University"
1114. EBN,2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1115. Newswire, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1116. Chungcheongilbo, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1117. KmobileNews, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1118. Hankukgyungje, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1119. DitNews24, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1120. Digitaltimes, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1121. Maeilgyungje, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1122. EBN news center, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1123. Yunhapnews, 2007. 9. 6., "International Symposium KAIST Institute for the BioCentury"
1124. Newswire, 2007. 9. 12-14., "Bio Korea 2007 Conference and Exhibition"
1125. The National Academy of Engineering of Korea , 2007. 9., Our succinic acid technology selected as One of the "2006 Five Best Achievements in Science and Industrial Technology"
1126. Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, "2007 National great success of Studies –MBEL"
1127. E-today, 2007. 10., 22., "Super bacteria terror, Our researcher prevent the spread of super bacteria"
1128. Kyosusinmun,2007. 11., 2., Prof.Sang Yup Lee, " System biotechnology for effective production of Bio –based materials"
1129. Sekeilbo, 2007. 11. 5., "An author. A copyright holder"
1130. Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference 2007, "Best Poster Award- Systems-level analysis and engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine"
1131. Hanrimwon,2007. 11. 16., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee elected as a Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology"
1132. The 23rd meeting of the Korea-Australia Joint Committee on Energy and Minerals Consultation and Cooperation, Gold Coast, Australia (Nov 20-21, 2007), Special topic: Bio-based chemicals and materials - Joint research by KAIST and Univ. of Queensland
1133. KISTI, Sci-focus, 2007. 11., 26., " Microbial factory constructed on the Web"
1134. Hankyeoresinmun, 2007. 11., 26., " Microbial factory constructed on the Web"
1135. Science, 2007. 11. 30., "MIT Engineer Shakes Korean Academia to its Core"
1136. Daeduknet, 2007. 12. 10., "Prof. Lee commented on environmental disasters such as Oil spillage"
1137. Journal of Proteom Research, 2007. 12,., "EcoProDB by MBEL researchers Printed in the Toolbox"
1138. Financialnews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1139. Heraldlivenews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1140. Asiakyungjaesinmun, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1141. KBSnews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1142. Newwire, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1143. Inews24, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1144., 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1145. Newstown, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1146. Hankyung, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1147. Digitaltimes, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1148. Daejonilbo, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1149. Mailkyungjae, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1150. Newsis, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1151. Nocutnews, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1152. TJBdaejeonbangsong, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1153. Chungcheongilbo, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1154. Jungdoilbo, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1155. KMA Times, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1156. Asiakyungjaesinmun, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1157. EcoJournal, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1158., 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1159. Kyosusinmun, 2007. 12. 13., "Development of microbes for the enhanced production of amino acids"
1160. Newswire, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1161. Inews24, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1162. HelloDD.COM, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1163. Etnews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1164. ChemLocus, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1165. KmobileNews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1166. JoongAngIlBo, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1167. Maeilgyungje, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1168. Asiagyungje, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1169. Newsis, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1170. Yunhapnews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1171. Oranews, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1172. The Science times, 2008. 1. 9., "Prof.. Sang Yup Lee of KAIST Institute for the BioCentury is an East Asian trendsetter in Biotechnology"
1173. Inews24, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1174. FinancialNews., 2008. 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1175. Newsis, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1176. Newswire, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1177. Moneytoday, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1178. EBNKyungje, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1179. Dtnews24, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1180. Etnews, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1181. Hankyung, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1182. NamdoTV, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1183. CCtoday, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1184. Chungcheongmaeil, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1185. Digitaltimes, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1186. HeraldsaengsaengNews, 2008., 2. 11., "Metabolic engineering symposium for Biorefinery and Bioenergy"
1187. HelloDD, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1188. Joongdoilbo, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1189. Digitaltimes, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1190. Hankyung, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1191. JoongAngIlbo, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST
1192. Daejeonilbo, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1193. SeoulKyungjesinmun, 2008.3.7., " Rearch enterprises in KAIST"
1194. HelloDD, 2008.3.13, "KAIST, Selected as One of the 10 Excellent Research Results-Succinc acid production using biomass"
1195. Hankukilbo, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1196. JoongAngilbo, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1197. Newswire, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1198. Medicaltoday, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1199. Dailymedi, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1200. Kukminilbo, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1201. Yunhapnews, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1202. Moneytoday, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1203. KorMedi, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1204. Scout, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1205. Newstown, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1206. Medifonews, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1207. Medipananews, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1208. HankukKyungJe, 2008.3.25., "New findings in Avellino corneal dystrophies described from KAIST, development of a DNA chip for the diagnosis of the most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the betaigh3 gene."
