Previous Members

Previous Researchers & Post-docs

Fulai Wang

Zhaohui Xu

Hengho Wong

Nagendra Thakur

specific information

Yu Kyung Lee

Seong Sook Heo

Hye Won Jeong

Sang Hyun Park

Sung Jae Yang

Hyun Sook Lee

Jiang Hao

Kyung Hwa Ryu

Chen Shi

Kyung Hee Gang

Ki Jun Jeong


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experience and Academic/Research Activity

4. Publications

5. Invited Lectures

6. International Conferences

7. Domestic Conferences

Sung Jin Kim


Professional Experience


2009.3 - present   Postdoctorial Fellow, Institute for Systems Biology at Seattle

2009.1 - 2009.3 Senior Research Scientist, Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), 111 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-806, Republic of Korea

2008  - present     Editorial Advisory Board Member, Recent Patents on Biotechnology, Bentham Science Publishers, USA

2006.9 - 2009.2     Lecturer, Functional Genomics Major, University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea

2004.7 - 2008.12   Senior Research Scientist, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB2003.7 - 2004.6     Senior Research Scientist, Genome Research Center, KRIBB

2003   - 2006         Committee Member, Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBI)

2002.11 - 2003.6    Post. Doc National Center for Genome Informatics, KRIBB

1998. 3 - 2002. 2    Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)


ad hoc Reviewer


Biotechnology and Bioengineering / Biotechnology Journal / Process Biochemistry

BMC Genomics / BMC Bioinformatics / Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine / Gene


Educational Background


1998.3 - 2002.8   Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST (Ph.D.)

(Dissertation: Development of Escherichia coli DNA microarray and global gene expression profiling in Escherichia coli. Supervor: Sang Yup Lee)

1996.3 - 1998.2   Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (M. S.)

                        (Dissertation: Development of fermentation strategies for the production of poly (γ-lutamic acid) and insulin-like growth factor I. Supervisor: Sang Yup Lee)

1992.3 - 1996.2   Department of Chemical Engineering, KAIST (B. S.)


Research Interests


Metabolic Engineering / Synthetic Biology

Pathogenomics / Host-Pathogen Interactio

Bioinformatics / Omics Analysis

Systems Microbiology


ad hoc Awards


Award for Excellent Staff, KRIBB (2007.2.1)

Award for Most Excellent Poster, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2002.4.13)


Media Recognition


2007. 2. 6.          Daejonilbo (newspaper), "Scientist opening 21 century - Dr. Sung Ho Yoon"

2006.11.28.        MBC TV newstoday, "Development of pathogenicity island database"

2006.11.28.         YTN TV "Development of pathogenicity island database"




20) Yoon SH, Kim SK, and Kim JF "Secretory production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli" Recent Patents on Biotechnology (2010) (in press)


19) Barrick JE, Yu D-S, Yoon SH, Jeong H, Oh TK, Schneider D, Lenski RE, and Kim JF "Genome dynamics in a long-term experiment with Escherichia coli" Nature 461:1243-1247 (2009)


18) Jeong H, Barbe V, Lee CH, Vallenet D, Yu D-S, Choi S-H, Couloux A, Lee S-W, Yoon SH, Cattolico L, Hur C-G, Park H-S, Ségurens B, Kim SC, Oh TK, Lenski RE, Studier FW, Daegelen P, and Kim JF "Genome sequences of Escherichia coli B strains REL606 and BL21(DE3)" J. Mol. Biol. (Published online 26 September 2009)


17) Yoon SH, Jeong H, Kwon S-K, and Kim JF "Chapter 1. Genomics, biological features, and biotechnological applications of Escherichia coli B: "Is B for better?!"", pp. 1-17, In: Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli, Lee SY (ed.) Springer, Berlin, Germany (2009. 4)


16) Kim JF, Jeong H, Yu DS, Choi S-H, Hur C-G, Park M-S, Yoon SH, Kim D-W, Ji GE, Park H-S, and Oh TK "Genome sequence of the probiotic bacterium Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis AD011" J. Bacteriol. 191:678-679 (2009)


15) Jeong H, Yoon SH, Yu D-S, Oh TK, and Kim JF "Recent progress in microbial genome projects of Korea" Biotechnol. J. 3:601-611 (2008)


14) Nam D, Yoon SH, and Kim JF "Ensemble learning of genetic networks from time-series expression data" Bioinformatics 23:3225-3231 (2007)


13) Yoon SH, Park YK, Lee S, Choi D, Oh TK, Hur C-G, and Kim JF "Towards pathogenomics: a web-based resource for pathogenicity islands" Nucleic Acids Res. 35:D395-D400 (2007)


12) Hur C-G, Kim S, Kim CH, Yoon SH, In YH, Kim C, and Cho HG "FASIM: Fragments assembly simulation using biased-sampling model and assembly simulation for microbial genome shotgun sequencing" J. Microbiol.Biotechnol. 16:683-688 (2006)


11) Jiang H, Shang L, Yoon SH, Lee SY, and Yu Z "Optimal production of poly-¥￧lutamic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli" Biotechnol. Lett. 28:1241-1246 (2006)


10) Jeong H, Yoon SH, Lee HK, Oh TK, and Kim JF "Lessons from the sea: genome sequence of an algicidal marine bacterium Hahella chejuensis (적조 살상 해양 미생물 Hahella chejuensis의 유전체 구조)" Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 34:1-6 (2006)


9) Jeong H, Yim JH, Lee C, Choi SH, Park YK, Yoon SH, Hur CG, Kang HY, Kim D, Lee HH, Park KH, Park SH, Park HS, Lee HK, Oh TK, and Kim JF "Genomic blueprint of Hahella chejuensis, a marine microbe producing an algicidal agent", Nucleic Acids Res. 33:7066-7073 (2005)


8) Yoon SH, Hur C-G, Kang HY, Kim YH, Oh TK, and Kim JF "A computational approach for identifying pathogenicity islands in prokaryotic genomes" BMC Bioinformatics 6:184 (2005)


7) Yoon SH, Han MJ, Lee SY, Jeong KJ, and Yoo JS "Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during the high cell density culture", Biotechnol. Bioeng. 81:753-767 (2003)


6) Kim JS, Yoon SH, and Lee SY "Development of database systems by integrating heterogeneous metabolic databases", Genome Informatics 13:486-487 (2002)


5) Heo WJ, Yoon SH, and Lee SY "Global gene expression profiling of E. coli and its mutant unable to produce acetate", Genome Informatics 13: 270-271 (2002)


4) Yoon SH and Lee SY "Comparison of transcript levels by DNA microarray and metabolic flux based on flux analysis for the production of poly-γ-glutamic acid in recombinant Escherichia coli", Genome Informatics 13:587-588 (2002)


3) Chung BH, Choi YJ, Yoon SH, Lee SY, and Lee YI "Process development for production of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I in Escherichia coli", J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24:94-99 (2000)


2) Yoon SH, Do JH, Lee SY, and Chang HN "Production of poly-γ-glutamic acid by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis" Biotechnol. Lett. 22:585-588 (2000)


1) Yoon SH, Choi J, and Lee SY "Development of DNA chip microarrayer" J. Microbiol.Biotechnol., 10:21-26 (2000) (The result was presented at Nature Genetics, Microarray Meeting (1999)




3) Jeong H, Han JH, Yoon SH, Ryu C-M, Kim JF, Oh TK, Jung MH, Yoon SP "Method for Selecting Alcohol Resistant Variants of Microorganism Using Mutagenesis by Proton Beam Irradiation" Korean Patent: appl. 10-2009-0080393 (2009.08.28)

정해영 한지희 윤성호 류충민 김지현 오태광 정명환 윤상필 “양성자 빔 조사에 의한 돌연변이 유도방법을 이용한 알코올 내성 미생물 변이체의 선별 방법” 특허출원번호10-2009-0080393 (2009.08.28)

2) Hong JW, Kim JF, Oh TK, and Yoon SH "A fluidic array system for biological, chemical, and biochemical assessments" PCT/US08/59777 (PCT/US08/59777) (filed on April 9, 2008)


1) Lee SY and Yoon SH "Methods for producing high concentration of poly (gamma-glutamic acid) by fed-batch culture of Bacillus licheniformis" Korean Patent: appl. 97-67605 (12. 10. 1997), registered 250627 (1. 5. 2000)

이상엽, 윤성호 "바실러스 리케니포니스에 의한 폴리글루탐산(g-PGA)의 고효율 생산방법" 특허출원번호 10-1997-0067605 (1997. 12. 10.), 등록번호 1002506270000 (2000. 01. 05)


Program Registration


2) 김지현, 윤성호, 허철구, 오태광. "미생물 유전체 내에서 외래에서 유입된 병원성 유전자군인 pathogenicity island를 예측하는 방법" (등록일자: 2007년 7월 29일; 등록번호: 2007-01-129-3962)


1) 김지현, 윤성호, 허철구, 박영규, 오태광. "미생물 유전체 내에서 외래에서 유입된 병원성 유전자군인 pathogenicity island를 분석, 예측하는 시스템" (등록일자: 2007년 7월 29일; 등록번호: 2007-01-129-3964)




6) Yoon SH "Systems and Synthetic Biology" In State of the Art Report on Microbial Genomics 미생물유전체 연구동향 분석연구), Ministry of Science and Technology, Korea (2007)


5)Yoon SH “최신 기술동향: Biolog사의 Phenotype Microarray (PM) Technology” 미생물과 산업, 32(2): 28-29, 한국미생물학회 (2006)6)


4) 이승구, 김지현, 정흥채, 송재준, 류충민, 윤성호 “Development of Platform Technologies for Synthetic Biology” (바이오기반 경제구축을 위한 합성생물학 핵심기술 개발), KRIBB, Korea (2006)


3) 김지현, 정해영, 윤성호, 박승환 “시스템 미생물학 : 유전체 해독에서 네트워크 재설계까지”, e-생물산업, 16(3) (2003)


2) Kim JS, Yoon SH, and Lee SY "미생물 게놈 연구", BioZine ( (2001.6)


1) Lee SY, Yoon SH, Im GB, and Cho YK "GenomicsDNA chip" News & Information for Chemical Engineers, 18(3): 307-311 (2000)


Invited talks


14) "Computational identification of pathogenicity islands in prokaryotic genomes" KOGO 2009 Winter Symposium, YongPyung Resort, Gangwon-do, Korea (2009.01.15)

13)  "Multi-omics-based Systems Approach Captures the Whole-cellular Features of closely related Escherichia coli B and K-12" International Symposium on Microbiology, Daejeon convention center, Daejeon, Korea (2008. 5.16)

12)  "Integrated Omics Analysis of Escherichia coli B and K-12" International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, Seoul KyoYuk MunHwa HoeKwan, Seoul, Korea ( 2007.10.12)

11)  "In silico identification of pathogenicity islands in pathogenic genomes", BIO KOREA 2007, COEX, Seoul , Korea (2007. 9.13)

10)  "General Concepts of Systems Biology", National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Daejeon, Korea (2007. 7.13)

9)      "PAIDB: a web-based resource for pathogenicity islands", 신변종 전염병 출현 조기탐지 기반사업 Workshop, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Seoul, Korea (2007. 6.22)

8)      "Systems Microbiology" Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon , Korea (2007. 5.1)

7)   "Computational approach for identifying genomic and pathogenicity islands in prokaryotic genomes", National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Daejeon, Korea (2007. 2.28)

6)      "Microarray Experiment and Image Analysis", The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology. BEXCO Convention Hall, Pusan, Korea (2006. 6. 18)

5)      "Systems Microbiology" Korea Maritime University, Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Major of Environmental Engineering), Pusan, Korea (2006. 5. 4)

4)      "Genome chip analysis workshop" KRIBB Conference - Synthetic and Systems Biology of Escherichia coli, KRIBB, Daejeon, Korea (2006. 4.27)

3)   "A Computational Approach for Identifying PathogenicityIslands in Prokaryotic Genomes", The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology. Korea University, Seoul , Korea (2005. 7. 1)

2)      "Genomic Islands & Pathogenicity Islands", International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, Seoul , Korea (2005.10.21)

1)      "Applications of DNA microarray: transcriptome profiling", The 1st  International Symposium on Environmental Biosensors and DNA Microarrays for Environmental Biomonitoring, Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (2002.5.20)

Jeong Hwa Lim



Soon Ho Hong


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Award

4. Research Activity

Sang Jun Lee


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Industrial  & Academic Experiences

4. Publications

           Lee, S.J. (2001) "Genetic studies for the overproduction of protein in Bacillus sp.", Bioindustry News 14(3) 9-12

5. Patents

6. International Presentation 

7. Invited Speaker

8. Professional Membership

9. Fellowship

Yoon Jeong Lee



Bo Kyeng Hou


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Experiences

4. Awards

5. Software

 6. Publications

1. Lynda B.M. Ellis, Bo Kyeng Hou, Wenjun Kang, and Lawrence P. Wackett , "The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database: Post-Genomic Data Mining", Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 262-265 (2003).

 2. Bo Kyeng Hou, Lawrence P. Wackett, and Lynda B.M. Ellis, "Microbial Pathway Prediction: A Functional Group Approach", Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 43:1051-1057 (2003).

3. Bo Kyeng Hou, Lynda B.M. Ellis, and Lawrence P. Wackett , "Encoding Microbial Metabolic Logic: Predicting Biodegradation". Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, submitted (2003).

1.  D.M. An, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Automatic Synthesis of Operating Procedures for Safe Emergency Operation", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(1), 30-35 (2001).

2.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Integrated Framework for Operating Procedure Synthesis Based on Constraint Propagation", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 285-291 (2001).

3.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Operating Procedure Synthesis of Chemical Plants using Partial Order Algorithm", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 300-306 (2001).

4.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Knowledge Framework and Algorithm for Automating HAZOP Analysis of Batch Processes", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 292-299 (2001).

5.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Development of Automatic Synthesis System for Operating Procedures Using Temporal Logic and Description Logic", KIGAS, 5(1) 37-44 (2001).

6.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Development of Operator Training System Using Multimedia", KIGAS, 5(1), 25-30 (2001).

7.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Automatic Synthesis of Fault Tree Using Object-oriented Unit Modeling", KIGAS 5 (1), 21-28 (2001).

8.  Y.Y. Ok, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Deviation-propagation models for automating HAZOP analysis of batch processes", KIGAS, 3(2), 35-42 (1999).

9.  J.M. Lee, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Object-Oriented modeling for automated HAZOP analysis", Journal of KIIS, 13(1), 77-84 (1998).

10.  H.K. Lee, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "A Modeling for Automated Fault Tree Synthesis of Chemical Processes", KIGAS, 2(3), 12-17 (1998).

11.  B.K. Hou, D.M. An, K.S. Hwang, "An expert system for preventing hazardous conditions in boiler plants", HWAHAK KONGHAK, 34(6), 750-756 (1996).

1.  S.I. Lee, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "Metameric color matching of paint with neural network", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 5(2), 2509-2512 (1999).

2.  B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "An integrated framework for operating procedure synthesis of chemical plants", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 4(1), 517-520 (1998).

3.  B.K. Hou, D.M. An, K.S. Hwang, "A modelling of recipe-based procedural controllers in batch processes", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 3(1), 201-204 (1997).

4.  B.K. Hou, D.M. An, K.S. Hwang, "A modeling for hybrid intelligent systems of batch processes using petri net", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 2(2), 1431-1434 (1996).

5.  M.Y. Noh, B.K. Hou, K.S. Hwang, "A knowledge-based expert system for automating HAZOP analysis considering discontinuity", Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng, 5 (2), 2645-2648 (1999).

1.  K.S. Hwang, B.K. Hou, D. Shin, E.S. Yoon, "Development of a Temporal Logic for the Automated Operating Procedure Synthesis in Chemical Plants", The 8th APCChE Congress, 2137-2140, Seoul, 1999.

2.  Lynda B. M. Ellis, Larry P. Wackett, Wenjun Kang, Bo Kyeng Hou, and Tony Dodge, "Microbial Metal and Metalloid Metabolism and Beyond" Research abstracts from the DOE Genome Program Contractor-Grantee Workshop, held January 27-31, 2002, in Oakland, CA

3.  Bo Kyeng Hou, Wenjun Kang, Larry P. Wackett and Lynda B.M. Ellis, "219A. Predicting Microbial Metabolism: A Functional Group Approach." ISMB 2002 in Edmonton, August 3-7.

4.  Lynda B. M. Ellis, Bo Kyeng Hou, Larry P. Wackett, "Encoding metabolic logic: Predicting biodegradation." submitted to Division of Computers in Chemistry for the 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1, 2004.

Ji Hye Yoon



Jong Pil Park


 1. Education

2. Research Interest

3. Additional Experience

4. Awards

5. Publications and book chapter


1. Park, J.P., Kim, D.H., Kim, D.S., and Yun, J.W.: Enzymatic production of inulo-oligosaccharides from chicory juice. Biotechnol Lett, 20(4) 385~388 (1998)

2. Park JP, Bae JT, and Yun JW : Critical effect of ammonium ions on the enzymatic reaction of a novel transfructosylating enzyme for fructooligosaccharide formation from sucrose. Biotechnol Lett, 21(10) (1999) 

3. Park JP, Bae JT, You DJ, Kim BW and Yun JW: Production of inulooligosaccharides from inulin by a novel endoinulinase from Xanthomonas sp. Biotechnol Lett, 21(12) (1999)

4. Yun JW, Park JP, Song CH, Lee CY, Kim JH, and Song SK : Continuous production of inulo-oligosaccharides from chicory juice by immobilized endoinulinase. Bioprocess Eng, 22(3) 189~194 (2000)

5. Kim BW, Kwon HJ, Park YH, Nam SW, Park JP and Yun JW : Production of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus macerans EG-6. Bioprocess Eng, 23(1) 11~16 (2000)

6. JT Bae, J Sinha, JP Park, CH Song, and JW Yun : Optimization of submerged culture conditions for exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 10 (4) 482~487 (2000)

7. Kim YM, Park JP, Sinha J, Lim KH, Yun JW : Acceptor reaction of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp.. Biotechnol Lett, 23(1) 13~16 (2001)

8. Cho YJ, Sinha J, Park JP, Yun JW : Production of inulooligosaccharides from chicory extract by endoinulinase from Xanthomonas oryzae No.5. Enzyme Microb Technol, 28(4-5), 439~445 (2001)

9. JT Bae, JP Park, J Sinha, CH Song and JW Yun: Effect of carbon source on the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by submerged culture of Paecilomyces japonica. J Biosci Bioeng, 91(5) 522~524 (2001)

10. Park JP, Yun JW : Utilization of chicory roots for microbial endoinulinase production. Lett Appl Microbiol, 33(3) 183~187 (2001) 

11. JP Park, TG Oh, JW Yun : Purification and characterization of a novel fructosyltransferase by Bacillus macerans EG-6. Process Biochem, 37, 471~476 (2001) 

12. Park JP, SW Kim, HJ Hwang and JW Yun :Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by Cordyceps millitaris. Lett Appl Microbiol, 32, 1~6 (2001)

13. J. Sinha, JT Bae, JP Park, KH Kim, CH Song, and JW Yun: Changes in morphology of Paecilomyces japonica and its effect on broth rheology during production of exo-biopolymer. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 56, 88~92 (2001)

14. YJ Cho, J. Sinha, JP Park, JW Yun: Production of inulooligosaccharides from a dual endoinulinase system of Xanthomonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Enzyme Microb Technol, 29, 428~433 (2001)

15. J Sinha, JT Bae, JP Park, JW Yun: Effect of substrate concentration on broth rheology and fungal morphology during exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica in a bioreactor. Enzyme Microb Technol, 29, 392~399 (2001)

16. JP Park, CH Song, JW Yun : Stimulatory effect of plant oils and fatty acids on the exo-biopolymer production in Cordyceps militaris. Enzyme Microb Technol. 31, 250-255 (2002)

17. JP Park, YM Kim, SW Kim, HJ Hwang, YJ Cho, YS Lee, CH Song, JW Yun : Effect of agitation intensity on the exo-biopolymer production and mycelial morphology in Cordyceps militaris. Lett Appl Microbiol. 34(6), 433~438 (2002)

18. YJ Cho, JP Park, HJ Hwang, SW Kim, JW Choi, JW Yun: Production of red pigment by submerged culture of Paecilomyces sinclairii. Lett Appl Microbiol. 35(3) , 195-202 (2002) 

19. SW Kim, HJ Hwang, JP Park, YJ Cho, CH Song,, JW Yun : Mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by submerged culture of various edible mushrooms under different media. Lett Appl Microbiol. 34(1) 56~61 (2002)

20. JP Park, YM Kim, SW Kim, HJ Hwang, YJ Cho, YS Lee, CH Song, JW Yun : Effect of aeration rate on the mycelial morphology and exo-biopolymer production in Cordyceps militaris. Process Biochem. 37, 1257~1262 (2002).

21. Park SJ, Park JP, Lee SY : Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from whey by fed-batch culture of recombinant Escherichia coli in a pilot-scale fermentor. Biotechnol Lett 24(3), 185-189 (2002)

22. Park, S.J, Park, J.P, Lee, S.Y. " Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of medium -chain-length polyhydroxyalkaroates rich in specific monomers", FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 214:217-222 (2002)

23. Park, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.Y., and Doi, Y., "Enrichment of specific monomer in medium-chain-length poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) by amplification of fadD and fadE genes in recombinant Escherichia coli ", Enzyme Microbial Technol., 33 : 62-70 (2003)

24. Hong SH, Park S J, Moon S Y, Park J P and Lee SY . In Silico prediction of the importance of Enter-Doudoroff pathway in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production. Biotechnol Bioeng. 83(7) : 854-863 (2003)

25. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Sang Yup Lee, Min-Gon Kim and Bong Hyun Chung. Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and SPR analysis. BBE 9:137-142 (2004)

26. Park, T.J., Lee, K.-B., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, Z.-W., Lee, S.Y., and Choi, I.S. "Micropatterns of spores displaying heterologous proteins", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(34):10512-10513 (2004).

27. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Min Gon Kim, Bong Hyun Chung, Zee-Won Lee, and Sang Yup Lee: Micropatterning proteins on polyhydroxyalkanoate substrates by using the substrate binding domain as a fusion partner. Biotechnol. Bioeng, In Press (2005)

28. S.J. Lee, J.P. Park, T. J. Park. S.N. Lee, J.K. Park, S.Y. Lee. Visual detection of specific protein-protein interaction via PHB microsphere using substrate binding domain. in preparation , Anal. Chem, being revised (2005)

  2) Book chapter:

1. Lee, S.Y., Park, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, Y. and Lee, S.H. "Economic aspects of biopolymer production", Biopolymers Vol.10, Ch.10, pp.307-337, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim Germany (2003)

2. Polyhydroxyalkanoates in nanobiotechnology: application to protein-protein interaction studies, Horizon Scientific Prss, Submitted (2005).

  3) Patents:


6. Presentation

  1) Domestic Conference

1. JP Park, DH Kim and JW Yun : Inulo-oligosaccharide production using chicory juice from Pseudomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (1998.4)

2. JP Park, JW Yun : Enzymatic production of inulo-oligosaccharide from chicory juice by endoinulinase immobilized on carrier materials. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (1998.10)

3. JH Kim, JP Park, JW Yun and SK Song : Continuous production of inulooligosaccharides from chicory juice by immobilized endoinulinase. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering,(1999.4)

4. JP Park, BC Oh, TK Oh and JW Yun : Purification and characterization of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (1999.4)

5. JP Park, JW Yun : Production of inulooligosaccharides from inulin by Xanthomonas sp." Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (1999. 10).

6. JP Park, JT Bae, JW Yun : Critical effects of ammonium ions on the enzymatic reaction of a novel transfructosylating enzyme for fructooligosaccharide production from sucrose. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology (1999.10)

7. JT Bae, J Sinha, JP Park and JW Yun : Optimization of culture conditions for exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000.4)

8. JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun : Utilization of chicory roots as a carbon source for endoinulinase production in Xanthomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2000.4)

9. JP Park, JT Bae and JW Yun : Inulo-oligosaccharide production using chicory juice from Xanthomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2000.4)

10. YJ Cho, JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun : Inulo-oligosaccharide production using chicory juice from Xanthomonas sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (2000.5)

11. JT Bae, J Sinha, JP Park, CH Song and JW Yun : Application of rotating simplex method for optimization of the physical parameters for exo-biololymer production by Paecilomyces japonica in batch bioreactor. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2000. 10)

12. JP Park, J Sinha, CH Song and JW Yun : Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by Cordyceps millitaris. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology (2000.11)

13. YM Kim, JP Park and JW Yun : Acceptor reactions of a novel transfructosylating enzyme from Bacillus sp. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000.11)

14. YJ Cho, JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun : Production of inulooligosaccharides from inulin by a dual endoinulinase system. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2000.11)

15. YJ Cho, JP Park, JW Yun: Production of the water-soluble red pigment from mycelial culture of Paecilomyces sinclairii. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001. 6.20-22)

16. YM Kim, JP Park, JW Yun: Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001.6.20-22)

17. HJ Hwang, SW Kim, JP Park, JW Yun: A comparative study of effects of synthetic medium for mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by edible mushrooms. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001.6.20-22)

18. SW Kim, HJ Hwang, JP Park, JW Yun: Production of exo-biopolymers by submerged culture of various insect-born fungi. Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, (2001.6.20-22)

19. Park, J.P., Park, S.J. and Lee, S.Y. : Production and characterization of ultra-high-molecular weight poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by recombinant Escherichia coli, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November(2001)

20. Park, S.J., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y. : Biosynthesis of medium-chain-length poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli strains, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November(2001)

21. Park, S.J., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y. : Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by recombinant Escherichia coli strain in pilot-scale fermentor from whey, KIChE meeting, Taejon , Korea (2001)

22. Park,.J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. : Characterization of (R)-specific enoyl-CoA hydratase genes from Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21 and their use for polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis, Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju , October 10-12(2002)

23. Park.S.J, Park,J.P., and Lee, S.Y. : Evaluation of the roles of 3-ketoacyl-ACP reductases in the polyhydroxyalkanoates in recombinant Escherichia coli, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju , October 10-12(2002)

24. Park, J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee S.Y. : Production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates by a newly isolated strain of Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21, KMB Meeting, Gyunbook Univ., October,26(2002)

25. Park,J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. : Medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis and accumulation in metabolic engineered recombinant E.coli, KMB meeting,Gyunbook univ., October,26(2002)

26. Hong SH, Park S J, Moon S Y, Park J P and Lee SY . : In Silico prediction of the importance of Enter-Doudoroff pathway in poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production, KMB meeting,Gyunbook univ., October,26(2002)

27. AJ Song, SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee. : Newly screened Pseudomonas sp. producing polyhydroxyalkanoates consisting of SCL and MCL monomers, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pukyong Univ, April 11-12, Pusan

28. JP Park, SJ Lee, SY Lee. : Preliminary study of an efficient secretory system of recombinant fusion protein in Escherichia coli using the PHB depolymerase signal sequence, Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pukyong Univ, April 11-12, Pusan

29.  J. P. Park, S. J. Lee, T. J. Park, S. Y. Lee, H. S. Lee, H. T. Jung, : Enzyme-based Biomolecular Engineering of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) by Transglycosylation Reaction, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, October 22-24, Seoul, Korea (2003) 

30. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee, : Recombinant Protein Secretion in Escherichia coli using Several Leader Peptides, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2003)

31. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung Choi, and Sang Yup Lee, : Patterning of Proteins Fabricated by Microcontact Printing (μCP) Method for Site-Specific Immobilization and Protein-Protein Interaction Assay, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (2003) 

32. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, : Visual Detection of Specific Protein-Protein Interaction using PHB Microsphere of Substrate Binding Domain from Alcaligenes faecalis, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology(2003)

33. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, : Enzyme-based Biomolecular Engineering of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) by Transglycosylation Reaction, Annual Meeting of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003)

34. Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park and Sang Yup Lee, : Novel PHB-based Protein Microarray using Extracellular Depolymerase Substrate Binding Domain for Site-Directed Capture Ligand to Detect Protein-Protein Interaction, Annual Meeting of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003)

35. Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., “Polyhydroxyalkanoates(PHAs) in Nanobiotechnology”, Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Korea, October 13-15 (2004)

36. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Park, T.J., Lee, K.B., Choi, I.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and SPR analysis", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

37. Lee, S.J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein and its use in nanobiotechnology", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

38. Lee, S.J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Bioactivation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) microsphere and its application in a bead-based assay", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

39. Park, T.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Artificial surface display system in Escherichia coli using exosporal agent", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

40. Kang, Y.J., Park, J.P. and Lee, S.Y., "Micropattern Generation of Proteins on Gold Surface using Fusion Protein Strategy and Microcontact Printing", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005)

41. Park, J.P., Jung, D.H., Kang, Y.J., Ko, Y.K, Jung, H.T. and Lee, S.Y., "Controlled Networks of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWNTs) Arrays by Functionalized Magnetic Microbeads under Ultra-Low Magnetic Field", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005)


  2). International Conferences

1. Park JP and Yun JW : Continuous production of inulo-oligosaccharides from chicory juice by immobilized endoinulinase. 9th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB9), Brussels, Belgium (1999.7)

2. Bae JT, J Sinha, Park JP, and Yun JW : Optimization of submerged culture conditions for exo-biopolymer production by Paecilomyces japonica. Asian Mycological Congress 2000, Hong Kong (2000.7)

3. Cho YJ, JP Park, JT Bae, JW Yun: Production of inulooligosaccharide from chicory extract by dual endoinulinase system of Pseudomonas spp. and Xanthomonas spp. Biotechnology 2000, The World Congress on Biotechnology, 3-8 September, Berlin, Germany (2000)

4. JP Park, HJ Hwang, JT Bae, J Sinha and JW Yun: Production of biopolymers with biological activities by submerged culture of mushrooms. 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. April 22-27, 2001, Seoul

