Previous Members
Previous Researchers & Post-docs
Fulai Wang
Zhaohui Xu
Hengho Wong
Nagendra Thakur
specific information
Yu Kyung Lee
Seong Sook Heo
Hye Won Jeong
Sang Hyun Park
Sung Jae Yang
Hyun Sook Lee
Jiang Hao
Kyung Hwa Ryu
Chen Shi
Kyung Hee Gang
Ki Jun Jeong
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 291, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Research Interest
Protein engineering (protein secretion, protein folding, directed evoloution)
Recombinant protein production
High-cell density cultivation
2. Education
1990. 3. - 1994. 2. Dept. of Biological Technology, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (B.S.)
1994. 3. - 1996. 2. Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (M.S.)
1996. 3. - 2001. 2. Dept. of Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (Ph.D.)
3. Experience and Academic/Research Activity
Teaching and Research Assistant at the department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (1996. 9 - 1997. 6)
Member, Korean Society for Applied Microbiology (1997 - present)
Member, The Biochemical Society of the Republic of Korea (2000 - present)
Member, Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000 - present)
Senior researcher, Dept. Chemical Engineering KAIST (2001. 3 - 2002. 9.)
Post-doc, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, USA (2002. 10. - present)
4. Publications
International Journals
Jeong K. J., Lee P. C., Park I. Y., Kim M. S. and Kim S. C., "Molecular cloning and characterization of an endoxylanase gene of Bacillus sp. in Escherichia coli", Enzyme Microb Technol. 22(7): 599-605 (1998). [Abstract]
Jeong K. J., Park I. Y., Kim M. S. and Kim S. C., "High-level expression of an endoxylanase gene from Bacillus sp. in Bacillus subtilis DB104 for the production of xylobiose from xylan", Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 50(1): 113-118 (1998). [Abstract]
Jeong, K. J., Lee, H. S., Lee, S. Y., and Chang Y. K., "Development of recombinant bacteria for the degradation of dibenzothiophene", Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 864:375-378 (1998).
Jeong. K. J. and Lee, S. Y., "High-level production of human leptin by fed-batch cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli and its purification", Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65(7):3027-3032 (1999). [Abstract]
Jeong. K. J. and Lee, S. Y., "Secretory production of human leptin in Escherichia coli", Biotechnol. Bioengin. 67:398-407 (2000). [Abstract]
Choi, J. H., K. J. Jeong, S. C. Kim and S. Y. Lee., "Efficient secretory production of alkaline phosphatase by high cell density culture of recombinant Escherichia coli using the Bacillus sp. endoxylanase signal sequence", Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 53:640-645 (2000). [Abstract]
Jeong, K.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of human leptin in Bacillus subtilis??J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 10(6):753-758 (2000).
Jeong, K. J. and S. Y. Lee, "Secretory production of human granulocyte colony stimulating factor in Escherichia coli", Protein Express. Purif. 23:311-318 (2001).
Lim S. C., K. J. Jeong, H. N. Chang and S. Y. Lee, "High-level secretory production of human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor by fed-batch culture of recombinant Escherichia coli", Bioprocess Biosystems Engineering, 24:249-254 (2001).
Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y.,(2002) "Excretory Production of Human -Endorphin into Culture Medium by Using Outer Membrane Protein F as a Fusion Partner in Recombinant Escherichia coli ", Appl. Environ. Microbiol.,68(10):4979-4985 (2002).
Yoon,S.H., Han, M.J., Lee, S.Y., Jeong, K.J., and Yoo, J.S., "Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during the high cell density culture" Biotechnol. Bioeng., 81(7) : 753-767 (2003).
Jeong, K.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Enhanced production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli by filamentation suppression", Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(2) : 1295-1298 (2003).
Han, M.J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S, and Lee. S.Y., "Engineering Escherichia coli for increased production of serine-rich proteins based on proteome profiling", Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 69(10) : 5772-5781 (2003).
Chen, S., Huang, X., Zhou, X., Bai, L., Jing He, Jeong, K. J.,Lee, S.Y., and Deng, Z., Chemistry and Biology, in press
Lee, S.Y. and Jeong, K. J., "Cellular engineering of Escherichia coli for the enhanced protein production by fermentation", in Fermentation Biotechnology (ed. Saha, B.C.), American Chemical Society, Washinton, D.C., USA (2004).
Domestic Journals
Ki Jun Jeong, Hyun Sook Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Yong Keun Chang, "Efficient transformation of Klebsiella oxytoca by electroporation", Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 2. 87-91 (1998).
Ki Jun Jeong, and Sang Yup Lee, "Secretory production of human leptin in Bacillus subtilis", J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 10(6):753-758 (2000).
5. Invited Lectures
Jeong, K. J., "Secretory production of proteins in E. coli : focus on excretion to the culture medium", Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001)
6. International Conferences
Jeong K. J., Choi J. I., and Lee S. Y., "Vector construction, transformation, and gene ampilification in Alcaligenes latus", The 9th Kyushu/Chungnam Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kushu, Japan (1996).
Jeong K. J. Lee, H. S., Lee S. Y., Chang, Y. K., "Development of recombinant Klebsiella oxytoca for the desulfurization activity", The 10th Kyushu/Chungnam Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Taejon, Korea (1997).
Lee, S. Y., Jeong, K. J., Lee, H. S., and Chang Y. K., "Development of recombinant bacteria for the degradation of dibenxothiophen", Enzyme Engineering XIV CONFERENCE, Beijing, China (1997).
Jeong, K. J. and Lee, S. Y., "Efficient secretion of protein in Escherichia coli using endoxylanase signal sequence of Bacillus subtilis", Metabolic Engineering II, Elmau/Oberbayern, Germany (1998).
Lee, S.Y., and Jeong, K.J., "High level production of human leptin and its purification", The Microfluidics & Microarrays Conference : Small Talk '99 San Diego, CA. USA, June (1999).
Jeong, K. J. and Lee, S. Y., "Secretory production of human leptin in Escherichia coli", The 12th Kyushu/Chungnam Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kongju Univ, Kongju (1999).
Jeong, K. J. and Lee, S. Y., "Secretory production of leptin in Escherichia coli" The 5th Asia-Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference 1999 and The 11th Annual Meeting of The Thai Society for Biotechnology, Phuket, Thailand (1999).
Lee, S.Y., and Jeong, K. J., "High level production of human leptin and its purification", Biochemical Engineering XI, Park city, Utah, July (1999)
Lee, S. Y., Yoon, S. H., Han, M. J., Jeong, K.J., "Combined analysis of transcriptome and proteome profiles during the high cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli", Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001)
Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S. and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproducing Human Leptin System", The 14th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Chungnam Univ., Taejon , Korea (2001)
7. Domestic Conferences
Jeong K. J. and Kim S. C., "Molecular cloning and sequencing of an endoxylanase gene from Bacillus sp. and their expression in Bacillus subtilis", at the Autumn Meeting of Korea Society for Applied Microbiology (1995).
Jeong K. J., Lee Sang Yup, and Chang Y. K., "Construction of stable plasmid for the expression of desulfurization gene in E. coli", Annual BPERC Symposium 1996, KAIST, Taejon, Korea (1996).
Nam S. W., Kim J. H., Jeong K. J., Kim S. C., and Kim J. H., "Media optimization for xylanase overproduction by recombinant Bacillus subtilis", at the Autumn Meeting of Korea Society for Applied Microbiology (1996).
Jeong K. J., Lee S. Y., and Chang Y. K., "Construction of stable plasmid for the expression of desulfurization gene in E. coli", at the Spring Meeting of Korea Society for Applied Microbiology (1997).
Wong Heong Ho, Jeong Ki Jun, Lee Sang Yup, "Production of Bioadhesive Protein by Fed-batch culture of Recombinant Escherichia coli", Annual BPERC Symposium 1997, KAIST, Taejon, Korea (1997).
Jeong, K. J, and Lee, S. Y., "Overproduction of recombinant leptin in Escherichia coli", Annual BPERC Symposium 1998, KAIST, Taejon, Korea (1998).
Jeong, K. J., Choi, J. H. and Lee, S. Y., "Efficien secretion of recombinant endoxylanase in Escherichia coli", Annual BPERC Symposium 1998, KAIST, Taejon, Korea (1998).
Jeong, K. J, and Lee, S. Y., "Fed-batch fermentation of a recombinant Escherichia coli overproducing human leptin", at the Autumn Meeting of Korea Society for Applied Microbiology (1998).
Park, S. J., Jeong K. J., Lee, H. S., Lee S. Y., and Chang Y. K., "Development of recombinant bacteria for the degradation of dibenzothiophen", KJChE fall meeting, Chosun Univ., Kwangju (1998).
Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Lee, S.Y., "Construction of secretion Vector containing Endoxylanase Signal Sequence from Bacillus subtilis and Secretory", Production of Alkaline Phosphatase in Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB) Chunnam Univ., Kwangju (1999).
Jeong, K. J., Lee, S.Y., "Overproduction of Human Leptin by Fed-Batch Cultivation of Recombinant Escherichia.coli and its purification", At the Spring Meeting of The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, SeoGang Univ, Seoul (1999).
Jeong, K. J., Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of human leptin in Escherichia coli", At the Autumn Meeting of The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Youngnam Univ, Ulsan (1999).
Jeong, K. J., and Lee, S. Y., "Production of human leptin in Bacillus subtilis", Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 535-538. (2000, Apr.)
Jeong, K. J., and Lee, S. Y., "Production of soluble human leptin in periplasmic space of Escherichia coli using DsbA coexpression", Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 6(1): 1197-2000 (2000).
Jeong, K. J., and Lee, S. Y., "Production of soluble human leptin in periplasmic space of Escherichia coli using DsbA coexpression KJChE meeting", Hanyang Univ., Ansan April, 2000
Jeong, K. J., Lee, S. Y., "Secretory production of human granulocyte colony stimulation factor in Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Cheon-buk Univ., October, 2000
Lim, S. C., Jeong, K. J., Chang, H. N., Lee, S. Y., "Secretory production of human G-CSF in E. coli by large-scale fermentor", Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering , Konkuk Univ., Seoul, April (2001)
Yoon, S.H., Han, M.J., Jeong, K. J., Yoo, J.S., Lim, B.K., Lee, S.Y., "Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during high cell density cultivation", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Chonan Sangnok Resort, June(2001)
Jeong, K. J., Lee, S. Y., "Secretory production of Human Granulocyte- colony stimulating factor into periplasm of Escherichia coli and its purification, Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Applied Microbiology", Chonan Sangnok Resort, June (2001)
Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S. and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Recombinant Protein in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations", Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November(2001)
Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S. and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Human Leptin in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations", KIChE meeting, Taejon , Korea (2001)
Jeong, K.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Excretory production of human β-endorphin into culture medium by recombinant Escherichia coli", KIChE meeting, Taejon , Korea (2001)
Sung Jin Kim
Professional Experience
2009.3 - present Postdoctorial Fellow, Institute for Systems Biology at Seattle
2009.1 - 2009.3 Senior Research Scientist, Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), 111 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-806, Republic of Korea
2008 - present Editorial Advisory Board Member, Recent Patents on Biotechnology, Bentham Science Publishers, USA
2006.9 - 2009.2 Lecturer, Functional Genomics Major, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea
2004.7 - 2008.12 Senior Research Scientist, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB2003.7 - 2004.6 Senior Research Scientist, Genome Research Center, KRIBB
2003 - 2006 Committee Member, Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI)
2002.11 - 2003.6 Post. Doc National Center for Genome Informatics, KRIBB
1998. 3 - 2002. 2 Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
ad hoc Reviewer
Biotechnology and Bioengineering / Biotechnology Journal / Process Biochemistry
BMC Genomics / BMC Bioinformatics / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine / Gene
Educational Background
1998.3 - 2002.8 Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST (Ph.D.)