1209. Scout, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1210. Daejeonilbo, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1211. Chungcheongilbo, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1212. DigitalTimes, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1213. FinancialNews, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1214. ChemFocus, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1215. YunhapNews, 2008.4.3., "Launching 'KAIST Holdings Co. LTD’, Prof. Sang Yup Lee direct the 'Succinic acid production using biomass’."
1216. HelloDD, 2008.4.13., "Denis Noble, Prof. of Oxford University, emphasized a convergence between Systems biology and Korean Medicine"
1217. iNews24, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1218. NewsWire, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1219. FinancialNews, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1220. DigitalTimes, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1221. Seoulsinmun, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1222. DigitalBosa, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1223. ITTimes, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1224. MedipanaNews, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1225. Chosunilbo, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1226. Dongailbo, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1227. Daejeonilbo, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1228. SeoulEconomylsinmun, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1229. AsiaEconomysinmun, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1230. HelloDD, 2008.4.15., "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Editor-in-chief of 'Biotechnology Journal’."
1231. iNews24, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1232. BetaNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1233. Chosunilbo, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1234. YunhapNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1235. Joongangilbo, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1236. Dongailbo, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1237. Mailkyungjae, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1238. Digitadaily, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1239. Primkyungjae, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1240. ETNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1241. Bloter, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1242. ZDNet Korea, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1243. K-MobileNews, 2008.5.6., "Bill Gates, Chairman of MicroSoft, said 'second digital decades’."
1244. NewsTown, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1245. NewsWire, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1246. YunhapNews, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1247. Mailkyungjae, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1248. MoneyToday, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1249. DigitalTimes, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1250. ETNews, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1251. Dailian, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1252. Daejeonilbo, 2008.5.15., "Biofuel, Metabolic engineering Symposium is held at KAIST".
1253. Newswire, 2008.5. 19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1254. YunhapNews, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1255. Hankuk-Kyungje, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1256. Mailkyungje, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1257. EBNNewsCenter, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1258. Moneytoday, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1259. ETNews, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1260. Daejeonilbo, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1261. HelloDD, 2008.5.19, "Biotechnology Journal, special issue about 'Biotechnology in Korea’".
1262. DongAilbo, 2008.5.26., Editorial article "'Bio’ is not the origin of a food crisis."
1263. HelloDD, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1264. Newswire, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1265. Newsis, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1266. Segyeilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1267. FinancialNews, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1268. Joongangilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1269. DongAilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1270. Yunhapnews, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1271. EBNNews, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1272. iNews24, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1273. Asiaeconomy, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1274. MailKyungje, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1275. Kyunghaangsinmun, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1276. Hankukilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1277. Daejeonilbo, 2008.5.29, "Prof. Sang Yup Lee, Dean of College of Life Science and Bioengineering."
1278. MoneyToday, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1279. iNews24, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1280. EBNNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1281. Herald, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1282. YunhapNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1283. Autotimes, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1284. Mailkyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1285. Newswire, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1286. Hankuk-kyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1287. FinancialNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1288. eToday, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1289. ETNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1290. Chosunilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1291. Joongdoilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1292. Joongangilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1293. Cookienews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1294. Todayenergy, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1295. Financialnews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1296. Hankook-kyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1297. Herald-kyungje, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1298. EBNNews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1299. HelloDD, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1300. Cischemdotcom, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1301. Donga-science, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1302. Gasnews, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1303. Gas industry News, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1304. Daejeonilbo, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1305. Newsis, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1306. Ecojournal, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1307. Hankyoreh, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1308. TJB News, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1309. MBC News, 2008.6.2, "KAIST-GS Caltex developed 'Bio butanol’ producing strain."