5. YJ Cho, YM Kim, JP Park, J Sinha and JW Yun: Production of high-content oligosaccharides from inulin by two types of endoinulinase preparations from Xanthomonas sp. and Pseudomonas sp. 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. April 22-27, 2001, Seoul

6. HJ Hwang, SW Kim, JP Park, CH Song, JW Yun: Effect of substrate concentration on broth rheology and fungal morphology during exo-biopolymer production by P. japonica in a batch bioreactor. 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Sep 23-27, 2001, Melbourne

7. SW Kim, HJ Hwang, JP Park, JW Yun: Optimization of submerged culture conditions for the mycelial growth and exo-biopolymer production by C. militaris. 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. Sep 23-27, 2001, Melbourne

8. Seung Hwan Lee, Jong Pil Park, Si Jae Park, Sang Yup Lee : Biosynthesis of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates in recombinant E. coli by engineering beta-oxidation pathway. 9th International Symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganism. July1-5, 2002, Gyeongju, Korea

9. Jong Pil Park, Si Jae Park, San Yup Lee : Production of the medium-chain-length polyhydrxoyalkanoates in methabolically engineered E. coli strains. 9th International Symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganism. July1-5, 2002, Gyeongju, Korea

10. Si Jae Park, Jong Pil Park, Sang Yup Lee : Biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyalkanoate) in metabolically engineered E. coli strains. 9th International Symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganism. July1-5, 2002, Gyeongju, Korea

11. JP Park, SJ Park, SY Lee: Biosynthesis and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates in newly screened Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany (Oral)

12. SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee: Biosynthesis and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanostes from newly screened strain from sludge. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany

13. SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee: Amplification of glycolytic pathway increases the yield of poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid ) in E. coli. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany

14. SJ Park, JP Park, SY Lee: Production of (R)-(-)-3-hydroxybutyric acid by metabolically engineered E.coli. ISBP, Sep 22-26, Germany

15. JH Choi, JP Park, Si Jae Park, Sang Yup Lee : Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates consisting of short-chain-length and medium-chain-length monomers. Metabolic Engineering IV: Applied System Biology, October 6-11, 2002, Italy

16. Seung Hwan Lee, Si Jae Park, Jong Pil Park, Sang Yup Lee: Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates. Metabolic Engineering IV: Applied System Biology, October 6-11, 2002, Italy

17. Jong Pil Park, SJ Lee, TJ Park, SY Lee: Visual detection of specific protein-protein interaction using PHB microsphere of substrate binding domain from Acaligenes faecalis. 2003 Annual meeting and international symposium of the KMB, June 24-26, Muju, Korea

18. SJ Lee, JP Park, SY Lee: Selective immobilization of proteins on phb-based microarray using extracellular depolymerase substrate binding domain for site-directed capture ligand to detect protein-protein interaction. BioChE-03, July 19-23, 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA

19. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, : Selective Immobilization of Proteins on PHB-Based Microarray using Extracellular Depolymerase Substrate Binding Domain for Studying Protein-Protein Interaction, BioChE-03. Biochemical Engineering (XIII) Conference (2003)

20. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-bok Lee, Insung S Choi, and Sang Yup Lee, : Patterning of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) for Site-Selective Protein Immobilization and Studying Protein-Protein Interaction, The 2nd KAIST International Symposium on Frontier Issues in NBI Technologies (2003)

21. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-bok Lee, Insung S Choi, and Sang Yup Lee, "Patterning of Proteins by Microcontact Printing", The 2nd KAIST International Symposium on Frontier Issues in NBI Technologies (2003)

22. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "The Structural Basis for Catalysis and Specificity of the Substrate Binding Domain of PHB Depolymerase from Bacteria" Enzyme Engineering XVII (2003)

23. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "Bead-Based System for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions using PHB Microsphere with Substrate Binding Domain", Enzyme Engineering XVII ( 2003)

24. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "Microbial Polyamide Production by Recombinant Escherichia coli", Enzyme Engineering XVII, (2003)

25. Lee, S. J., Park, J. P., Park, T. J., Lee, S. Y., "Peptide arrays Improvedby the Protein layer for Protein Kinase Assay", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)

26. Park, J. P., Park, T. J., Lee, S. J., Choi, J. H., and Lee, S. Y., "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein around carbon nanotube and its use in nanostructure fabrication", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)

27. Park, T. J., Park, J. P., Lee, S. J., Lee, K.-B., Choi, I. S., and Lee, S. Y., "Patterning of polyhydroxyalkanoates for selective protein immobilization and studying protein-protein interaction", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)

28. S.J. Lee, J.P. Park, T.J. Park, K.-B. Lee, I.S. Choi, S.Y Lee. Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and its application for biosensor using SPR analysis. Biosensor 2004, Spain (2004)

29. J.P. Park, S.J. Lee, T.J. Park, S.M. Yoo, D. Lee, S.Y. Lee. Systematic detection of pathogenic bacteria using carbohydrate-encapsulated quantum dot. Biosensor 2004, Spain (2004)

30. Jae Shin Lee, Do Hyun Kim, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Dae-Hwan Jung, Hee-Tae Jung, Jin Hee Kim, and Seong Ku Kwon. Eltrical detection of kinase assay using multi walled-carbon nanotube(mwcnt) nanoelectrode. microTAS 2004 Malmo Sweden. 26-30 Sep.

31. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Kwang Suk Yang, Yong Beom Shin, Bong Hyun Chung, Do Hyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. Fabrication of Gold Binding Protein Fusion Protein Arrays for Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Studies of Protein-Protein and DNA Hybridization Assays. ISNM, Daejeon, KAIST (2004.11.3)

32. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "Self-Assembly of Functional Bacterial Surface Protein around Carbon Nanotubes and Its Application", ISNM, Daejeon, Korea (2004)

33. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Lee, K.B., Choi, I.S., Kim, M.G., Chung, B.H., Lee, S.Y., "Microcontact Printing and SPR Analysis of Biotin for Selective Immobilization of Streptavidin-fused Proteins". ISNM, Daejeon, Korea (2004)

34. Park, J.P., S.J., Lee., Hong, H.J., Lee, S.Y., “Fabrication of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Chip for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions”, Yonsei University, December 3, Korea (2004)

Dong Yup Lee


 1. Education

2. Research Experiences

3. Awards

4. Software

5. Publications

6. Presentations

7. Projects

Ha Na Park



Seung Hyun Lee

Joong Hoon Lee

Seong Hwan Lee


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Sissertation title


4. Publications

1. Lee, S.H., Oh, D.H., Ahn, W.S., Lee, Y., Choi, J., and Lee, S.Y. , “Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by high cell density cultivation of Aeromonas hydrophila”, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 67:240-244(2000)

2.  Lee, S.Y. , Choi, J., and Lee, S.H. “Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by fermentation of bacteria”Macromol. Symp. 159:259-266(2000)

3.  Lee, S.Y. , Wong, H.H., Choi, J., Lee, S.H., Lee, S.C., and Han, C.S., “Production of medium-chain-length  polyhydroxyalkanoates by high cell density cultivation of  Peudomonas putida under phosphorus limitation”, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 68:466-470(2000)

4. Park, S.H., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Preparation of optically active beta-amino acids from microbial polyester polyhydroxyalkanoates", J. Chem. Reseach (S), 498-499(2001)

5. Lee, S.Y., Hong, S.H., Lee, S.H., Park, S.J. "Fermentative Production of Chemicals That Can Be Used for Polymer Synthesis", Macromolecular Bioscience, 4 : 157-164 (2004).

6. Lee, S. H., Choi, J., Park, S. J., Lee, S.Y., Park, B. C. " Display of bacterial lipase on the Escherichia coli cell surface by using FadL as an anchoring motif and its use in enantioselective biocatalysis", Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70(9) : 5074-5080 (2004).

7. Lee, S. H., Choi, J.H., Park, S.H., Choi, J.-I., and Lee, S.Y., "Enantioselective resolution of racemic compounds by cell surface displayed lipase", Enzyme Microbial Technol., 35 : 429-436 (2004).

8. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.-I., Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y. "Display of lipase on the cell surface of Escherichia coli using OprF as an anchor and its applications to enantioselective resolution in organic solvent", Biotechnol. Bioeng. in press(2004).

1. Lee, Y., Lee, S.H., Lee, S.Y.  “Fed-batch culture of Aeromonass hydrophila for the production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyhexanoate) using two carbon sources”, Biotechnol.Bioproc. Eng. 4:195-198(1999)

2.  Choi, J.-I., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Isolation and characteristics of polyhydroxyalkanoates producing Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21", Kor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 32(2) : 123-127 (2004).

1. Lee, S.H., Choi, J, and Lee, S.Y.  “Economical recovery of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)from recombinant Escherichia coli by simple digestion” Proceedings of The 12th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 331-332 (1999)

2. Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y.  “Production of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by high cell density cultivation of Aeromonas Hydrophila” Proceedings of The 12th Taejon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 325-326 (1999)

3. Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y.  “Production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates by the fed-batch culture of Pseudomonas putida” Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 329-330 (1999) Kangwon University.

4. Lee, S.H., Park, S.J., Lee, S.Y., and Park, S.H.  “ Production of Medium-chain-length Polyhydroxyalkanoate from Newly Screened Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21”, Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 153-156 (2001, Apr.)

5. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., Park, S.H. and Lee, S.Y. “Chiral Resolution by Lipase on the Eshcherichia coli Cell Surface”, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 7(2): 4027-4030 (2001).

1. Lee, S.Y., Lee, Y., Park, S., Lee, S.H., “Production of (R)-hydroxycarboxylic acids by bacteria”, ISBP/BEDPS 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, December (2000)

2. Park, S.H., Lee, S.H., Lee, Y., Lee, S.Y., “Preparation of optically active β-amino acids from microbial polymer”, 221st National meeting of American Chemical Society”, San Diego,CA, USA, April (2001)

3. Lee, S. H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Resolution of racemic compounds by genetically immobilized lipase", Metabolic Engineering IV applied Systems Biology, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, October 6-11(2002) 

4. Lee, S. H., Park, J.P., Park, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates", Metabolic Engineering IV applied Systems Biology, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, October 6-11(2002) 

5. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Display of polyhistidine and lipase on the surface of Escherichia coli by using the salmonella ompC as an anchoring motif and its application to chemoenzymatic synthesis", Biochemical Engineering (XIII) 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA July 17-23 (2003) 

6. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Dynamic kinetic resolution using cell surface displayed biocatalysts", Biochemical Engineering (XIII) 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA July 17-23 (2003) 

7. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Production of chiral compounds by cell surface displayed lipase", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003) 

1. Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y. “Production of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates by the fed-batch culture of Pseudomonas putida” Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 329-330 (1999) Kangwon University. 

2. Lee, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Production of Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) by high cell density cultivation of Aeromonas Hydrophila", The 12th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kongju Univ., Kongju (1999) 

3. Lee, S.H., Choi, J., and Lee, S.Y., "Economical recovery of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) from recombinant Escherichia coli by simple digestion", The 12th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kongju Univ., Kongju (1999) 

4. Lee, S.H., Park, S.J., Lee, S.Y., Park, S.H. “ Production of Medium-chain-length Polyhydroxyalkanoate from Newly Screened Pseudomonas sp. MBEL21”, Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 153-156 (2001, Apr.)

5. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., Park, S.H. and Lee, S.Y. “Chiral Resolution by Lipase on the Eshcherichia coli Cell Surface”, Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 7(2): 4027-4030 (2001).

6. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Production of chiral compounds by cell surface displayed lipase", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Busan, Korea, April 11-12(2003) 

7. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Kinetic resolution of beta-lactams by cell surface displayed Lipase", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Soonchun, April 25-26(2003) 

8. Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Dynamic kinetic resolution of styrene oxide by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 22-24(2003) 

9. Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Kinetic resolution of epoxides by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 22-24(2003) 

10. Lee, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Cell surface display of lipase using Escherichia coli FadL as an anchoring motif", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

1.  Lee, S. Y., Choi, J., Lee, S. H., “Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by fermentation of bacteria”, pp. 259-266 In: Polymer Science and Industrial Research in the Fast-changing Age (Kajiyama, T. ed) Wiley-VCH, Germany (2000)

2.  Lee S.Y., Park S.H., Lee Y., Lee S.H., "Production of chiral and other valuable compounds from microbial polyesters", Biopolymers Vol 4, Ch.14.pp.375-388, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim, Germany (2001)

3.  Lee, S.Y., Park, S.H., Hong, S.H., Lee, Y., Lee, S.H., "Fermentative Production of Building Blocks for Chemical Synthesis of Polyesters", Biopolymers Vol 3b, Ch 10, pp.265-326, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim, Germany (2001)

4.  Lee, S.Y., Park, S.J., Park, J.P., Lee, Y., Lee, S.H., "Economic aspects of biopolymer production", Biopolymers Vol.10,Ch.10, pp.307-337, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim Germany (2003)

5.  Lee, S.Y., Park, S.J., Lee, Y., Lee, S.H., "Biotechnological process for production of monomers for subsequent chemical polymer synthesis", Biopolymers Vol.10,Ch.9, pp.281-305, VCH-Wiley, Weinheim, Germany (2003)

Joon Woo Jeong

Dong Il Lim

Kyu Jin Shim

Hyung Jun Choi

Tae Hyuk Kang


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

Korean Journal

1. Tae Hyuk Kang1, Sang Deok Nam2, Hwang Woon Moon and Sub Sunoo.,"The Effect of endurance running to the revitalization of androgens in blood and a sperm motility and morphology", The Korean Journal of Exercise Nutrition.8, No.3, pp 369-376 (2004)

International Conference

1. Dong Hoon Kang, Hyuk-Sang Jung, Doo Jae Lee, Tae Hyuk Kang, Mi Hyun Kim, Nak-Won Sohn,  and  Chulhun Kang.,"Protein profiles of calmodulin-binding proteins in focal ischemic rat brains: Affinity chromatography-based functional proteomics", HUPO., (2002)

2. Mi Hyun Kim1, Dong Hoon Kang1, Tae Hyuk Kang1, Eun Seok Seo1, Nak-Won Sohn1, Myungkoo Suh2, and Chulhun Kang1.,"Altered protein profiles of postsynaptic density(PSD) by ischemic insults on rat", HUPO., (2002)

Korean Conference

1. Won Kon Kim, Yu-Jung In, Hyun-Ju Cho, Tae Hyuk Kang, and Sang Chul Lee.,"Genome-wide Analysis of Dioxin Response Elements and Comparison of TCDD-induced Gene Expression Patterns using Microarray Analysis", The Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology., (2005)

2. Tae Hyuk Kang, Won-Kon Kim, Yu Jung In, Sang Jeon Chung, Seong-Eon Ryu, and Sang Chul Lee.,"Characterization of Glutamate-induced HT-22 Cell Death Using Low-Abundance Phosphoprotein Profiling", KHUPO., (2005)

3. Tae Hyuk Kang, Jin-Ho Kim, Ji-Hye Kim, Seong-Eon Ryu, and Sang Chul Lee., "The Phosphoproteome Profiling on Glutamate-induced HT-22 Cell Death Using Phospho-Protein Specific Fluorescence Staining Material", Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology., (2004)

4. Mi Hyun Kim, Tae Hyuk Kang, Dong Hoon Kang, Misong Lee and Chulhun Kang.,"Construction of proteomic reference map of mouse neuroblastoma cell line N2a and protein alteration by hypoxia and hypoxia-reoxygenation", Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology., (2004)

5. Young Ho Uhm, Young Doo Kim, Eun Seck Seo, Tae Hyuk Kang, Dong Hoon Kang, Yunjo Soh and Chulhun Kang.,"A Chemical proteomeic approach for in vivo evaluation of CCl4 effect on the acute serum proteins", The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea., (2003)

6. Tae Hyuk Kang1, Mi Hyun Kim1, Dong Hoon Kang1, Eun Young Kim1, Nak W. Sohn1, Myungkoo Suh2, and Chulhun Kang1.,"Proteomic characterization of rat brain proteins based upon phospho-tyrosine affinity chromatography", KHUPO., (2003)

7. Tae Hyuk Kang, Dong Hoon Kang, Mi Hyun Kim, Eun Seok Seo, Hyuk-Sang Jung, Nak W. Sohn and Chulhun Kang.," Improved Detection of Low Abundant Serum protein in SDS-PAGE using Cibacron Blue F3GA and Acetone Precipitation", Korean Chemical Society., (2002)

8. Dong Hoon Kang, Tae Hyuk Kang, Misong Lee, Hyuk-Sang Jung, Nak Won Sohn, Chulhun Kang.,"Comparative Analysis of Serum Proteomics from Focal Ischemic Rat by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis", The Korean Society of Brain and Neural Science., (2001)

Bo Yeon Han


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

Han Na Myoung



Seh Hee Jang


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experiences

4. Honors and Awards

Soon Gee Chung


1. Research interest

2. Education

3. Research Experiences

4. Publication & Review

Jong Hyun Choi


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

1. Lee, S.Y., and Choi, J.H., "Secretory Production of recombinant proteins using an artificial signal sequence. Biochemical Engineering XI, Park city", Utah, July (1999)

2. Jeong, K.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of proteins in E.coli : focus on excretion to the culture medium", Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001)

3. Jeong, K.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of proteins in E.coli : focus on excretion to the culture medium", Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001)

4. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Transcriptome analysis of Escherichia coli during production of IGF-1 by fed-batch fermentation", Proceeding of GIM2002 9th international Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, p.110, Gyeongju, Korea, July 1-5 (2002)

1. 국내 특허 출원 9 건

2. 국내 특허 등록 5 건

3. êµ­ì œ 특허 출원 6 ê±´

4. êµ­ì œ 특허 등록 1 ê±´

1. Choi J. H., Chun, S. C and Lee G. M., "Efficient productioin of retroviral vector for gene therapy, Biochemical Engineering, 10, 10-17 (1996)

2. Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretion of proteins in E.coli", Recent Advances in Bioprocess Engineering 5: 81-94 (1997).

1. Lee, S.Y. and Choi, J.H., "Secretory Production of recombinant proteins using an artificial signal sequence", Biochemical Engineering XI, Park city, Utah, July (1999)

2. Jeong, K.J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of proteins in E.coli: focus on excretion to the culture medium", Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001)

3. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Transcriptome analysis of Escherichia coli during production of IGF-1 by fed-batch fermentation", GIM2002 9th international Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, Gyeongju, Korea, July 1-5 (2002)

4. Choi J.H., Lee, S. J. and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of IGF-1 by transcriptome analysis", Metabolic Engineering IV applied Systems Biology, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, October 6-11 (2002)

5. Lee, S. H., Choi J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Resolution of racemic compounds by genetically immobilized lipase", Metabolic Engineering IV applied Systems Biology, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, October 6-11(2002)

6. Choi J.H., Park, J.P., Park, S.J.and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates consisting of short-chain-lenth and medium-chain-length monomers", Metabolic Engineering IV applied Systems Biology, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Italy, October 6-11 (2002)

7. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Display of polyhistidine and lipase on the surface of Escherichia coli by using the salmonella ompC as an anchoring motif and its application to chemoenzymatic synthesis", Biochemical Engineering (XIII) 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA July 17-23 (2003)

8. Lee, S.H, Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Dynamic kinetic resolution using cell surface displayed biocatalysts", Biochemical Engineering (XIII) 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA July 17-23 (2003)

9. Choi, J.H, Bang, H.O., and Lee, S.Y., "Display of proteins on the surface of Escherichia coli by C-terminal deletion fusion method", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003)

10. Choi, J.H., Heo, W.J., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Global expression profiling of acetyl phosphate-free mutant in Escherichia coli", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003)

11. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Production of chiral compounds by cell surface displayed lipase", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003)

12. Choi, J.H., Han, M.J., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Using proteomics to engineer improved cell growth and increased production of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003)

13. Lee, S.Y., Lee, S.J., Yoo, S.M., and Choi, J.H., "Protein arrays for protein-protein interactions analysis", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003)

14. Lee, S.Y., Bang, H.O., Lee, S.J., and Choi, J.H., "Lycopene overproduction in metabolically engineered Escherichia coli by high cell density culture", APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, 30 Nov - 4 December (2003)

15. Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Lee, S.J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein around carbon nanotube and its use in nanostructure fabrication", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, March 28-April 1 (2004)

16. Park, J.H., Kim,B.H., Choi, J.H., Lee, D.Y. and  Lee, S.Y., "Identification of growth-associated regulatory circuit of FadR by transcriptome profiling", The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2004), Glasgow, UK, July 31-August 4 (2004)

17. Choi, J.H., Woo, H.M., and Lee, S.Y., ”Extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli”, Metabolic Engineering V: Genome to Product, Lake Tohoe, California, USA Sept. 19-23(2004)

18. Choi, J.H., "Systems biotechnological strategies for the enhanced production of recombinant proteins”, 3rd Recombinant Protein Production Meeting, Tavira, Portugal, Nov 11-14 (2004).

19. Lee, S.Y., Park, J.H., Kim, B.H, and Choi, J.H., "Identification of growth-associated expression pattern of FadR-responsive genes by transcriptome profiling”, 3rd Recombinant Protein Production Meeting, Tavira, Portugal, Nov 11-14 (2004).

20. Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Lee, S.Y, and Sung, M.-H., "Constitutive production of recombinant protein by fed-batch culture of rpoS- Escherichia coli”, 3rd Recombinant Protein Production Meeting, Tavira, Portugal, Nov 11-14 (2004).

21. Choi, J.H., Choi, H.S. and Lee, S.Y., "Efficient production of small therapeutic peptides in recombinant Escherichia coli”, 3rd Recombinant Protein Production Meeting, Tavira, Portugal, Nov 11-14 (2004).

22. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., “Efficient Production of Small Therapeutic Peptides in Recombinant Escherichia coli”, Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'05), Lotte Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea, May 15-19, (2005)

1.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Expression of Recombinant Proteins using pH-inducible Promoter System", Proceedings of BPERC International Symposium '97, 151-152 (1997).

2.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Effect of induction condition on expression of recombinant protein using pH-inducible promotor system", Proceedings of The 10th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium

3.  Jeong, K.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., and Kim, S.C., "Efficient secretion of recombinant endoxylanase in Escherichia coli", Proceedings of BPERC International Symposium '98, 173-174 (1998)

4.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Efficient secretion of protein by strong promoters in Escherichia coli", Proceedings of BPERC International Symposium '98, 175-176 (1998)

5.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Efficient secretion of recombinant endoxylanase by strong promoters in Escherichia coli", Proceedings of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 373-374(1998)

6.  Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Construction of secretion vector containing endoxylanase signal sequence from Bacillus subtilis and secretory production of alkaline phosphatase in Escherichia coli", Proceedings of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 509-512 (1999)

7.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of recombinant proteins by high cell density culture of recombinant Escherichia coli using the the Bacillus sp. endoxylanase signal sequence", Proceedings of The 12th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 129-130 (1999)

8.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of recombinant proteins by high cell density culture of Escherichia coli", Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 329-330 (1999)

9.  Choi, J.H., Xu, Z., and Lee, S.Y., "Surface Display of Poly(His)n on the Escherichia coli using OmpC as Surface anchoring Motif", Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 523-526 (2000)

10. Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Recombinant Protein in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations", Proceedings of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium,750-753, November (2001)

11. Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Human Leptin in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations", Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 7(2): 4075-4078 (2001).

12. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., Park, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Chiral Resolution by Lipase on the Escherichia coli Cell Surface", Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering, 7(2): 4027-4030 (2001).

13. Kang, Y.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., “High-level expression of silk protein in Escherichia coli”, Proceedings of The 17th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 37 (2004)

1.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretion of proteins in E. coli", Recent Advances in Bioprocess Engineering, 5: 81-94 (1997).

2.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Expression of recombinant proteins using pH-inducible promoter system", Annual Symposium of KIBB, Taegu Univ., Kyungsan, October (1997)

3.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Effect of induction condition on expression of recombinant protein using pH-inducible promotor system", The 10th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Teajon, November (1997)

4.  Jeong, K.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., and Kim, S.C., "Efficient secretion of recombinant endoxylanase in Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of BPERC '98, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, September (1998)

5.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Efficient secretion of protein by strong promoters in Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of BPERC '98, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, September (1998)

6.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Efficient Secretion of Recombinant Endoxylanase by Strong Promoters in Escherichia coli", Proceedings of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 373-374(1998)

7.  Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Construction of secretion Vector containing Endoxylanase Signal Sequence from Bacillus subtilis and Secretory Production of Alkaline Phosphatase in Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB) Chunnam Univ., Kwangju (1999)

8.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretory Production of Recombinant proteins by High Cell Density Culture of Recombinant Escherichia coli using the Bacillus sp. Endoxylanase Signal Sequence", The 12th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Kongju Univ., Kongju (1999)

9.  Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Secretory production of recombinant proteins by high cell density culture of Escherichia coli", Annual Symposium of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Kangwon University, Chuncheon (1999)

10. Choi, J.H., Xu, Z., and Lee, S.Y., "Surface Display of Poly (His)n on the Escherichia coli using OmpC as Surface anchoring Motif", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, KAIST, April (2000)

11. Choi, J.H., Xu, Z., and Lee, S.Y., "Physiological Study on Recombinant Escherichia coli Displaying Poly-His Peptides", Annual Meeting of The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Yonsei Univ., Seoul (2000).

12. Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Physiological study on bacteria cell surface display systems using OmpC", Annual Meeting of The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Cheon-buk Univ., October (2000)

13. Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Surface display of recombinant protein on the Escherichia coli using OmpC", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Chonan Sangnok Resort, June (2001)

14. Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproducing Human Leptin System", The 14th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Chungnam Univ., Daejeon, Korea (2001)

15. Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Recombinant Protein in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November (2001)

16. Han, M.J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.S., and Lee, S.Y., "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Human Leptin in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations", KIChE Meeting, Daejeon, Korea (2001)

17. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H., Park, S.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Chiral Resolution by Lipase on the Escherichia coli Cell Surface", KIChE Meeting, Daejeon, Korea (2001)

18. Choi, J.H., Kang, K.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Efficient production of S-layer protein using Geobacillus sp.", Annual Meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju, October 12(2002)

19. Park, S. J, Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Production of Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyvalerate) by Fed-Batch Culture of Recombinant Escherichia coli in a Pilot Scale Fermentor", Korean Society for Biology and Biotechnology Meeting, Konkuk Univ., October 26 (2002)

20. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Increasing of Productivity of Recombinant Proteins by Transcriptome Analysis in Escherichia coli", Korean Society for Biology and Biotechnology Meeting, Konkuk Univ. October 26(2002)

21. Choi, J. H. and Lee, S.Y., "Cell Surface Display on Escherichia coli", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Busan, Korea, April 11-12(2003)

22. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Production of chiral compounds by cell surface displayed lipase", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Busan, Korea, April 11-12(2003)

23. Lee, S.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Kinetic resolution of beta-lactams by cell surface displayed Lipase", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Soonchun, April 25-26(2003)

24. Kang, K.H., Lee, S.Y., and Choi, J.H., "Efficient Production of S-layer Protein Using Geobacillus sp. And its Characterization", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology Symposium, Muju, Korea, June 24-26(2003)

25. Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Enhanced Production of Recombinant Protein in Escherichia coli by the Coexpression of the Down-Regulated Genes Identified by Transcriptome Profiling", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 22-24(2003)

26. Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Enhanced production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli by filamentation suppression", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October22-24(2003)

27. Choi, J.H. and Lee, S.Y., "Display of Polyhistidine and Lipase on the Surface of Escherichia coli by using the Salmonella OmpC as an Anchoring Motif and its Application to bioconversion", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 22-24(2003)

28. Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Transcriptome profiling of IGF-I fusion protein production in Escherichia coli", KSBI 2003, KAIST, Daejeon, October 31-November 1(2003)

29. Song, A.J., Park, S.J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Biosynthesis and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates produced by newly screened strain Pseudomonas sp. MBEL 6-19", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

30. Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Constitutive production of recombinant proteins by Fed-batch culture of recombinant Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

31. Lee, S.J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein and its use in nanobiotechnology", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

32. Park, J.H., Kim, B.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Growth-associated transcriptome profiling of Escherichia coli fadR mutant", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17(2004)

33. Park, J.H., Kim, B.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., "Transcriptome profiling of Escherichia coli mutant fadR" Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Kongju University, April 23-24(2004)

34. Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Lee, S.Y., and Sung, M.H., “High Level Production of Human Leptin using Constitutive Promoter in rpoS Escherichia coli”, Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Korea, October 13-15 (2004)

35. Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "Self-Assembly of Functional Bacterial Surface Protein around Carbon Nanotubes and Its Application", ISNM, Daejeon, November 3-5 (2004)

36. Kang, Y.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., “High-level expression of silk protein in Escherichia coli”, The 17th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering,  December 4-5 (2004)

37. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "System approach towards efficient production of therapeutic proteins by recombinant Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005)

38. Kang, Y.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Lee,S.Y., "High-level expression of silk protein in Escherichia coli", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 22-23 (2005)

39. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Lee,S.Y., "Peptide chips immobilized with protein layer for protein kinase assay", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 22-23 (2005)

40. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., Display of Lipase on the Ell Surface of Escherichia coli OprF", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 22-23 (2005)

41. Park, J.H., Lee, J.W., Kim, B.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., “Global analyses of transcriptomes and proteomes of Escherichia coli fadR mutant”, The 62th Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(KSBMB) annual meeting, Seoul, Korea, May 19-20 (2005)

42. Kang, Y.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., “High level production of recombinant silk protein in Escherichia coli”, The 62th Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(KSBMB) annual meeting, Seoul, Korea, May 19-20 (2005)

43. Choi, J.H, and Lee, S.Y., "System approach towards efficient production of therapeutic proteins by recombinant Escherichia coli", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005)

44. Kang, Y.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Lee,S.Y., "High-level expression of silk protein in Escherichia coli", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 22-23 (2005)

45. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J. and Lee, S.Y., "Peptide chips immobilized with protein layer for protein kinase assay", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 22-23 (2005)

46. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.H. and Lee, S.Y., Display of Lipase on the Ell Surface of Escherichia coli OprF", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 22-23 (2005)

47. Park, J.H., Lee, J.W., Kim, B.H., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y., “Global analyses of transcriptomes and proteomes of Escherichia coli fadR mutant”, The 62th Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(KSBMB) annual meeting, Seoul, Korea, May 19-20 (2005)

48. Kang, Y.J., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y., “High level production of recombinant silk protein in Escherichia coli”, The 62th Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology(KSBMB) annual meeting, Seoul, Korea, May 19-20 (2005)

49. Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., “Extracellular Production of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli”, Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, October 21-22 (2005)

50. Xiao, X.X., Qian, Z.G., Choi, J.H., Yoo, N.C., Lee, S.Y., “Highly Efficient Extracellular Production of Human β-Endorphin in Recombinant Escherichia coli by Using Outer Membrane Protein F as a Fusion Partner”, International Symposium and annual meeting of KSBB, October 27-29 (2005)

Eun Na Lee



Jin Sik Kim


1. Research Interests

2. Education

3. Experiences and Academic/Research Activities

4. Publications

Geun-Yeong Park



So Young Yoo


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experience and Academic/Research Activity

4. Award 

5. Publications (Journals / Proceedings)

1.       Yoo, S.Y., Lee, S.Y. and Yoo, N.C. "Cytokine Expression and Cancer Detection", Med. Sci. Monit. 15 (2): in press (2009. 2)
2.      Kim, W. K., Yoo, S. Y., Ha, B. J., Kim, S. W., Lee, S. Y., Kim, T-I., Cho, J. Y. and Kim, E. K. : Evaluation of Sensitivity and Specificity of DNA Chip for Diagnosis of Granular Corneal Dystrophy II. J. Korean Ophthalmol. Soc. 49 (8): 1220-1225 (2008. 8) (DOI: 10.3341/jkos 2008.49.8.1220)
3.       Ganesan, R*., Yoo, S. Y.*, Choi, J.-H., Lee, S. Y. and Kim, J. B. : Simple micropatterning of biomolecules on a diazoketo functionalized photoresist. J. Mater. Chem. 18(6): 703–709 (2008. 1) (DOI:10.1039/b709774c) (*These authors contributed equally to this work)
4.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T.-I., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C., Yoo, N.C., and Yoo, W.M. : Development of DNA chip for the diagnosis of most common corneal dystrophies caused by mutations in the bigh3 gene. British J. Opththalmol. 91: 722-727 (2007. 6) (Online First, published on January 10, 2007 as 10.1136/bjo.2006.111070)
5.       Kim, J.-B., Ganesan, R., Yoo, S.Y., Choi, J.-H., and Lee, S.Y. : Simple patterning of cells on a biocompatible nonchemically amplified resist. Macromol. Rapid Comm. 27: 1442-1445 (2006. 9)
6.       So Young Yoo*, Chanil Chung, Jung Kyung Kim, Jun Keun Chang : Perinuclear translocation of hsp27 in shear stress exposed human endothelial cells. Biotechnol. letters 27(6):443-448 (2005. 3)
7.       Yoo, S.M., Keum, K.C., Yoo, S.Y., Choi, J.Y., Chang, K.H., Yoo, N.C., Yoo, W.M., Kim, J.M., Lee Duke, and Lee, S.Y. : Development of DNA Microarray for Pathogen Detection. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. 9(2):93-99 (2004. 3)
8.       So Young Yoo, Hyeong Jun An, Doheon Lee and Sang Yup Lee : Development of Efficient Designing Method for Target Specific Probe Sets. Genome Informatics 14:476-477 (2003. 12)
9.      So Young Yoo, Kyung Hee Chang, Seung Min Yoo, Sun Young Park, Nae Choon Yoo, Ki Chang Keum, Won Min Yoo, June Myung Kim and Sang Yup Lee : Design of ITS and 23S rDNA-targeted probes and its usefulness for the identification of bacterial pathogens. Genome Informatics 13:589-590. (2002. 12)
10.    So-Young Yoo, Chan-YoungPark, Seok Chung, Dong-Ik Kim, Byung-Boong Lee, Se-Ho Huh, Dong-Chul Han and Jun-Keun Chang : Measurement of Smooth Muscle Cell Migration On the Micromachined Groove Topology. J. Korean Vasc. Surg. Soc. 18 (2): 251-258 (2002. 11)
11.    So-Young Yoo, Dong-Ik Kim, Byung-Boong Lee and Jun-Keun Chang : Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 in Vein Endothelial Cells Induced by Shear Stress. J. Korean Vasc. Surg. Soc. 17 (2): 185-191 (2001. 11)
12.   Chanil Chung, Dong Ik Kim, So Young Yoo, ChaYoungPark, Byung Boong  Lee and Jun Keun Chang : The Response of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Under Complicated Flow Conditions. J. Korean Vasc. Surg. Soc. 17 (1): 16-23 (2001. 4)
13.   So-Young Yoo, Kyu-Won Kim, Hye-Jeong Lee and Yong-Chun Choi : In Vitro  Regeneration of Carcinogen Thioacetamide Treated Rat Hepatocytes.  Korean J. of Pharmacology 32: 399-406 (1996)
14.   Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo and Yong-Chun Choi : Relative irreversibility of nucleolar hypertrophy induced with thioacetamide in rat hepatocytes. Korean J. of Pharmacology 32: 104 (1996)
15.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Mi-Ryun Lee and Yong-Chun Choi : Thioacetamide activates the translocation of nucleolus specific 37 kDa and 39 kDa MAP kinase. Korean J. of Pharmacology 31: 130 (1995)

1.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T.-I., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C.,Yoo,N.C., and Yoo, W.M. : A Simple DNA chip for Diagnosis of Most Common Corneal Dystrophies Caused by Bigh3 Gene Mutations. Proceedings of the FBIT International Conference (Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies) IEEE Computer Society, 69-74 (2007) (doi: 10.1109/FBIT.2007.118)
2.      Jin-Baek Kim, Ramakrishnan Ganesan, So Young Yoo, Jae-Hak Choi and Sang Yup Lee : Patterning of biomolecules on a biocompatible nonchemically amplified resist. Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXIV, edited by Qinghuang Lin. Proc. of SPIE 6519: 65191L-6L (2007) (doi: 10.1117/12.712102)
3.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T.-I., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C.,Yoo,N.C., and Yoo, W.M.: Rapid Diagnosis of Most Common Bigh3 Gene Associated Corneal Dystrophies by DNA Chip. Theories and Applications of Chem. Eng.13(1): 455( 2007)
4.       So Young Yoo, Hyeong Jun An, Doheon Lee and Sang Yup Lee: Efficient Designing Method for Target Specific Probe Sets. Genome Informatics 14:476-477 (2003).
5.       So Young Yoo, Kyung Hee Chang, Seung Min Yoo, Sun Young Park, Nae Choon Yoo, Ki Chang Keum, Won Min Yoo, June Myung Kim and Sang Yup Lee : Design of ITS and 23S rDNA-targeted probes and its usefulness for the identification of bacterial pathogens. Geome Informatics 13:589-590 (2002).
6.       Jun-Keun Chang, So-Young Yoo, Sang-Ho Suh and Sang-Sin Yoo : Behavior of Hsp27 in polymerization of actin microfilaments of shear stress exposed human endothelial cells.  Proceedings of ICMMB-11: International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 251-254 (2000)
7.       Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Hee-Sook Lee, Seung-Jin Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signaltransduction I.Induction of p38 MAP kinase in rat liver nucleoli.  Proc. Mol. Biol. & Genet. 13: 385-386 (1998)
8.       Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Seung-Jin Lee, Hee-Sook Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction II. Structural characterization of nucleolar p38 MAP kinase.  Proc. Mol. Biol. & Genet. 13: 387-388 (1998)
9.       Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Seung-Jin Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction. I. Composition definition of nucleolar oncoprotein networking.  Proc. Mol. Biol. & Genet. 12: 377-378 (1997)
10.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Seung-Jin Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction. II. Metabolism of nucleolar signal transduction system.  Proc. Mol. Biol. & Genet. 12: 379-380 (1997)

1.       Yoo, S.Y., Lee, S.Y. and Kim, E.K., "Simple and Rapid Diagnosis of Granular Corneal Dystrophy II by DNA chip: A Perfect Substitute for Conventional Diagnosis", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Korea, October 6-7, 2008.
2.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T.-I., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C., Yoo, N.C., and Yoo, W.M., "A Smiple DNA Chip for diagnosis of most common corneal dystrophies caused by Bigh3 gene mutations", Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies (FBIT), Jeju, Korea, October 11-13, 2007.
3.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T.-I., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C., Yoo, N.C., and Yoo, W.M., "Rapid diagnosis of most common Bigh3 gene mutations associated corneal dystrophies by DNA chip" , Biochemical Engineering XV, Quebec, Canada, July 15-19, 2007.
4.       Yoo, S.Y., Ganesan, R., Kim, J.-B., Choi, J.-H. and Lee, S.Y., " Simple patterning of cells on a biocompatible nonchemically amplified resist", Biochemical Engineering XV, Quebec, Canada, July 15-19, 2007.
5.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T.Y., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C., Yoo, N.C., and Yoo, W.M., "DNA chip based diagnosis of most common beta-igh3 mutation", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, April.27, 2007.
6.       Yoo. S.Y., Ganesan, R., Kim, J.B., and Lee, S.Y., "Simple patterning of cells by using a biocompatible nonchemically amplified resist", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, April. 27, 2007.
7.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, T., Lee, S.Y., Kim, E.K., Keum, K.C.,Yoo,N.C., and Yoo, W.M., "Rapid Diagnosis of Most Common Bigh3 Gene Associated Corneal Dystrophies by DNA Chip", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 19-20, 2007.
8.       Yoo, S.Y., Ganesan, R., Kim, J., and Lee, S.Y., "Lithogarphic Application of a Novel Photoresist for Patterning of Cells", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, April 19-20, 2007.
9.       Yoo, S.Y., Kim, E and Lee, S.Y., "Development of DNA Chip for Diagnosis of Most Common CDs in Korea", 2006 Annual Meeting and International Symposium(KMB), June 18-20, 2006.
10.    Yoo. S.Y., Kim, E., Lee, S.Y., "Rapid Diagnosis Of Most Common TGFBI by DNA Chip", Annual Meeting & International Symposium of the Korea Scociety for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KMB), May 10-12, 2006.
11.    JS Lee, D Kim, SY Yoo, SY Lee. Utilization of MWCNT for the detection of antigen-antibody reaction in cancer diagnosis. Sixth International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 21-July 1, 2005.
12.    Yoo, S. Y., and Lee, S. Y., " Study on Differentially Expressed Genes in Cancer Cells using Oligonucleotide Microarray.", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Korea, October 13-15, 2004.
13.    Yoo, S.Y., Ahn, H.J., Lee, D.H., and Lee, S.Y., "A Fast Algorithm for Designing Target Specific Probe Sets", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17, 2004.
14.    Yoo, S.M., Chang, K.H., Yoo, S.Y., Yoo, N.C, Keum, K.C., Yoo, W.M., Kim, J.M., and Lee, S.Y., "Development of a Diagnostic Microbial Microarray for Infectious Disease", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Korea, April 16-17, 2004.
15.    So Young Yoo, Hyeong Jun An, Doheon Lee and Sang Yup Lee : Efficient Designing Method for Target Specific Probe Sets. The 13th International conference on genome informatics GIW2003 meeting, yebisu garden place, Tokyo, Japan, December 14-17, 2003.
16.    Yoo, S.M., Yoo, S.Y., Chang, K.H., Yoo, N.C., Keum, K. C., Yoo, W.M. ,Kim, J.M., and Lee, S.Y., "Microarray Based Identification of Pathogens of Infectious Disease", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October 22-24, 2003.
17.    So Young Yoo, Seung Min Yoo, Kyung Hee Chang and Sang Yup Lee : Pathochip facilitates diagnosis of pathogens for infectious diseases with accuracy and high –throughput manner. Biochemical Engineering (XIII) Conference on Novel Devices and Materials, Boulder,Colorado, USA, July 19-24, 2003.
18.    Yoo,S.Y.,Chang,K.H.Yoo,S.M.,Im,J.H.,Yoo,N.C.,Km,K.C.,Yoo,W.M.,Kim.J.M. and Lee S.Y. : Identificaation of Microbial pathogens by Microarray-Based Assay,  Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Busan, Korea, April 11-12, 2003.
19.    So Young Yoo, Kyung Hee Chang, Seung Min Yoo, Sun Young Park, Nae Choon Yoo, Ki Chang Keum, Won Min Yoo, June Myung Kim and Sang Yup Lee : Design of ITS and 23S rDNA-targeted probes and its usefulness for the identification of bacterial pathogens. The 13th International conference on genome informatics GIW2002 meeting, yebisu garden place, Tokyo, Japan, December 16-18, 2002.
20.    So Young Yoo, Kyung Hee Chang, Sun Young Park, Seung Min Yoo, Nae Choon Yoo, Ki Chang Keum, Won Min Yoo, June Myung Kim and Sang Yup Lee : Development of bacterial patho-chip by designing of species-specific probes, Korean Society for Bioinformatics annual meeting, Pusan, Korea, November 15-16, 2002.
21.    K.H.Chang, S.Y.Lee, S.Y.Yoo, S.M.Yoo, S.Y.Park, D.E.Yong, K.W.Lee, J.Y.Choi, K.S.Lee, A.Huh, J.S.Yeom, Y.S.Song, J.M.Kim : Rapid Identification of Bacterial Pathogens by Amplifying 23S Ribosomal DNA and ITS for Application on Oligonucleotide Microarray, The 42nd ICAAC(Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy), San Diego, California, USA, September 27-30, 2002.
22.    Kyung Hee Chang, Sang Yup Lee, Seung Min Yoo, Dong Eun Yong, Kyu Won Lee,SunYoungPark, So young Yoo, Jun Yong Choi, Kkot Sil Lee, Aejung Huh, Jun Sup Yeom, Young Goo Song and Jun Myung Kim : Development of a Novel DNA Chip for the Identification of Bacterial Pathogens, Korean Society for Chemotherapy, June 10, 2002.
23.    Dong-Ik Kim, Ji-Eun Kim, So-Young Yoo, Jun-Keun Chang and Byung-Boong Lee : Differentially Expressed Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell's mRNAs and Heparin Effect on The Intimal Hyperplasia in Arterialized Vein. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology,Seoul, Korea, October 11-12, 2001.
24.    Jun-Keun Chang, So-Young Yoo, Sang-Ho Suh and Sang-Sin Yoo : Behavior of Hsp27 in polymerization of actin microfilaments of shear stress exposed human endothelial cells. International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Maui,Hawaii, USA, April 2-5, 2000.
25.    Chan-Young Park, So-Young Yoo and Jun-Keun Chang : Measurement of smooth muscle cell migration on the micromachined groove topology. The Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology,Keystone,Colorado, USA, February 3-9, 2000.
26.    So-Young Yoo and Jun-Keun Chang : Behavior of hsp27 and hsp70 in actin polymerization of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) during shear stress exposure. The Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology,Keystone,Colorado,USA, February 3-9, 2000.
27.    So-Young Yoo, Dong-Ik Kim,Chan-Young Parkand Jun-Keun Chang : Inhibitory Effects of In Vitro Smooth Muscle Cell and Endothelial Cell Migration and Proliferation by Low Molecular Heparin. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology, Seoul,Korea, October 12-13, 2000.
28.    So-Young Yoo and Jun-Keun Chang : Hsp27 translocates into perinuclear region in HUVECs during shear stress.  The 11th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology, October 25-26, 1999.
29.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Seung-Jin Lee, Hee-Sook Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction II. Structural characterization of nucleolar p38 MAP kinase. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology, Seoul, Korea, October 22-24, 1998.
30.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Hee-Sook Lee, Seung-Jin Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction I. Induction of p38 MAP kinase in rat liver nucleoli. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology, Seoul,Korea, October 22-24, 1998.
31.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Seung-Jin Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction. II. Metabolism of nucleolar signal transduction system. The 9th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology, Seoul, Korea, October 16-18, 1997.
32.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Seung-Jin Lee and Yong C. Choi : Study of nucleolar signal transduction. I. Composition definition of nucleolar oncoprotein networking. The 9th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular Biology, Seoul, Korea, October 16-18, 1997.
33.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo and Yong-Chun Choi : Relative irreversibility of nucleolar hypertrophy induced with thioacetamide in rat hepatocytes. The 48th Korean Society of Pharmacology, Seoul, Korea, November 1, 1996.
34.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Mi-Ryun Lee and Yong-Chun Choi : Effect of thioacetamide on nucleolar translocation of signalling molecules of rat liver.  The 4th Federation Meeting of Korean Basic Medical Scientists, Seoul, Korea, April 24-25, 1996.
35.    Hye-Jeong Lee, So-Young Yoo, Mi-Ryun Lee and Yong-Chun Choi : Thioacetamide activates the translocation of nucleolus specific 37 kDa and 39 kDa MAP kinase.  The 47th Korean Society of Pharmacology, Gyeongju, Korea, November 3, 1995.

Hyohak Song


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experience Record

4. Awards


5. Publications

International Journals


1. P. C. Burrell, C. O'Sullivan, H. Song, W. P. Clarke and L. L. Blackall. Identification, detection, and spatial resolution of Clostridium populations responsible for cellulose degradation in a methanogenic landfill leachate bioreactor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70: 2414-2419 (2004).

2. H. Song, W. P. Clarke and L. L. Blackall. Concurrent microscopic observations and activity measurements of cellulose hydrolyzing and methanogenic populations during the batch anaerobic digestion of crystalline cellulose. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 91: 369-378 (2005).

3. S. J. Lee, H. Song and S. Y. Lee. Genome-based metabolic engineering of Mannheimia succiniciproducens for succinic acid production. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72: 1939-1948 (2006). Equally contributed from both authors.

4. Y. S. Huh, Y. S. Jun, Y. K. Hong, H. Song, S. Y. Lee and W. H. Hong. "Effective purification of succinic acid from broth produced by Mannheimia succiniciproducens", Process Biochemistry. 41: 1461-1465 (2006).

5. H. Song and Y. S. Lee. Production of succinic acid by bacteria fermentation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 39: 352-361(2006).

6. J. W. Lee, S. Y. Lee, H. Song and J. S. Yoo. The proteome of Mannheimia succiniciproducens, a capnophilic bacterium. Proteomics. 6: 3550-3566 (2006).

7. T. Y. Kim, H. U. Kim, J. M. Park, H. Song, J. S. Kim and S. Y. Lee. Genome-scale analysis of Mannheimia succiniciproducens metabolism. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 97: 657-671 (2007). Accelerated Publication

8. H. Song, Y. S. Huh, S. Y. Lee, W. H. Hong and Y. K. Hong. Recovery of succinic acid produced by fermentation of a metabolically engineered Mannheimia succiniciproducens strain. Journal of Biotechnology. 132: 445-452 (2007).

9. H. Song, J. W. Lee, S. Choi, J. K. You, W. H. Hong and S. Y. Lee. Effects of dissolved CO2 levels on the growth of Mannheimia succiniciproducens and succinic acid production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 98: 1296-1304 (2007).

10. Y.-S. Jang, Y. R. Jung, S. Y. Lee, J. M. Kim, J. W. Lee, D. -B Oh, H. A. Kang, O. Kwon, S. H. Jang, H. Song, S. J. Lee and K. Y. Kang. Construction and characterization of shuttle vectors for succinic acid producing rumen bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73: 5411-5420 (2007).

11. H. Song, S. H. Jang, J. M. Park and S. Y. Lee. Modeling of batch fermentation kinetics for succinic acid production by Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E. Biochemical Engineering Journal. In Press (Accepted 24-Nov-2007).

12. H. Song, T. Y. Kim, B. –K. Choi, S. J. Choi, H. N. Chang and S. Y. Lee. A novel genome-based chemically defined medium development for a capnophilic rumen bacterium, Mannheimia succiniciproducens. Applied and Microbial Biology. In press (2008).

13. S. Y. Lee, J. M. Kim, H. Song, J. W. Lee, T. Y. Kim, Y. –S. Jang. From genome sequence to integrated bioprocess for succinic acid production by Mannheimia succiniciproducens. Applied and Microbial Biology. In press (2008).

14. H. Song and W. P. Clarke. Cellulose hydrolysis by a methanogenic culture enriched from landfill waste in a semi-continuous reactor. Journal of Biotechnology. In press (2008).

1. J. W. Hang, H. Song, and S. H. Park, "Growth Rate and Yields of a Methanotrophic Bacterium Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b: Experimental Measurements", Korean Journal of Biotechnology and Bioengineering 13 (4): 1-8 (1998).

2. J. M. Kang, K. T. Kim, H. Song, and S. H. Park, "Measurement of Whole-Cell Methane Monooxygenase Activity in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b", Journal of Research Institute of Industrial Technology 50: 147-154 (1996).

1. H. Song and S. H. Park. Production of poly-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) and measurement of relevant enzyme activities in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. APBioCheC97. pp. 634-637. Beijing, China, October (1997).

2 . H. Song, W. P. Clarke and L. L. Blackall. Characterization of microbial community structure within anaerobic biofilms on municipal solid waste. Proceedings of the Fifth Environment Engineering Research Event (EERE). ISBN: 0-9580158-0-5. Noosa, Queensland, Australia, May (2001).

3 . W. P. Clarke, H. Song, P. C. Burrel. C. O'Sullivan and L. L. Blackall. The activity and behavior of hydrolytic and methanogenic organisms in the anaerobic digestion of organic solids. APBioCheC03. pp. 133-137. Brisbane, Australia, November-December (2003).

4 . W. P. Clarke, H. Song and L. L. Blackall. The hydrolytic efficiency of biofilms on organic solids in anaerobic environments. Proceedings of Sardinia 2003. Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy, October (2003).

5 . H. Song, W. P. Clarke and L. L. Blackall. Effect of particle retention time on the anaerobic digestion of organic solids. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of ORBIT Association on Biological Processing of Organics. pp. 129-137. Perth, Australia, April-May (2003).

6 . H. Song, J. W. Lee, J. M. Kim and S. Y. Lee. Succinic acid production and growth behaviors of Mannheimia succiniciproducens in anaerobic batch fermentation. APBioCheC05. Jeju, Korea, May (2005).

7 . H. Song, Y. S. Huh, S. Y. Lee and W. H. Hong. Succinic acid recovery form a metabolically engineered Mannheimia succiniciproducens strain fermentation broth. European BioPerspectives 2007. Cologne, Germany, May-June (2007).

1 . H. Song, J. W. Lee, J. M. Kim, K. H. Lee and S. Y. Lee. Characterization of the cell growth and the distribution of end-products in a batch cultivation of Mannheimia succiniciproducens. Biochemical Engineering Conference XIV. Harrison Hot Spring, BC, Canada, July (2005).

2 . H. Song, S. J. Lee, D. -Y. Lee, T. Y. Kim, B. H. Kim, J. Lee, S. Y. Lee. Enhanced production of succinic acid by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli, based on Mannheimia succiniciproducens Genome. 3rd International E. coli Alliance Conference on Systems Biology. Jeju, Korea, October-November (2005).

3 . H. Song, S. J. Lee and S. Y. Lee. Construction of improved succinic acid producer through rational metabolic engineering based on genome information. 10th International Symposium on the GIM, Prague, Czech Republic, June (2006).

4. H. Song, S. J. Lee and S. Y. Lee. Metabolic engineering of Mannheimia succiniciproducens for succinic acid production. Metabolic Engineering VI. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, October (2006).

5 . H. Song, S.W. Lim, J. W. Lee, S. Choi and S. Y. Lee. Effects of dissolved CO2 levels on growth, succinic acid production of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E. The 19th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering. Kyushu, Japan. December (2006).

6 . H. Song, Y. S. Huh, S. Y. Lee and W. H. Hong. Effect of metabolic engineering on downstream processing in succinic acid recovery from fermentation broth. 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. April-May (2007).

1. H. Song, K. H. Jeong and S. H. Park, "Effect of Thermochemical Pretreatment on the Production of VFAs from Municipal Primary Sludge", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Chunbuk Univ., Chunju, April (1998).

2. H. Song, and S. H. Park, "Effect of Copper on the Production of Poly-Hydroxybutyrate and Measurement of Related Enzyme Activities in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Myungji Univ., Yongin, April (1997).

3. J. M. Kang, K. T. Kim, H. Song, and S. H. Park, "Effect of Methane and Methanol on the Degradation of TCE by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Myungji Univ., Yongin, April (1997).

4. K. T. Kim, J. M. Kang, H. Song, and S. H. Park, "Kinetics of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Degradation by Methylosinus trichosporium PP358", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Myungji Univ., Yongin, April (1997).

5. H. Song, Y. K. Oh, S. H. Lee, J. R. Kim, G. Lee, and S. H. Park, "Effect of Pretreatment Conditions on VFAs Production from Municipal Primary Sludges: Primary and Activated Sludge", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Taegu Univ., Kyungsan, October (1997).

6. Y. K. Oh, H. Song, S. H. Lee, S. Y. Park, G. Lee, and S. H. Park, "Effect of Pretreatment Conditions on VFAs Production from Municipal Primary Sludge: Chemical and Thermal Pretreatment", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Taegu Univ., Kyungsan, October (1997).

7. H. Song, J. M. Kang, K. T. Kim, and S. H. Park, "Production of Poly-b-HydroxyButyric Acid (PHB) and Measurement of Related Enzyme Activities in Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b and Its Mutant pp358", Annual Symposium of Korea Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KIBB), Pusan National Univ., Pusan, October (1996).

1 . S. Y. Lee, H. Song, Y. S. Jang, J. M. Kim. Novel gene encoding malic enzyme and method for preparing succinic acid using the same. registered: 0676160. US2007/0042476.

2 . S. Y. Lee, H. Song, Y. S. Jang, J. W. Lee. Novel gene encoding fumarate hydratase C and method for preparing succinic acid using the same. registered: 0727054. US2007/0042477.

3 . S. Y. Lee, H. Song, Y. S. Jang, S. W. Lim. Novel gene encoding formate dehydrogenase D & E and method for preparing succinic acid using the same. registered: 0679638. US2007/0042481.

4 . W. H. Hong, S. Y. Lee, Y. G. Hong, Y. S. Hong, Y. H. Lee, H. Song. Purification methods for succinic acid. registered: 0672813.

5 . S. Y. Lee, H. Song, H. N. Chang, T. Y. Kim, B. K. Choi. Method for preparing culture media using genome information and in silico analysis. registered: 0762962. US11/743,668.

Hyung Seok Choi


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Award

4. Research Activity

5. Media recognitions

Mee-Jung Han


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Honors/Awards

4. Publication

1.  Han, M.-J., Yoon, S.S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome analysis of metabolically engineered Escherichia coli cells producing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)" J. Bacteriol. 183(1):301-308 (2001).
2.  Yoon, S.H., Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during the high cell density culture" Biotechnol. Bioeng. 81(7):753-767 (2003). (Accelerated publication article)
3.  Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S, and Lee. S.Y. "Engineering Escherichia coli for increased production of serine-rich proteins based on proteome profiling" Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69(10): 5772-5781 (2003).
4.  Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome profiling and its use in metabolic and cellular engineering" Proteomics 3:2317-2324 (2003).
5.  Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Roles and applications of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli" Biotechnol. Bioeng. 88(4): 426-436 (2004). (Cover article)
6.  Lee, S.H., Choi, J.-I., Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., and Lee, S.Y. "Display of lipase on the cell surface of Escherichia coli using OprF as an anchor and its applications to enantioselective resolution in organic solvent" Biotechnol. Bioeng. 90(2):223-230 (2005).
7.  Park, S.J., Lee, S.Y., Cho, J., Kim, T.Y., Lee, J.W., Park, J.H., and Han, M.-J. "Global physiological understanding and metabolic engineering of microorganisms based on omics studies" Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 23:1-13 (2005).
8.  Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., and Lee, S.Y. "Enhanced Proteome Profiling by Inhibiting Proteolysis with Small Heat Shock Proteins" J. Proteome Res. 4:2429-2434 (2005).
9.  Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Lee, J.W., Min, B.H., Lee, S.Y., Kim, S.-J., and Yoo, J.-S. "Analysis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) granule-associated proteome in recombinant Escherichia coli" J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 16:901-910 (2006).
10. Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y. "The Escherichia coli Proteome: Past, Present, and Future Prospects" Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 70: 362-439 (2006).
11. Lee, Y.T., Han, M.-J., Lim, S.H., Park, S.H., Suh, H.S., Park, J.B., Kim, Y.I., and Lee, J.W. "Effect of Antibiotics on the Survival of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells under Hypoxic Conditions" J Korean surgical society 071(01): 31-38 (2006).
12. Han, M.-J., Herlyn, M., Fisher, A.B., and Speicher, D.W. "Microscale solution IEF combined with 2-D DIGE substantially enhances analysis depth of complex proteomes such as mammalian cell and tissue extracts", Electrophoresis, 29(3):695-705 (2008).
13. Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Lee, S.Y. and Yoo, J.-S. "Proteome-level responses of Escherichia coli to long-chain fatty acids and use of fatty acid inducible promoter in protein production", J. Biomedicine Biotechnol. 2008:1-12 (2008).
14. Xia, X.-X., Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Lee, S.Y. and Yoo, J.-S. "Comparison of the extracellular proteomes of Escherichia coli B and K-12 strains during high cell density cultivation", Proteomics 8:2089-2103 (2008).
15. Han, M.-J., Yun H., and Lee, S.Y. “Microbial small heat shock proteins and their use in biotechnology”, Biotechnol. Adv. in press (2008).