(Dissertation: Development of Escherichia coli DNA microarray and global gene expression profiling in Escherichia coli. Supervor: Sang Yup Lee)
1996.3 - 1998.2 Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (M. S.)
(Dissertation: Development of fermentation strategies for the production of poly (γ-lutamic acid) and insulin-like growth factor I. Supervisor: Sang Yup Lee)
1992.3 - 1996.2 Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (B. S.)
Research Interests
Metabolic Engineering / Synthetic Biology
Pathogenomics / Host-Pathogen Interactio
Bioinformatics / Omics Analysis
Systems Microbiology
ad hoc Awards
Award for Excellent Staff, KRIBB (2007.2.1)
Award for Most Excellent Poster, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2002.4.13)
Media Recognition
2007. 2. 6. Daejonilbo (newspaper), "Scientist opening 21 century - Dr. Sung Ho Yoon"
2006.11.28. MBC TV newstoday, "Development of pathogenicity island database"
2006.11.28. YTN TV "Development of pathogenicity island database"
20) Yoon SH, Kim SK, and Kim JF "Secretory production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli" Recent Patents on Biotechnology (2010) (in press)
19) Barrick JE, Yu D-S, Yoon SH, Jeong H, Oh TK, Schneider D, Lenski RE, and Kim JF "Genome dynamics in a long-term experiment with Escherichia coli" Nature 461:1243-1247 (2009)
18) Jeong H, Barbe V, Lee CH, Vallenet D, Yu D-S, Choi S-H, Couloux A, Lee S-W, Yoon SH, Cattolico L, Hur C-G, Park H-S, Ségurens B, Kim SC, Oh TK, Lenski RE, Studier FW, Daegelen P, and Kim JF "Genome sequences of Escherichia coli B strains REL606 and BL21(DE3)" J. Mol. Biol. (Published online 26 September 2009)
17) Yoon SH, Jeong H, Kwon S-K, and Kim JF "Chapter 1. Genomics, biological features, and biotechnological applications of Escherichia coli B: "Is B for better?!"", pp. 1-17, In: Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli, Lee SY (ed.) Springer, Berlin, Germany (2009. 4)
16) Kim JF, Jeong H, Yu DS, Choi S-H, Hur C-G, Park M-S, Yoon SH, Kim D-W, Ji GE, Park H-S, and Oh TK "Genome sequence of the probiotic bacterium Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis AD011" J. Bacteriol. 191:678-679 (2009)
15) Jeong H, Yoon SH, Yu D-S, Oh TK, and Kim JF "Recent progress in microbial genome projects of Korea" Biotechnol. J. 3:601-611 (2008)
14) Nam D, Yoon SH, and Kim JF "Ensemble learning of genetic networks from time-series expression data" Bioinformatics 23:3225-3231 (2007)
13) Yoon SH, Park YK, Lee S, Choi D, Oh TK, Hur C-G, and Kim JF "Towards pathogenomics: a web-based resource for pathogenicity islands" Nucleic Acids Res. 35:D395-D400 (2007)
12) Hur C-G, Kim S, Kim CH, Yoon SH, In YH, Kim C, and Cho HG "FASIM: Fragments assembly simulation using biased-sampling model and assembly simulation for microbial genome shotgun sequencing" J. Microbiol.Biotechnol. 16:683-688 (2006)
11) Jiang H, Shang L, Yoon SH, Lee SY, and Yu Z "Optimal production of poly-¥lutamic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli" Biotechnol. Lett. 28:1241-1246 (2006)
10) Jeong H, Yoon SH, Lee HK, Oh TK, and Kim JF "Lessons from the sea: genome sequence of an algicidal marine bacterium Hahella chejuensis (적조 살상 해양 미생물 Hahella chejuensis의 유전체 구조)" Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 34:1-6 (2006)
9) Jeong H, Yim JH, Lee C, Choi SH, Park YK, Yoon SH, Hur CG, Kang HY, Kim D, Lee HH, Park KH, Park SH, Park HS, Lee HK, Oh TK, and Kim JF "Genomic blueprint of Hahella chejuensis, a marine microbe producing an algicidal agent", Nucleic Acids Res. 33:7066-7073 (2005)
8) Yoon SH, Hur C-G, Kang HY, Kim YH, Oh TK, and Kim JF "A computational approach for identifying pathogenicity islands in prokaryotic genomes" BMC Bioinformatics 6:184 (2005)
7) Yoon SH, Han MJ, Lee SY, Jeong KJ, and Yoo JS "Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during the high cell density culture", Biotechnol. Bioeng. 81:753-767 (2003)
6) Kim JS, Yoon SH, and Lee SY "Development of database systems by integrating heterogeneous metabolic databases", Genome Informatics 13:486-487 (2002)
5) Heo WJ, Yoon SH, and Lee SY "Global gene expression profiling of E. coli and its mutant unable to produce acetate", Genome Informatics 13: 270-271 (2002)
4) Yoon SH and Lee SY "Comparison of transcript levels by DNA microarray and metabolic flux based on flux analysis for the production of poly-γ-glutamic acid in recombinant Escherichia coli", Genome Informatics 13:587-588 (2002)
3) Chung BH, Choi YJ, Yoon SH, Lee SY, and Lee YI "Process development for production of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I in Escherichia coli", J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24:94-99 (2000)
2) Yoon SH, Do JH, Lee SY, and Chang HN "Production of poly-γ-glutamic acid by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis" Biotechnol. Lett. 22:585-588 (2000)
1) Yoon SH, Choi J, and Lee SY "Development of DNA chip microarrayer" J. Microbiol.Biotechnol., 10:21-26 (2000) (The result was presented at Nature Genetics, Microarray Meeting (1999)
3) Jeong H, Han JH, Yoon SH, Ryu C-M, Kim JF, Oh TK, Jung MH, Yoon SP "Method for Selecting Alcohol Resistant Variants of Microorganism Using Mutagenesis by Proton Beam Irradiation" Korean Patent: appl. 10-2009-0080393 (2009.08.28)
정해영 한지희 윤성호 류충민 김지현 오태광 정명환 윤상필 “양성자 빔 조사에 의한 돌연변이 유도방법을 이용한 알코올 내성 미생물 변이체의 선별 방법” 특허출원번호10-2009-0080393 (2009.08.28)
2) Hong JW, Kim JF, Oh TK, and Yoon SH "A fluidic array system for biological, chemical, and biochemical assessments" PCT/US08/59777 (PCT/US08/59777) (filed on April 9, 2008)
1) Lee SY and Yoon SH "Methods for producing high concentration of poly (gamma-glutamic acid) by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis" Korean Patent: appl. 97-67605 (12. 10. 1997), registered 250627 (1. 5. 2000)
이상엽, 윤성호 "바실러스 리케니포니스에 의한 폴리글루탐산(g-PGA)의 고효율 생산방법" 특허출원번호 10-1997-0067605 (1997. 12. 10.), 등록번호 1002506270000 (2000. 01. 05)
Program Registration
2) 김지현, 윤성호, 허철구, 오태광. "미생물 유전체 내에서 외래에서 유입된 병원성 유전자군인 pathogenicity island를 예측하는 방법" (등록일자: 2007년 7월 29일; 등록번호: 2007-01-129-3962)
1) 김지현, 윤성호, 허철구, 박영규, 오태광. "미생물 유전체 내에서 외래에서 유입된 병원성 유전자군인 pathogenicity island를 분석, 예측하는 시스템" (등록일자: 2007년 7월 29일; 등록번호: 2007-01-129-3964)
6) Yoon SH "Systems and Synthetic Biology" In State of the Art Report on Microbial Genomics 미생물유전체 연구동향 분석연구), Ministry of Science and Technology, Korea (2007)
5)Yoon SH “최신 기술동향: Biolog사의 Phenotype Microarray (PM) Technology” 미생물과 산업, 32(2): 28-29, 한국미생물학회 (2006)6)
4) 이승구, 김지현, 정흥채, 송재준, 류충민, 윤성호 “Development of Platform Technologies for Synthetic Biology” (바이오기반 경제구축을 위한 합성생물학 핵심기술 개발), KRIBB, Korea (2006)
3) 김지현, 정해영, 윤성호, 박승환 “시스템 미생물학 : 유전체 해독에서 네트워크 재설계까지”, e-생물산업, 16(3) (2003)
2) Kim JS, Yoon SH, and Lee SY "미생물 게놈 연구", BioZine ( (2001.6)
1) Lee SY, Yoon SH, Im GB, and Cho YK "Genomics와 DNA chip" News & Information for Chemical Engineers, 18(3): 307-311 (2000)
Invited talks
14) "Computational identification of pathogenicity islands in prokaryotic genomes" KOGO 2009 Winter Symposium, YongPyung Resort, Gangwon-do, Korea (2009.01.15)
13) "Multi-omics-based Systems Approach Captures the Whole-cellular Features of closely related Escherichia coli B and K-12" International Symposium on Microbiology, Daejeon convention center, Daejeon, Korea (2008. 5.16)
12) "Integrated Omics Analysis of Escherichia coli B and K-12" International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, Seoul KyoYuk MunHwa HoeKwan, Seoul, Korea ( 2007.10.12)
11) "In silico identification of pathogenicity islands in pathogenic genomes", BIO KOREA 2007, COEX, Seoul , Korea (2007. 9.13)
10) "General Concepts of Systems Biology", National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Daejeon, Korea (2007. 7.13)
9) "PAIDB: a web-based resource for pathogenicity islands", 신변종 전염병 출현 조기탐지 기반사업 Workshop, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Seoul, Korea (2007. 6.22)
8) "Systems Microbiology" Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon , Korea (2007. 5.1)
7) "Computational approach for identifying genomic and pathogenicity islands in prokaryotic genomes", National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Daejeon, Korea (2007. 2.28)
6) "Microarray Experiment and Image Analysis", The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology. BEXCO Convention Hall, Pusan, Korea (2006. 6. 18)
5) "Systems Microbiology" Korea Maritime University, Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Major of Environmental Engineering), Pusan, Korea (2006. 5. 4)
4) "Genome chip analysis workshop" KRIBB Conference - Synthetic and Systems Biology of Escherichia coli, KRIBB, Daejeon, Korea (2006. 4.27)
3) "A Computational Approach for Identifying PathogenicityIslands in Prokaryotic Genomes", The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology. Korea University, Seoul , Korea (2005. 7. 1)
2) "Genomic Islands & Pathogenicity Islands", International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, Seoul , Korea (2005.10.21)
1) "Applications of DNA microarray: transcriptome profiling", The 1st International Symposium on Environmental Biosensors and DNA Microarrays for Environmental Biomonitoring, Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (2002.5.20)
Jeong Hwa Lim
BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 291, Daehak-ro, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1997, (B.S.) Dept. of Biochemistry, GyeongSang Univ., Chinju, Korea
1999, (M.S.) Dept. of Molecular Biology, GyeongSang Univ., Chinju, Korea
Soon Ho Hong
Post Doc.