1310. Chosunilbo, 2008.7.15, "’New Energry Research Center’ of GS Caltex."
1311. Sports Today, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1312. Newswire, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1313. Asiaeconomy, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1314. iNews24, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1315. Gwangnamilbo, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1316. FinancialNews, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1317. Newsis, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1318. Mydaily, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1319. Medical Today, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1320. ETNews, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1321. HelloDD, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1322. DigitalTimes, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1323. ScienceTimes, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1324. Joongdoilbo, 2008.7.23, "Journal cover publication on 'Trends in Biotechnology’."
1325. Bokuennews, 2008.7.24, "Forum for Development Strategy of Biotechnology Industry."
1326. MedicalHangook, 2008.7.24, "Forum for Development Strategy of Biotechnology Industry."
1327. Newscan, 2008.7.24, "Forum for Development Strategy of Biotechnology Industry."
1328. EBNNews, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1329. Money Today, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1330. Financial News, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1331. Asiaeconomy, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1332. Seouleconomy, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1333. Yonhapnews, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1334. HeraldMedia, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1335. Medical Today, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1336. My daily, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1337. Newswire, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1338. HelloDD, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1339. Joongangilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1340. Segyeilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1341. Newsis, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1342. Daejeonilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1343. Chosunilbo, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1344. Mailkyungje, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1345. ETNews, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1346. Digital Times, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1347. Chungcheong Today, 2008.8.4, "Prof. Lee, S.Y. is appointed to the scientific advisory committee member of JointBioenergy Institute (JBEI)."
1348. Seoulsinmun, 2008.8.13, "21 century New Davinci project refers the Convergence"
1349. INews24, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1350. Newswire, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1351. Yonhapnews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1352. Asiaeconomy, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1353. EBNNews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1354. Nocutnews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1355. Medical Today, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1356. Joongangilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1357. My daily, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1358. Mailkyungje, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1359. Sports Today, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1360. Gwangnamilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1361. E-healthnew, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1362. Newsis, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1363. Chungcheongilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1364. Digital Times, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1365. Segyeilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1366. Kukminilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1367. Kyunghyangsinmun, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1368. Hankyoreh, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1369. Chosunilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1370. DongAilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1371. Moneytoday, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1372. ETNews, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1373. Financial News, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1374. Daejeonilbo, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1375. Chungcheong Today, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering."
1376. Hankook-kyungje, 2008.9.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. Merck Award Winner for Metabolic Engineering.
1377. Munhwailbo, 2009.16., "Prof. Lee, S.Y. High integrated industry and U-health care."
1378. Korean Policy Portal, 2009.4.21, "Unsleeping No. 1 science zone in Korea (Korean Policy Portal of superior E. coli strain in Professor Sang Yup Lee at Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2004)"
1379. Korean Policy Portal, 2009.4.21, "Dream for Nobel award will come true - Korean scholars of worldwide fame - Professor Sang Yup Lee is the world-class leader in the field of chemical and biomolecular engineering"
1380. Chungcheong Today, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1381. Chungcheong, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1382. Jungdoilbo, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1383. Hankukkyungje, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1384. EBN, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1385. Newswire, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1386. Daejeon cityjournal, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1387. Digital Times, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1388. Hanbitilbo, 2009.5.12, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Publication a book on 'Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli"
1389. DongAilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1390. Seouleconomy, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1391. Newswire, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1392. Mailkyungje, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1393. Hankook-kyungje, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1394. Chosunilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1395. Chungcheong Today, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1396. Chungcheong, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1397. Daejeonilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1398. Jungdoilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1399. Digital Times, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1400. Moneytoday, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1401. YTNNews, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1402. Sciencetimes, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1403. Segyeilbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1404. Financial News, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1405. Munhwailbo, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1406. HelloDD, 2009.7.16, "Prof Lee,S.Y., Named Chair of International Metabolic Engineering Conference"
1407. Dongailbo, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1408. Jungangilbo, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1409. Jungdoilvbo, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1410. Chungcheong, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1411. Financialtimes, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1412. Chungcheong Today, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1413. YTN News, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1414. EBN News, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1415. Asian News, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1416. Yonghapnews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1417. E-daily, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1418. Asia economic, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1419. Finance today, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1420. Maeilgyungjesinmun, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1421. Inews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1422. Financialnews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1423. Daejeoncityjournal, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1424. Oranews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1425. Digitaltimes, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1426. Chemlocus, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1427. Kukinews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1428. E-health communications, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1429. Sportschosun, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1430. Hankukgyungjesinmun, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1431. Kaistnews, 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1432., 2009.8.31, "Productin of putrescine from biomass using metabolic engineering"
1433. Maeil economy, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1434. Herald economy, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1435. Yonhapnews, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1436. Jejusori, 2009.9.09, " Participation in World Economy Forum as a GLOBAL agenda council"