1.  Lee, J.W, Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y., "Chapter 4. Improved 2-Dimensional Electrophoresis by Inhibiting Proteolysis with Small Heat Shock Proteins" Methods in Proteomics, The Korean Human Proteome Organization (KHUPO), 71-79 (2007)
2. Han, M.-J., and. Speicher D.W. "Microscale Isoelectric Focusing in Solution: A Method for More Comprehensive and Quantitative Proteome Analysis Using 1-D and 2-D DIGE Combined with MicroSol IEF Prefractionation", in Methods Molecular Biology: 2D PAGE: Sample Preparation and Fractionation (Posch, A., ed.), Humana, Totowa, NJ, 424:241-256 (2008)
3.  Han, M.-J. and Lee, S. Y.,  "Chapter 6.5, The Escherichia coli Proteome: Past, Present, and Future Prospects", In A. Böck, R. Curtiss III, J. B. Kaper, F. C. Neidhardt, T. Nyström, J. M. Slauch, and C. L. Squires (ed.), EcoSal—Escherichia coli and Salmonella: cellular and molecular biology. ASM Press, Washington, D.C. (18 October 2007, posting date)
4. Jang, S.H., Han, M.-J., Lee, S.Y., Choi, J.H., Xia, X.-X. “Genome-wide technologies: DNA microarrays, phenotypic microarrays, and proteomics” in Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook, in press

1.  Han, M.-J., You, J.S., and Lee, S.Y. "Variation of proteome expression during the high cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli" Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 483-486 (2001).
2.  Yoon, S.H., Han, M.-J., Lim, K.B., and Lee, S.Y. "Combined analysis of transcriptome and proteome for high cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli" Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 845-848 (2001).
3.  Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Recombinant Protein in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations" Proceedings of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, 750-753 (2001).
4.  Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Human Leptin in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations" Theories and Applications of Chemical Engineering 7(2): 4075-4078 (2001).
5.  Lee, J.W., Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic analysis of oleic acid stimulon in Escherichia coli and its application" Proceedings of the 17th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering 21 (2004).
6.  Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Lee, S.Y., and Yoo, J.-S. "Proteomic Signature of a Response to Long-Chain Fatty Acid in Escherichia coli and Its Application in Biotechnology" Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies 2007, Ramada Plaza Jeju, Jeju-do, Oct 11-13 (2007).

          - 8 Applications of International Patent

          - 6 Applications of Domestic Patent

5. Scientific Presentations

1.  Lee, S.Y., Yoon, S. H., Han, M.-J., and Jeong, K.J. "Combined analysis of transcriptome and proteome profiles during the high cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli" Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001).
2.  Han, M.-J., Yoon, S. H., and Lee, S.Y. "Transcriptome profile analysis of Escherichia coli during high cell density cultivation using DNA microarray" Biochemical Engineering XII, Sonoma, California, USA, June (2001).
3.  Lee, S.Y., Yoon, S.H., Han, M.-J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lim, G. "Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during high cell density cultivation" The 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark, July (2001).
4.  Lee, S.Y. and Han, M.-J. "Analysis of serum proteome profiles in leukemia patients" Inaugural Symposium of AOHUOP & 2nd Annual Meeting of KHUPO, Seoul, Korea, March 26-27 (2002).
5.  Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J. -S., and Lee, S.Y. "Improvement of Recombinant Protein Productivity through Proteome Analysis" ChungNam-Kyushu International Symposium, Kumamoto, Japan, December, 6 (2002).
6.  Lee, S.Y., and Han, M. -J. "Proteome Profiling and Its use in Metabolic and Cellular Engineering" KHUPO, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, March 27-28(2003).
7.  Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Improvement of recombinant protein productivity through proteome analysis" Biochemical Engineering (XIII) 2003, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 17-23 (2003)
8.  Choi, J.H., Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Using proteomics to engineer improved cell growth and increased production of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli" APBioChEC '03, Carlton Crest Hotel, Brisbane, Australia, Nov 30 - Dec 4 (2003).
9.  Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Lee, J.W., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Analyses of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) granule-associated proteins in recombinant Escherichia coli" KHUPO 4th Annual International Proteomics Conference, March, 25-26 (2004).
10. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., Lee, J.W., and Lee, S.Y. "Essential roles and applications of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli" KHUPO 4th Annual International Proteomics Conference, March, 25-26 (2004).-Poster award
11. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J. Park, T.J. Lee, D.Y. and Lee, S.Y. "Importance of small heat shock proteins in engineering recombinant protein production as revealed by proteome profiling" The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2004), Glasgow, UK, July 31-August 4 (2004).
12. Lee, S.Y., Han, H.-J., Park, S.J., and Park, T.J. "Essential roles and applications of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli" Metabolic Engineering V: Genome to Product, Lake Tohoe, California, USA, Sept. 19-23 (2004).
13. Park, J.P., Han, M.-J., Park, T.J., Lee, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of polyamide" Metabolic Engineering V: Genome to Product, Lake Tohoe, California, USA, Sept. 19-23 (2004).
14. Lee, S.Y., Han, M.-J., Park, S.J, and Lee, J.W. "Roles and applications of small heat shock proteins for the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli" 3rd Recombinant Protein Production Meeting, Tavira, Portugal, Nov 11-14 (2004).
15. Lee, J.W., Han, M.-J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic analysis of Escherichia coli cultured in oleic acid and its application" KHUPO 5th International Proteomics Conference AOHUPO Workshop/Symposium, April 27-29 (2005).- Poster award
16. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Lee, J.W., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Analysis of poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) granule-associated proteome in recombinant Escherichia coli" KHUPO 5th International Proteomics Conference AOHUPO Workshop/Symposium, April 27-29 (2005).
17. Speicher, D.W., Tang, H.-Y., Han M.-J., Wang, H., Ali-Khan, N., Echan, L.A., Tan, G., Musselman, I., and Joo, W.A. "The Multi-dimensional Approach to Cellular and Plasma Proteomics and Its Application to Human Cancers" The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF) meeting, Long Beach, California, USA, Feb. 11-14 (2006).
18. Lee, J.W., Han, M-.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Improved proteome profiling method by inhibiting proteolysis with small heat shock proteins" The 3rd International E. coli Alliance Conference on Systems Biology 2006, Jeju, Korea (2006. 10.30-11.3).
19. Lee, J.W., Han, M.-J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Mining Low Abundance Proteins by Inhibiting Proteolysis with Small Heat Shock Proteins" KHUPO 7th International Proteomics Conference Workshop, March 29-30 (2007).
20. Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Enhanced proteome profiling by inhibiting proteolysis with small heat shock proteins in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis" HUPO 6th Annual World Congress 2007, Coex, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 6-10 (2007).
21. Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic signature of a response to long-chain fatty acid in Escherichia coli and its application in biotechnology" HUPO 6th Annual World Congress 2007, Coex, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 6-10 (2007).
22. Xia, X.-X., Han, M.-J., Lee, S.Y., and Yoo, J.-S. "Proteomic analysis of selectively released proteins from Escherichia coli B and K-12 strains grown in high cell density cultivation" HUPO 6th Annual World Congress 2007, Coex, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 6-10 (2007).
23. Han, M.-J., Echan, L.A., Fisher, A.B., and Speicher, D.W. "A method for comprehensive and quantitative proteome analysis using microscale solution IEF combined with 2-D DIGE" HUPO 6th Annual World Congress 2007, Coex, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 6-10 (2007).
24. Han, M.-J., Echan, L.A., Tang, H.-Y., Herlyn, M., and Speicher, D.W. "Identification of proteins and their pathways associated with increased metastatic potential of human melanoma cells using in depth three-dimensional protein profiling" HUPO 6th Annual World Congress 2007, Coex, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 6-10 (2007).
25. Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Lee, S.Y., and Yoo, J.-S. "Proteomic Signature of a Response to Long-Chain Fatty Acid in Escherichia coli and Its Application in Biotechnology" Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies 2007, Ramada Plaza Jeju, Jeju-do, Oct 11-13 (2007).

1.  Han, M.-J., Cho, M.H., and Lee, J.W. "Antibiotics geneticin (G418) makes a hepatocellular cell line, HepG2, more resistant to hypoxia by efficient utilization of glucose" The Korean Society for Molecular Biology (1999).
2.  Han, M.-J., Cho, M.H., and Lee, J.W., "Improvement of metabolism under hypoxia by antibiotics geneticin (G418)" The Korean Society for Microbiology (1999).
3.  Han, M.-J., Yoon, S.S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome analysis of metabolically engineered Escherichia coli producing poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)" Annual Meeting of The Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Cheon-buk Univ., October (2000).
4.  Han, M.-J., You, J.S., and Lee, S.Y. "Variation of proteome expression during the high cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli" Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Konkuk Univ., Seoul, April (2001).
5.  Yoon, S.H., Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., Lim, B.K., and Lee, S.Y. "Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Escherichia coli during high cell density cultivation" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Applied Microbiology, Chonan Sangnok Resort, June (2001).
6.  Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome Analysis of Overproducing Human Leptin System" The 14th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, Chungnam Univ., Daejeon (2001).
7.  Yoon, S.H., Han, M.-J., Lim, K.B., and Lee, S.Y. "Combined analysis of transcriptome and proteome for high cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November (2001).
8.  Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Recombinant Protein in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, November (2001).
9.  Han, M.-J., Choi, J.H., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome Analysis of Overproduction of Human Leptin in Escherichia coli by Fed-Batch Fermentations" KIChE Meeting, Daejeon (2001).
10. Lee, S.Y., Han, M.-J., and Yoon, S.S. "Proteome Analysis of Metabolically Engineered Escherichia coli Producing Poly (3-Hydroxybutyrate)" Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Seoul (2001).
11. Han, M .-J., Jeong, K. J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee S Y. "Improvement of Recombinant Protein Productivity through Proteome Analysis" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Chungju, October 12 (2002).
12. Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome analysis of recombinant Escherichia coli producing heterologous proteins" Korean Society for Bioinformatics Annual Meeting (KSBI 2002), Haeundae, Korea, November 15-16 (2002).
13. Han, M.-J., Lee, S.Y., Hong, S. H., and Park, S.J. "Role of Eda in polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis deciphered from proteome analysis and metabolic flux analysis" Korean Society for Bioinformatics Annual Meeting (KSBI 2002), Haeundae, Busan, November, 15-16 (2002).
14. Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S. and Lee,S.Y. "Rational design for improving cell growth and protein production of a recombinant Escherichia coli strain using a proteomic approach" Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Busan, April 11-12 (2003).
15. Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Using Proteomics to Engineer Improved Cell Growth and Increased Production of Serine-Rich Heterologous Proteins in Escherichia coli." Annual meeting of Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology Symposium (KMB 2003), Muju, June 24-26 (2003).
16. Han, M.-J., Jeong, K.J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Engineering Escherichia coli for Increased Productivity of Serine-Rich Proteins Based on Proteome Profiling" Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, October 22-24 (2003).
17. Bang, H.O., Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Roles of the Escherichia coli small heat shock proteins IbpA and IbpB in recombinant proteins productionin recombinant proteins production" Annual fall meeting of KIChE, Seoul, October 24-25 (2003).
18. Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y. "A Proteomic Approach for Engineer Improved Cell Growth and Increased Productivity of Serine-Rich Protein" KSBI 2003, KAIST, Daejeon, October 31-November 1 (2003).
19. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Park, T.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Essential roles and applications of the Escherichia coli small heat shock proteins IbpA and IbpB in the production of recombinant proteins" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, April 16-17 (2004).
20. Han, M.-J. "Microbial proteomics: Enhanced recombinant protein production by E. coli engineered based on proteome profiling" 2004 International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, Sangnok Resort Convention Center, Cheonan, May 13-14 (2004).
21. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Lee, J.W., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteome Analysis of Poly(3-Hydroxybutyrate) Granule-Associated Proteins in Recombinant Escherichia coli" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology Symposium, Deagu, June 21-23 (2004).
22. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Lee, J.W., Park, T.J., and Lee, S.Y. "Functions of small Heat Shock Proteins in the Production of Recombinant Proteins in Escherichia coli and its Applications" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, October 13-15 (2004).
23. Lee, J.W., Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic analysis of oleic acid stimulon in Escherichia coli and its application" The 17th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, December 4-5 (2004).
24. Han, M.-J., Park, S.J., Lee, J.W. and Lee, S.Y. "Use of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli and its applications" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005).
25. Lee, J.W., Han, M.-J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic analysis of Escherichia coli cultured in oleic acid and its application" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, April 15-16 (2005).
26. Lee, J.W., Han, M-.J., Yoo, J.-S. and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic signature of a response to long chain fatty acid in Escherichia coli and its application" The 62th Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (KSBMB) annual meeting, Seoul, May 19-20 (2005).
27. Lee, J.W., Han, M.-J., Yoo, J.-S., and Lee, S.Y. "Proteomic Signature of a Response to Long Chain Fatty Acid in Escherichia coli and Its Application" Annual Meeting & International Symposium of the Korea Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KMB), June 30 - July 1 (2005).
28. Han, M.-J., and Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic Engineering for Strain Improvement Based on Proteome Profiling" 2006 Annual Fall Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, September 7-8 (2006)
29. Lee, J.W., Han, M-.J., and Lee, S.Y., "Improved Proteome Profiling Method Using Small Heat Shock Proteins by Inhibiting Proteolysis" 2006 International Meeting of the Federation of Korean Microbiological Societies, October 19-20 (2006)
30. Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., and Lee, S.Y., "General improvement of proteome profiling by inhibiting proteolysis with small heat shock proteins" Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, April 27 (2007)
31. Han, M.-J., Lee, J.W., Lee, S.Y., Yoo, J.S., "Proteomic response to a long-chain fatty acid in Escherichia coli and its application in the production of recombinant proteins" The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology, COEX Grand Ballroom, Seoul, June 28-29 (2007)

Jong Hwan Baek


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

Shun Zheng


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity (as of August 2009)

1. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Eun Zoo Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Shun Zheng, Kwang Seok Yang, Sang Yup Lee, Won Hi Hong, Do Hyun Kim and Sungho Ko. "An active mixing microfluidic system for the colorimetric analysis of intracellular enzymes", BioChip J., 2(1):33-38 (2008) [Abstract]

2. Tae Jung Park+, Shun Zheng+, Yeon Jae Kang, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of whole cell biosensor by cell surface display of gold binding polypeptide on the gold surface", FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 293(1):141-147 (2009) +Equally contributed. [Abstract]

1. Ho Seok Park, Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, Byung Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Synthesis of organophosphorus hydrolase immobilized gamma-alumina nanoparticles for enzymatic reaction", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

2. Ho Seok Park, Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, Byung Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Immobilization of organophosphorus hydrolase on carbon nanotube/ionic liquid bucky gel electrode for biosensor", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

3. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Won Min Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Ultrasensitive detection of c-reactive protein using colloidal gold nanoparticles", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

4. Do-Kyun Kim, Shun Zheng, Tae-Jung Park, and Sang-Yup Lee. "Analysis of optical properties on surface of nano-plasmonics materials for application to biochip", Biotronics 2008, Jeju, Oct 8 (2008)

5. Do-Kyun Kim, Shun Zheng, Hee-Yon Kim, Tae-Jung Park, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang-Yup Lee. "Fabrication of gold-capped nanoparticle array chip and application to label-free optical biosensors", NanoBio-Seoul 2008, Seoul, Oct 30-31 (2008)

1. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Immobilization of recombinant proteins onto the gold surface for cell biosensor", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, Apr 26-28 (2007)

2. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, Xiao Xia Xia, Hyun Uk Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel stationary phase expression system in Escherichia coli for the production of recombinant protein", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Jeonju, Apr 18-19 (2008)

3. Sang Yup Lee, Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park. "C-Reactive Protein detection based on surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical analysis", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Jeju, Apr 23-25 (2008)

4. Do-Kyun Kim, Shun Zheng, Tae-Jung Park, and Sang-Yup Lee. "Label free optical biosensor based on nano-plasmonics materials for detection of DNA-protein interaction", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Oct 6-7 (2008)

5. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "HBsAg detection based on SPR and electrochemical assay", Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Busan, Oct 22-24 (2008)

6. Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, and Sang Yup Lee. "HBsAg detection based on SPR and electrochemical assay", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pohang, Apr 9-11 (2009)

7. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Detection of HBV surface antigen based on genetic-engineered fusion protein", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

Won Mi Jung


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

SooA Lim

HongSeok Yun


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

1. Yun, H., Lee, D.-Y., Jeong, J., Lee, S., and Lee, S.Y. "MFAML: a standard data structure for representing and exchanging metabolic flux models", Bioinformatics, 21(15): 3329-3330, 2005.

2. Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun, Sunwon Park and Sang Yup Lee, "MetaFluxNet: the Management of Metabolic Reaction Information and Quantitative Metabolic Flux Analysis", Bioinformatics, Vol. 19, pp. 2144-2146, 2003

1. Hongseok Yun, Dong-Yup Lee, Seunghyun Lee, Joonwoo Jeong and Sang Yup Lee, "MFAML: an XML-based standard format for metabolic flux analysis ", 15th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2004), Yokohama, Japan, December 17, 2004
1. Sang Yup Lee, Dong-Yup Lee, Soon Ho Hong, Tae Yong Kim, Hongseok Yun, Young-Gyun Oh and Sunwon Park, "MetaFluxNet, a Program Package for Metabolic Pathway Construction and Analysis, and Its Use in Large-scale Metabolic Flux Analysis of Escherichia coli", 14th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2003), Yokohama, Japan, December 14 - 17, 2003
2. Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Comparative Metabolic Flux Analysis by MetaFluxNet", 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2003), Brisbane, Australia, June 29 - July 3, 2003
3. Sang Yup Lee, Dong-Yup Lee, Hongseok Yun and Sunwon Park, "MetaFluxNet: an Integrated Program for the Management of Metabolic Reaction Information and Quntitative Metabolic Flux Analysis", First International E.coli Alliance (IECA) Conference on Systems Biology of E.coli, Tsuruoka, Japan, June 23 - 25, 2003
4. Dong-Yup Lee, Young-gyun Oh, Hongseok Yun, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "Exploring Flux Distribution Profiles for Switching Pathways Using Multiobjective Flux Balance Analysis", 13th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW 2002), Tokyo, Japan, December 16 - 18, 2002
5. Hongseok Yun, Dong-Yup Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Sunwon Park, "MetaFluxNetTM: a program for metabolic flux analysis (MFA)", International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2002

Yu Kyung Jung


1. Education

2. Research Interest

3. Research Experiences

4. Awards and Honors

 5. Publications

International Journal

Book Chapter


Kyo Nam Lee

Jung Ho Park


1. Research Interest

Xiao Xia Xia


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Professional Experience

4. Awards

5. Publications

Summary (as of July, 2009)
Journal paper publications: 7 papers published
Conference presentations: 7 papers (abstracts), 1 oral presentation
Korean Patents: 3 Chinese Patent: 1

1. 1 Zhi-Gang Qian, Xiao-Xia Xia, Sang Yup Lee. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of putrescine, a four carbon diamine. Biotechnol. Bioeng. (Accelerated Publication, In press)

2 Xiao-Xia Xia, Mee-Jung Han, Sang Yup Lee and Jong-Shin Yoo. Comparison of the extracellular proteomes of Escherichia coli B and K-12 strains during high cell density cultivation. Proteomics 2008, 8(1): 2089?2103 

3 Zhi-Gang Qian*, Xiao-Xia Xia*, Jong Hyun Choi, Sang Yup Lee. Proteome-based identification of fusion partner for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2008, 101(3): 587-601 (Qian & Xia contributed equally to this work and this paper was selected as spotlight paper).

4 Xiao-Xia Xia, Ya-Ling Shen, and Dong-Zhi Wei. Purification and Characterization of Recombinant sTRAIL Expressed in Escherichia coli. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 2004, 36 (2): 118?122

5 Ya-Ling Shen, Yue Zhang, Ai-You Sun, Xiao-Xia Xia, Dong-ZhiWei & Sheng-Li Yang.
High-level production of soluble tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (Apo2L/TRAIL) in high-density cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli using a combined feeding strategy. Biotechnology Letters 2004, 26: 981?984

6 Yue Zhang, Ya-Ling Shen, Xiao-Xia Xia, Ai-You Sun, Dong-Zhi Wei, Jin-Song Zhou, Guo-Jun Zhang, Liang-Hua Wang, Bing-Hua Jiao. High-cell density cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli for production of TRAIL by using a 2-stage feeding strategy. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 2004, 20(3):408-13

7 Ya-Ling Shen, Xiao-Xia Xia, Yue Zhang, Jian-Wen Liu, Dong-Zhi Wei & Sheng-Li Yang. Refolding and purification of Apo2L/TRAIL produced as inclusion bodies in high-cell-density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Letters2003, 25: 2097?2101
2) Oral presentation

1 Xia X.-X, Shen Y L, Wei D Z. Refolding and structural characterization of TRAIL/Apo2L produced as inclusion bodies in high-cell-density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli. International Symposium on Bioprocess and Biomolecular Engineering, Shanghai, China, Dec. 15-17, 2003.

3) International conferences presentations

Jong Seong Kim



Seung Hoon Um


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experience

4. Honors and Awards

In Ok Choi

Zhi Gang Qian






Summary (as of 23 August 2010)
Journal paper publications: 12 papers plus 1 under review
Oral presentations: 3
International poster presentations: 15
Patents: 11 (PCT, 2; Korean, 7; Chinese, 2)


13. Xia XX, Qian ZG, Lee SY. 2010. Comparative proteomic and genetic analyses reveal unidentified mutations in Escherichia coli XL1-Blue and DH5α. FEMS Microbiol Lett (under peer review)
12. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. 2010. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of cadaverine: A five carbon diamine. Biotechnol Bioeng (accepted on August 18, 2010)
11. Xia XX, Qian ZG, Ki, CS, Park, YH, Kaplan, DL, Lee SY. 2010. Native-sized recombinant spider silk protein produced in metabolically engineered Escherichia coli results in a strong fiber. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107(32):14059-14063. (Xia and Qian contributed equally).
10. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. 2009. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of putrescine: A four carbon diamine. Biotechnol Bioeng 104(4):651-662. Editors' Choice, Journal cover paper
Wiley-Blackwell Press Release 'Pioneering research succeeds in producing industrially vital chemical through engineered bacteria' (27 August 2009); in numerous science news web sites
Nature Research Highlight 'Bacterial factories' (Nature 461, 14-15; 3 September 2009)
BTJ-FORUM 'Metabolic engineering of E. coli' (Biotechnology Journal, 4, 1376; October 2009)
9. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Choi JH, Lee SY. 2008. Proteome-based identification of fusion partner for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Bioeng 101(3):587-601.
Spotlight 'A proteome-based approach to identifying fusion partner for recombinant protein excretion' (Biotechnology and Bioengineering DOI: 10.1002/bit.22096; 15 October 2008)
8. Xu Y, Zhao Z, Qian X, Qian Z, Tian W, Zhong J. 2006. Novel, unnatural benzo-1,2,3-thiadiazole-7-carboxylate elicitors of taxoid biosynthesis. J Agric Food Chem 54(23):8793-8798.
7. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Xu Y, Qian X, Zhong JJ. 2006. Novel synthetic 2,6-dichloroisonicotinate derivatives as effective elicitors for inducing the biosynthesis of plant secondary metabolites. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 71(2):164-167.
6. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Xu Y, Qian X, Zhong JJ. 2006. Novel chemically synthesized salicylate derivative as an effective elicitor for inducing the biosynthesis of plant secondary metabolites. Biotechnol Prog 22(1):331-333.
5. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Xu Y, Qian X, Zhong JJ. 2005. A novel synthetic fluoro-containing jasmonate derivative acts as a chemical inducing signal for plant secondary metabolism. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 68(1):98-103.
4. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Xu Y, Qian X, Zhong JJ. 2005. Highly efficient strategy for enhancing taxoid production by repeated elicitation with a newly synthesized jasmonate in fed-batch cultivation of Taxus chinensis cells. Biotechnol Bioeng 90(4):516-521.
3. Zhao Z, Xu Y, Qian Z, Tian W, Qian X, Zhong JJ. 2004. Novel fluoro- and hydroxyl-containing jasmonate derivatives as highly efficient elicitors in suspension cultures of Taxus chinensis. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 14(18):4755-4758.
2. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Xu Y, Qian X, Zhong JJ. 2004. Novel chemically synthesized hydroxyl-containing jasmonates as powerful inducing signals for plant secondary metabolism. Biotechnol Bioeng 86(7):809-816.
1. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Tian WH, Xu Y, Zhong JJ, Qian X. 2004. Novel synthetic jasmonates as highly efficient elicitors for taxoid production by suspension cultures of Taxus chinensis. Biotechnol Bioeng 86(5):595-599.

3. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. A systematic proteome-based approach for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in E. coli. The Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KMB) international symposium & annual meeting. June 25-26, 2009, Daejeon, Korea.
2. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Choi JH, Lee SY. High-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli: a proteome-based approach. Korean Society for Biotechnology and. Bioengineering (KSBB) international symposium & annual meeting, October 18-19, 2007, Daegu, Korea.
1. Qian ZG, Yu KW, Hahn EJ, Paek KY. Towards efficient production of useful plant secondary metabolites by the use of newly chemically synthesized elicitors. Conference for the Korean Society for Horticultural Science, May 26-27, 2005, Jeju, Korea.

15. Lee SY, Qian ZG, Xia XX. Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for the Production of 1,4-Diaminobutane. 11th international symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms (GIM), June 28-July 1, 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
14. Lee SY, Qian ZG, Xia XX. A systematic proteome-based approach for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. 11th international symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms (GIM), June 28-July 1, 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
13. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. Systems metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of putrescine, a four carbon linear chain diamine. Metabolic Engineering VIII: Metabolic engineering for green growth. June 13-17, 2010, Jeju Island, Korea.
12. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of large spider dragline silk proteins. Metabolic Engineering VIII: Metabolic engineering for green growth. June 13-17, 2010, Jeju Island, Korea.
11. Xia XX, Qian ZG, Lee SY. Comparative proteomic analysis of four biotechnologically important Escherichia coli strains for rational host selection. Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'09), November 24-27, 2009, Kobe, Japan.
10. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. A systematic approach for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'09), November 24-27, 2009, Kobe, Japan.
9. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Lee SY. Systematic proteome-based approach for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. The 16th Biochemical Engineering, July 5-9, 2009, Burlington, Vermont, USA.
8. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Choi JH, Lee SY. Systematic proteome-based approach for high-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli. 13th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS2008), October 12-17, 2008, Dalian, China.
7. Xia XX, Qian ZG, Han MJ, Lee SY. The extracellular proteomes of Escherichia coli B and K-12 strains and its application in the secretory production of recombinant proteins. 13th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS2008), October 12-17, 2008, Dalian, China.
6. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Choi JH, Lee SY. A systematic proteome-based approach for the secretion of synthetic gene products in Escherichia coli. Synthetic Biology 4.0 (SB4.0), October 10-12, 2008, Hong Kong, China.
5. Qian ZG, Xia XX, Choi JH, Lee SY. High-level extracellular production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli: a proteome-based approach. Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'07), November 4-7, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. Xia XX, Qian ZG, Han MJ, Choi JH, Lee SY, Yoo JS. The extracellular proteomes of Escherichia coli B and K-12 strains and their application in the excretory production of recombinant proteins. Biochemical Engineering XV, July 15-19, 2007, Quebec City, Canada.
3. Choi JH, Qian ZG, Lee SY. Development of extracellular production systems of recombinant proteins in recombinant Escherichia coli. The 4th recombinant protein production meeting: a comparative view on host physiology, September 21-23, 2006, Barcelona, Spain.
2. Choi JH, Qian ZG, Jang SH, Lee SY. Extracellular production of recombinant proteins. 10th international symposium on the genetics of industrial microorganisms (GIM), June 24-28, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic.
1. Qian ZG, Zhao ZJ, Tian WH, Xu Y, Zhong JJ, Qian X. Novel chemically-synthesized elicitors for overproduction of secondary metabolites by plant cells. The 9th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers' Community (YABEC 2003), November 13-15, 2003, Jeju Island, Korea. 

Yoon Jeong Lee


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

Alok Kumar Malaviya


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Professional Experience

4. Awards and Honors

5. Research Activity

Publication in Peer Reviewed International Journals

1. Malaviya A and Gomes J. (2008) "Androstenedione production by biotransformation of phytosterols" Bioresource Technol., 99, 6725-6737.

2. Malaviya A and Gomes J. (2008) "NutrientBroth/PEG200/TritonX114/Tween80/Chloroform microemulsion as a reservoir of solubilised sitosterol for biotransformation to androstenedione", J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol., 35, 1435-1440.

3. Malaviya A and Gomes J. (2008) "Enhanced biotransformation of sitosterol to androstenedione by Mycobacterium sp. using cell wall permeabilizing antibiotics", J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol., 35, 1235-1239.

4. Malaviya A and Gomes J. (2008) "Rapid screening and isolation of a fungus for sitosterol to androstenedione biotransformation", Appl Biochem Biotechno.l, 158(2), 374-386.

5. Malaviya A and Gomes J. "Microemulsion based novel medium for improved sitosterol to androstenedione biotransformation using Mycobacterium sp." (Submitted)

Presentation in International Conferences

1. Malaviya A and Gomes J. "Cell wall permeabilizing antibiotics as potent enhancer of biotransformation of sitosterol to androstenedione" II International conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007) Seville (Spain), pg 385

2. Malaviya A and Gomes J. "Nutrient Broth/PEG200/TRITON X114/TWEEN 80/Chloroform based microemulsions as solubility reservoir and biotransformation medium for hydrophobic compounds" II International conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2007) Seville, Spain, pg 718.

3. Malaviya A, Nayak R, Kumar S and Gomes J. "Staged protocol for acclimatization of Mycobacterium sp. DSMZ for improving biotransformation efficiency of B-Sitosterol" (Best Poster Award) International Symposium on New Frontiers in Marine Natural Product Research - 2007 (NFMNPR), National Institute of Oceanography, Goa (India), pg 26.