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-869-5970
Fax: +82-42-869-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST,
(373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu
DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Research Interest
Metabolic engineering
Recombinant protein production
2. Education
B.S., Dept. of Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (1993. 3. 1.~ 1997. 2. 29.)
M.S., Dept. of Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (1997. 3. 1.~ 1999. 2. 28.)
Ph.D., Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (1999. 3. 1. ~ 2003. 8. 31.)
3. Award
IBM Basic Research Award, Korean Society for Bioinformatics (2002. 11. 16.)
4. Research Activity
International Journal
1. Lee, S.Y. , Chang, H.N., Um, Y.S., and Hong, S.H., "Bacteriorhodopsin production by cell recycle culture of Halobacterium halobium", Biotechnol. Lett., 20(8): 763-765 (1998).
2. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic Flux distribution in metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strain producing succinic acid", J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 10(4) : 496-501 (2000).
3. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic flux analysis for succinic acid production by recombinant Escherichia coli with amplified malic enzyme activity", Biotechnol. Bioeng., 20;74(2):89-95(2001).
4. Hong,S.H. and Lee,S.Y., "Importance of redox balance on the production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli", Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 58 : 286-290(2002).
5. Lee, P.C., Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Chang, H.N. "Isolation and characterization of a new succinic acid producing bacterium, Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL 55E, from bovine rumen", Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 58 : 663-668 (2002).
6. Lee, S.Y., Hong S.H., and Moon S.Y. "In Silico Metabolic Pathway Analysis and Design: Succinic acid Production by Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coli as an example", Genome Informatics 2002, 13: 214-223 (2002)
7. Lee, P.C., Lee, S.Y, Hong, S.H., and Chang, H.N. "Biological conversion of wood hydrolysate to succinic acid by Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens", Biotechnol.Lett., 25: 111-114 (2003)
8. Hong, S.H., Park, S.J., Moon, S.Y., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y., "In silico prediction and validation of the importance of Entner-Doudoroff pathway in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production by metabolically engineered Echerichia coli", Biotech. Bioeng., 83: 854-863 (2003).
9. Hong, S.H., Moon, S.Y. and Lee, S.Y. "Prediction of the maximum yields of metabolites and optimal pathways for their production by metabolic flux analysis", J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 13: 571-577 (2003).
10. Lee, P.C., Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Chang, H.N. "Batch and Continuous cultures of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E for the production of succinic acid from whey and corn steep liquor", Bioproc. Biosystems Eng., in press.
11. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Evaluating evolutionary relationships of microorganisms and cellular metabolic pathways based on genome-scale metabolic pathway content", submitted.
12. Hong, S.H., Park, S.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic flux profiling and clustering: New strategies for identification of microbial metabolic characteristics", submitted.
13. Moon, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Lee.S.Y., "Production of malic acid by the amplification of Mannheimia succiniproducens phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in Escherichia coli", submitted.International Proceedings
1. Lee, S.Y. and Hong, S.H., "Engeering of E. coli central metabolic pathways for the production of succinic acid", Proceedings of Pacifichem 2000, Hawaii, pp. 30-38 (2000).Korean Journal
1. Um, Y.S., Park, J.T., Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y. and Chang, H.N. "Production of bacteriorhodopsin by Halobacterium halobium in the internal membrane bioreactor", Kor. J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 13(3): 268-271 (1998)
2. Lee, P.C., Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Chang, H.N. "Cloning and characterization of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E phophoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (pckA) gene", Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. 7:95-99 (2002)Korean Proceedings
1. Hong, S.H., Park, J.T., Lee, S.Y. , and Chang, H.N. "The effects of complex nitrogen sources and initial pH on growth of Halobacterium halobium S9-P", Proceedings of The 10th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 233-234 (1997)
2. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y. and Chang, H.N., "Production of succinic acid by recombinant Escherichia coli", Proceedings of BPERC International Symposium '98, 183-184 (1998)
3. Hong, S.H., Park, J.T., Lee, S.Y., and Chang, H.N., "Production of bacteriorhodopsin by Halobacterium halobium S9-P using various nitrogen sources", Proceedings of BPERC International Symposium '98, 185-186 (1998)
4. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Production of succinic acid by recombinant Escherichia coli", Proceedings of The 11th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 155-156 (1998)
5. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Production of Succinic Acid by Recombinant Escherichia coli and metabolic flux analysis", Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 5(1): 1053-1056 (1999).
6. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Production of Succinic acid by recombinant Escherichia coli and Metabolic analysis", Proceedings of The 12th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 127-128 (1999)
7. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Succinic acid production by metabolically reoriented Escherichia coli and metabolic flux analysis", Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 329-330 (1999)
8. Hong, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Effect of fumarase on the production of succinic acid", Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 531-534 (2000, Apr.)
9. Hong, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic flux analysis for succinic acid and production by recombinant Escherichia coli with amplified malic enzyme activity", Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 6(1): 1253-1256 (2000).
10. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Prediction of intracellular metabolites accumulation in succinic acid producing recombinant Escherichia coli by metabolic flux analysis", Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 7(1): 1413-1416 (2001).
11. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Identification of metabolic characteristics by metabolic flux analysis", Proceeding of Annual fall meeting of KIChE, 8 (2): 3941-3944 (2002)International Conferences
1. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of succinic acid and metabolic flux analysis", Annual Meeting of Society for Industrial Microbiology, San Diego, CA, July (2000)
2. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic engineering of E. coli for the production of succinic acid", Metabolic Engineering III, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, October (2000)
3. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of succinic acid", ISBP/BEDPS 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, December (2000)
4. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Identification of metabolic characteristics by metabolic flux analysis", GIM2002 9th international Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Gyeongju, Korea, July 1-5 (2002)
5. Moon, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Prediction of the maximum yields of various metabolites and optimal pathways by metabolic flux analysis", GIM2002 9th international Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Gyeongju, Korea, July 1-5 (2002)
6. Moon, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic flux analysis for the succinic acid production in Escherichia coli", ChungNam-Kyushu International Symposium, Kumamoto, Japan,December,6 (2002)
7. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Moon, S.Y., "In Silico Metabolic Pathway Analysis and Design: Succinic acid Production by Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coli as an example", The 13th International conference on genome informatics GIW2002 meeting, Yebisu garden place, Tokyo, Japan, December 16-18(2002)
8. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Moon, S.Y., "Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for the Production of Succinic Acid", Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 4-7 (2003)
9. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., and Moon, S.Y., "Production of Short-Length and Medium-chain-Length Polyhyroxyalkanote Copolymer by Metabolically Engineered E. coli" , Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 4-7 (2003)
10. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H. , Lee, P.C., and Chang, H.N., "Production of Succinic acid by Anaerobiospirillum succiniproducens from Wood Hydrolysate" , Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 4-7 (2003)
11. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., Lee, P.C., and Chang, H.N., "Batch and Continuous of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E for the production of Succinic Acid from Whey and Corn Steep Liquor" , Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 4-7 (2003)Korean Conferences
1. Kim, B.K., Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y. , Lee, Y.H., and Chung, B.H., "Production of IGF-I by recombinant Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of KIBB, Chosun Univ., Kwangju, April (1996).