1437. Kaist News, 2009.9.23" KAIST President’s Advisory Council in Kaist"
1438. Sisa Journal, 2009.10.27," New generation leader."
1439. Chungcheong news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1440. Chosun news, , 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1441. Korea news, , 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1442. Joungdo news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1443. Distaltimes, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1444. Electron news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1445. Daejon news, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1446. Chungcheong Today, 2009.11.09, "Who is the king of patnets in University and public research"
1447. ScienceMD news, 2009.11.12, "Pro. Sang Yup Lee is the king of patnet in BT"
1448. mBioNews, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1449. Chungcheong news, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1450. Distal Times, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1451. Chosun news, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1452. Newswire, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1453. Korea economy, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1454. Aju news, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1455. Daejeon cityjournal, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1456. Asian Economy, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1457. News Town, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1458. Asia News communication, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1459. YTN, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1460. Seoul Economy, 2009.11.20 , "Meet Sang Yup Lee, new mBio Editor."
1461., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1462. CNN Tech, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1463. CNN Asia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1464. CNN Home, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1465. Economist, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1466. U.S. News & World Report, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1467. India Business Blog, TopNews, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1468., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1469. Calcutta Tube, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1470., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1471., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1472. Zimbabwe Star, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1473. Science Centric, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1474. SINDH TODAY, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1475. Plastics Today, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1476. Gizmag, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1477., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1478. Newstrack India, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1479. Gaea Times, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1480., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1481. Little About, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1482. Eureka! Science News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1483., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1484. Genetic Engineering News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1485. EurekAlert, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1486. DailyTech, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1487. European Plastics News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1488. R & D Magazine, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1489. Joy Online, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1490. RedOrbit, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1491. Zee News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1492. Times of India, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1493. Science Daily, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1494. Click Green, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1495., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1496., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1497. Softpedia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1498., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1499. Business Green, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1500. Plastics Today, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1501. Plastics News, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1502. Environmental Expert, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1503., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1504. Plastics & Rubber Weekly, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1505., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1506. businesspress, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1507. plastinfo, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1508. medindia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1509. india-server, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1510. rosinvest, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1511. timnhanh, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1512. posudka, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1513. hindu, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1514. tiscali, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1515. c2w, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1516. c2wlabnews, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1517. khoahoc, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1518., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1519. vietnamnet, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1520. membrana, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1521. mundoacuicola, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1522. world-science, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1523. fmbolivia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1524. lostiempos, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1525. eabolivia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1526. cienciahoje, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1527. neoteo, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1528. azocleantech, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1529. baodatviet, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1530. softpedia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1531. focus, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1532., 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1533. epochtimes, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1534. taiwandaily, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1535. ziare, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1536. plastiques-caoutchoucs, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1537. andaluciainvestiga, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1538. elmundo, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1539. dziennik, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1540. eco.rian, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1541. plastopedia, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1542. exploraberg, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1543. thehouseofblogs, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1544. catalogmineralov, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1545. ecolife, 2009.11.23, "Koreans make plastics without fossil fuel chemicals"