4. Mishra S, Malaviya A and Ahmad I. "Comparative proteomic analysis of closely related Mycobacterium species." International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT- 2007), Trivandrum (India), pg 86-87

Presentations in National Conferences

1. Malaviya A and Gomes J. "Surfactant mediated improvement in biotransformation of B-Sitosterol to androstenedione" CHEMCON 2007, Kolkata (India) pg, 235 (CD Proceeding, 8 printed pages).

2. Malaviya A, Trivedi P and Gomes J. "Improvement in biotransformation efficiency of Mycobacterium sp. by chemical mutagenesis" BIOHORIZON-2007 Joint Indo-Korean Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi (India) pg 33.

3. Mishra S, Malaviya A, Singh N and Singh A. "Mycobacterial essential genes: Potential targets for antituberculi drug formulation" BIOHORIZON-2007 Joint Indo-Korean Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi (India) pg 82.

4. Mishra S, Malaviya A and Bariyar AK "Genome annotation using available microarray data" BIOHORIZON-2007 Joint Indo-Korean Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi (India) pg 87.

5. Malaviya A and Gomes J. "In silico method for rapid screening and isolation of microorganisms with requisite functional attributes" I2Tech, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2007, New Delhi (India).

6. Malaviya AK, Nayak R and Gomes J. "Strain improvement of Mycobacterium sp. for higher B-sitosterol biotransformation using stage wise acclimatization method" 3rd National Conference of Biotechnology Society of India (Biotech-2005), Manesar (India) pg 51.

7. Nayak R, Malaviya AK and Gomes J. "Control of biomass concentration tracking by using adaptive hybrid multiple neural networks for baker's yeast fermentation" CHEMCON 2005, Volume 2 , pg 242-245.

8. Singh T, Hembram BK, Ahmad Z, Malaviya A and Kumar A. Sero-servillance of rinderpest eradication programme in and around Ranchi, 48th Annual conference of Association of Microbiologists of India, (Microbes: Biofactories of the Future) Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2007, Chennai (India), pg 212.

Do Kyun Kim


 1. Research Interest

2. Education

Advisor: Professor Young-Soo Kwon Thesis:"Fabrication and Application of DNA Chip Microarray by Using the Secondary-Step Immobilization Method"

3. Professional Experience

4. Awards and Honors


5. Publications

1. Do-Kyun Kim, Yong-Sung Choi, Jeong-Soo Chang, Young-Soo Kwon, "A Study on Gas Sensor Using Electrical Properties of Fatty Acid LB Films", Thin Solid Films, 327-329, pp.612-615 (1998)
2. Do-Kyun Kim, Eul-Sik Lee, Young-Soo Kwon, "Gas Sensing Properties of Itaconate Copolymer LB Films", Synthetic Metals, 102, Elsevier Science, S.A., pp.1421-1422 (1999)
3. H.K. Shin, J.Y. Seo, D.K. Kim, H. Jeong and Y.S. Kwon, "Electro-optical Properties and Structure Features of Polyurethane LB Monolayers", Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals, Vol.371, pp.17-20 (2001)
4. K.H. Kang, J.M. Kim, D.K. Kim, S.B. Jung, J.S. Chang, Y.S. Kwon, "Effect of pH on the properties of palmitic acid LB films for gas sensors", Sensors and Actuators B, Vol.77, pp.293-296 (2001)
5. Yong-Sung Choi, Do-Kyun Kim, Young-Soo Kwon, "Develpment of a new DNA chip microarray by hydrophobic interaction", Colloids and Surfaces A, 201, pp.261-264 (2002)
6. D. -K. Kim, E. Tamiya, Y. -S. Kwon, "Develpment of a New DNA Chip Microarray Using RFSA Method", Synthetic Metals, 137, pp.1423-1424 (2003)
7. Do-Kyun Kim, Kyung-Han Jung, Hoon-Kyu Shin, Eiichi Tamiya and Young-Soo Kwon, "Development of Novel Chromosome Dissection Chip for Chromosomal Analysis with Nanometer Size", Current Applied Physics, 6, pp.663-668 (2006)
8. Do-Kyun Kim, Eiichi Tamiya and Young-Soo Kwon, "Development of an Evanescent Field System for Real-Time Detection of DNA Hybridization", Current Applied Physics, 6, pp.669-674 (2006)
9. Do-Kyun Kim, Young-Soo Kwon, Yuzuru Takamura and Eiichi Tamiya, "Detection of DNA Hybridization Properties by Using Thermodynamic Method", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), Vol.45, No.1B, pp.509-512 (2006)
10. Tatsuro Endo, Kagan Kerman, Naoki Nagatani, Ha Minh Hiepa, Do-Kyun Kim, Yuji Yonezawa, Koichi Nakano and Eiichi Tamiya, "Multiple Label-Free Detection of Antigen-Antibody Reaction Using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Core-Shell Structured Nanoparticle Layer Nanochip", Analytical Chemistry, 78, pp.6465-6475 (2006)
11. Do-Kyun Kim, Masato Saito, Young-Soo Kwon and Eiichi Tamiya, "Development of a Functional Nano-Dissection System Using Porous Anodic Alumina Pattern Chip and Cantilever", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), Vol.46, No.4B, pp.2764-2767 (2007)
12. Do-Kyun Kim, Kagan Kerman, Masato Saito, Ramachandra Rao Sathuluri, Tatsuro Endo, Shohei Yamamura, Young-Soo Kwon and Eiichi Tamiya, "Label-Free DNA Biosensor Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupled with Interferometry", Analytical Chemistry, 79, pp.1855-1864 (2007)
13. Ha Minh Hiep, Tatsuro Endo, Kagan Kerman, Miyuki Chikae, Do-Kyun Kim, Shohei Yamamura, Yuzuru Takamura and Eiichi Tamiya, "A localized surface plasmon resonance based immunosensor for the detection of casin in milk", Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 8, pp.331-338 (2007)
14. Mun?™delanji Vestergaard, Kagan Kerman, Do-Kyun Kim, Ha Minh Hiep and Eiichi Tamiya, "Detection of Alzheimer's tau protein using localised surface plasmon resonance-based immunochip", Talanta, 74, pp.1038-1042 (2008)
15. Do-Kyun Kim, Kagan Kerman, Shohei Yamamura, Young-Soo Kwon, Yuzuru Takamura and Eiichi Tamiya, "Label-Free Optical Detection of Protein Antibody-Antigen Interaction on Au Capped Porous Anodic Alumina Layer Chip", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), Vol.47, No.2, pp.1351-1354 (2008)
16. Ha Minh Hiep, Tatsuro Endo, Masato Saito, Miyuki Chikae, Do-Kyun Kim, Shohei Yamamura, Yuzuru Takamura and Eiichi Tamiya, "Label-Free Detection of Melittin Binding to a Membrane Using Electrochemical-Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance", Analytical Chemistry, 80, pp.1859-1864 (2008)
17. Do-Kyun Kim, Kagan Kerman, Ha Minh Hiep, Masato Saito, Shohei Yamamura, Yuzuru Takamura, Young-Soo Kwon and Eiichi Tamiya, "Label-Free Optical Detection of Aptamer-Protein Interactions Using Gold-Capped Oxide Nanostructures", Analytical Biochemistry, 379, pp.1-7 (2008)

1. Do-Kyun Kim, Yong-Sung Choi, Young-Soo Kwon, "Study on Electrical Properties for Horizontal Direction of Fatty Acid LB Films", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 32, pp.1817-1819 (1998)
2. Do-Kyun Kim, Yong-Sung Choi, Young-Soo Kwon, "Electric Properties of Stearic Acid LB Films for Detection of Organic Gases", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering (KIEE), Vol.47, No.11, pp.1893-1897 (1998)
3. Do-Kyun Kim, Eul-Sik Lee, Yong-Sung Choi, Young-Soo Kwon, "Analysis on Gas-Sensing Properties for Organic Gas Detection of Maleate Copolymer LB Films", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 35, pp.433-435 (1999)
4. Jun-Ho Lee, Yong-Sung Choi, Do-Kyun Kim, Young-Soo Kwon, "Organic Gas Response Characteristics for Horizontal Direction of Fatty Acid LB Ultra-thin Films", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering (KIEE), Vol.48, No.5, pp. 379-384 (1999)
5. Yong-Sung Choi, Jung-Myoung Kim, Do-Kyun Kim, Young-Soo Kwon, "Analysis of Gas Response Characteristics of Maleate Organic Ultra-thin Films", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering (KIEE), Vol.48, No.6, pp.442-450 (1999)
6. Yong-Sung Choi, Do-Kyun Kim, Seung-Yeop Yoo, Young-Soo Kwon, "Analysis of Anisotropical Electrical Conduction Properties of Maleate System LB Ultra-thin Films", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering (KIEE), Vol.49C, No.1, pp.13-18 (2000)
7. Do-Kyun Kim, Ki-Ho Kang, Young-Soo Kwon, "Dielectric Electrical Characteristics of Fatty Acid System LB Films According to Length of Methylene Group", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineering (KIEEME), Vol.13, No.4, pp.300-305, (2000)
8. Yong-Sung Choi, Do-Kyun Kim, Young-Soo Kwon, "Highly Integrated DNA Chip Microarray by Hydrophobic Interaction", KIEE International Transactions on EA, Vol.11C, No.2, pp.23-27, (2001)
9. Do-Kyun Kim, Yong-Sung Choi, Yuji Murakami, Eiichi Tamiya, Young-Soo Kwon, "Real-Time Detection of DNA hybridization Assay by Using Evanescent Field Microscopy", KIEE International Transactions on EA, Vol.11C, No.3, pp.85-90 (2001)
10. Do-Kyun Kim and Young-Soo Kwon, "Detection and Analysis of DNA Hybridization Characteristics by Using Thermodynamic Method", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering (KIEE), Vol.51C, No.6, pp.265-270 (2002)
11. Do-Kyun Kim, Yong-Sung Choi, Young-Soo Kwon, "Development of High-Integrated DNA Array on a Microchip by Fluidic Self-Assembly of Particles", Journal of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineering (KIEE), Vol.51C, No.7, pp.265-270 (2002)

Ju Suk Lee

Young Mi Sim



Woo Jeong Kim


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Jin Hwan Park


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Advisor: Professor Sang Yup Lee Thesis: Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine based on systems biotechnology

3. Professional Experience

4. Membership

5. Awards and Honors

Park JH, Lee KH, Kim TY, Lee SY, "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine based on transcriptome analysis and in silico gene knockout simulation"

6. Oral Presentations

1. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Tae Yong Kim, and Sang Yup Lee, "Systems Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli", International E. coli Alliance (IECA) 2008, Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Hinxton, UK (Sept. 24-27, 2008). (Invited Talk) (Program)
2. Jin Hwan Park, "Systems Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for amino acid production", METABOLIC ENGINEERING VIII: Metabolic Engineering for Green Growth, June 13-17, 2010, Jeju Island, Korea (Invited Talk) (Program) (Photo)

1. 금요일에 과학터치 (2009. 4. 17) (전남일보 보도내용)

7. Publications

1. Lee, S.Y. and Park, J.H., "Chapter 20. Systems Metabolic Engineering of E. coli", pp. 441-453, in Systems Biology and Biotechnology of E. coli (Lee SY Ed.) Springer, Germany (2009. 4)

1. Park, J.H., Kim, B.H., Choi, J.H., Lee, D.Y. and  Lee, S.Y., "Identification of growth-associated regulatory circuit of FadR by transcriptome profiling", The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2004), Glasgow, UK, July 31-August 4 (2004).
2. Lee, S.Y., Park, J.H., Kim, B.H, and Choi, J.H., "Identification of growth-associated expression pattern of FadR-responsive genes by transcriptome profiling", 3rd Recombinant Protein Production Meeting, Tavira, Portugal, Nov 11-14 (2004).
3. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, "Construction of valine-producing strain and its transcriptome/fluxome analysis", Biochemical Engineering XIV, Bancouver, Canada (2005. 7).
4. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Sang Yup Lee, "Improvement of E. coli L-valine production strain based on transcriptome analysis", GIM 2006, Prague, Czech Republic (2006. 6).
5. Kwang Ho Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Jin Hwan Park, Sang Yup Lee "Transcriptome and fluxome analysis of a metabolically engineered E. coli L-threonine production strain", Biochemical Engineering XIV, Bancouver, Canada (2005. 7)
6. Kwang Ho Lee, Jin Hwan Park, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, "Enhanced production of L-threonine based on in silico simulation and comparative transcriptome analysis", GIM 2006, Prague, Czech Republic (2006. 6).
7. Jin Hwan Park, Yu Kyung Jung, Kwang Ho Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, " Metabolic engineering of E. coli for the production of L-valine", Metabolic Engineering VI, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (2006. 10).
8. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Sang Yup Lee, "Metabolic engineering of E. coli for L-valine production and its transcriptome analysis", IECA 2006, Jeju, Korea (2006. 11).
9. Kwang Ho Lee, Jin Hwan Park, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, "Enhanced production of L-threonine based on in silico simulation and comparative transcriptome analysis", IECA 2006, Jeju, Korea (2006. 11).
10. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Sang Yup Lee, "Metabolic engineering of E. coli for L-valine production" The 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Denver, USA (2007. 4)
11. Kwang Ho Lee, Jin Hwan Park, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, "Construction of L-threonine Producing Strain based on in silico Simulation and Comparative Transcriptome Analysis" The 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Denver, USA (2007. 4.)
12. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, " Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine based on combined transcriptome analysis and in silico gene knockout simulation ", Biochemical Engineering XV, Quebec City, Canada (2007. 7)
13. Jin Hwan Park, Kwang Ho Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Sang Yup Lee, " Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine based on transcriptome analysis and in silico gene knockout simulation ", Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'07), Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, Nov 4-7 (2007)
14. Lee, S.Y., Park, J.H., Lee, K.H., Kim. T.Y., "L-valine production by systematically engineered Escherichia coli", 12th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, March 29-April 2, 2008
15. Lee, S.Y., Lee, K.H., Park, J.H., Kim, T.Y., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for L-threonine production based on systems biology", 12th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, National University of Singapore, Singapore, March 29-April 2, 2008
16. Park, J.H., Lee, K.H., Kim. T.Y., Jang Y.S., Lee, S.Y., " Systems-level analysis and engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of L-valine" The 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, New Orleans, LA, USA (May 4-7, 2008)
17. Lee, K.H., Park, J.H., Kim. T.Y., Jang Y.S., Lee, S.Y., " Systems metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for L-threonine production" The 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, New Orleans, LA, USA (May 4-7, 2008)

Jeong Wook Lee


I. Education

II. Research Interests

III. Experiences and Academic/Research Activities

IV. Honors and Awards

V. Journal Publications

VI. Book Chapter

VII. Oral presentation

VIII. Patent

국내특허 10건 출원, 1건 등록

국외특허 5건 출원, 1건 등록

IX. Domestic Proceedings

X. International Conference

XI. Domestic Conference

외 59건

Kyoung Min Lee


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Do Kyun Na


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity

Hyung In Kim


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Jong Myoung Park 


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experience

4. Honors and Awards

5. Journal Publications

11. Park, J.M., Kim, T.Y., and Lee, S.Y. “Genome-scale reconstruction and in silico analysis of the Ralstonia eutropha H16 for polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis, lithoautotrophic growth, and 2-methyl citric acid production”, BMC Syst. Biol., In press.
10. Jang, Y-S., Park, J.M., Choi, S., Choi, Y.J., Seung, D.Y., Cho, J.H., and Lee, S.Y. “Systems metabolic engineering of microorganisms for the production of biofuels”, Biotechnol. Adv., Submitted.
9. Lee, K.Y., Park, J.M., Kim, T.Y., Yun, H., and Lee, S.Y. "The genome-scale metabolic network analysis of Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 explains physiological features and suggests ethanol and succinic acid production strategies", Microbial Cell Factories, 9(94):1-12 (2010. 11.)
8. Park, J.M., Kim, T.Y., and Lee, S.Y. “Prediction of metabolic fluxes by incorporating genomic context and flux-converging pattern analyses”, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS), 107(33): 14931-14936 (2010. 8.)
7. Park, J.M., Jang, Y-.S., Kim, T.Y., and Lee, S.Y. “Development of a gene knockout system for Ralstonia eutropha H16 based on the broad-host-range vector expressing a mobile group II intron”, FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 309(2): 193-200 (2010. 8.)
6. Sohn, S.B., Kim, T.Y., Park, J.M., and Lee, S.Y. “In silico genome-scale metabolic analysis of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis, degradation of aromatics, and anaerobic survival”, Biotechnol. J., 5(7): 739-750 (2010. 7.)
5. Park, J.M., Kim, T.Y., and Lee, S.Y., “Constraints-based genome-scale metabolic simulation for systems metabolic engineering”, Biotechnol. Adv., 27(6): 978-988 (2009. 11.)
4. Lee, S.Y., Kim, H.U., Park, J.H., Park, J.M., and Kim, T.Y. "Metabolic engineering of microorganisms: general strategies and drug production", Drug Discovery Today, 14(1/2): 78-88 (2009. 1.)
3. Song, H., Jang, S.H., Park, J.M., and Lee, S.Y., "Modeling of batch fermentation kinetics for succinic acid production by Mannheimia succiniciproducens" Biochem. Eng. J., 40(1): 107-115 (2008. 5.)
2. Yun, H., Lee, J. W., Jeong, J., Chung, J., Park, J.M., Myoung, H. N., and Lee, S. Y., "EcoProDB: the Escherichia coli protein database", Bioinformatics, 23(18): 2501-2503 (2007. 9.)
1. Kim, T.Y., Kim, H.U., Park, J.M., Kim, J.S., Song, H. & Lee, S.Y. Genome-scale analysis of Mannheimia succiniciproducens metabolism. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 97, 657-671 (2007. 7) (Accelerated publication)

6. Patents

7. Conferences

        등 총 20회

        등 총 53회

8. Books

   1 Book chapter published, 2 Book chapter submitted

Tae Yong Kim


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Activity


International Patent 1, Domestic Patent 4

Gi Wook Kim


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Tae Jung Park


1. Research Interest

·  Biomimetics Using Nanomaterials

·  BioSensors & BioChips

·  Protein Engineering

·  Electrochemical Engineering


2. Professional Experience

·  2012. 09. - present.


Assistant Professor, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea

·  2012. 07. - present.


Editorial Board Member, Graphene, Irvine, CA, USA

·  2012. 05. - present


Technical Adviser, Thinker Route, Korea

·  2011. 05. - 2012. 08.


Vice Director/Senior Researcher, Center for Nanobio Integration & Convergence Engineering, National Nanofab Center, Korea

·  2011. 11. - 2012. 01.


Scientific Advisory Board, SPL Lifesciences, Korea

·  2011. 05. - 2012. 08.


Adjunct Professor, BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST, Korea

·  2011. 04. - 2012. 03.


Scientific Advisory Board, Teltron Co. Ltd., Korea

·  2011. 01. - present.


Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Irvine, CA, USA

·  2010. 04. - present.


Scientific Advisory Board, Fumate Co. Ltd., Korea

·  2009. 12. - 2012. 03.


Scientific Advisory Board, Chungho ComNet Co. Ltd., Korea

·  2009. 04. - 2011. 05.


Research Professor, BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST, Korea

·  2009. 04. - present.


Scientific Advisory Board, Mecasys Co. Ltd., Korea

·  2009. 02. - 2011. 05.


Senior Researcher, Center for Systems & Synthetic Biotechnology, and Institute for the BioCentury, KAIST, Korea

·  2008. 10. - present.


Ordinary Member, Korean Society for Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Korea

·  2008. 08. - present.


Regular Member, Korean BioChip Society, Korea

·  2008. 07. - present.


Scientific Advisory Board, NanoMedicine Research Co. Ltd., Korea

·  2004. 07. - 2009. 03.


Senior Researcher, BioProcess Engineering Research Center, KAIST, Korea

·  2001. 11. - present.


Corporation Supervisor, ChiroBio Incorporation, Daejeon, Korea

·  2000. 06. - 2003. 05.


Researcher, R&D center, GenoFocus Incorporation, Korea

·  1999. 12. - 2000. 06.


Researcher, R&D center, Daewoong Pharmceutical Company, Korea


3. Certificate Pass

·  2000. 04.


Patent Specification and Claim Analysis, International Intellectual Property Training Institute, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Daejeon, Korea

·  2000. 04.


KIPONET Online Application Training Course, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Daejeon, Korea

·  2000. 05.


Fermentor Qualification and Fermentation Process Scale-Up, Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea

·  2001. 11.


Bio- & Chem-informatics Training Course, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea

·  2004. 12.


Teaching Training Course for Specific Education of Geniuses in Science, Gifted Children's Education Institute, Seoul, Korea

·  2007. 12.


CFC-ACE+ Basic Training Course, KyungWon Tech Co. Ltd., Seongnam, Korea


4. Awards/Honors

·  1996.-1997.


"Undergraduate Student Fellowship at Chungnam National University"

·  1998.-2000.


"University Graduate Student Fellowship at Chungnam National Universigy"

·  2004.10.15


"Best Poster Award" - Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) in nanobiotechnology", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Korea

·  2003.-2008.


"Graduate Student Fellowship at KAIST"

·  2006.06.23


"Best Research Poster Award" - Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxyalkanoate microarray for immunodiagnostics and pathogen detections using immobilization of fusion proteins", 2006 Korean BioChip Conference, Seoul, Korea

·  2008.06.13


"Best Research Award" - Tae Jung Park, Eun Zoo Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Fully integrated microfluidic applications for the biosensors", 2008 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Korea

·  2009.06.


"Best Patent Award/Honor" - Sang Yup Lee, and Tae Jung Park. "Method for preparing metal nanoparticle using metal binding protein", Korea Intellectual Property Service Center (KIPS) 2009 Patent Valuation

·  2009.06.05


"Best Research Award" - Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Analysis of antibody-antigen interaction using LSPR-based optical biosensor", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Korea

·  2010.08.20


"Best Poster Award" - Min Ho Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Electrical characterization of the exfoliated graphene/nafion hybrid as a biosensing platform", The 10th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano), Goyang, Korea

·  2010.08.


"High Impact Journal Paper of People Glorifying Korea", Biological Research Information Center (BRIC) - Tae Jung Park and Sang Yup Lee

·  2010.10.18


"Research Highlight" for Nanotechnology in NPG Asia Materials - "Biofactories for nanoparticles" (Tae Jung Park and Sang Yup Lee)

·  2011.04.16


"Best Research Award" - Tae Jung Park. "Site-specific immobilization of organophosphrous hydrolase on graphene-based nanohybrids for electrochemical detection of paraoxon", 2011 Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Jeju, Korea

·  2011.10.26


"Best Poster Award" - Byeong Il Kim, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jae Lee, Gle Park, Tae Jung Park, and Seok Jae Lee. "Microfluidic device for the synthesis of bioactive core-shell microcapsules", IEEE NMDC 2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, Jeju, Korea

·  2012.04.


"High Impact Journal Paper of People Glorifying Korea", Biological Research Information Center (BRIC) - Jae Hwan Jung, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Tae Seok Seo

·  2012.05.10


"Best Scientist Award from Daejeon Metropolitan City - Tae Jung Park [YTN TV] [YTN Science24] [] [Chungcheong TV] [Money Today] [News1] [NEWSIS] [DTNEWS24] [NEWS ZUM] [BZeroNews] [CND News] [CCDN] [CC Today] [Daejeon Ilbo] [DJ Post] [Jeju Ilbo] [Shina Ilbo] [Sejong nTV] [Sisamaeil]

·  2012.07.


"High Impact Journal Paper of People Glorifying Korea", Biological Research Information Center (BRIC) - Kyoung G. Lee, Seok Jae Lee and Tae Jung Park


5. Research Activity (as of July 2012)

1. Jie-Wan Kim, Tae Jung Park, Dewey E. Y. Ryu, and Jeong-Yoon Kim, "High cell density culture of recombinant Yarrowia lipolytica using a one-step feeding", Biotechnol. Prog., 16(4):657-660 (2000) [Abstract]

2. Jong Pil Park+, Seok Jae Lee+, Tae Jung Park+, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Min-Gon Kim, Bong Hyun Chung, and Sang Yup Lee, "Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and SPR analysis", Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 9(2):137-142 (2004) +Equally contributed. [Abstract]

3. Mee-Jung Han, Si Jae Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee, "Roles and applications of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli", Biotechnol. Bioeng., 88(4):426-436 (2004) ("Cover Article") [Abstract]

4. Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Zee-Won Lee, Soo-Keun Choi, Heung-Chae Jung, Jae-Gu Pan, Sang Yup Lee, and Insung S. Choi. "Micropatterns of spores displaying heterologous proteins", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(34):10512-10513 (2004) [Abstract] [] [KVN] [DIGITALTIMES] [Food Today]

5. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Seongnam Lee, and Jung-Ki Park. "Selective immobilization of fusion proteins on polyhydroxyalkanoate microbeads", Anal. Chem., 77(17):5755-5759 (2005) [Abstract]

6. Jong Pil Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Min-Gon Kim, Bong Hyun Chung, Zee-Won Lee, Insung S. Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Micropatterning proteins on polyhydroxyalkanoate substrates by using the substrate binding domain as a fusion partner", Biotechnol. Bioeng., 92(2):160-165 (2005) [Abstract]

7. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Hyo Jeong Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxyalkanoate chip for the specific immobilization of recombinant proteins and its applications in immunodiagnostics", Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng., 11(2):173-177 (2006) [Abstract]

8. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Gwi-Moon Seo, Young Gyu Chai, and Sang Yup Lee. "Rapid and accurate detection of Bacillus anthracis spores using peptide-quantum dot conjugates", J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 16(11):1713-1719 (2006)

9. Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Kwang Suk Yang, Kyung-Bok Lee, Sungho Ko, Jong Bae Park, Taekeun Kim, Seong Kyu Kim, Yong Bum Shin, Bong Hyun Chung, Su-Jin Ku, Do Hyun Kim, and Insung S. Choi. "Protein nanopatterns and biosensors using gold binding polypeptide as a fusion partner", Anal. Chem., 78(20):7197-7205 (2006) [Abstract]

10. Yun Suk Huh, Jong Hyun Choi, Tae Jung Park, Yeon Ki Hong, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Microfluidic cell disruption system employing a magnetically actuated diaphragm", Electrophoresis, 28(24):4748-4757 (2007) [Abstract]

11. Eun Zoo Lee, Yun Suk Huh, Hyo Jin Won, Yeon Ki Hong, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Removal of bovine serum albumin using solid-phase extraction with in-situ polymerized stationary phase in a microfluidic device", J. Chromatogr. A, 1187(1-2):11-17 (2008) [Abstract]

12. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Eun Zoo Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Shun Zheng, Kwang Seok Yang, Sang Yup Lee, Won Hi Hong, Do Hyun Kim and Sungho Ko. "An active mixing microfluidic system for the colorimetric analysis of intracellular enzymes", BioChip J., 2(1):33-38 (2008) [Abstract]

13. Yun Suk Huh+, Tae Jung Park+, Eun Zoo Lee, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of a fully integrated microfluidic system for sensing infectious viral disease", Electrophoresis, 29(14):2960-2969 (2008) +Equally contributed. [Abstract]

14. Yun Suk Huh, Tae Jung Park, Kwang Suk Yang, Eun Zoo Lee, Yeon Ki Hong, Sang Yup Lee, Do Hyun Kim, and Won Hi Hong. "Advanced cleanup process of the free-flow microfluidic device for protein analysis", Ultramicroscopy, 108(10):1365-1370 (2008) [Abstract]

15. Bong Gil Choi, HoSeok Park, Tae Jung Park, Dong Hyun Kim, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Development of the electrochemical biosensor for organophosphate chemicals using CNT/ionic liquid bucky gel electrode", Electrochem. Commun., 11(3):672-675 (2009) [Abstract]

16. Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, Ki Chang Keum, and Sang Yup Lee. "Microarray of DNA-protein complexes on poly-3-hydroxybutyrate surface for pathogen detection", Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 393(6-7):1639-1647 (2009) [Abstract]

17. Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, Yeon Jae Kang, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of whole cell biosensor by cell surface display of gold binding polypeptide on the gold surface", FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 293(1):141-147 (2009) [Abstract]

18. Sungho Ko, Tae Jung Park, Hyo-Sop Kim, Jae-Ho Kim, and Yong-Jin Cho. "Directed self-assembly of gold binding polypeptide-protein A fusion proteins for development of gold nanoparticle-based SPR immunosensors", Biosens. Bioelectron., 24(8):2592-2597 (2009) [Abstract]

19. Tae Jung Park, Soo-Keun Choi, Heung-Chae Jung, Sang Yup Lee, and Jae-Gu Pan. "Spore display using Bacillus thuringiensis exosporium protein InhA", J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 19(5):495-501 (2009) [Abstract]

20. Sungho Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "A biomolecular detection method based on charge pumping in a nanogap embedded field-effect-transistor biosensor", Appl. Phys. Lett., 94(24):243903 (2009) [Abstract]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 19, Issue 26, p.109 [Link]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 18, Issue 1, p.198 [Link]

21. Tae Jung Park, Moon Seop Hyun, Hye Jin Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Sungho Ko. "A self-assembled fusion protein-based surface plasmon resonance biosensor for rapid diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome", Talanta, 79(2):295-301 (2009) [Abstract]

22. Kwang Suk Yang, Phylip Clementz, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Do Hyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Free-flow isoelectric focusing microfluidic device with glass coating by sol-gel methods", Curr. Appl. Phys., 9(2):e66-e70 (2009) [Abstract]

23. Bonsang Gu, Tae Jung Park, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Xing-Jiu Huang, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Nanogap field-effect transistor biosensor for electrical detection of avian influenza", Small, 5(21):2407-2412 (2009) [Abstract]

24. Kwang-Won Lee, Sung-Jin Choi, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Dong-Il Moon, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "An underlap field-effect transistor for electrical detection of influenza", Appl. Phys. Lett., 96(3):033703 (2010) [Abstract]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 19, Issue 3, p.156 [Link]