2. Um, Y.S., Park, J.T., Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y. , and Chang, H.N., "Production of bacteriorhodopsin by Halobacterium halobium R1 using internal and external membrane bioreactor systems", Annual Symposium of KIBB, Taegu Univ., Kyungsan, October (1997)
3. Hong, S.H., Park, J.T., Lee, S.Y. , and Chang, H.N., "The effects of complex nitrogen sources and initial pH on growth of Halobacterium halobium S9-P", The 10th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Teajon, November (1997)
4. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., and Chang, H.N., "Production of succinic acid by recombinant Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of BPERC '98, KAIST, Taejon, Korea, September (1998)
5. Hong, S.H., Park, J.T., Lee, S.Y., and Chang, H.N., "Production of bacteriorhodopsin by Halobacterium halobium S9-P using various nitrogen sources", Annual Symposium of BPERC '98, KAIST, Taejon, Korea, September (1998)
6. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of KSAM, KOFST Bldg., Seoul, October (1998)
7. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Production of Succinic Acid by Recombinant Escherichia coli and metabolic flux analysis", Annual Symposium of KIChE, SeongKyunKwan Univ. Suwon (1999)
8. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Production of Succinic acid by recombinant Escherichia coli and Metabolic analysis", The 12th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kongju Univ., Kongju (1999)
9. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Succinic acid production by metabolically reoriented Escherichia coli and metabolic flux analysis", Annual Symposium of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Kangwon University, Chuncheon (1999)
10. Hong, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Effect of fumarase on the production of succinic acid", Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, KAIST, April (2000)
11. Hong, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic flux analysis for succinic acid and production by recombinant Escherichia coli with amplified malic enzyme activity", KIChE Meeting, Hanyang Univ., Ansan , April (2000)
12. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Effect of redox potential on the production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli", Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chunan, November(2000)
13. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y., "Prediction of intracellular metabolites accumulation in succinic acid producing recombinant Escherichia coli by metabolic flux analysis", KIChE meeting, Yonsei Univ., April (2001)
14. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Importance of redox balance on the production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coliâ€, The 14th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Chungnam Univ., Taejon , Korea (2001)
15. Hong, S.H. and Lee S.Y., "In Silico Metabolic Pathway Analysis and Design", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju, October 12(2002)
16. Moon, S.Y, Hong. S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Prediction of the optimal metabolic pathways for the production of metabolites in Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju, October 12(2002)
17. Hong, S.H. and Lee S.Y., "Identification of metabolic characteristics of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering symposium, Chungju, October 12(2002)
18. Hong, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Identification of metabolic characteristics by metabolic flux analysis", Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Seoul, October 24-26 (2002)
19. Hong, S.H., Park, S.J., Moon, S.Y., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y., "In Silico Prediction of the Importance of Enter-Doudoroff Pathway in Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate) Production", Korean Society for Bicrobiology and Biotechnology Meeting, Konkuk univ., October, 26 (2002)
20. Hong, S. H., Lee, P.C., Chang, H.N. and Lee, S.Y., "Continuous Cultures of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E for the Production of Succinic Acid from various carbon substrates", Korean society for Bicrobiology and Biotechnology Meeting, Konkuk Univ., October, 26 (2002)
21. Hong, S.H., Lee, S.Y. and Moon, S.Y., "In silico metabolic network construction and metabolic flux analysis for the production of succinic acid in Escherichia coli", Korean Society For Bioinformatics Annual Meeting, Haeundae, Korea, November,15-16 (2002)
22. Han, M.J., Lee, S.Y., Hong, S. H., and Park, S.J., "Role of Eda in polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis deciphered from proteome analysis and metabolic flux analysis", Korean Society For Bioinformatics Annual Meeting, Haeundae, Korea, November, 15-16 (2002)
23. Lee, S.Y., Jeong, K.J., Yoon, S.H., Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Park, S.J., and Hong, S.H., "Integrated analysis of the transcriptome and proteome of recombinant E. coli fermentation", 2002 Nanobio International Symposium, Haeundae, Korea, November 22-23 (2002)
24. Hong, S.H., Moon, S.Y.and Lee, S.Y., "“Prediction of the maximum yields of metabolites by metabolic flux analysis", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Busan, Korea, April 11-12(2003)Books/Book Editing
1. Lee, S.Y. and Hong, S.H., "Engineering of E. coli central metabolic pathways for the production of succinic acid", In:Advances in Biochemical Production Technology(Park, T.H. and Martin, eds.), American Chemical Society, Washington DC, USA, pp.30-38 (2002)
2. Lee S.Y., Hong S.H., Park S.J., van Wegen, R. and Middelberg A.P.J., "Metabolic flux analysis on the prodcution of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)", Biopolymers Vol 3a, Ch 8, pp.249-262 ,VCH-Wiley, Weinheim, Germany (2001)
3. Lee, S.Y., Park, S.H., Hong, S.H., Lee, Y. and Lee, S.H., "Fermentative Production of Building Blocks for Chemical Synthesis of Polyesters", Biopolymers Vol 3b, Ch 10, pp.265-326, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim, Germany (2001)
Sang Jun Lee
Post Doc.
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-869-5970
Fax: +82-42-869-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST,
(373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu
DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Research Interest
Protein chemistry and engineering
Microbial genetics and genomics
Microbial cell to cell communication (Quorum sensing)
Applied molecular microbiology
Genome-based microbial metabolic flux engineering
Anaerobic fermentation
2. Education
1994 (B.S.) Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
1997 (M.S.) Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (Advised by Si Myung Byun).
2000 (Ph.D.) Dept. of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea (Advised by Si Myung Byun & Jae Hoon Chung).
Ph.D. Dissertation title: Enhanced production of staphylokinase by wprA gene disruption in Bacillus subtilis and improvement of staphylokinase activity by random mutagenesis
3. Industrial & Academic Experiences
2000.8 - 2002.8 Senior Research Scientist, R&D center, inBioNET Corp.
2002.9 - Present Postdoctoral researcher, MBEL, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Daejeon, KAIST (Advised by Sang Yup Lee)
2004.11- Present Visiting fellow, Lab of Molecular Biology, NIH/NCI, Bethesda, MD
4. Publications
International Journals
Lee, S.J., Kim, B.H., and Lee, S. Y. (2004) “Comparative metabolic engineering of microbial succinate production†in preparation.
Lee, S.J., Kim, B.H., and Lee, S. Y. (2004) “Genome-based metabolic engineering of succinate-producing Mannheimia succiniciproducens†submitted.
Lee, S.Y., Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.J. (2004) “Secretory production of therapeutic proteins in Escherichia coli†Methods in Molecular Biology in press.
Park, C.H., Lee, S.J., Lee, S.G., Lee, W.S. and Byun, S.M. (2004) "Hetero- and auto-processing of extracellular metalloprotease (Mpr) in Bacillus subtilis" Journal of Bacteriology 186(19) 6457-6464. [Abstract]
Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. (2003) “Enhanced production of insulin-like growth factor I fusion protein in Escherichia coli by the coexpression of the down-regulated genes identified by transcriptome profilingâ€, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69(8) 4737-4742. [Abstract]
Park, S.Y., Lee, S.J., Oh, T.K., Oh, J.W., Koo, B.T., Yum, D.Y., and Lee, J.K. (2003) "AhlD, an N-acyl-homoserine lactonase in Arthrobacter sp. and predicted homologues in other bacteria", Microbiology-SGM, 149: 1541-1550. [Abstract]
Lee, S.J., Park, S.Y., Lee, J.J., Yum, D.Y., Koo, B.T. and Lee, J.K. (2002) "Genes encoding the N-acyl homoserine lactone degrading enzyme are widespread in many subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis", Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68(8) 3919-3924. [Abstract]
Kim, D.M., Lee, S.J., Yoon, S.K. and Byun, S.M. (2002) "Specificity role of streptokinase C-terminal domain in plasminogen activiation", Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 290(1) 585-588. [Abstract]
Lee, S.J., Kim, D.M., Bae K.H., Byun, S.M. and Chung, J.H. (2000) "Enhancement of secretion and extracellular stability of staphylokinase in Bacillus subtilis by wprA gene disruption", Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66(2) 476-480. [Abstract]
Kim, D.M., Lee, S.J., Kim, I.C., Kim, S.T. and Byun, S.M. (2000) "Asp41-His48 region of streptokinase is important in binding to a substrate plasminogen", Thrombosis Research 99(1) 93-98. [Abstract]
Lee, S.J., Kim, I.C., Kim, D.M., Bae, K.H. and Byun, S.M. (1998) "High level secretion of recombinant staphylokinase into periplasm of Escherichia coli", Biotechnology Letters 20(2) 113-116.
Bae, K.H., Lee, S.H., Kim, S.T., Lee, S.J., Shin, Y.C. and Byun, S.M. (1996) "High-level expression and secretion of Serratia marcescens metalloprotease inhibitor in Bacillus subtilis by aid of subtilisin promoter and signal sequence", Molecules and Cells 6(3) 296-302.
Lee, S.J. (2001) "Genetic studies for the overproduction of protein in Bacillus sp.", Bioindustry News 14(3) 9-12
5. Patents
4 patents are registered and 6 patents pending.
6. International Presentation
Lee, S.J., Park, S.Y., Kim, J.M., Yum, D.Y., Koo, B.T., and Lee, J.K. "N-acyl homoserine lactone degrading enzyme in Bacillus thuringiensis", 9th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (GIM-2002) July 1-5, 2002 Gyeongju, Korea.
Lee, S.J., Kim, D.M. and Byun, S.M. "Fibrin-specific plasminogen activation by staphylokinase and its protein engineering", FAOBMB 14th Symposium Nov 28 - Dec 3, 1999, Dunedin, New Zealand .
Lee, S.J., Bae, K.H. and Byun, S.M., "High level production of recombinant staphylokinase in Bacillus subtilis by subtilisin promoter and signal peptide", 8th FAOBMB Congress Nov. 22-27, 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
7. Invited Speaker
Lee, S.J., Kim, D.M. and Byun, S.M., "Efficient production of recombinant proteins in Bacillus subtilis by disruption of cell wall protease", Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Fall meeting Oct 28, 2000, JeonBuk National University, Korea.
8. Professional Membership
The Korean Society for Molecular Biology
The Biochemical Society of the Republic of Korea
The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
9. Fellowship
FAOBMB 14th Symposium Travel Award, Dunedin, New Zealand, Nov 28 - Dec 3, 1999.
Korea-EU industrial technology studying program (supported by ITEP), Dept. of Microbiology, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France, Dec 1 – Dec 16, 2001.
Yoon Jeong Lee
BioInformatics Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
2001 (B.S.) Dept. of Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Paichai Univ., Daejeon, Korea
2003 (M.S.) Dept. of Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Paichai Univ., Daejeon, Korea
Bo Kyeng Hou
Senior Researcher, Ph.D.
BioInformatics Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Research Interest
Data mining
Knowledge-based systems using artificial intelligence techniques
2. Education
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Pusan National Univ., Korea, 1989-1994
M.S., Chemical Engineering Pusan National Univ., Korea, 1994-1996
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Pusan National Univ., Korea, 1996-2000
(Doctoral Thesis : "A study on knowledge framework and system implementation for automated operating procedure synthesis of chemical plants", Advisor : Prof. Kyu Suk Hwang)
3. Research Experiences
Mar. 2000 - Sep. 2001 Senior Researcher, Pusan National University
Mar. 2000 - Aug. 2000 Researcher, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University
Nov. 2000 - Apr. 2001 Researcher, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Donga National University
Mar. 2000 - Sep. 2001 Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Pusan National University
Mar. 2000 - Sep. 2001 Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University
Sep. 2000 - Dec. 2000 Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Dongei University
Sep. 2001 - Aug. 2003 Postdoctoral Specialist, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota
4. Awards
ISMB 2002 travel fellowship in Edmonton, August 3-7.
5. Software
The Pathway Prediction System (PPS, which can predict biodegradation pathways of most of the major aliphatic and aromatic organic functional groups.
6. Publications
International Journals
1. Lynda B.M. Ellis, Bo Kyeng Hou, Wenjun Kang, and Lawrence P. Wackett , "The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database: Post-Genomic Data Mining", Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 262-265 (2003).
2. Bo Kyeng Hou, Lawrence P. Wackett, and Lynda B.M. Ellis, "Microbial Pathway Prediction: A Functional Group Approach", Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 43:1051-1057 (2003).
3. Bo Kyeng Hou, Lynda B.M. Ellis, and Lawrence P. Wackett , "Encoding Microbial Metabolic Logic: Predicting Biodegradation". Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, submitted (2003).
Domestic Journals
1. D.M. An, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Automatic Synthesis of Operating Procedures for Safe Emergency Operation", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(1), 30-35 (2001).
2. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Integrated Framework for Operating Procedure Synthesis Based on Constraint Propagation", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 285-291 (2001).
3. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Operating Procedure Synthesis of Chemical Plants using Partial Order Algorithm", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 300-306 (2001).
4. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Knowledge Framework and Algorithm for Automating HAZOP Analysis of Batch Processes", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 292-299 (2001).
5. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Development of Automatic Synthesis System for Operating Procedures Using Temporal Logic and Description Logic", KIGAS, 5(1) 37-44 (2001).
6. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Development of Operator Training System Using Multimedia", KIGAS, 5(1), 25-30 (2001).
7. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Automatic Synthesis of Fault Tree Using Object-oriented Unit Modeling", KIGAS 5 (1), 21-28 (2001).
8. Y.Y. Ok, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Deviation-propagation models for automating HAZOP analysis of batch processes", KIGAS, 3(2), 35-42 (1999).
9. J.M. Lee, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Object-Oriented modeling for automated HAZOP analysis", Journal of KIIS, 13(1), 77-84 (1998).
10. H.K. Lee, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "A Modeling for Automated Fault Tree Synthesis of Chemical Processes", KIGAS, 2(3), 12-17 (1998).
11. B.K. Hou, D.M. An, K.S. Hwang, "An expert system for preventing hazardous conditions in boiler plants", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 34(6), 750-756 (1996).
Domestic Conferences
1. S.I. Lee, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Metameric color matching of paint with neural network", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 5(2), 2509-2512 (1999).
2. B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "An integrated framework for operating procedure synthesis of chemical plants", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 4(1), 517-520 (1998).
3. B.K. Hou, D.M. An, K.S. Hwang, "A modelling of recipe-based procedural controllers in batch processes", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 3(1), 201-204 (1997).
4. B.K. Hou, D.M. An, K.S. Hwang, "A modeling for hybrid intelligent systems of batch processes using petri net", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 2(2), 1431-1434 (1996).
5. M.Y. Noh, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "A knowledge-based expert system for automating HAZOP analysis considering discontinuity", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 5 (2), 2645-2648 (1999).
International Conferences
1. K.S. Hwang, B.K. Hou, D. Shin, E.S. Yoon, "Development of a Temporal Logic for the Automated Operating Procedure Synthesis in Chemical Plants", The 8th APCChE Congress, 2137-2140, Seoul, 1999.
2. Lynda B. M. Ellis, Larry P. Wackett, Wenjun Kang, Bo Kyeng Hou, and Tony Dodge, "Microbial Metal and Metalloid Metabolism and Beyond" Research abstracts from the DOE Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop, held January 27-31, 2002, in Oakland, CA
3. Bo Kyeng Hou, Wenjun Kang, Larry P. Wackett and Lynda B.M. Ellis, "219A. Predicting Microbial Metabolism: A Functional Group Approach." ISMB 2002 in Edmonton, August 3-7.
4. Lynda B. M. Ellis, Bo Kyeng Hou, Larry P. Wackett, "Encoding metabolic logic: Predicting biodegradation." submitted to Division of Computers in Chemistry for the 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1, 2004.
Ji Hye Yoon
BioInformatics Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
2003 (B.S.) Dept. of Biochemistry, Paichai Univ., Daejeon, Korea
Jong Pil Park
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-869-5970
Fax: +82-42-869-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST,
(373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu
DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Education
1991.3~1998.3 Department of Biotechnology, Daegu University (BS)
B.S. in Biotechnology, February 1998
Advisor: Professor Jong Won Yun
1998.3~ 2000.2 MS in Department of Biotechnology, Daegu University (MS)
M.S. in Biotechnology
Advisor: Professor Jong Won Yun
Thesis: Production of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) from a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp.
2001.9 ~2004.8 Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Ph. D course
Ph.D. in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Professor Sang Yup Lee
Thesis: Development of nanobiosensors for biotechnological and environmental applications
2. Research Interest
Cell, Protein Patterning and Surface Modification
Functionalization of Carbon Nanotube
Synthesis of Nanoparticle/Nanowire/Nanocarrier
3. Additional Experience
REPUBLIC OF KOREA Marine Corps (ROKMC), Kimpo, Korea
Corporal, June 10, 1992- September 10, 1994
4. Awards
The 1st Excellent R&D Award, Graduate School of Daegu University (2000)
Best Paper in Poster Section, KSBB (2005)
5. Publications and book chapter
M.S. course (March 1, 1998~Fubruary, 2001):
1. Park, J.P., Kim, D.H., Kim, D.S., and Yun, J.W.: Enzymatic production of inulo-oligosaccharides from chicory juice. Biotechnol Lett, 20(4) 385~388 (1998)
2. Park JP, Bae JT, and Yun JW : Critical effect of ammonium ions on the enzymatic reaction of a novel transfructosylating enzyme for fructooligosaccharide formation from sucrose. Biotechnol Lett, 21(10) (1999)
3. Park JP, Bae JT, You DJ, Kim BW and Yun JW: Production of inulooligosaccharides from inulin by a novel endoinulinase from Xanthomonas sp. Biotechnol Lett, 21(12) (1999)
4. Yun JW, Park JP, Song CH, Lee CY, Kim JH, and Song SK : Continuous production of inulo-oligosaccharides from chicory juice by immobilized endoinulinase. Bioprocess Eng, 22(3) 189~194 (2000)
5. Kim BW, Kwon HJ, Park YH, Nam SW, Park JP and Yun JW : Production of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus macerans EG-6. Bioprocess Eng, 23(1) 11~16 (2000)
6. JT Bae, J Sinha, JP Park, CH Song, and JW Yun : Optimization of submerged culture conditions for exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 10 (4) 482~487 (2000)
7. Kim YM, Park JP, Sinha J, Lim KH, Yun JW : Acceptor reaction of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp.. Biotechnol Lett, 23(1) 13~16 (2001)
8. Cho YJ, Sinha J, Park JP, Yun JW : Production of inulooligosaccharides from chicory extract by endoinulinase from Xanthomonas oryzae No.5. Enzyme Microb Technol, 28(4-5), 439~445 (2001)
9. JT Bae, JP Park, J Sinha, CH Song and JW Yun: Effect of carbon source on the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by submerged culture of Paecilomyces japonica. J Biosci Bioeng, 91(5) 522~524 (2001)
10. Park JP, Yun JW : Utilization of chicory roots for microbial endoinulinase production. Lett Appl Microbiol, 33(3) 183~187 (2001)
11. JP Park, TG Oh, JW Yun : Purification and characterization of a novel fructosyltransferase by Bacillus macerans EG-6. Process Biochem, 37, 471~476 (2001)
12. Park JP, SW Kim, HJ Hwang and JW Yun :Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by Cordyceps millitaris. Lett Appl Microbiol, 32, 1~6 (2001)
13. J. Sinha, JT Bae, JP Park, KH Kim, CH Song, and JW Yun: Changes in morphology of Paecilomyces japonica and its effect on broth rheology during production of exo-biopolymer. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 56, 88~92 (2001)
14. YJ Cho, J. Sinha, JP Park, JW Yun: Production of inulooligosaccharides from a dual endoinulinase system of Xanthomonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Enzyme Microb Technol, 29, 428~433 (2001)
15. J Sinha, JT Bae, JP Park, JW Yun: Effect of substrate concentration on broth rheology and fungal morphology during exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica in a bioreactor. Enzyme Microb Technol, 29, 392~399 (2001)
16. JP Park, CH Song, JW Yun : Stimulatory effect of plant oils and fatty acids on the exo-biopolymer production in Cordyceps militaris. Enzyme Microb Technol. 31, 250-255 (2002)
17. JP Park, YM Kim, SW Kim, HJ Hwang, YJ Cho, YS Lee, CH Song, JW Yun : Effect of agitation intensity on the exo-biopolymer production and mycelial morphology in Cordyceps militaris. Lett Appl Microbiol. 34(6), 433~438 (2002)
18. YJ Cho, JP Park, HJ Hwang, SW Kim, JW Choi, JW Yun: Production of red pigment by submerged culture of Paecilomyces sinclairii. Lett Appl Microbiol. 35(3) , 195-202 (2002)
19. SW Kim, HJ Hwang, JP Park, YJ Cho, CH Song,, JW Yun : Mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by submerged culture of various edible mushrooms under different media. Lett Appl Microbiol. 34(1) 56~61 (2002)
20. JP Park, YM Kim, SW Kim, HJ Hwang, YJ Cho, YS Lee, CH Song, JW Yun : Effect of aeration rate on the mycelial morphology and exo-biopolymer production in Cordyceps militaris. Process Biochem. 37, 1257~1262 (2002).
Ph.D course (September 1, 2001~)
21. Park SJ, Park JP, Lee SY : Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from whey by fed-batch culture of recombinant Escherichia coli in a pilot-scale fermentor. Biotechnol Lett 24(3), 185-189 (2002)
22. Park, S.J, Park, J.P, Lee, S.Y. " Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of medium -chain-length polyhydroxyalkaroates rich in specific monomers", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 214:217-222 (2002)
23. Park, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.Y., and Doi, Y., "Enrichment of specific monomer in medium-chain-length poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) by amplification of fadD and fadE genes in recombinant Escherichia coli ", Enzyme Microbial Technol., 33 : 62-70 (2003)
24. Hong SH, Park S J, Moon S Y, Park J P and Lee SY . In Silico prediction of the importance of Enter-Doudoroff pathway in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production. Biotechnol Bioeng. 83(7) : 854-863 (2003)
25. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Sang Yup Lee, Min-Gon Kim and Bong Hyun Chung. Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and SPR analysis. BBE 9:137-142 (2004)
26. Park, T.J., Lee, K.-B., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, Z.-W., Lee, S.Y., and Choi, I.S. "Micropatterns of spores displaying heterologous proteins", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(34):10512-10513 (2004).
27. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Min Gon Kim, Bong Hyun Chung, Zee-Won Lee, and Sang Yup Lee: Micropatterning proteins on polyhydroxyalkanoate substrates by using the substrate binding domain as a fusion partner. Biotechnol. Bioeng, In Press (2005)
28. S.J. Lee, J.P. Park, T. J. Park. S.N. Lee, J.K. Park, S.Y. Lee. Visual detection of specific protein-protein interaction via PHB microsphere using substrate binding domain. in preparation , Anal. Chem, being revised (2005)
2) Book chapter:
1. Lee, S.Y., Park, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, Y. and Lee, S.H. "Economic aspects of biopolymer production", Biopolymers Vol.10, Ch.10, pp.307-337, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim Germany (2003)
2. Polyhydroxyalkanoates in nanobiotechnology: application to protein-protein interaction studies, Horizon Scientific Prss, Submitted (2005).