1546. Chosun news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1547. Electron news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1548. Chungcheong Today, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1549. Joungdo news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1550. Dong-A news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1551. Daejon news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1552., 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1553. Newswire, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1554. Newsis, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1555. Herald economy, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1556. EBN news center, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1557. Finacial news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1558. Younhap news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1559. Dong-A science, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1560. Asia Economy, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1561. Choungang news, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1562. Chemlocus, 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1563. News Korea , 2009.11.25, " Kaist-LG chemical company, Developing bioplastic production system"
1564. Newswire, 2009.12.03., " Hold Synthetic Biology 2009 Conference"
1565. Asia news communication, 2009.12.03., " Hold Synthetic Biology 2009 Conference"
1566. Newswire, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1567. Joungang news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1568. Digital times, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1569. News Korea, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1570. Daejon news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1571. Maeil economy, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1572. Joungdo news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1573. Chungcheong Today, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1574., 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1575. YTN, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1576. Korea economy, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1577. Finacial news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1578. Medical today, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1579. Daejon city Journal, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1580. Asia economy, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1581. No cut news, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1582. Ivy times, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1583. Daily medi, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1584. Incruit, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1585. Medical herald, 2010.02.18, "KAIST, Genome-scale metabolic network analysis and drug targeting of multi-drug resistant pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii AYE"
1586. Chosun news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1587. Chungcheong news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1588. Chungcheong Today, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1589. Daejon news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1590. Digital times, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1591. Korea ecomomy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1592. Herald economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1593. Electron news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1594. Kyunghyang news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1595. Money today, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1596. Seoul economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1597. Maeil economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1598. YTN, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1599. Newswire, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1600., 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1601. E-daily, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1602. Asia economy, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1603. A-ju economy, 20102010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1604. Newsis, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1605. Dongyang news, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1606. Asianews, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1607. City Jounal, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1608., 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1609. Seoul News, 2010.02.22, "National Academy Of Engineering Electes Sang Yup, Lee as Foreign Associates."
1610. Biotechnology Journal News, "BTJ Editors elected members of the US National Academy of Engineering BTJ Editors elected members of the US National Academy of Engineering"
1611. World news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1612. Digital times, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1613. Jungdo news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1614. Daejeon news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1615. Financial news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1616. Jongang, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1617. Josun news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1618. Kookmin news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1619., 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1620. Science times, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1621. Korea policy portal, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1622. Electron news, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1623. E-daily, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1624. Asia economy, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1624. The Korea Herald, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1625. The Korea Herald, 2010.03.22, "KAIST, developed the multi-pathogenic bacteria detect sensor"
1626. ETNews, 2010. 04.23, "Microsoft tring to develop partnerships with KAIST & ADD"
1627. Jungdoilbo, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1628. Daejeonilbo, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1629. Chungcheongilbo, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1630. Mailkyungjae, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1631. ETNews, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1632. Digital times, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1633. Financial News, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1634. Newsis, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1635. YTN, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1636. Yonhab News, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1637. EBN, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1638. Asia econoly, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1639. News Wire, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1640. University News Network, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1641. HelloDD, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1642. Science Times, 2010.04.29, "KAIST, Success to develope productive bacteria manufacturing technology"
1643. Dongailbo, "2010.05.10, "Dreaming the heaven of diversity – Everyone can be the best"
1644. SBS, 2010.05.13, "Seoul Digital Forum – From leaves to (Bio)Plastic"
1645. Donga Science, 2010.05.28., "Create the life: The view of positive and negative side"
1646. ETNews, 2010.06.04, "Scientists! The pride of ours"
1647. Newsis, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1648. Aju Economy, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1649. Media Jeju, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1650. Jejusori, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1651. YTN, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1652. Donga Science, 2010.06.14, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"
1653. Donga Science, 2010.06.15, "Metabolic Engineering VIII held in ICC, Jeiju: Metabolic Engineering for green growth"; in-depth report
1654. Daejeonilbo, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1655. Money today, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1656. Finance today, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1657. YTN, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1658. News Wire, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1659. Newsis, 2010.06.18, "1st World Council on Industrial Biotechnology held in Jeju"
1660. Digital times, 2010.06.30, "Lee Sang Yup, Distinguished Professor, KAIST became a 'Fellow of the Society for Industrial Microbiology in 2010’"