25. Yun Suk Huh, Chang-Moon Jeong, Ho Nam Chang, Sang Yup Lee, Won Hi Hong, and Tae Jung Park*. "Rapid separation of bacteriorhodopsin using a laminar-flow extraction system in a microfluidic device", Biomicrofluidics, 4:014103 (2010) [Abstract]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 19, Issue 3, p.157 [Link]

26. Sungho Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Charge pumping technique to analyze the effect of intrinsically retained charges and extrinsically trapped charges in biomolecules by use of a nanogap embedded biotransistor", Appl. Phys. Lett., 96(5):053702 (2010) [Abstract]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 21, Issue 7, p.98 [Link]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 19, Issue 4, p.99 [Link]

27. So Young Yoo+, Do-Kyun Kim+, Tae Jung Park+, Eung Kweon Kim, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang Yup Lee. "Detection of most common corneal dystrophies caused by BIGH3 gene point mutations using multi-spot gold-capped nanoparticle array chip", Anal. Chem., 82(4):1349-1357 (2010) +Equally contributed. [Abstract]

28. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gill Choi, HoSeok Park, Won Hi Hong, Sang Yup Lee, and Tae Jung Park*. "Development of the glucose biosensor using advanced electrode modified by nanohybrid composing chemically modified graphene and ionic liquid", Electroanal., 22(11):1223-1228 (2010) [Abstract]

29. Bong Gill Choi, HoSeok Park, Tae Jung Park, Min Ho Yang, Joon Sung Kim, Sung-Yeon Jang, Nam Su Heo, Sang Yup Lee, Jing Kong, and Won Hi Hong. "Solution chemistry of self-assembled graphene nanohybrids for high performance flexible biosensors", ACS Nano, 4(5):2910-2918 (2010) [Abstract]

30. Sungho Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Comprehensive study of a detection mechanism & optimization strategies to improve sensitivity in a nanogap-embedded biotransistor", J. Appl. Phys. 107(11):114705 (2010) [Abstract]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 19, Issue 12, p.188 [Link]

31. Shun Zheng, Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park*, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free optical diagnosis of hepatitis B virus with genetically engineered fusion proteins", Talanta, 82(2):803-809 (2010) [Abstract]

32. Kyoung G. Lee, Rinbok Wi, Muhammad Imran, Tae Jung Park*, Jaebeom Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Do Hyun Kim. "Functionalization effects of single-walled carbon nanotubes as templates for the synthesis of silica nanorods and study of growing mechanism of silica", ACS Nano, 4(7):3933-3942 (2010) [Abstract]

33. Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Sung-Jin Choi, Jin-Woo Han, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Double-gate nanowire field effect transistor for a biosensor", Nano Lett., 10(8):2934-2938 (2010) [Abstract]

34. HoSeok Park, Tae Jung Park*, Yun Suk Huh, Bong Gil Choi, Sungho Ko, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Immobilization of genetically-engineered fusion proteins on gold-decorated carbon nanotube hybrid films for the fabrication of biosensor platforms", J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 350(2):453-458 (2010) [Abstract]

35. Kyoung G. Lee, Rinbok Wi, Tae Jung Park, Sun Hong Yoon, Jae Beom Lee, Seok Jae Lee, and Do Hyun Kim. "Synthesis and characterization of gold-deposited red, green and blue fluorescent silica nanoparticles for biosensor application", Chem. Commun., 46(34):6374-6376 (2010) [Abstract]

36. Sungho Kim, Jee-Yeon Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "A charge pumping technique to identify biomolecular charge polarity using a nanogap embedded bio-transistor", Appl. Phys. Lett., 97(7):073702 (2010) [Abstract]
- Specially selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 22, Issue 9, p.76 [Link]

37. Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Nam Su Heo, and Tae Seok Seo. "In vivo synthesis of diverse metal nanoparticles by recombinant Escherichia coli", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49(39):7019-7024 (2010) [Abstract]
- Specially selected for "Hot Paper" by Editor
- Specially selected for "Highlight" [Nature Asia Materials]
- Specially selected for "Spotlight" [Nanowerk] - "Bacteria as environmentally friendly nanoparticle factories"
[NRF_1] [NRF_2] [] [] [Newsis] [] [etimes] [Financial News] [Geumgang-ilbo] [Daum] [MSN] [Paran] [Unitel]

38. Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Song Young Soo, Kye Won Wang, Byeong IL Kim, Jae Hong Park, Chang-Soo Lee, Do Hyun Kim, and Seok Jae Lee. "Synthesis and utilization of E. coli-encapsulated PEG-based microdroplet using a microfluidic chip for biological application", Biotechnol. Bioeng., 107(4):747-751 (2010) [Abstract]

39. Kyung Min Choi, Seok Jae Lee, Jung Hun Choi, Tae Jung Park, Jong Wan Park, Weon Ho Shin, and Jeung Ku Kang. "Facile fabrication of networked patterns and their superior application to realize the virus immobilized networked pattern circuit", Chem. Commun., 46(45):8609-8611 (2010) [Abstract]

40. Bong Gill Choi, HoSeok Park, Min Ho Yang, Young Mee Jung, Jung Youn Park, Sang Yup Lee, Won Hi Hong, and Tae Jung Park*. "Microwave-assisted synthesis of highly water-soluble graphene towards electrical DNA sensor", Nanoscale, 12(2):2692-2697 (2010) [Abstract]

41. Maesoon Im, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Jin-Woo Han, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Development of a point-of-care testing platform with a nanogap-embedded separated double-gate field effect transistor array and its readout system for detection of avian influenza", IEEE Sens. J., 11(2):351-360 (2011) [Abstract]

42. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Min Ho Yang, Jong Hyun Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Characterization of a bacterial self-assembly surface layer protein and its application as an electrical nanobiosensor", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(1):402-407 (2011) [Abstract]

43. Tae Jung Park, Seung-Kon Lee, Seung Min Yoo, Seung-Man Yang, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of reflective biosensor using fabrication of functionalized photonic nanocrystals", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(1):632-637 (2011) [Abstract]

44. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Quantitative studies of carbohydrate-protein interaction using functionalized bacterial spores in solution and on chips", Biotechnol. Bioproc. Eng., 16(1):190-195 (2011) [Abstract]

45. MinHo Yang, Bong Gill Choi, HoSeok Park, Tae Jung Park*, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Directed self-assembly of gold nanoparticles on graphene-ionic liquid hybrid for enhancing electrocatalytic activity", Electroanalysis, 23(4):850-857 (2011) [Abstract]

46. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free detection of leptin antibody-antigen interaction by using LSPR-based optical biosensor", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(5):4188-4193 (2011) [Abstract]

47. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Dae-Hwan Jung, Young Koan Ko, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Alignment of SWNTs by protein-ligand interaction of functionalized magnetic particles under low magnetic fields", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(5):4540-4545 (2011) [Abstract]

48. Fei Liu, Ki Seok Choi, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Tae Seok Seo. "Graphene-based electochemical biosensor for pathogenic virus detection", BioChip J., 5(2):123-128 (2011) [Abstract]

49. MinHo Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Tae Jung Park*, Nam Su Heo, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Site-specific immobilization of gold binding polypeptide on gold nanoparticle-coated graphene sheet for biosensor application", Nanoscale, 3(7):2950-2956 (2011) [Abstract]

50. Seong Cheol Hong, Hongxia Chen, Jaewook Lee, Hye-Kyung Park, Young Sik Kim, Hyun-Chul Shin, Cheol-Min Kim, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Kwangnak Koh, Hwa-Jung Kim, Chulhun L. Chang, and Jaebeom Lee. "Ultrasensitive immunosensing of tuberculosis CFP-10 based on SPR spectroscopy", Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 156(1):271-275 (2011) [Abstract]

51. Bong Gill Choi, MinHo Yang, Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Sang Yup Lee, Won Hi Hong, and HoSeok Park. "Programmable peptide-directed two dimentional arrays of various nanoparticles on graphene sheets", Nanoscale, 3(8):3208-3213 (2011) [Abstract]

52. Do-Kyun Kim, Seung Min Yoo, Tae Jung Park*, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Eiichi Tamiya, Jung Youn Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Plasmonic properties of multispot copper-capped nanoparticle array chip and its application to optical biosensor for pathogen detection of multiplex DNAs", Anal. Chem., 83(16):6215-6222 (2011) [Abstract]

53. Gle Park, Kyung G. Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Rinbok Wi, and Do Hyun Kim. "Synthesis of graphene-gold nanocomposites via sonochemical reduction", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(7):6095-6101 (2011) [Abstract]

54. Gle Park, Kyung G. Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Ringbok Wi, Kye Won Wang, and Do Hyun Kim. "Ultrasound-aided formation of gold nanoparticles on multi-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with mercaptobenzene moieties", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(7):6227-6232 (2011) [Abstract]

55. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jae-Gu Pan, Heung-Chae Jung, Jung Youn Park, Jong Pil Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "DNA capturing machinery through spore-displayed proteins", Lett. Appl. Microbiol., 53(4):445-451 (2011) [Abstract]

56. Sunray Lee, Jihoon Kim, Tae Jung Park, Youngmin Shin, Sang Yup Lee, Yong-Mahn Han, Seongman Kang, and Hyun-Sook Park. "The effects of the physical properties of culture substrates on the growth and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells", Biomaterials, 32(34):8816-8829 (2011) [Abstract]

57. Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Sung-Jin Choi, Jin-Woo Han, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Investigation of size dependence on sensitivity for nanowire FET biosensors", IEEE Transact. Nanotechnol., 10(6):1405-1411 (2011) [Abstract]

58. Kye Won Wang, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Young Chul Lee, Ji Won Yang, Do Hyun Kim, and Seok Jae Lee. "Organoclay-assisted interfacial polymerization for microfluidic production of monodisperse peg-microdroplets and in situ encapsulation of E. coli", Biotechnol. Bioeng., 109(1):289-294 (2012) [Abstract]

59. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Do-Kyun Kim, Nam Su Heo, Jung Youn Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of label-free optical diagnosis for sensitive detection of influenza virus with genetically engineered fusion protein", Talanta, 89:246-252 (2012) [Abstract]

60. Jee-Yeon Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Dong-Il Moon, Sungho Kim, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "A dual-gate field-effect transistor for label-free electrical detection of avian influenza", BioNanoScience, 2(1):35-41 (2012) [Abstract]

61. Jee-Yeon Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Sung-Jin Choi, Maesoon Im, Sungho Kim, Chang-Hoon Kim, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "An underlap channel-embedded field-effect transistor for biosensor application in watery and dry environment", IEEE Transact. Nanotechnol., 11(2):390-394 (2012) [Abstract]

62. Hongjian Zhoua, Jaewook Lee, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jung Youn Park, and Jaebeom Lee. "Ultrasensitive DNA monitoring by Au-Fe3O4 nanocomplex", Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem., 163(1):224-232 (2012) [Abstract]

63. Myeong-Lok Seol, Sung-Jin Choi, David J. Baek, Tae Jung Park, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Nanoforest for practical surface-enhanced raman scattering (SERS) substrate", Nanotechnol., 23(9):095301 (2012) [Abstract]

64. Kwang Suk Yang, Ji Sun Yun, Jin Chul Kim, Jungsun Min, Tae Jung Park, Jeong Keun Ahn, and Do Hyun Kim. "Polydiacetylene single-walled carbon nanotubes nano-hybrid for cellular imaging applications", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 12(1):377-385 (2012) [Abstract]

65. Moon-Keun Lee, Seok Jin Cho, Youngdeok Jo, Haiwon Lee and Tae Jung Park. "Hierarchical gold micro-nanostructures based on three-dimensional networks of carbon nanotubes fabricated by using electrochemical deposition", J. Kor. Phys. Soc., 60(7):1135-1139 (2012)

66. Jae Hwan Jung+, Tae Jung Park+, Sang Yup Lee and Tae Seok Seo. "Homogeneous biogenic paramagnetic nanoparticle synthesis based on a microfluidic droplet generator", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51(23):5634-5637 (2012) +Equally contributed. [Abstract] ("Cover Article")
- Specially selected for "Hot Topic" by Wiley

67. Gle Park, Leian Bartolome, Kyoung G. Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Do Hyun Kim and Tae Jung Park*. "One-step sonochemical synthesis of graphene oxide-manganese oxide nanocomposite for catalytic glycolysis of poly(ethylene terephthalate)", Nanoscale, 4(13):3879-3885 (2012) [Abstract] ("Cover Article")

68. Nam Su Heo, Shun Zheng, MinHo Yang, Seok Jae Lee, Sang Yup Lee, Hwa-Jung Kim, Chang-Soo Lee, and Tae Jung Park*. "Label-free electrochemical diagnosis of viral antigens with genetically engineered fusion protein", Sensors, 12(8):10097-10108 (2012) [Abstract]

69. Byoung Il Kim, Soon Woo Jeong, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Jung Youn Park, Jae Jun Song, Seok Jae Lee, and Chang-Soo Lee. "Synthesis of bioactive microcapsules using microfluidic device", Sensors, 12(8):10136-10147 (2012) [Abstract]

70. Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jae Lee, Soon Woo Jeong, Ho Woon Choi, Nam Su Heo, Jung Youn Park, Tae Jung Park*, and Seok Jae Lee*. "Development of plastic-based microfluidic immunosensor chip for detection of H1N1 influenza", Sensors, 12(8):10810-10819 (2012) [Abstract]

71. Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Jee-Yeon Kim, Kyungyong Choi, Dong-Il Kim, Chang-Hoon Kim, Myeong-Lok Seol, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Nanowire FET biosensors on a bulk silicon substrate", IEEE Transact. Electron. Dev., in press (2012)

72. Kyoung G. Lee, Jongin Hong, Kye Won Wang, Nam Su Heo, Do Hyun Kim, Sang Yup Lee, Seok Jae Lee, and Tae Jung Park*. "In vitro biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles in microdroplets", ACS Nano, in press (2012) [etnews]

73. Byoung-Hwa Kwon, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Hyunki Kim, Tae Jae Lee, Seok Jae Lee, and Duk Young Jeon. "Continuous in situ synthesis of ZnSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots in a microfluidic reaction system and its application for light-emitting diodes", Small, in press (2012)

74. Jee-Yeon Kim, Kyungyong Choi, Dong-Il Moon, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "Surface engineering for enhancement of sensitivity in an underlap-FET biosensor by control of wettability", Biosens. Bioelectron., in press (2012)

75. Chang-Hoon Kim, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Jee-Yeon Kim, Ji-Min Choi, Tae Jung Park, Nam Su Heo, Hee Gu Lee, Jong-Wan Kim, and Yang-Kyu Choi. "CRP detection from serum for chip-based point-of-care testing system", Biosens. Bioelectron., in press (2012)

1. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "A research and application of polyhydroxyalkanoates in biosensor chip", Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng., Special issue for 'Biochip and Biosensor', 22(6):371-377 (2007)

2. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Fabrication of label-free biochips based on localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and its application to biosensors", Korean Soc. Biotechnol. Bioeng. J., 24(1):1-8 (2009)

3. Tae Jung Park, Min Ho Yang, Sang Yup Lee, and Soo Hyun Kim. "Biosensor system for the detection of agrichemicals and its applications", Korean Soc. Biotechnol. Bioeng. J., 24(3):227-238 (2009)

4. Tae Jung Park, and Seok Jae Lee. "Development of biochip by bioengineering technology ", Special Issue, Korean Biochip Soc. News Lett., 6(2):6-8 (2011)

1. Sang Yup Lee, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, and Tae Jung Park. "Novel platform technologies for protein chip development", Proceeding of 1st Annual Symposium of the Korea Society of Microsystem on life Science and Chemistry & 1st Korea-Japan Symposium on Microsystem for Life Science and Chemistry, 67-68 (2003)

2. Jae Shin Lee, Do Hyun Kim, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Dae-Hwan Jung, Hee-Tae Jung, Jin Hee Kim, and Seong Ku Kwon. "Electrical detection of kinase assay using multi walled-carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanoelectrode", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2004, 2:124-126 (2004)

3. Kwansuk Yang, Philippe Clementz, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Do Hyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Microfluidic device for protein concentration and separation using IEF", The 17th Daejeon/Chungnam-Kyushu Symposium on Chemical Engineering, 343-344 (2004)

4. Tae Jung Park, Yeon Jae Kang, Su-Jin Ku, and Sang Yup Lee. "Immobilization of cells displaying recombinant protein onto the gold surface for whole cell biosensor", The Korean Sensors Society, 17(1):130-133 (2006)

5. Seung-Kon Lee, Tae Jung Park, Soyoung Kim, Gi-Ra Yi, Sang Yup Lee, and Seung-Man Yang. "Photonic crystal based centrifugal microfluidic biosensors", Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, 6352:635207-1-635207-9 (2006)

6. Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxybutyrate microarray using immobilization of fusion proteins for immunodiagnostics and pathogen detections", Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'07), I0126 (2007)

7. Tae Jung Park, Byung-Seon Kong, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electrochemical biosensor in highly conductive carbon nanotube and gold nanocomplexes", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, 1:195-197 (2009)

8. Byeong Il Kim, Eun Kyung Yang, Jae Hong Park, Kyung Min Kim, Hee Yeoun Kim, Chi Won Ahn, Seok Jae Lee, Kyung Sik Kim, Tae Jung Park, Moon Il Kim, Hyun Gyu Park, and Chang-Soo Lee. "Microfluidic hybrid method for droplet based cross-linking of enzyme aggregates (CLEA) microencapsulation using peg and its application", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, 1:764-766 (2009)

9. Tae Jung Park, Hee Yeoun Kim, Jaebeom Lee, Byeong Il Kim, Jae Hong Park, Kyung Min Kim, Eun Kyung Yang, Chi Won Ahn, Sang Yup Lee, and Seok Jae Lee. "Imprinted microfluidic device for bioinspired detection of avian influenza virus using nanowires and gold nanohybrids", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, 1:866-868 (2009)

10. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free optical biosensors based on LSPR properties by using gold-capped nanostructure materials", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, 1:989-991 (2009)

11. Tae Jung Park, MinHo Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Nam Su Heo, Seok Jae Lee, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electrochemical biosensor based on graphene/ionic liquid nanocomposite for the detection of organophosphate pesticides", Materials Research Society, 2010 Fall Meeting, (2010)

1. Tae Jung Park. "Research project introduction", Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering CHEMBIO NEWS, 2007 fall, 22-23 (2007)

2. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Patterning and Biosensor - in vitro synthetic biotechnology", See-KAIST 2007, Oct 30 - Nov 1 (2007)


·  33 Applications of International Patent

·  35 Applications of Domestic Patent


·  Publicated Patents

1. Kwon, S.J., Choi, S.K., Jung, H.C., Pan, J.G., Chang, J.S., Park, T.J. "Stabilized biocatalysts and methods of bioconversion using the same", PCT patent publication. PCT/KR02/00617 (2002.04.09), WO03/102203 (2003.12.11)

2. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.J. "Method for whole surrounding surface display of target proteins using exosporium of Bacillus cereus group", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2003-0064998 (2003.09.19), Registered KR 0518953 (2005.09.27)

3. Lee, S.Y., Jeong, H.T., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Jeong, D.H. "Method for wrapping carbon nanotubes with carbohydrates", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2003-0036532 (2003.06.05), Registered KR 0549105 (2006.01.26)

4. Lee, S.Y., Jung, H.T., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Choi, J.H. "Method for producing a carbon nanotubes wrapped with self-assembly materials", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2003-0084888 (2003.11.27), Registered KR 10-0557338 (2006.02.24)

5. Lee, S.Y., Jeong, H.T., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Jeong, D.H. "Method for carbon nanotubes array using magnetic material" Korean patent appl. KR 10-2004-0032278 (2004.05.07), Registered KR 10-0680132 (2007.02.01)

6. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., "Method for whole surrounding surface display of target proteins using bacterial exosporium", PCT patent publication. (2003.09.19) PCT/KR03/02882 (2003.12.30), WO05/028654 (2005. 03.31)

7. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Lee, S.J., Kang, Y.J., Park, J.P., Choi, J.H., Lee, J.H., Yu, K-.S., Lim, I-.S. "Bio-metal chip using metal binding protein and method for fabricating the same", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2005-0104830 (2005.11.03), Registered KR 10-0718207 (2007.05.08), Licensed Out

8. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Heo, N.S. "Method for cell surface displaying of target proteins using Bacillus anthracis exosporium", PCT patent publication. PCT/KR06/05886 (2006.12.29), WO07/078127 (2007.07.12)

9. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J. "Method for preparing metal nanoparticle using metal binding protein", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2006-0045455 (2006.05.22), Registered KR 10-0755746 (2007.08.30)

10. Lee, S.Y., Jung, H.T., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Choi, J.H. "Method for preparing a water-soluble carbon nanotube wrapped with self-assembly materials", Chinese patent appl. CN 1356260 A (2004.08.19), Registered ZL 200410064123.8 (2007.04.18)

11. Kwon, S.J., Choi, S.K., Jung, H.C., Pan, J.G., Chang, J.S., Park, T.J. "Stabilized biocatalysts and methods of bioconversion using the same", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2004-7016115 (2004.10.08), Registered KR 10-0758209 (2007.09.12)

12. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J. "Method for preparing metal nanoparticle using metal binding protein", PCT patent publication. WO 2007/136174 (2007.11.29)

13. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Heo, N.S. "Method for cell surface displaying of target proteins using Bacillus anthracis exosporium", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2006-0000187 (2006.01.02), Registered KR 10-0784261 (2007.12.04)

14. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., "Peptides specifically binding to Bacillus anthracis spore and method for detecting or separating using thereof", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2007-0077190 (2007.07.31), Registered KR 10-0898624 (2009.05.13)

15. Hong, W.H., Lee, S.Y., Kim, D.H., Hong, Y.K., Huh, Y.S., Park, T.J., Yang, K.S., Lee, E.Z., "A micro-mixing device of samples and a lab-on-a-chip comprising said device", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2007-0062941 (2007.06.26), Registered KR 10-0901467 (2009.06.01)

16. Hong, W.H., Lee, S.Y., Kim, D.H., Hong, Y.K., Huh, Y.S., Park, T.J., Yang, K.S., Lee, E.Z., "A microelectro-desalting device of protein sample, a lab-on-a-chip comprising said device and an application method thereof", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2007-0062935 (2007.06.26), Registered KR 10-0924514 (2009.10.26)

17. Lee, S.Y., Jung, H.T., Lee, S.J., Park, J.P., Park, T.J., Choi, J.H. "Method for producing a carbon nanotubes wrapped with self-assembly materials", Japanese patent appl. JP 2004-226211 (2004.08.02), Registered JP 4024785 (2010.03.15)

18. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Zheng, S., "Recombinant vector containing ptsL promoter and method for producing exogeneous protein using the same", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2007-0082686 (2007.08.17), Registered KR 10-0963302 (2010.06.04)

19. Ko, S., Park, T.J., Cho, Y.J., "Recombinant fusion protein, Biosensor using the same, and Immuno-detecting method for target material with the same", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2007-0124593 (2007.12.03), Registered KR 10-0965480 (2010.06.15)

20. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Choi, Y.-K., Gu, B., Ahn, J.-H., "Bio-silica chip using silica binding protein and method for fabricating the same", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2008-0026803 (2008.03.24), Registered KR 10-0979282 (2010.08.25)

21. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Kim, D.-K., "Metal-capped porous anodic aluminum biochip and method for preparing thereof", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2009-0059184 (2009.06.30), Registered KR 10-1029115 (2011.04.06)

22. Lee, S.Y., Yoo, S.Y., Kim, D.-K., Park, T.J., Yoon, J.K., Lee, J., "Multi-spot metal-capped nanostructure array nucleic acid chip for diagnosis of corneal dystrophy and preparing method thereof", Korean patent appl. KR 10-2009-0076300 (2009.08.18), Registered KR 10-1039282 (2011.05.02)

23. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Park, J.P., Lee, S.J., "Method for whole surrounding surface display of target proteins using exosporium of Bacillus cereus group", US patent appl. US 10/572224 (2007.04.18) Registered US 8030064 B2 (2011.10.04)

24. Lee, S.Y., Kim, D.-K., Park, T.J., Yoo, S.M., "Copper-capped nanoparticle array biochip based on LSPR optical properties and use thereof", KR patent appl. KR 10-2009-0099702 (2009.10.20) Registered KR 10-1093203 (2011.12.06)

25. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., "Method for preparing metal nanoparticle using metal binding protein", India patent appl. 6384/DHENP/2008 (2007.04.17) Registered IN 249926 (2011.11.23)

26. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Lee, H.J., Lee, S.J., "Biochip with metal-protein grating pattern and method for preparing thereof", KR patent appl. KR 10-2008-0066987 (2008.07.10) Registered KR 10-1102454 (2011.12.28)

27. Lee, S.Y., Park, T.J., Heo, N.S., "Organophosphorus hydrolase variants and method for preparing the same", KR patent appl. KR 10-2009-0047553 (2009.05.29) Registered KR 10-1103022 (2011.12.29), Licensed Out

1. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Selective immobilization and diagnosis protein chips on PHB-based microarray using extracellular depolymerase substrate binding domain for site-directed capturing ligand to detect protein-protein and antigen-antibody interaction", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Korea, Oct 22-24 (2003)

2. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of biosensor using nanobiotechnology", 6th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Hoengseong, Korea, Aug 19 (2004)

3. Tae Jung Park, Jong Hyun Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of biosensor using nanobiotechnology: Novel platform technologies for protein chip development", 8th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Cheonan, Korea, Aug 22-23 (2005)

4. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of biosensor using nanobiotechnology: Novel platform technologies for protein chip development", 9th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Seoul, Korea, Jan 16 (2006)

5. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of biosensor using nanobiotechnology: Novel platform technologies for patho-diagnosis", 10th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Chungju, Korea, Aug 18-19 (2006)

6. Tae Jung Park, Yeon Jae Kang, Su-Jin Ku, and Sang Yup Lee. "Immobilization of cells displaying recombinant protein onto the gold surface for whole cell biosensor", Korea Sensors Conference 2006, Seoul, Korea, Nov 10-11 (2006)

7. Tae Jung Park, Jong Hyun Choi, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Method for preparing a water-soluble carbon nanotube wrapped with self-assembly materials", 2006 Patent Circulation Festival, Seoul, Korea, Nov 21-23 (2006)

8. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of biosensor using nanobiotechnology: Protein nanopatterns and biosensors using gold binding polypeptide", 11th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Seoul, Korea, Jan 29 (2007)

9. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel platform technologies for nanobiosensor", 1st workshop of Fusion Pioneer project, Daejeon, Korea, Jan 30 (2007)

10. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Platform technologies for nanobiosensor", 1st workshop of IT Fusion Sensor project, Muju, Korea, Apr 13 (2007)

11. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "High-throughput detection against Anthrax using peptide conjugated magnetic beads", A joint symposium of 6th US-Korea workshop on nanostructured materials & 4th US-Korea workshop on nanoelectronics, Seoul, Korea, Jun 4-5 (2007)

12. Tae Jung Park. "Polyhydroxyalkanoate-based biosensors: applications to immunodiagnostics and pathogen detections", Invited seminar at Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), Daejeon, Korea, Jun 21 (2007)

13. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of biosensor using nanobiotechnology: Development of active micro-mixer and fully integrated microfluidic system for the detection of infectios viral disease", 12th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Seoul, Korea, Aug 20 (2007)

14. Tae Jung Park. " DNA chip and its applications" Special invited lecture at Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 8 (2007)

15. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel platform technologies for biosensor", 13th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Seoul, Korea, Jan 31 (2008)

16. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-fabrications and biosensors based on protein engineering", Invited lecture at Catholic University, Bucheon, Korea, Oct 28 (2008)

17. Tae Jung Park. "Bio-nano/micro platform technology for biosensors", Invited seminar of IT Fusion Sensor project, Daejeon, Korea, Dec 17 (2008)

18. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel platform technologies for biosensor", 15th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Seoul, Korea, Jan 16 (2009)

19. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies and biosensors based on protein engineering", Invited seminar at National Nanofab Center (NNFC), Daejeon, Korea, Jul 16 (2009)

20. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of portable biochemical sensor for the detection of residual agrichemicals", IT-fusion technology workshop of ITSA, Daejeon, Korea, Sep 8 (2009)

21. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies and biosensors", Invited seminar at Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, Sep 17 (2009)

22. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Diagnosis enabled by nanobiotechnology", 1st Joint Workshop of KAIST Nano-Bio WCU, Songli Mountain, Korea, Sep 24 (2009)

23. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of the advanced electrochemical biosensor for organophosphate chemicals using carbon materials", 16th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Seoul, Korea, Sep 25 (2009)

24. Tae Jung Park. "Fabrication of the carbon-based materials using nanobio-platform technologies and bioengineering", Invited seminar at National Nanofab Center (NNFC), Daejeon, Korea, Oct 22 (2009)

25. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies based on protein engineering", Invited seminar at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, Oct 29 (2009)

26. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies and biosensors based on protein engineering", Invited seminar at Kyoungwon University, Seongnam, Korea, Nov 23 (2009)

27. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies and biosensors based on protein engineering", Invited seminar at Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Jan 19 (2010)

28. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel platform technologies for biosensor", 17th workshop of Center for Ultramicrochemical Process Systems, Jeju, Korea, Jan 29 (2010)

29. Tae Jung Park. "Agrichemical detection sensor system", Workshop for Promising Business Models using IT-based Convergence Technology from the Ministry of Knowledge Economy through ETRI, Seoul, Korea, Feb 11 (2010)

30. Tae Jung Park. "Electrical biosensor using field-effect transistor, functional electrode with nanocomposite and metal-patterned electrode", Invited seminar at National Nanofab Center (NNFC), Daejeon, Korea, April 27 (2010)

31. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies and biosensors based on protein engineering", Invited seminar at Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Daejeon, Korea, Jun 11 (2010)