3) Patents:
6. Presentation
1) Domestic Conference
M.S. Course (March 1, 1998 ~ February, 2001) :
1. JP Park, DH Kim and JW Yun : Inulo-oligosaccharide production using chicory juice from Pseudomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (1998.4)
2. JP Park, JW Yun : Enzymatic production of inulo-oligosaccharide from chicory juice by endoinulinase immobilized on carrier materials. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (1998.10)
3. JH Kim, JP Park, JW Yun and SK Song : Continuous production of inulooligosaccharides from chicory juice by immobilized endoinulinase. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering,(1999.4)
4. JP Park, BC Oh, TK Oh and JW Yun : Purification and characterization of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (1999.4)
5. JP Park, JW Yun : Production of inulooligosaccharides from inulin by Xanthomonas sp." Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (1999. 10).
6. JP Park, JT Bae, JW Yun : Critical effects of ammonium ions on the enzymatic reaction of a novel transfructosylating enzyme for fructooligosaccharide production from sucrose. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology (1999.10)
7. JT Bae, J Sinha, JP Park and JW Yun : Optimization of culture conditions for exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000.4)
8. JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun : Utilization of chicory roots as a carbon source for endoinulinase production in Xanthomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2000.4)
9. JP Park, JT Bae and JW Yun : Inulo-oligosaccharide production using chicory juice from Xanthomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2000.4)
10. YJ Cho, JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun : Inulo-oligosaccharide production using chicory juice from Xanthomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (2000.5)
11. JT Bae, J Sinha, JP Park, CH Song and JW Yun : Application of rotating simplex method for optimization of the physical parameters for exo-biololymer production by Paecilomyces japonica in batch bioreactor. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2000. 10)
12. JP Park, J Sinha, CH Song and JW Yun : Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by Cordyceps millitaris. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology (2000.11)
13. YM Kim, JP Park and JW Yun : Acceptor reactions of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000.11)
14. YJ Cho, JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun : Production of inulooligosaccharides from inulin by a dual endoinulinase system. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000.11)
15. YJ Cho, JP Park, JW Yun: Production of the water-soluble red pigment from mycelial culture of Paecilomyces sinclairii. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001. 6.20-22)
16. YM Kim, JP Park, JW Yun: Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001.6.20-22)
17. HJ Hwang, SW Kim, JP Park, JW Yun: A comparative study of effects of synthetic medium for mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by edible mushrooms. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001.6.20-22)
18. SW Kim, HJ Hwang, JP Park, JW Yun: Production of exo-biopolymers by submerged culture of various insect-born fungi. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001.6.20-22)
Ph.D Course (September 1, 2001 ~)
19. Park, J.P., Park, S.J. and Lee, S.Y. : Production and characterization of ultra-high-molecular weight poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by recombinant Escherichia coli, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November(2001)
20. Park, S.J., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y. : Biosynthesis of medium-chain-length poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strains, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November(2001)
21. Park, S.J., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y. : Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by recombinant Escherichia coli strain in pilot-scale fermentor from whey, KIChE meeting, Taejon , Korea (2001)
22. Park,.J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. : Characterization of (R)-specific enoyl-CoA hydratase genes from Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21 and their use for polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis, Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju , October 10-12(2002)
23. Park.S.J, Park,J.P., and Lee, S.Y. : Evaluation of the roles of 3-ketoacyl-ACP reductases in the polyhydroxyalkanoates in recombinant Escherichia coli, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju , October 10-12(2002)
24. Park, J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee S.Y. : Production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates by a newly isolated strain of Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21, KMB Meeting, Gyunbook Univ., October,26(2002)
25. Park,J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. : Medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis and accumulation in metabolic engineered recombinant E.coli, KMB meeting,Gyunbook univ., October,26(2002)
26. Hong SH, Park S J, Moon S Y, Park J P and Lee SY . : In Silico prediction of the importance of Enter-Doudoroff pathway in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production, KMB meeting,Gyunbook univ., October,26(2002)
27. AJ Song, SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee. : Newly screened Pseudomonas sp. producing polyhydroxyalkanoates consisting of SCL and MCL monomers, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pukyong Univ, April 11-12, Pusan
28. JP Park, SJ Lee, SY Lee. : Preliminary study of an efficient secretory system of recombinant fusion protein in Escherichia coli using the PHB depolymerase signal sequence, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pukyong Univ, April 11-12, Pusan
29. J. P. Park, S. J. Lee, T. J. Park, S. Y. Lee, H. S. Lee, H. T. Jung, : Enzyme-based Biomolecular Engineering of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) by Transglycosylation Reaction, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, October 22-24, Seoul, Korea (2003)
30. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee, : Recombinant Protein Secretion in Escherichia coli using Several Leader Peptides, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2003)
31. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung Choi, and Sang Yup Lee, : Patterning of Proteins Fabricated by Microcontact Printing (μCP) Method for Site-Specific Immobilization and Protein-Protein Interaction Assay, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2003)
32. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, : Visual Detection of Specific Protein-Protein Interaction using PHB Microsphere of Substrate Binding Domain from Alcaligenes faecalis, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology(2003)
33. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, : Enzyme-based Biomolecular Engineering of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) by Transglycosylation Reaction, Annual Meeting of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003)
34. Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park and Sang Yup Lee, : Novel PHB-based Protein Microarray using Extracellular Depolymerase Substrate Binding Domain for Site-Directed Capture Ligand to Detect Protein-Protein Interaction, Annual Meeting of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003)
35. Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., “Polyhydroxyalkanoates(PHAs) in Nanobiotechnology”, Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Korea, October 13-15 (2004)
36. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Park, T.J., Lee, K.B., Choi, I.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and SPR analysis", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)
37. Lee, S.J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein and its use in nanobiotechnology", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)
38. Lee, S.J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Bioactivation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) microsphere and its application in a bead-based assay", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)
39. Park, T.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Artificial surface display system in Escherichia coli using exosporal agent", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)
40. Kang, Y.J., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y., "Micropattern Generation of Proteins on Gold Surface using Fusion Protein Strategy and Microcontact Printing", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005)
41. Park, J.P., Jung, D.H., Kang, Y.J., Ko, Y.K, Jung, H.T. and Lee, S.Y., "Controlled Networks of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWNTs) Arrays by Functionalized Magnetic Microbeads under Ultra-Low Magnetic Field", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005)
2). International Conferences
M.S. Course (March 1, 1998 ~ February, 2001) :
1. Park JP and Yun JW : Continuous production of inulo-oligosaccharides from chicory juice by immobilized endoinulinase. 9th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB9), Brussels, Belgium (1999.7)
2. Bae JT, J Sinha, Park JP, and Yun JW : Optimization of submerged culture conditions for exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica. Asian Mycological Congress 2000, Hong Kong (2000.7)
3. Cho YJ, JP Park, JT Bae, JW Yun: Production of inulooligosaccharide from chicory extract by dual endoinulinase system of Pseudomonas spp. and Xanthomonas spp. Biotechnology 2000, The World Congress on Biotechnology, 3-8 September, Berlin, Germany (2000)
4. JP Park, HJ Hwang, JT Bae, J Sinha and JW Yun: Production of biopolymers with biological activities by submerged culture of mushrooms. 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. April 22-27, 2001, Seoul
5. YJ Cho, YM Kim, JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun: Production of high-content oligosaccharides from inulin by two types of endoinulinase preparations from Xanthomonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. April 22-27, 2001, Seoul
6. HJ Hwang, SW Kim, JP Park, CH Song, JW Yun: Effect of substrate concentration on broth rheology and fungal morphology during exo-biopolymer production by P. japonica in a batch bioreactor. 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Sep 23-27, 2001, Melbourne
7. SW Kim, HJ Hwang, JP Park, JW Yun: Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by C. militaris. 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Sep 23-27, 2001, Melbourne
Ph.D Course (September 1, 2001 ~) :
8. Seung Hwan Lee, Jong Pil Park, Si Jae Park, Sang Yup Lee : Biosynthesis of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates in recombinant E. coli by engineering beta-oxidation pathway. 9th International Symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganism. July1-5, 2002, Gyeongju, Korea
9. Jong Pil Park, Si Jae Park, San Yup Lee : Production of the medium-chain-length polyhydrxoyalkanoates in methabolically engineered E. coli strains. 9th International Symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganism. July1-5, 2002, Gyeongju, Korea
10. Si Jae Park, Jong Pil Park, Sang Yup Lee : Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyalkanoate) in metabolically engineered E. coli strains. 9th International Symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganism. July1-5, 2002, Gyeongju, Korea
11. JP Park, SJ Park, SY Lee: Biosynthesis and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates in newly screened Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany (Oral)
12. SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee: Biosynthesis and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanostes from newly screened strain from sludge. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany
13. SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee: Amplification of glycolytic pathway increases the yield of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid ) in E. coli. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany
14. SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee: Production of (R)-(-)-3-hydroxybutyric acid by metabolically engineered E.coli. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany
15. JH Choi, JP Park, Si Jae Park, Sang Yup Lee : Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates consisting of short-chain-length and medium-chain-length monomers. Metabolic Engineering IV: Applied System Biology, October 6-11, 2002, Italy
16. Seung Hwan Lee, Si Jae Park, Jong Pil Park, Sang Yup Lee: Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates. Metabolic Engineering IV: Applied System Biology, October 6-11, 2002, Italy
17. Jong Pil Park, SJ Lee, TJ Park, SY Lee: Visual detection of specific protein-protein interaction using PHB microsphere of substrate binding domain from Acaligenes faecalis. 2003 Annual meeting and international symposium of the KMB, June 24-26, Muju, Korea
18. SJ Lee, JP Park, SY Lee: Selective immobilization of proteins on phb-based microarray using extracellular depolymerase substrate binding domain for site-directed capture ligand to detect protein-protein interaction. BioChE-03, July 19-23, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA
19. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, : Selective Immobilization of Proteins on PHB-Based Microarray using Extracellular Depolymerase Substrate Binding Domain for Studying Protein-Protein Interaction, BioChE-03. Biochemical Engineering (XIII) Conference (2003)
20. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-bok Lee, Insung S Choi, and Sang Yup Lee, : Patterning of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) for Site-Selective Protein Immobilization and Studying Protein-Protein Interaction, The 2nd KAIST International Symposium on Frontier Issues in NBI Technologies (2003)
21. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-bok Lee, Insung S Choi, and Sang Yup Lee, "Patterning of Proteins by Microcontact Printing", The 2nd KAIST International Symposium on Frontier Issues in NBI Technologies (2003)
22. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "The Structural Basis for Catalysis and Specificity of the Substrate Binding Domain of PHB Depolymerase from Bacteria" Enzyme Engineering XVII (2003)
23. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "Bead-Based System for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions using PHB Microsphere with Substrate Binding Domain", Enzyme Engineering XVII ( 2003)
24. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "Microbial Polyamide Production by Recombinant Escherichia coli", Enzyme Engineering XVII, (2003)
25. Lee, S. J., Park, J. P., Park, T. J., Lee, S. Y., "Peptide arrays Improvedby the Protein layer for Protein Kinase Assay", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)
26. Park, J. P., Park, T. J., Lee, S. J., Choi, J. H., and Lee, S. Y., "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein around carbon nanotube and its use in nanostructure fabrication", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)
27. Park, T. J., Park, J. P., Lee, S. J., Lee, K.-B., Choi, I. S., and Lee, S. Y., "Patterning of polyhydroxyalkanoates for selective protein immobilization and studying protein-protein interaction", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)
28. S.J. Lee, J.P. Park, T.J. Park, K.-B. Lee, I.S. Choi, S.Y Lee. Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and its application for biosensor using SPR analysis. Biosensor 2004, Spain (2004)
29. J.P. Park, S.J. Lee, T.J. Park, S.M. Yoo, D. Lee, S.Y. Lee. Systematic detection of pathogenic bacteria using carbohydrate-encapsulated quantum dot. Biosensor 2004, Spain (2004)
30. Jae Shin Lee, Do Hyun Kim, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Dae-Hwan Jung, Hee-Tae Jung, Jin Hee Kim, and Seong Ku Kwon. Eltrical detection of kinase assay using multi walled-carbon nanotube(mwcnt) nanoelectrode. microTAS 2004 Malmo Sweden. 26-30 Sep.
31. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Kwang Suk Yang, Yong Beom Shin, Bong Hyun Chung, Do Hyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. Fabrication of Gold Binding Protein Fusion Protein Arrays for Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Studies of Protein-Protein and DNA Hybridization Assays. ISNM, Daejeon, KAIST (2004.11.3)
32. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "Self-Assembly of Functional Bacterial Surface Protein around Carbon Nanotubes and Its Application", ISNM, Daejeon, Korea (2004)
33. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Lee, K.B., Choi, I.S., Kim, M.G., Chung, B.H., Lee, S.Y., "Microcontact Printing and SPR Analysis of Biotin for Selective Immobilization of Streptavidin-fused Proteins". ISNM, Daejeon, Korea (2004)
34. Park, J.P., S.J., Lee., Hong, H.J., Lee, S.Y., “Fabrication of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Chip for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions”, Yonsei University, December 3, Korea (2004)
Dong Yup Lee
Senior Researcher, Ph.D.
BioInformatics Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Education
PhD., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, present, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. (Thesis Title: Computational and Bioinformatic Analysis of Complex Biochemical Pathways, Thesis Supervisors: Prof. Sunwon Park & Prof. Sang Yup Lee)
MS., Chemical Engineering, Feb. 2000, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea. (Thesis Title: Environmentally Friendly Scheduling for Primary Steelmaking Processes, Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Sunwon Park)
BS., Chemical Engineering, Feb. 1998, Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Korea
2. Research Experiences
Internship, Pacific R&D Center, Pacific Corp., July 1997.
Visiting Research Fellow, Social and Environmental Systems Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan (Jan. 2000 - Feb. 2000), supported by JISTEC
Reference: Dr. Yuichi Moriguchi (Host researcher)
Research theme: Environmental Impacts for the Change of World Resource Flows in Fuel Oil Production
PhotoVisiting Research Fellow, Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), Sankt Augustin, Germany (Jul. 2001 - Oct. 2001), supported by Korean Ministry of Education
Reference: Prof. Ralf Zimmer (Praktische Informatik und Bioinformatik, Institut für Informatik, LMU München)
Research theme: Petri Net Representation and Simulation of Signal Transduction NetworkVisiting Research Fellow, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Kansas State University, Manhattan, United State (Jan. 2003 - Apr. 2003), supported by Korean Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development
Reference: Prof. L. T. Fan
Research theme: Synergistic Identification of Multiple Flux Distributions and Multiple Metabolic Pathways
3. Awards
Oct. 1990, Bronze medal, The 4th Korean Mathematical Olympiad by Korean Mathematical Society, Test paper
Oct. 1996, 1st Prize, The 2nd Plant Design Contest sponsored by Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers
June 2001, Best paper award, 2001 Korean Society of Supply Chain Management Spring Meeting
2003, Genome Informatics Workshop (GIW) Student Fellowship Award by Japanese Society for Bioinformatics (JSBi)
4. Software
MetaFluxNetTM: An integrated program for the management of metabolic reaction information and quantitative metabolic flux analysis (MFA)
Version 1.0 (program registration: 29 Mar. 2002) [Registration No.: 2002-01-12-1984]
Version 1.5 (released: 15 Dec. 2002; program registration: 6 Jan. 2003) [Registration No: 2003-01-12-27]
Version 1.6 (released: 10 May 2003)
Version 1.63 (released: 4 Aug. 2003) [Download] [More]
Version 1.7 (program registration: 19 Aug. 2003) [Registration No: 2003-01-12-4370]
5. Publications
Jin-Kwang Bok, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Mixed-Integer Programming Model for Scheduling of Steelmaking Processes", J. Control, Automation and Systems Eng., Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 714-723, 1999. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Heejin Lim, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Environmental Analysis and Improvement of PET Production Systems Using Life Cycle Assessment", Korean Journal of LCA., Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 53-60, 2000. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Hodong Seo, Dong-Yup Lee, Sunwon Park, Liang-Tseng Fan, Shahram Shafie, Botond Bertók and Ferenc Friedler, "Graph-Theoretical Identification of Pathways for Biochemical Reactions", Biotechnology Letters, Vol. 23, pp. 1551-1557, 2001. [PDF-Full text]
Jehoon Song, Jin-Kwang Bok, Heeman Lee, Hyungjin Park, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "SCMì˜ ê°œìš”ì™€ 화학공학분야ì—ì„œì˜ ì—°êµ¬ 현황 ë° í™”í•™ ì‚°ì—…ì˜ ì ìš© 사례", ICASE Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 7-18, 2001. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Jehoon Song, Hyungjin Park, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling Model for Actual Size Refinery Processes Considering Supply Chain Management", Journal of the Korean Society of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 1, pp. 73-80, 2001. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Jehoon Song, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "공습사슬 관리(SCM)ì˜ ê°œìš”ì™€ 화학공학분야ì—ì„œì˜ ì—°êµ¬ 현황", News & Information for Chemical Engineers, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 289-291, 2002. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Jehoon Song, Hyungjin Park, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Actual Size Refinery Processes Considering Environmental Impacts with Multiobjective Optimization", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 41, pp. 4794-4806, 2002. [PDF-Full text]
Dong-Yup Lee, Young-gyun Oh, Hongseok Yoon, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Exploring Flux Distribution Profiles for Switching Pathways Using Multiobjective Flux Balance Analysis", Genome Informatics, Vol. 13, pp. 363-364, 2002. [PDF-Full text]
Dong-Yup Lee, Moonyong Lee, Yongho Lee and Sunwon Park, "Mp Criterion Based Multiloop PID Controllers Tuning for Desired Closed Loop Responses", Korean J. Chem. Eng., Vol. 20, pp. 8-13, 2003. [PDF-Full text]
Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun, Sunwon Park and Sang Yup Lee, "MetaFluxNet: the Management of Metabolic Reaction Information and Quantitative Metabolic Flux Analysis", Bioinformatics, Vol. 19, pp. 2144-2146, 2003. [PDF-Full text]
Dong-Yup Lee, Su Whan Sung, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "A Combined Deterministic-Stochastic Approach for Pharmacokinetic Modeling", submitted for Journal publication.
Dong-Yup Lee, L. T. Fan, Sunwon Park, Sang Yup Lee, Shahram Shafie, Botond Bertók and Ferenc Friedler, "Synergistic Identification of Multiple Flux Distributions and Multiple Metabolic Pathways", submitted for Journal publication.
Sungdeuk Moon, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes: Part 1. Mathematical Model", in preparation to be submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
Dong-Yup Lee, Sungdeuk Moon, Paulo-Miguel Lopes and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes: Part 2. Environmentally Friendly Scheduling", in preparation to be submitted to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
6. Presentations
Jehoon Song, Seokjoon Kim, Dong-Yup Lee and Doohwan Kim, "Simulation for Separation of the MCH-Toluence System", Process S/W and H/W Symposium, pp. 157-167, 1997.
Dong-Yup Lee, Yongho Lee and Sunwon Park, "Application of SISO-DCLR Method for MIMO Systems", Proc. '98 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 4, pp. 2337-2340, 1998. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Dong-Yup Lee, Hodong Seo, Myungwan Han and Sunwon Park, "A Study on Optimization Regions for Complex Column Alterntives", The 11th Kyushu-Chungnam Symposium on Chem. Eng., pp. 339-340, Nov. 1998. [presentation]
Changryol Kim, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Life Cycle Inventory of Petroleum Products", Proc. '98 KSLCA meeting, pp. 121, 1998.
Dong-Yup Lee, Yongho Lee and Sunwon Park, "Multiloop PID Controller Tuning for Unstable Systems", Proc. '99 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 5, pp. 389-392, 1999. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Jin-Kwang Bok, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Mixed-Integer Programming Model for Scheduling of Steelmaking Processes", Proc. '99 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 5, pp. 513-516, 1999.
Dong-Yup Lee, Jin-Kwang Bok and Sunwon Park, "Mixed-Integer Programming Model for Scheduling of Steelmaking Processes Considering Environmental Impacts", The 2nd Technical Society of Steel Process Control Workshop in Pohang, pp. 52-55, 1999.
Dong-Yup Lee, Jin-Kwang Bok and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Steelmaking Processes Considering Environmental Impacts", The 3rd Korea-China Joint Workshop on PSE in Taejon, pp. 127-130, 1999. [PDF-Full text]
Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Approximation Technique for the Generation of the Noninferior Set in Multiobjective Optimization", Proc. '99 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 5, pp. 2593-2596, 1999. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Dong-Yup Lee, Yongho Lee, Jeongseok Lee and Sunwon Park, "Multiloop PID Controller Tuning Method for Open-Loop Unstable Systems", The 12th Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chem. Eng., pp. 385-386, Oct. 1999. [PDF-Full text]
Heejin Lim, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Application of LCA to PET Process", Proc. '99 KSLCA meeting, pp. 116-122, 1999. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Sungdeuk Moon, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Mathematical Model for Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes", The 4th Korea-France Workshop on Simulation, Optimization and Control in PSE in Cheju Island, pp. 123-135, 2000.
Sungdeuk Moon, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes: Part 1. Mathematical Modeling", Proc. '00 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 6, pp. 377-380, 2000.
Dong-Yup Lee, Sungdeuk Moon and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes: Part 2. Environmentally Friendly Scheduling", Proc. '00 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 6, pp. 381-384, 2000. [PDF-Full text][presentation]
Hyungjin Park, Sungdeuk Moon, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes with an Optimal Control Approach", Proc. '00 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 6, pp. 413-416, 2000.
Heejin Lim, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Life Cycle Assessment for Two Different PET Production Systems", Proc. '00 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 6, pp. 553-556, 2000. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Dong-Yup Lee, Hyungjin Park, Jehoon Song and Sunwon Park, "Environmental Purchasing for Green Supply Chain Management", Proc. '00 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 6, pp. 3033-3036, 2000. [PDF-Full text in Korean][presentation][presentation PDF-file]
Jehoon Song, Hyungjin Park, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling Model for Refinery Processes of Actual Size Considering Supply Chain Management", Proc. '01 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 7, pp. 565-568, 2001. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Young-gyun Oh, Heejin Lim, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Life Cycle Assessment for Sulfuric and Nitric Acid Production Systems", Proc. '01 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 7, pp. 649-652, 2001.
Mingu Kang, Heejin Lim, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Life Cycle Assessment for Phosphoric Acid Production Systems", Proc. '01 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 7, pp. 653-656, 2001.
Hodong Seo, Dong-Yup Lee, Sunwon Park, Liang-Tseng Fan, Shahram Shafie, Botond Bertók and Ferenc Friedler, "Graph-Theoretical Identification of Pathways for Biochemical Reactions", PRES'01, Florence, Italy, 2001. [PDF-Full text][presentation]
Jehoon Song, Hyungjin Park, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling Model for Actual Size Refinery Processes Considering Supply Chain Management", Proc. 2001 Korean Society of Supply Chain Management Spring meeting, 2001. [PDF-Full text in Korean]
Dong-Yup Lee, Moonyong Lee, Yongho Lee and Sunwon Park, "Multiloop PID Controllers Tuning for Desired Closed Loop Responses", DYCOPS-6, Cheju Island, Korea, June 4 - 6, 2001. [PDF-Full text][presentation]
Hodong Seo, Dong-Yup Lee, Sunwon Park, Liang-Tseng Fan, Shahram Shafie, Botond Bertók and Ferenc Friedler, "An Attempt for the Identification of Stoichiometrically Exact Mechanisms of the Conversion of Glucose to Pyruvate", Proc. '01 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 7, pp. 2953-2956, 2001. [PDF-Full text in Korean][presentation]
Jehoon Song, Hyungjin Park, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Scheduling for Actual Size Refinery Processes Considering Environmental Impacts with Multiobjective Optimization", Proc. '01 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 7, pp. 3007-3010, 2001. [PDF-Full text in Korean][presentation]
Young-gyun Oh, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Pathway Analysis and Dynamic Simulation of Metabolic Pathway in the Human Red Blood Cells", Proc. '02 KIChE Spring meeting, Vol. 8, pp. 357-360, 2002.
Hongseok Yun, Dong-Yup Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "MetaFluxNetTM: a program for metabolic flux analysis (MFA)", International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2002.
Young-gyun Oh, Dong-Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Multiobjective Linear Programming in Flux Balance Analysis", Proc. '02 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 8, pp. 2997-3000, 2002.
Dong-Yup Lee, Ralf Zimmer, Juliane Fluck, Daniel Hanisch and Sunwon Park, "Petri Net Representation and Simulation of Signal Transduction Network", Proc. '02 KIChE Fall meeting, Vol. 8, pp. 2857-2860, 2002.
Dong-Yup Lee, Su Whan Sung, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Development of Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Models Considering Physiological Delays and Uncertainties", AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, November 3 - 8, 2002.
Dong-Yup Lee, Sung Ho Yoon, Hongseok Yun, Sunwon Park and Sang Yup Lee, "Graph-Theoretical Identification of Multiple Flux Distiributions in Metabolic Flux Analysis", Korean Society for Bioinformatics annual meeting, Pusan, 2002.
Dong-Yup Lee, Young-gyun Oh, Hongseok Yun, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Exploring Flux Distribution Profiles for Switching Pathways Using Multiobjective Flux Balance Analysis", 13th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2002), Tokyo, Japan, December 16 - 18, 2002.
Dong-Yup Lee, Sungdeuk Moon, Paulo-Miguel Lopes and Sunwon Park, "Environmentally Friendly Scheduling of Primary Steelmaking Processes", Proc. Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO 2003), pp. 355-358, Coral Springs, Florida, USA, January 12 - 15, 2003. [PDF-Full text][presentation]
Young-gyun Oh, Hongseok Yun, Dong-Yup Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Development of the Flux Balance Analysis Software Using Multiobjective linear programming", KIChE Spring meeting, Soonchun, 2003.
Hongseok Yun, Dong-Yup Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Development of a Software for Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA)", KIChE Spring meeting, Soonchun, 2003.
Sang Yup Lee, Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun and Sunwon Park, "MetaFluxNet: an Integrated Program for the Management of Metabolic Reaction Information and Quntitative Metabolic Flux Analysis", First International E.coli Alliance (IECA) Conference on Systems Biology of E.coli, Tsuruoka, Japan, June 23 - 25, 2003.
Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Comparative Metabolic Flux Analysis by MetaFluxNet", 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2003), Brisbane, Australia, June 29 - July 3, 2003.
Young-gyun Oh, Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Supporting SBML for representation and exchange of biochemical network models in MetaFluxNet", KIChE Fall meeting, Seoul, 2003.
Soon Ho Hong, Dong-Yup Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Effect of carbon substrate on the intracellular fluxes in succinic acid producing Escherichia coli", 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI 2003), KAIST, Daejeon, October 31 - November 1, 2003.
Dong-Yup Lee, Soon Ho Hong, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "An Integrated Environment for Reconstruction and Analysis of Large-scale Metabolic Pathways", 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI 2003), KAIST, Daejeon, October 31 - November 1, 2003.
Young-Gyun Oh, Dong-Yup Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Communication Between MetaFluxNet and Other Systems Biology Tools", 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI 2003), KAIST, Daejeon, October 31 - November 1, 2003.
Choamun Yun, Jinkuk Kim, Young-Gyun Oh, Dong-Yup Lee, Sunwon Park and Sang Yup Lee, "WebCell: a Web-based Dynamic Simulation Environment for Cellular Network Systems", 2nd Annual Conference of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI 2003), KAIST, Daejeon, October 31 - November 1, 2003.
Dong-Yup Lee, L. T. Fan, Sunwon Park, Sang Yup Lee, Shahram Shafie, Botond Bertók and Ferenc Friedler, "Synergistic Identification of Multiple Flux Distributions and Multiple Metabolic Pathways", AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, November 16 - 21, 2003.
Sang Yup Lee, Dong-Yup Lee, Soon Ho Hong, Tae Yong Kim, Hongseok Yun, Young-Gyun Oh and Sunwon Park, "MetaFluxNet, a Program Package for Metabolic Pathway Construction and Analysis, and Its Use in Large-scale Metabolic Flux Analysis of Escherichia coli", 14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2003), Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 17, 2003.
7. Projects
Project Manager, Korean National LCI Database Construction (National Infra-Industry/Basic Materials), KAIST, Ministry of Environment, 1999-2001.
Development of Platform Technology for In Silico Physiomics: Development of Biotechnology Processes Based on Metabolic Network Modeling and Biological Reaction Simulation System, KAIST, Supported by IMT-2000 Project from the Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Information & Communication, 2002-2004.
Ha Na Park
BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
2004 (B.S) Faculty of Applied Chemical Engineering(Dept. of Biochemical Engineering), Chonnam National Univ., gwangju, Korea
Seung Hyun Lee
Joong Hoon Lee
Seong Hwan Lee
BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST
Phone: +82-42-350-5970
Fax: +82-42-350-8800
Address: Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, (373-1, Guseong-Dong) 335, Gwahangno, Yuseong-Gu, DAEJEON, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
1. Research Interest
Kinetic resolution
Enantiomerically pure compound
2. Education
1998 (B.S.) Dept. of Biological Science, KAIST, Taejon, Korea
2000 (M.S.) Dept. of Biological Science, KAIST, Taejon, Korea
2004. 8(Ph. D) Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Taejon, Korea
3. Sissertation title
M.S. Thesis : Development of fed-batch culture for the production of Medium-chain-length Polyhydroxyalkanoate by Pseudomonas (Advisor: Professor Sang Yup Lee)
Ph.D. Thesis : Synthesis of enantiomerically pure compounds by biocatalysis (Advisor: Professor Sang Yup Lee)
4. Publications
International Journals
1. Lee, S.H., Oh, D.H., Ahn, W.S., Lee, Y., Choi, J., and Lee, S.Y. , “Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by high cell density cultivation of Aeromonas hydrophilaâ€, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 67:240-244(2000)
2. Lee, S.Y. , Choi, J., and Lee, S.H. “Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by fermentation of bacteriaâ€Macromol. Symp. 159:259-266(2000)
3. Lee, S.Y. , Wong, H.H., Choi, J., Lee, S.H., Lee, S.C., and Han, C.S., “Production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates by high cell density cultivation of Peudomonas putida under phosphorus limitationâ€, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 68:466-470(2000)
4. Park, S.H., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Preparation of optically active beta-amino acids from microbial polyester polyhydroxyalkanoates", J. Chem. Reseach (S), 498-499(2001)
5. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., Lee, S.H., Park, S.J. "Fermentative Production of Chemicals That Can Be Used for Polymer Synthesis", Macromolecular Bioscience, 4 : 157-164 (2004).
6. Lee, S. H., Choi, J., Park, S. J., Lee, S.Y., Park, B. C. " Display of bacterial lipase on the Escherichia coli cell surface by using FadL as an anchoring motif and its use in enantioselective biocatalysis", Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70(9) : 5074-5080 (2004).
7. Lee, S. H., Choi, J.H., Park, S.H., Choi, J.-I., and Lee, S.Y., "Enantioselective resolution of racemic compounds by cell surface displayed lipase", Enzyme Microbial Technol., 35 : 429-436 (2004).
8. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.-I., Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y. "Display of lipase on the cell surface of Escherichia coli using OprF as an anchor and its applications to enantioselective resolution in organic solvent", Biotechnol. Bioeng. in press(2004).
Korean Journals
1. Lee, Y., Lee, S.H., Lee, S.Y. “Fed-batch culture of Aeromonass hydrophila for the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyhexanoate) using two carbon sourcesâ€, Biotechnol.Bioproc. Eng. 4:195-198(1999)
2. Choi, J.-I., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Isolation and characteristics of polyhydroxyalkanoates producing Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21", Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(2) : 123-127 (2004).
Korean Proceedings