32. Tae Jung Park. "Label-free diagnosis of infectious viral diseases with genetically engineered fusion proteins", Invited seminar at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, Jun 22 (2010)

33. Tae Jung Park. "Trends in Biosensors and Biochips", Invited lecture at National Nanofab Center (NNFC), Daejeon, Korea, Jan 20 (2011)

34. Tae Jung Park. "Mass formation of metal nanoparticles by biogenic components in microfluidic droplets", 2011 MMB (Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology) Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, May 4-6 (2011)

35. Tae Jung Park. "Diagnostics of infectious viral diseases with genetically engineered fusion proteins", Invited session at 2011 International Symposium & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KSMB) "Translational Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology", Kyungju, Korea, Jun 22 (2011)

36. Tae Jung Park. "Biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles based on bio-engineering", Invited session at 2011 WCU Workshop in China, Weihai, China, Jul 15-17 (2011)

37. Tae Jung Park and Nam Su Heo. "Plasma generation system based on high-pressure gas for antimicrobial treatment", Invited session at 2011 Microwave & Radio Wave Conference, Jeongseon, Kangwon-Do, Korea, Sep 23 (2011)

38. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-platform technologies and biosensors based on protein engineering", Invited seminar at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea, Nov 23 (2011)

39. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-technologies based on bio-engineering", Invited seminar at Kangwon National University, Korea, Feb 24 (2012)

40. Tae Jung Park. "Plasma generation for sterilization of microorganisms", Invited seminar at LG Electronics, Changwon, Korea, May 29 (2012)

41. Tae Jung Park. "Nanobio-technologies based on bio-engineering", Invited seminar at Chungang University, Korea, Jun 14 (2012)


1. Suk-Joon Kwon, Tae-Jung Park, Heung-Chae Chung, Soo-Keun Choi and Jae-Gu Pan. "Microbial spore-displayed enzymes for rugged biocatalysis", International Symposium on the Genetics of the Industrial Microorganisms, Gyeongju, Korea, Jul 1-5 (2002)

2. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Selective immobilization of proteins on PHB-based microarray using extracellular depolymerase substrate binding domain for studying protein-protein interaction", BioChE-03. Biochemical Engineering (XIII) Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Jul 17-23 (2003)

3. Jongpil P. Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-bok Lee, Insung S Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Patterning of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) for site-selective protein immobilization and studying protein-protein interaction", The 2nd KAIST International Symposium on Frontier Issues in NBI Technologies, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 29-30 (2003)

4. Seok Jae Lee, Jongpil P. Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-bok Lee, Insung S Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Patterning of proteins by microcontact printing", The 2nd KAIST International Symposium on Frontier Issues in NBI Technologies, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Oct 29-30 (2003)

5. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "The structural basis for catalysis and specificity of the substrate binding domain of PHB depolymerase from bacteria", Enzyme Engineering XVII, Santa Fe, NM, USA, Nov 9-14 (2003)

6. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Bead-based system for studying protein-protein interactions using PHB microsphere with substrate binding domain", Enzyme Engineering XVII, Santa Fe, NM, USA, Nov 9-14 ( 2003)

7. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Microbial polyamide production by recombinant Escherichia coli", Enzyme Engineering XVII, Santa Fe, NM, USA, Nov 9-14 (2003)

8. Taejung P. Park, Jongpil P. Park, Seokjae J. Lee, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Patterning of polyhydroxyalkanoates for selective protein immobilization and studying protein-protein interaction", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, Mar 28 - Apr 1 (2004)

9. Seokjae J. Lee, Jongpil P. Park, Taejung P. Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Peptide arrays improved by the protein layer for protein kinase assay", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, Mar 28 - Apr 1 (2004)

10. Jongpil P. Park, Taejung P. Park, Seokjae J. Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein around carbon nanotube and its use in nanostructure fabrication", 227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, Mar 28 - Apr 1 (2004)

11. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Sang Yup Lee. "Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and its application for biosensor using SPR analysis", Biosensors 2004, Granada, Spain, May 24-26 (2004)

12. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, Doheon Lee, Sang Yup Lee. "Systematic detection of pathogenic bacteria using carbohydrate-encapsulated quantum dot", Biosensors 2004, Granada, Spain, May 24-26 (2004)

13. Mee-Jung Han, Si Jae Park, Tae Jung Park, Dong-Yup Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Importance of small heat shock proteins in engineering recombinant protein production as revealed by proteome profiling", 12th Inteligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Scotland, UK, Jul 31 - Aug 4 (2004)

14. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Protease deficient Bacillus thuringiensis strain for industrial production of recombinant proteins", Metabolic Engineering V: Genome to Product, Lake Tohoe, CA, USA, Sep 19-23 (2004)

15. Jong Pil Park, Mee Jung Han, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for the production of polyamide", Metabolic Engineering V: Genome to Product, Lake Tohoe, CA, USA, Sep 19-23 (2004)

16. Mee Jung Han, Si Jae Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Essential roles and applications of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli", Metabolic Engineering V: Genome to Product, Lake Tohoe, CA, USA, Sep 19-23 (2004)

17. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, Min-Gon Kim, Bong Hyun Chung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Patterning of proteins by microcontact printing", The 2nd International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Nov 3-5 (2004)

18. Jae Shin Lee, Do Hyun Kim, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Dae-Hwan Jung, Hee-Tae Jung, Jin Hee Kim, and Sung Ku Kwon. "Electrical detection of biosensor using MWCNT nanoelectrode", The 2nd International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Nov 3-5 (2004)

19. Kwansuk Yang, Philippe Clementz, Seok Hwan Hong, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Do Hyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Dynamic concentration of fluorescent protein by isoelectric focusing in microfluidic channel", The 17th Symposium on Chemical Engineering DaeJeon-Chungnam (Korea) - Kyushu (Japan), Kagoshima, Japan, Dec 4-5 (2004)

20. Sang Yup Lee, Meehee Kim, Min Hae Choi, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Jong Pil Park. "Immunoassays using polyhydroxyalkanoates microbeads", The 1st International Symposium of Research Center for Environment Friendly Polymers (IS-RCEFP-I), Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan, Oct 24-25 (2005)

21. Seung-Kon Lee, Tae Jung Park, Soyoung Kim, Gi-Ra Yi, Sang Yup Lee, and Seung-Man Yang. "High-speed fabrication of patterned colloidal photonic structures in centrifugal microfluidic chips", SPIE Optics and Photonics in San Diego, USA, Aug 13-17 (2006)

22. Seung-Kon Lee, Tae Jung Park, Soyoung Kim, Gi-Ra Yi, Sang Yup Lee, and Seung-Man Yang. "Photonic crystal based centrifugal microfluidic biosensors", SPIE Asia Pacific Optical Communications, Gwang-ju, Korea, Sep 3-7 (2006)

23. Tae Jung Park, Nam Su Heo, Jong Pil Park, Jong Hyun Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Production of cyanophycin in metabolic engineered Escherichia coli", Metabolic Engineering VI : From recDNA towards Engineering Biological Systems, NH Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, Oct 1-5 (2006)

24. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Active micro-mixer for selective protein immobilization and studying electrobiochemical sensors", 233th ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, Mar 25-29 (2007)

25. Yun Suk Huh, Tae Jung Park, Eun Zoo Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Electric field analysis using the protein preparation process in microfluidic device", 2007 International Scanning Probe Microscopy (ISPM) Conference, Jeju, Korea, Jun 10-14 (2007)

26. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "SPR sensor by the immobilization of recombinant proteins onto the gold surface", Biochemical Engineering XV, Quebec City, Canada, Jul 15-19 (2007)

27. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seong Ho Yang, Dae-Hwan Jung, Jeung Ku Kang, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Alignment of single-walled nanotubes by biological interaction of functionalized magnetic particles using low magnetic fields", Frontiers in the Convergence of Bioscience and Information Technologies 2007, Ramada Plaza Jeju, Jeju-do, Korea, Oct 11-13 (2007)

28. Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxybutyrate microarray using immobilization of fusion proteins for immunodiagnostics and pathogen detections", Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'07), Taipei International Convention Center, Taiwan, Nov 4-7 (2007)

29. Ho Seok Park, Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, Byung Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Synthesis of organophosphorus hydrolase immobilized gamma-alumina nanoparticles for enzymatic reaction", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

30. Ho Seok Park, Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, Byung Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Immobilization of organophosphorus hydrolase on carbon nanotube/ionic liquid bucky gel electrode for biosensor", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

31. Tae Jung Park, Seung-Kon Lee, Seung. Min Yoo, Gi-Ra Yi, Seung-Man Yang, and Sang Yup Lee. "Fabrication for the photonic-fluidic biosensor using functionalized photonic nanocrystals", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

32. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Won Min Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Ultrasensitive detection of C-reactive protein using colloidal gold nanoparticles", 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference, Jeju, Jun 29 - Jul 4 (2008)

33. Kwang Seok Yang, P. Clementz, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, and Do Hyun Kim. "Free-flow isoelectric focusing microfluidic device with glass coating by sol-gel methods" Nano Korea 2008, Goyang, Aug 27-29 (2008)

34. Do-Kyun Kim, Shun Zheng, Tae-Jung Park, and Sang-Yup Lee. "Analysis of optical properties on surface of nano-plasmonics materials for application to biochip", Biotronics 2008, Jeju, Oct 8 (2008)

35. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Do-Kyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Real time monitoring for the detection of avian influenza virus on the optical biosensor chips", Biotronics 2008, Jeju, Oct 8 (2008)

36. Tae Jung Park, Sungho Ko, Moon Seop Hyun, and Sang Yup Lee. "SPR sensor chip for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome using real time molecular interaction", Synthetic Biology 4.0, Hong Kong, Oct 10-12 (2008)

37. Do-Kyun Kim, Shun Zheng, Hee-Yon Kim, Tae-Jung Park, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang-Yup Lee. "Fabrication of gold-capped nanoparticle array chip and application to label-free optical biosensors", NanoBio-Seoul 2008, Seoul, Oct 30-31 (2008)

38. Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Optical monitoring for the detection of avian influenza virus", NanoBio-Seoul 2008, Seoul, Oct 30-31 (2008)

39. Byung Il Kim, Seok Jae Lee, Kyung Min Kim, Chi-Won Ahn, Wook Jung Hwang, Chang-Hyung Choi, Chang-Soo Lee, and Tae Jung Park. "Microfluidic synthesis of micro core-shell and its application for bioreactor of spore germination", NanoBio-Seoul 2008, Seoul, Oct 30-31 (2008)

40. Seok Jae Lee, Byung Il Kim, Kyung Min Kim, Wook-Jung Hwang, Chang-Hyung Choi, Tae Jung Park, Chang-Soo Lee, and Chi Won Ahn. "Microfluidic device of cyclic-olefin-copolymer for the synthesis of bioactive core-shell microcapsules", 2008 International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology, Gwangju, Nov 6-7 (2008)

41. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Dae-Hwan Jung, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Alignment of SWNTs by protein-ligand interaction on functionalized magnetic particles under low magnetic fields", The 20th International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Devices, Seoul, May 22-23 (2009)

42. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free detection of leptin antibody-antigen interaction by using LSPR-based optical biosensor", The 20th International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Devices, Seoul, May 22-23 (2009)

43. Tae Jung Park, HoSeok Park, Yun Suk Huh, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Nanocomplexes based on carbon nanotubes and genetically engineered gold-binding polypeptides for electrochemical biosensor", BioChemical Engineering XVI, Burlington, Vermont, USA, Jul 5-9 (2009)

44. Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, Heeyon Kim, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free optical biosensors for food safety using multi-spot nanoparticle array chip and genetically engineered fusion proteins", ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 16-20 (2009)

45. Tae Jung Park, HoSeok Park, Yun Suk Huh, Bong Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electrochemical biosensor using nanocomplexes by carbon nanotubes and genetically engineered fusion proteins", ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Aug 16-20 (2009)

46. Sang Yup Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Seung Min Yoo. "Polyhydroxybutyrate microarray for immunodiagnostics and pathogen detections by immobilizing fusion proteins", 14th European Congress on Biotechnology, Barcelona, Spain, Sep 13-16 (2009)

47. Tae Jung Park, Byung-Seon Kong, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electrochemical biosensor in highly conductive carbon nanotube and gold nanocomplexes", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, Jeju, Korea, Nov 1-5 (2009)

48. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, Eiichi Tamiya, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free optical biosensors based on LSPR properties by using gold-capped nanostructure materials", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, Jeju, Korea, Nov 1-5 (2009)

49. Byeong Il Kim, Eun Kyung Yang, Jae Hong Park, Kyung Min Kim, Hee Yeoun Kim, Chi Won Ahn, Seok Jae Lee, Kyung Sik Kim, Tae Jung Park, Moon Il Kim, Hyun Gyu Park, and Chang-Soo Lee. "Microfluidic hybrid method for droplet based cross-linking of enzyme aggregates (CLEA) microencapsulation using peg and its application", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, Jeju, Korea, Nov 1-5 (2009)

50. Tae Jung Park, Hee Yeoun Kim, Jaebeom Lee, Byeong Il Kim, Jae Hong Park, Kyung Min Kim, Eun Kyung Yang, Chi Won Ahn, Sang Yup Lee, and Seok Jae Lee. "Imprinted microfluidic device for bioinspired detection of avian influenza virus using nanowires and gold nanohybrids", Micro Total Analysis Systems 2009, Jeju, Korea, Nov 1-5 (2009)

51. Sang Yup Lee, Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, Heeyon Kim, Nam Su Heo, Young Mi Sim, and Seok Jae Lee. "Label-free optical biosensors for the detection of food toxin and pathogen using multi-spot nanoparticle array chip and fusion proteins", Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'09), Kobe, Japan, Nov 24-28 (2009), J. Bios. Bioeng., 108(1):S159 (2009) [Link]

52. Tae Jung Park, Nam Su Heo, Byung-Seon Kong, Young Mi Sim, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electrochemical biosensor in highly conductive carbon nanotube and gold nanocomplexes", Asia Pacific Biochemical Engineering Conference (APBioChEC'09), Kobe, Japan, Nov 24-28 (2009)

53. Yu-Sin Jang, Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Functionalization of graphene oxide using ionic liquids for glucose biosensing", International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 2 (ICCMB2), Singapore, Aug 2-4 (2010)

54. Tae Jung Park, Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Nam Su Heo, Seok Jae Lee, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electochemical biosensor based on graphene/ionic liquid nanocomposite for the detection of organophosphate pesticides", 2010 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Nov 29-Dec 3 (2010)

55. Sangyong Lee, Seungjun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Keonjae Lee. "Highly sensitive plastic based FET biosensors", 2010 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Nov 29-Dec 3 (2010)

56. Kyoung G. Lee, Rinbok Wi, Tae Jung Park, Jae Beom Lee, Seok Jae Lee, and Do Hyun Kim. "Study of synthesis of gold-deposited fluorescent silica nanoparticles for biosensor application", 2010 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Nov 29-Dec 3 (2010)

57. Kyoung G. Lee, Jong In Hong, Kyeon Won Wang, Tae Jung Park, Do Hyun Kim, Sang Yup Lee, and Seok Jae Lee. "Artificial cells for mass production of metal nanoparticles using the combination of cell extracts and droplets in microfluidic device", 2011 MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Apr 25-29 (2011)

58. Tae Jung Park, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jae Lee, Do Hyun Kim, Sang Yup Lee, and Seok Jae Lee. "Mass formation of metal nanoparticles by biogenic components in microfluidic droplets", 2011 MMB (Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology) Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, May 4-6 (2011)

59. Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Tae Jae Lee, and Seok Jae Lee. "Synthesis of Bacillus spore encapsulated microdroplet using a microfluidic chip for biological application", 2011 MMB (Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology) Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, May 4-6 (2011)

60. Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Do Hyun Kim. "Artificial biofactory for mass production of metal nanoparticles using the combination of cell extracts and droplets in a microfluidic device", The 6th Korean-Australian Rheology Conference 2011, Daejeonu, Korea, Sep 25-27 (2011)

61. Byeong Il Kim, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jae Lee, Gle Park, Tae Jung Park, and Seok Jae Lee. "Microfluidic device for the synthesis of bioactive core-shell microcapsules", IEEE NMDC 2011 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, Jeju, Korea, Oct 18-21 (2011)

62. Tae Jung Park, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jae Lee, Byeong Il Kim, nd Seok Jae Lee. "Imprinted microfluidics for detecting influenza virus using nanowires and gold nanohybrids", The 10th International Conference on NNT 2011, Jeju, Korea, Oct 19-21 (2011)

63. Tae Jung Park, Sunray Lee, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Hyun-Sook Park. "Characterization of enhancing the self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells by using porous membranes with a defined pore density", 11th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Dec 16-20 (2011)


1. Taejung Park, Ho-Myeung Ryu, Min-Young Kim, and Jeong-Yoon Kim. "Enhancement of secreted human tissue inhibitor of metalloProteinase-2 production in the recombinant yeast Yarrowia lipolytica by using fed-batch fermentation", Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology, Seoul, Apr 23-24 (1999)

2. Heung-Chae Chung, Han-Seung Lee, Eui-Joong Kim, Jae-Seung Yang, Tae-Jung Park, Jun-Sung Chang, Kuk-Ki Hong, and Jae-Gu Pan. "Directed protein evolution for desired biological functions", Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB), Seoul, Oct 17-18 (2002)

3. Eui-Joong Kim, Heung-Chae Chung, Soo-Keun Choi, Han-Seung Lee, Tae-Jung Park, Jae-Seung Yang, Jun-Sung Chang, Kuk-Ki Hong, and Jae-Gu Pan. "Microbial display technologies as the multi-purpose platform for vaccine, protein engineering, and high-throughput screening", 14th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB), Seoul, Oct 17-18 (2002)

4. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Visual detection of specific protein-protein interaction using PHB microsphere of substrate binding domain from Alcaligenes faecalis", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Oct 22-24 (2003)

5. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Recombinant protein secretion in Escherichia coli using several leader peptides", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Oct 22-24 (2003)

6. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Patterning of proteins fabricated by microcontact printing method for site-specific immobilization and protein-protein interaction assay", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Oct 22-24 (2003)

7. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Depolymerase substrate binding domain for site-directed capturing ligand to detect protein-protein and antigen-antibody interactions", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Oct 22-24 (2003)

8. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Enzyme-based biomolecular engineering of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) by transglycosylation reaction", Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Seoul, Oct 24-25 (2003)

9. Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel PHB-based protein microarray using extracellular depolymerase substrate binding domain for site-directed capture ligand to detect protein-protein interaction", Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Seoul, Oct 24-25 (2003)

10. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Jong Hyun Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Self-assembly of functional bacterial surface protein and its use in nanobiotechnology", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Apr 16-17 (2004)

11. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Artificial surface display system in Escherichia coli using exosporal agent", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Apr 16-17 (2004)

12. Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kyung-Bok Lee, Insung S. Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and SPR analysis", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Apr 16-17 (2004)

13. Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Bioactivation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) microsphere and its application in a bead-based assay", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Apr 16-17 (2004)

14. Mee-Jung Han, Si Jae Park, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Essential roles and applications of the Escherichia coli small heat shock proteins IbpA and IbpB in the production of recombinant proteins", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Apr 16-17 (2004)

15. Kwang Seok Yang, Pilippe Clementz, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Dynamic concentration and separation by isoelectric focusing in microfluidic channel", Annual meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Apr 16-17 (2004)

16. Kwangsuk Yang, Philippe Clementz, Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Do Hyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Dynamic concentration and separation by isoelectric focusing in microfluidic channel", Annual meeting of Korean society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Kongju, Apr 23-24 (2004)

17. Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Insung S. Choi, and Kyung-Bok Lee. "Pattern generation of biomolecules and cells", 27th Conference of the Korean Vaccum Society, Daegu, Aug 20 (2004)

18. Kyung-Bok Lee, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee and Insung S. Choi. "2D cell patterns toward cell-based sensors", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Oct 13-15 (2004)

19. Jong Pil Park, Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) in nanobiotechnology", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Oct 13-15 (2004)

20. Mee-Jung Han, Si Jae Park, Jeong-Wook Lee, Tae Jung Park and Sang Yup Lee. "Functions of small heat shock proteins in the production of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli and its applications", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Cheongju, Oct 13-15 (2004)

21. Tae Jung Park and Sang Yup Lee. "Platform technology using polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) for protein immobilization and its nanobiotechnological applications", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jinju, Oct 27-29 (2005)

22. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Pil Park, Sungho Ko, Sang Yup Lee, Su-Jin Ku. "Development of the gold binding polypeptide-mediated surface plasmon resonance sensor chip", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Daegu, Apr 20-21 (2006)

23. Tae Jung Park and Sang Yup Lee. "Rapid and accurate detection of Bacillus anthracis spores using peptide-quantum dot conjugates", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Cheongju, May 10-12 (2006)

24. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Kwang Suk Yang, Jong Bae Park, Sungho Ko, Taekeun Kim, Seong Kyu Kim, Yong Bum Shin, Bong Hyun Chung, Do Hyun Kim, Su-Jin Ku, and Sang Yup Lee. "The gold binding peptide-mediated chip for biosensor application", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Cheongju, May 10-12 (2006)

25. Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Detection of Bacillus anthracis spores using peptide-quantum dot conjugates", 2006 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology, Busan, Jun 18-20 (2006)

26. Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxyalkanoate microarray for immunodiagnostics and pathogen detections using immobilization of fusion proteins", 2006 Korean BioChip Conference, Seoul, Jun 23 (2006)

27. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Sungho Ko, Su-Jin Ku, and Sang Yup Lee. "Nanopatterns and biosensors using gold binding polypeptide", 2006 Korean BioChip Conference, Seoul, Jun 23 (2006)

28. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Kwang Suk Yang, Sungho Ko, Do Hyun Kim, Su-Jin Ku, and Sang Yup Lee. "Protein patterns and biosensors using gold binding polypeptide (GBP)", 2006 Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Seoul, Sep 7-8 (2006)

29. Tae Jung Park, Seung Min Yoo, and Sang Yup Lee. "Polyhydroxyalkanoate-based protein chip for the detection of viral diseases and pathogens", BK21 Tech Fair 2007, Daejeon, Feb 27 (2007)

30. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Sang Yup Lee, Sungho Ko, and Won Hi Hong. "SPR sensor by the immobilization of recombinant proteins onto the gold surface", 2007 Korean BioChip Conference, Seoul, Mar 30 (2007)

31. Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, Kyung-Bok Lee, and Sol Choi. "Microcontact printing of biotin for selective immobilization of streptavidin-fused proteins and cells", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Ulsan, Apr 19-20 (2007)

32. Yun Suk Huh, En Joo Lee, Won Hi Hong, Sang Yup Lee, Jong Hyun Choi, and Tae Jung Park. "Microfluidic sample preparation system for integration of micro mixer and solid phase extraction", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Ulsan, Apr 19-20 (2007)

33. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Immobilization of recombinant proteins onto the gold surface for cell biosensor", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, Apr 26-28 (2007)

34. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, En Joo Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Fully integrated microfluidic system for the detection of infectious viral disease ", 2007 Korean BioChip Conference, Seongnam, Oct 4-5 (2007)

35. Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Kyung-Bok Lee. "Biotin patterning for selective immobilization of recombinant cells and streptavidin-fusion proteins", 2007 Korean BioChip Conference, Seongnam, Oct 4-5 (2007)

36. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Won Hi Hong, Sang Yup Lee, and Sungho Ko. "Active micro-mixer system for studying electrobiochemical sensors", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daegu, Oct 18-19 (2007)

37. Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Biosensor using active micro-mixer in lab-on-a-chip" Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Daejeon, Oct 26-27 (2007)

38. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, Xiao Xia Xia, Hyun Uk Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Novel stationary phase expression system in Escherichia coli for the production of recombinant protein", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Jeonju, Apr 18-19 (2008)

39. Tae Jung Park, Sungho Ko, Moon Seop Hyun, Hyun Uk Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "SPR sensor chip for the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome using real time molecular interaction", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Jeonju, Apr 18-19 (2008)

40. Sang Yup Lee, Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park. "C-Reactive Protein detection based on surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical analysis", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Jeju, Apr 23-25 (2008)

41. Sang Yup Lee, Tae Jung Park, Yun Suk Huh, Chang-Moon Jeong, Won Hi Hong, Ho Nam Chang. "Development of microfluidic separation technology for the analysis of bacteriorhodopsin", Annual Spring Meeting of KIChE, Jeju, Apr 23-25 (2008)

42. Won Min Park, Tae Jung Park, Young Mee Jung, Ho Seok Park, Won Hi Hong, Sang Yup Lee. "The specific binding interaction between poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and the substrate binding domain of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase probed by two-dimensional infrared correlation spectroscopy", Annual Spring Meeting of Polymer Science and Technology, Daejeon, Apr 10-11 (2008)

43. Tae Jung Park, Eun Zoo Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Fully integrated microfluidic applications for the biosensors", 2008 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 12-13 (2008)

44. Won Min Park, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Fabrication of gold nanorod molecular probe using gold binding polypeptide for plasmonic biosensors", 2008 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 12-13 (2008)

45. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, Do-Kyun Kim, Sang Yup Lee. "SPR sensor chip for the detection of avian influenza virus using real time molecular interaction", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Oct 6-7 (2008)

46. Do-Kyun Kim, Shun Zheng, Tae-Jung Park, and Sang-Yup Lee. "Label free optical biosensor based on nano-plasmonics materials for detection of DNA-protein interaction", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Oct 6-7 (2008)

47. Tae Jung Park, Seok Jae Lee, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free detection of avian influenza virus based on optical analysis", Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Busan, Oct 22-24 (2008)

48. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "HBsAg detection based on SPR and electrochemical assay", Annual Fall Meeting of KIChE, Busan, Oct 22-24 (2008)

49. Chi Won Ahn, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Wan Park, Kyung Min Kim, Byung Il Kim, Hee Yeoun Kim, Jae Hong Park, and Tae Jung Park. "Amorphous SiN thin film, Si nanowire, and membrane based field effect biosensor", 11th Korean MEMS Conference, Jeju, Apr 2-4 (2009)

50. Seok Jae Lee, Byeong Il Kim, Kyung Min Kim, Hee Yeoun Kim, Jae Hong Park, Chi Won Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Chang-Hyung Cho, and Chang-Soo Lee. "Microfluidic device for droplet based spore microencapsulation using PEG and its application", 11th Korean MEMS Conference, Jeju, Apr 2-4 (2009)

51. Tae Jung Park, Bong Gil Choi, HoSeok Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Agrichemical biosensor by immobilization of organophosphorus hydrolase on carbon nanotube/ionic liquid bucky gel electrode", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pohang, Apr 9-11 (2009)

52. Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, Heeyon Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of label-free optical biosensors for food safety using multi-spot nanoparticle array chip", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pohang, Apr 9-11 (2009)

53. Tae Jung Park, Shun Zheng, and Sang Yup Lee. "HBsAg detection based on SPR and electrochemical assay", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Pohang, Apr 9-11 (2009)

54. Tae Jung Park, Byung-Seon Kong, Min Ho Yang, Nam Su Heo, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free electrochemical biosensor on the highly conductive carbon nanotube film and gold nanocomplexes", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

55. Tae Jung Park, HoSeok Park, Yun Suk Huh, Bong Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Electrochemical biosensor using nanocomplexes based on carbon nanotubes and genetically engineered fusion proteins", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

56. Shun Zheng, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Detection of HBV surface antigen based on genetic-engineered fusion protein", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

57. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Analysis of antibody-antigen interaction using LSPR-based optical biosensor", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

58. Chi Won Ahn, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Wan Park, Kyung Min Kim, Byung Il Kim, Hee Yeoun Kim, Jae Hong Park, Tae Jung Park. "Nano-discovery platform for nano-bio sensors", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

59. Eun Kyung Yang, Byeong Il Kim, Kyung Min Kim, Hee Yeoun Kim, Jae Hong Park, Chi Won Ahn, Tae Jung Park, Chang-Soo Lee, Seok Jae Lee. "Microbial spore encapsulation in a microdroplet using COC microfluidic device and its application", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Jun 4-5 (2009)

60. Tae Jung Park, Jong Pil Park, Seok Jae Lee, Jong Hyun Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Characterization of a bacterial self-assembly surface layer protein and its application as an electrochemical nanobiosensor", Nano Korea 2009, Goyang, Aug 26-28 (2009)

61. Tae Jung Park, Seung-Kon Lee, Seung Min Yoo, Gi-Ra Yi, Seung-Man Yang, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of reflective biosensor using fabrication of functionalized photonic nanocrystals", Nano Korea 2009, Goyang, Aug 26-28 (2009)

62. Tae Jung Park, Bonsang Gu, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Yang-Kyu Choi, and Sang Yup Lee. "Electrical biosensor for detecting avian influenza using nanogap field-effect transistor and genetically engineered fusion protein", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Oct 8-9 (2009)

63. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of label-free optical biosensor via LSPR-interferometry properties by aptamer-thrombin interaction", 2009 Korean BioChip Conference, Daejeon, Oct 8-9 (2009)

64. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of an exfoliated graphene/nafion electrode and electrochemical characteristics of glucose biosensor", 2009 Fall meeting of the Polymer Society of Korea, Oct 7-10 (2009)

65. Bong Gil Choi, Min Ho Yang, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Electrochemical biosensor based on graphene/ionic liquid composite electrode for amperometric detection of organophosphate pesticides", 2009 Fall meeting of the Polymer Society of Korea, Oct 7-10 (2009)

66. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Peptide-wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes as an ultrathin platform for biosensor", 2009 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Seoul, Oct 15-16 (2009)

67. Bong Gil Choi, Min Ho Yang, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Advanced electrode based on carbon materials for biosensor", 2009 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Seoul, Oct 15-16 (2009)

68. Bong Gil Choi, HoSeok Park, Min Ho Yang, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Flexible and conductive films based on graphene/nafion composites for high-performance biosensors", 2009 Fall Symposium of KIChE, Ilsan, Oct 21-23 (2009)

69. Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Fabrication of label-free LSPR based multi-spot gold-capped nanoparticle array biochip and detection of DNA point mutations in BIGH3 gene causing corneal dystrophies", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daejeon, Nov 2-3 (2009)

70. Tae Jung Park, Byung-Seon Kong, Min Ho Yang, Nam Su Heo, Hee-Tae Jung, and Sang Yup Lee. "Electrochemical biosensor for agrichemical detection on the highly conductive carbon nanotube film and gold nanocomplexes", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daejeon, Nov 2-3 (2009)

71. Tae Jung Park, Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Electrochemical biosensor based on exfoliated graphene/nafion electrode for detection of glucose", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Daejeon, Nov 2-3 (2009)

72. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Development of gold-capped nanostructure biochips based on plasmonic properties for label-free optical biosensors", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Spring Meeting, Seongnam, Apr 15-16 (2010)

73. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Supramolecular assembly of single-walled carbon nanotubes with peptides towards amperometric glucose biosensor", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Spring Meeting, Seongnam, Apr 15-16 (2010)

74. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "LSPR-based detection of the BIGH3 gene mutations by using multispot gold-capped nanoparticle array biochip", 2010 Korean BioChip Conference, Seongnam, May 13-14 (2010)

75. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Organophosphorus hydrolase on graphene-based electrode for the detection of organophosphate pesticides", 2010 The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Busan, May 13-14 (2010)

76. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Electrical characterization of the exfoliated graphene/nafion hybrid as a biosensing platform", Nano Korea 2010, Goyang, Aug 17-20 (2010)

77. Bong Gill Choi, HoSeok Park, Tae Jung Park, Sang Yup Lee, and Won Hi Hong. "Entrapping organophosphorus hydrolase in gamma-alumina/ionic liquid nanohybrids for enzymatic reaction", Nano Korea 2010, Goyang, Aug 17-20 (2010)

78. Tae Jung Park, Min Ho Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Ionic liquid-associated preparation of gold nanoparticle/graphene nanohybrids and their applications in glucose biosensor", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, Oct 7-9 (2010)

79. Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free detection of aptamer-protein interaction using optical biosensors based on LSPR-interferometry properties ", Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Incheon, Oct 7-9 (2010)

80. Do-Kyun Kim, Min Ho Yang, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free detection of the BIGH3 gene mutations by using optical biosensor based on LSPR properties ", 2010 Fall Symposium of KIChE, Daejeon, Oct 20-22 (2010)

81. Min Ho Yang, Bong Gil Choi, Tae Jung Park, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Graphene-based electrode utilized with fusion protein for detection of organophosphate pesticides ", 2010 Fall Symposium of KIChE, Daejeon, Oct 20-22 (2010)

82. Kyung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Kye Won Wang, Seok Jae Lee, and Do Hyun Kim. "Microfluidic hybrid method for preparation of E. coli encapsulated PEG-based hydrogel microbeads ", 2010 Fall Symposium of KIChE, Daejeon, Oct 20-22 (2010)

83. Kyung G. Lee, Rinbok Wi, Seok Jae Lee, Tae Jung Park, Jae Beom Lee, and Do Hyun Kim. "Synthesis of gold-deposited fluorescent silica nanoparticles for biosensor application ", 2010 Fall Symposium of KIChE, Daejeon, Oct 20-22 (2010)

84. Kye Won Wang, Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jung Park, Young Chul Lee, Ji Won Yang, Do Hyun Kim, and Seok Jae Lee. "Preparation of monodisperse PEG-hydrogel particles using the combination of organoclay-microfluidic device for E. coli encapsulation ", 2011 KMEMS, Jeju, Apr 7-9 (2011)

85. Tae Jung Park, Do-Kyun Kim, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free optical detection of CRP antibody-antigen interaction on gold-capped PAA layer chip ", 2011 Spring Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Apr 14-16 (2011)

86. Tae Jung Park, MinHo Yang, Bong Gill Choi, Won Hi Hong, and Sang Yup Lee. "Site-specific immobilization of organophosphrous hydrolase on graphene-based nanohybrids for electrochemical detection of paraoxon ", 2011 Spring Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Apr 14-16 (2011)

87. Bong Gill Choi, Min Ho Yang, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Programmable peptide-directed one dimensional array of gold nanoparticles on single-walled carbon nanotubes for biosensor ", 2011 Spring Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium, Jeju, Apr 14-16 (2011)

88. Seok Jae Lee, Kyoung G. Lee, Kye Won Wang, and Tae Jung Park. "Microdroplets as a new challenging platform technology for applied microbiology ", 2011 Microbiology Society of Korea (MSK) Conference, Gwangju, May 12 (2011)

89. Do-Kyun Kim, Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Label-free detection of protein interaction based on nano-plasmonics ", 2011 Korean BioChip Conference, Seoul, Jun 2-4 (2011)

90. Kyoung Suk Kang, Nam Su Heo, Seok Jae Lee, and Tae Jung Park, and Sang Yup Lee. "Detection of agrichemicals using fluorescence assay by variant luciferase from Renilla renifomis ", 2011 Korean BioChip Conference, Ulsan, Nov 2-4 (2011)

91. Nam Su Heo, Kyoung Suk Kang, Seok Jae Lee, Sang Yup Lee and Tae Jung Park. "SPR sensor of ifluenza virus by the immobilization of recombinant proteins onto the gold surface ", 2011 Korean BioChip Conference, Ulsan, Nov 2-4 (2011)

92. Kyoung G. Lee, Tae Jae Lee, Soon Woo Jeong, Gle Park, Tae Jung Park, and Seok Jae Lee. "Plastic-based microfluidic immunosensor chip for diagnosis of human influenza A", 2011 Korean BioChip Conference, Ulsan, Nov 2-4 (2011)

93. Kyoung Suk Kang, Seok Jae Lee, and Tae Jung Park. "Detection of agrichemicals and bacteria using fluorescence and luminescence assay by luciferase", 2012 Korean BioChip Conference, Ansan, May 23-24 (2012)

94. Gi Wook Kim, Sang Yup Lee, Seok Jae Lee, and Tae Jung Park. "Development of biosensor system for human cardiac troponin I by using quantum dots", 2012 Korean BioChip Conference, Ansan, May 23-24 (2012)

95. Nam Su Heo, Kyoung Suk Kang, Seok Jae Lee, Sang Yup Lee, and Tae Jung Park. "Sterilization against microorganisms and elimination of agrichemicals by using high-frequency atmospheric plasma system", 2012 Korean BioChip Conference, Ansan, May 23-24 (2012)

Nam Su Heo


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Seo Yeong Oh


1. Research Interest

Na-Hyung Park 


1. Research Interest

Jong Ok Lee


1. Research Interest


2. Education

Hee Moon Woo


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Seung Bum Sohn


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Experience  

Jung Im Lee


1. Research Interest

Yong Jun Choi


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Experience

4. Honors and Awards

5. Journal Publications

6. Patents

1.      Sang Yup Lee, Yong Jun Choi, “Microorganism variants having hydrocarbon producing ability and method for producing hydrocarbon using the same”

2.      Sang Yup Lee, Yong Jun Choi, Jin Hwan Park, “ Microorganism variants having 1-propanol producing ability and method for producing 1-propanol using the same”

3.      Sang Yup Lee, Yong Jun Choi, “ Recombinant microorganism producing taurine and method for preparing taurine using the same”

4.      Sang Yup Lee, Yong Jun Choi, “ Method for preparing fatty acid alkylester using a microorganism capable of producing oil“

5.     Sang Yup Lee, Yong Jun Choi, Jin Hwan Park, “ Recombinant microorganisms producing butanol and method for preparing butanol using the same“

6.     Sang Yup Lee, Yong Jun Choi, Jin Hwan Park, “ Enhanced butanol producing recombinant microorganisms and method for preparing butanol using the same“

Seihyun Kim


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Sol Choi


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Journal Publications

4. Patent

5. book chapter

6. Conference presentation

Byoungjin Kim


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Experience

4. Peer reviewed publications

Byoung-Jin Kim, Seong-Geun Oh, Moon-Gyu Han, Seung-Soon Im, “Preparation of polyaniline nanoparticles in micellar solutions as polymerization medium”, Langmuir, 2000, 16 (14), 5841-5845

5. Book chapter

6. Patents

7. Conferences presentation

8. Technical skills

9. Awards

10. Academic affiliations

Sung Jun Choi



Joungmin Lee


1.   Research interest

2.   Education

3.   Experience

4.   Honors and awards

5.   Journal publications (2014. 8)

Yu Sin Jang


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Professional Experience

4. Awards

5. Memberships

6. Publications

Martin Gustafsson


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Peer-reviewed publications

4. Conference contributions

5. Books

6. Honors and awards

Xiangzhao Mao


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Experiences

4. Awards

5. Selected Publications

(1)      Xiangzhao Mao#,*, Na Guo#, Jianan Sun, Changhu Xue. Comprehensive Utilization of Shrimp Waste Based on Biotechnological Methods: A Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016,  In press

(2)      Na Zhang, Xiangzhao MaoCo-first author, Robert W. Li, Enling Hou, Yuming Wang, Changhu Xue, Qingjuan Tang*. Neoagarotetraose  protects  mice  against  intense  exercise  induced  fatigue  damage  by  modulating  gut  microbial  composition  and function. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2016,  In press

(3)      Jianan Sun, Xiangzhao Mao*. An Environmental Friendly Process for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Utilization Using Fermentation Technology. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 127, 618-623

(4)      Hao Dong, Xuemin Li, Changhu Xue, Xiangzhao Mao*. Astaxanthin Preparation by Fermentation of Esters from Haematococcus pluvialis Algal Extracts with Stenotrophomonas species. Biotechnology Progress, 2016, 32(3): 649-656

(5)      Pujuan Zhang, Junpeng Rui, Zongjun Du, Changhu Xue, Xiangzhen Li, Xiangzhao Mao*.  Complete genome sequence of Agarivorans gilvus WH0801, an agarase-producing bacterium isolated from seaweed. Journal of Biotechnology, 2016, 219: 22-23

(6)      Nan Liu, Meng Yang, Xiangzhao Mao*, Bozhong Mu and Dongzhi Wei*. Molecular cloning and expression of a new α-neoagarobiose hydrolase from Agarivorans gilvus WH0801 and enzymatic production of 3, 6-anhydro-l-galactose. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2016, 63(2): 230-237

(7)      Yiran Zhang, Wei Wang, Cui Hao, Xiangzhao Mao*, Lijuan Zhang. Astaxanthin Protects PC12 Cells from Glutamate-induced Neurotoxicity through Multiple Signaling Pathways. Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, 16, 137-151

(8)      Jianan Sun, Feifei Kan, Pei Liu, Shuai He, Haijin Mou, Changhu Xue, Xiangzhao Mao*. Screening of Microorganisms from Deep-Sea Mud for Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) Fermentation and Evaluation of the Bioactive Compounds. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 175:1664-1677

(9)      Pei Liu, Shanshan Liu, Na Guo, Xiangzhao Mao*, Hong Lin, Changhu Xue, Dongzhi Wei. Cofermentation of Bacillus licheniformis and Gluconobacter oxydans for Chitin Extraction from Shrimp Waste. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 91(15): 10-15

(10)  Nan Liu, Xiangzhao Mao*, Zongjun Du, Bozhong Mu, Dongzhi Wei*. Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Neoagarotetraose-forming-β-agarase, AgWH50A from Agarivorans gilvus WH0801.Carbohydrate Research, 2014, 388: 147-151

(11)  Meng Yang, Xiangzhao Mao*, Nan Liu, Yongqian Qiu, Changhu Xue. Purification and Characterization of Two Agarases from Agarivorans albus OAY02. Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49: 905-912

(12)  Nan Liu, Xiangzhao Mao*, Meng Yang, Bozhong Mu, Dongzhi Wei. Gene Cloning, Expression and Characterisation of a New β-agarase, AgWH50C, Producing Neoagarobiose from Agarivorans gilvus WH0801. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 30(6): 1691-1698

(13)  Xiangzhao Mao*, Pei Liu, Shuai He, Jieling Xie, Feifei Kan, Chunyu Yu, Zhaojie Li, Changhu Xue, Hong Lin. Antioxidant Properties of Bio-active Substances from Shrimp Head Fermented by Bacillus licheniformis OPL-007. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2013, 171(5): 1240-1252.

(14)  Xiangzhao Mao, Shu Wang, Feifei Kan, Dongzhi Wei*, Fuli Li*. A Novel Dextran Dextrinase from Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2003: Purification and Properties. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2012, 168(5): 1256-1264

(15)  Xiangzhao Mao, Shi Chen, Yaling Shen, Dongzhi Wei*, Zixin Deng*. Effect of Copper Sulfate on Biosynthesis of FR-008/Candicidin Complex Production in Streptomyces sp.. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 27:2033-2039

(16)  Shu Wang, Xiangzhao Mao, Hualei Wang, Jinping Lin, Fuli Li, Dongzhi Wei*. Characterization of a Novel Dextran Produced by Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 2003. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011, 91(2): 287-294

(17)  Shi Chen, Xiangzhao MaoCo-first author, Yaling Shen, Yongjun Zhou, Jialiang Li, Lianrong Wang, Xinyi Tao, Liang Yang, Yuxiao Wang, Xiufen Zhou, Zixin Deng, Dongzhi Wei. Tailoring P450 Monooxygenase Gene for FR-008/Candicidin Biosynthesis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2009, 75 (6): 1778-1781

(18)  Xiang Zhao Mao, Feng Wang, Jian Guo Zhang, Shi Chen, Zi Xin Deng, Ya Ling Shen, Dong Zhi Wei. The pH-shift and precursor feeding strategy in a low-toxicity FR-008/candicidin derivative CS103 fermentation bioprocess by a mutant of Streptomyces sp. FR-008. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2009, 156: 673-686

(19)  Xiangzhao Mao, Yaling Shen, Liang Yang, Shi Chen, Yuping Yang, Jingya Yang, Hu Zhu, Zixin Deng, Dongzhi Wei. Optimizing the Medium Compositions for accumulation of the Novel FR-008/Candicidin Derivatives CS101 by a Mutant of Streptomyces sp. Using Statistical Experimental Methods. Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42(5): 878-883

6. Membership of Academic Societies

Jeong Suk Chu


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Jikun Du


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Publications

1.       Jikun Du, Li Li, Xian Ding, Haiyan Hu, Yongjun Lu, Shining Zhou* (2013) Isolation and characterization of a novel cyanophycin synthetase from a deep-sea sediment metagenomic library. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 97: 8619-8628.

2.       Jikun Du, Li Li, Kai Xiao, Xian Ding, Lixiang Cao, Yongjun Lu, Shining Zhou* (2013) Temporal and spatial diversity of bacterial communities in coastal waters of the South China Sea. PLoS One 8: e66968.

3.       Jikun Du, Kai Xiao, Yali Huang, Huixian Li, Hongming Tan, Lixiang Cao, Yongjun Lu, Shining Zhou* (2011) Seasonal and spatial diversity of microbial communities in marine sediments of the South China Sea. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 100: 317–331.

4.       Huixian Li, Yali Huang, Jiong Zhang, Jikun Du, Hongming Tan, Yongjun Lu, Shining Zhou* (2011) Identification and Characterization of a Novel Methionine ャ-Lyase Gene from Deep-Sea Sediment Metagenomic Library. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 27: 2729–2736.

5.       Li Li, Jikun Du, Liyi Zou, Tie Wu, Yongwoo Lee, Yongho Kim* (2013) Decursin Isolated from Angelica gigas Nakai Rescues PC12 Cells from Amyloid B-Protein-Induced Neurotoxicity through Nrf2-Mediated Upregulation of Heme Oxygenase-1: Potential Roles of MAPK. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013: 467245.

6.       Xian Ding, Bo Yin, Huixian Li, Jikun Du, Shining Zhou* (2011) Advance in the study of screening bioactive compounds from microbe by meta-genomic library method. Chinese J Microecology 22: 565-569.

7.       Jikun Du, Kai Xiao, Yali Huang, Huixian Li, Hongming Tan, Lixiang Cao, Yongjun Lu, Shining Zhou* (2011) Seasonal and spatial diversity of microbial communities in marine sediments of the South China Sea. The First International EMP (Earth Microbiome Project) Conference, Shenzhen, China.

Seung Min Yoo



Research Experiences


Summary (as of Dec. 2013)
Journal paper: 25 papers published.
Patents: 33 registered

International Journals

[25] Kim, H., Kang, T., Lee, H., Ryoo, H., Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y., and Kim, B., "Facile Fabrication of Multi-targeted and Stable Biochemical SERS Sensors" Chem. Asian. J. 2013, 8(12), 3010-3014.  (IF: 4.572)
[24]  Yoo, S.M., Na, D., Lee, S.Y. “Design and use of synthetic regulatory small RNAs to control gene expression in Escherichia coliNat. Protoc. 8(9), 1694–1707 (2013). ** Journal Cover paper   (IF: 7.96)
[23] Yoo, S.M., Kang, M., Kang, T., Kim, D.M., Lee, S.Y., Kim, B. “Electro-triggered, Spatioselective, Quantitative Gene Delivery into a Single Cell Nucleus by Au Nanowire Nanoinjector”, Nano Lett., 13 (6), 2431–2435 (2013)  Co-first author  (IF: 13.025)
[22]  Na, D., Yoo, S.M., Chung, H., Park, H., Park, J.H., Lee, S.Y., "Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli using synthetic small regulatory RNAs", Nat. Biotechnol., 31(2): 170-174 (2013. 1)  (IF: 32.438)
[21]  Kang, T., Yoo, S.M., Kang, M., Lee, H., Kim, H., Lee, S.Y., Kim, B. "Single-Step Multiplex Detection of Toxic Metal Ions by Au Nanowires-on-Chip Sensor Using Reporter Elimination", Lab Chip, 12: 3077-3081 (2012. 5)  (IF: 5.697)
[20]  Yoo, S.M., Kang, T., Lee, S.Y., Kim, B. “Combining a Nanowire SERRS Sensor and a Target Recycling Reaction for Ultrasensitive and Multiplex Identification of Pathogenic Fungi” Small, 7(23), 3371-3376 (2011. 12). ** Journal Inside Cover paper  (IF: 7.823)
[19] Kim, D.-K., Yoo, S.M., Park, T.J., Yoshikawa, H., Tamiya E., Lee, S.Y. “Plasmonic properties of the multispot copper-capped nanoparticle array chip and its application to optical biosensors for pathogen detection of multiplex DNAs.” Anal. Chem. 83(16): 6215–6222 (2011. 8). Co-first author  (IF: 5.695)
[18]  Yoo, S.M., Kang, T., Kim, B., Lee, S.Y. “Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms by a gold nanowire-on-film SERS sensor coupled with S1 nuclease treatment” Chem.-A Eur. J. 17(31): 8657-8662 (2011. 7).  (IF: 5.831)
[17]  Kang, T., Yoo, S.M., Yoon, I., Lee, S.Y., Choo J. Kim, B. “Au Nanowire-on-Film SERRS Sensor for Ultrasensitive Hg2+ Detection” Chem.-A Eur. J. 17(7), 2211-2214 (2011. 2).    (IF: 5.831)
[16]  Park, T.J., Lee, S.-K., Yoo, S.M., Yang, S-.M., Lee, S.Y. "Development of reflective biosensor using fabrication of functionalized photonic nanocrystals", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 11(1):632-637 (2011. 1)  (IF: 1.149)
[15]  Baek, Y.K., Yoo, S.M., Kang, T., Jeon H-.J, Kim K, Lee, S.Y., Kim, B., Jung, H.T.Large-scale, highly ordered chitosan-core Au-shell nanopatterns with plasmonic tunability: A top-down approach to fabricate in core-shell nanostructure” Adv. Funct. Mater. 20(24), 4273–4278 (2010. 12).  (IF: 9.765)
[14]  Baek, Y.K., Jung, D.H., Yoo, S.M., Shin S., Kim, J.H., Jeon H.-J., Choi, Y.K., Lee, S.Y., Jung, H.T.Label-free detection of DNA hybridization on pyrene-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes via various DNA binding methods.”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 11(5), 4210-4216 (2010. 5).  (IF: 1.149)
[13] Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y. “DNA microarray for the identification of pathogens causing bloodstream infections”, Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn., 10(3), 263-268 (2010. 4).  (IF: 4.089)
[12] Kang, T., Yoo, S.M., Yoon, I., Lee, S.Y., Kim, B. “Patterned multiplex pathogen DNA detection by Au particle-on-wire SERS sensor” Nano Lett., 10 (4), 1189–1193 (2010. 3). Co-first author  (IF: 13.025)
[11] Yoo, S.M., Choi, J.Y., Yun, J.K., Choi, J.K., Lee, K.W., Kim, J.M., Lee, S.Y. “DNA Microarray-based identification of bacterial and fungal pathogens in bloodstream infections”. Mol. Cell. Probes, 24(1): 44-52 (2010. 2).  (IF: 1.873)
[10] Baek, Y.K., Yoo, S.M., Kim, J.H., Jung, D.H., Kim, Y.S., Choi, Y.K., Lee, S.Y., Jung, H.T. “The effect of network density on the DNA-sensing performance of single-walled carbon nanotubes”. J. Phys. Chem. C, 113(52), 21566–21571 (2009.10.30).  (IF: 4.814)
[9]  Yoo, S.M., Choi, J.H., Lee, S.Y., Yoo, N.C., “Applications of DNA microarray in Disease Diagnostics” J. Microbiol. Biotechn. 19(7): 635–646 (2009.7).  (IF: 1.399)
[8]  Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Chang, K.H., Yoo, S.Y., Yoo, N.C., Keum, K.C., Yoo, W.M., Kim, J.M., Choi, J.Y. “High-throughput identification of clinically important bacterial pathogen using DNA microarray”, Mol. Cell. Probes, 23(3-4): 171-177 (2009.6-8).  (IF: 1.873)
[7]  Kim, J.H., Kang, T., Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Kim, B., Choi, Y.K. “A well-ordered flower-like gold nanostructure for integrated sensors via surface-enhanced Raman scattering”, Nanotechnology, 20(23): 1-6 (2009.6).  (IF: 3.842)
[6]  Park, T.J., Yoo, S.M., Keum, K.C., Lee, S.Y. “Microarray of DNA-protein complexes on poly-3-hydroxybutyrate surface for pathogen detection” Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 393: 1639-1647 (2009.3). (IF: 3.659)
[5] Kim, K-.H., Kim, J-.H., Huang, X-.J., Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Choi, Y-.K. “Doping Free Nanoscale Complementary Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors with DNA-templated Molecular Lithography”, Small, 4(11): 1959-1963 (2008. 11).  (IF: 7.823)
[4]  Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y., “Diagnosis of Pathogens Using DNA Microarray” Recent patents on Biotechnology 2(2): 124-129 (2008).
[3]  Keum, K.C., Yoo, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Chang, K.H., Yoo, N.C., Yoo, W.M., Kim, J.M., Choi, J.Y., Kim, J.S., Lee, G. "DNA microarray-based detection of nosocomial pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii", Mol. Cell. Probes, 20: 42-50 (2006). Co-first author  (IF: 1.873)
[2]  Yoo, S.M., Keum, K.C., Yoo, S.Y., Choi, J.Y., Chang, K.H., Yoo, N.C., Yoo, W.M., Kim, J.M., Lee Duke, Lee, S.Y. "Development of DNA Microarray for Pathogen Detection", Biotech. Bioproc. Eng., 9:93-99 (2004. 3~4).  (IF: 1.277)
[1]  Yoo, S.Y., Chang, K. H., Yoo, S.M., Park, S.Y., Yoo, N.C., Keum, K.C., Yoo W.M., Kim, J. M., Lee S.Y. "Design of ITS and 23S rDNA-targeted probes and its usefulness for the identification of bacterial pathogens", Genome Informatics 13:589-590 (2002).

International Proceeding/Conference



Jung Eun Yang


1. Education

2. Publications

3. Patents

4. Honors/ Awards

5. International conferences

Xinrui Zhao


1.Research Interest

2. Education

3. Publications

1.Zhao, X., Zou, H., Chen, J., Du, G., Zhou, J. *. 2016. The modification of Gat1p in nitrogen catabolite repression to enhance non-preferred nitrogen utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sci. Rep. 6, doi:10.1038/srep21603

2. Zhao, X., Zou, H., Du, G., Chen, J., Zhou, J. *. 2015. Effects of nitrogen catabolite repression-related amino acids on the flavour of rice wine. J. I. Brewing 121:581-588.

3. Zhao, X., Zou, H., Fu, J., Zhou, J. *, Du, G. *,Chen, J.. 2014. Metabolic engineering of the regulators in nitrogen catabolite repression to reduce the production of ethyl carbamate in a model rice wine system. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 80:392-398.

4. Zhao, S., Zhao, X., Zou, H., Fu, J., Du, G. *, Zhou, J. *,Chen, J.. 2014. Comparative proteomic analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under different nitrogen sources. J. Proteomics 101:102-112.

5. Zhao, X., Zou, H., Fu, J., Chen, J., Zhou, J. *,Du, G. *. 2013. Nitrogen regulation involved in the accumulation of urea in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 30:437-447.

6. Zhao, X., Du, G. *, Zou, H., Fu, J., Zhou, J.*,Chen, J.. 2013. Progress in preventing the accumulation of ethyl carbamate in alcoholic beverages. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 32:97-107.

7. Lv, Y., Zhao, X., Liu, L., Du, G. *, Zhou, J. *,Chen, J.. 2013. A simple procedure for protein ubiquitination detection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Gap1p as an example. J. Microbiol. Meth. 94:25-29.

Jae Yong Ryu


1. Research Interest


2. Education

Nagendra Thakur

Junho Bang


1. Research Interest

2. Education

So Hee Park


1. Research Interest

Jung Ho Ahn


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Yoojin Choi


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Honors and Awards

Song Jiao


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Woo Dae Jang


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Jae Sung Cho


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Dong Soo Yang


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Research Experience

4. Honors/ Awards

Yoo Sung Ko


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Zi Wei Luo


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Professional experience

Jong An Lee


1. Research interest

2. Education

3. Research Experience

4. Honors/ Awards

Ye Rim Cho

Tong Un Chae


1. Research Interest

2. Education

So Young Choi


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Young Joon Lee


1. Research Interest

2. Education

3. Honors / Awards

Kyeong Rok Choi



Research Experience



Oral Presentations


Honors and Awards

Book Translations

Tae Hee Han


1. Research Interest

2. Education

Xuan Zou

Previous URP students

Chae-Yoon Kim (2007)

Hyung Rok Choi (2007)

Hee Yon Kim (2008)

Yong Jin Park (2009)

Eun Ju Shin (2010)

Sang Won Suh (2011)

Se Yang Ko (2012)

Seon Young Park (2012)

Ji Yeon Ha (2012)

Hyeon Gi Moon (2013)

Kyeong Rok Choi  (2013, 2014)

Gisu Doo  (2014)

Gyeong Jin Paek  (2014)

Dong Soo Yang (2014)

In Jin Cho (2015)

Cindy Surya Prabowo (2015)

Ji Eun Choi (2017)

Myeong Kyu Park (2020)

Jung Yeon You (2020)

Ji Yeon Kim (2020, 2021)

Tae Ho Yu (2021)

Naura Qotrunnada (2021)

Turan Mammadii (2022)

Previous Students

Sun Hyuk Bae

Hye Young Suh

Sang Jun Jeon (1999)

Yeo Jeong Choi (1999)

Gyung Min Pyo (1999)

Jung Uk Joe (2000)

Sung Soon Kwon (2000)

Moon Il Kim (2000)

Sung Ryul Sohn (2001)

Young Hak Roh (2001)

Hyung Gil Ham

Jeong Wook Lee (2002)

Song Hwa Chae (2002)

Jin Kuk Kim (2003)

Sun Ah Kim

Young Hee Jung (2004)

Ji Mahn Kim (2004)

Jong Myoung Park (2005)

Woong Chul Shin (2005)

Sol Choi (2005)

Hyung Rok Choi ( 2006)

Joungmin Lee (2006)

Sunheara Shin (2005)

Hyung Han Park (2007)

Joo Yeon Park (2009)

Dong Seong Cho (2009)

Tae Hyup Kim (2010)

Kwang Jun Lee (2010)

Wan Hee Yi (2010)

Eun Hee Kim (2010)

Oh Sang Kwon (2010)

Jae Hui Ryu (2010)

Ah Reum Han (2010)

Kwang Jun Lee (2010)

Tae Hyub Kim (2010)

HaeSu Zo (2011)

Tong Un Chae (2011)

Seung Hyun Oh  (2012)

Young Uk Shin (2012)

Hyeon Gi Moon (2012)

Hajin Youn (2012)

Yoo Sung Ko (2013)

Je Woong Kim(2013)

Tae Hee Han (2013)

Seunghyun Oh (2013)

Young Ha Yoon (2013)

Ji Yeon Ha(2013)

Sehwan Choi (2013)

Jin woon Yoon (2013)

Seon Young Park (2014)

Dong Soo Yang (2014)

In Jin Cho (2014, 2015)

Hee Yeon Moon (2014)

Jae Dong Jang (2015, 2016)

Tae Hee Han (2015, 2016)

Young Joon Lee (2016)

Jong An Lee (2016)

Hyun Sub Song (2016)

Eon Hui Lee (2016)

Yeon Woo Choi (2016)

Hyeon Ji Kim (2016)

Eon Hui Lee (2017)

Ji Min Yoon (2017)

In Hyeok Choi (2017)

Gi Bae Kim (2017, 2018)

Chang Hun Hwang (2018)

Jin Hee Kim (2018)

Seong Jin Park (2018)

Hyo Jin Sim (2018)

Jung Yeon You (2019)

Cheon Woo Moon (2019)

Seok Yeong Jung (2019)

Tae Ho Yu (2020)

Dong Gun Lee (2021)

Nathaniel Dela Dingco Dela Cruz (2022, 2023)

Ha Jin Kim (2022)